Extraterrestrial Biological Entities and Discs Described by CIA/U.S. Army Administrator, 1957-1960

October 9, 2002 - My book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume II - High Strangeness, first released in April 1998, has a large "Military Voices" chapter which contains firsthand military and intelligence accounts, drawings and documents about extraterrestrial biological entities (Ebens) and non-human entities (NHEs) from origins unknown. See Earthfiles Shop.

Within weeks, several ex-military and ex-intelligence people from around the country contacted me in various ways. Repeatedly, I was told that the documents and testimonies in "Military Voices" have true information about United States government knowledge and cover-up of non-humans interacting with earth. One of those calls was from a relative of a retired Army and CIA administrator. A copy of my book was sent to him and by early May 1998, I was put in phone contact with a man I will call "Kewper" at his request to protect his identity.


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Chapter 6 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton

Chapter 6

Law Officers Go On Merry Chase

The idea that helicopters were possibly being used by those mutilating was not new to the Cascade County Sheriff's Department. They considered this possibility many, many times. But the thought had added emphasis when, in the late summer of 1975, they started receiving numerous calls from people who saw helicopters that could not be identified or heard strange noises, some like a helicopter, but saw nothing. There were also instances when they saw a helicopter, but could not hear it.

At almost the same time, the sheriff's office started receiving reports of UFO sightings and of strange bright lights. Officers contemplated the possible connection between unidentified helicopters and cattle mutilations because on several occasions a helicopter was seen hovering over some cattle.


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Part 1 – Two Scientists Describe An Extraterrestrial Biological Entity Called “J-Rod”


Sketch of J-Rod wearing a human man's shirt. Drawing by retired mechanical engineer, Bill Uhouse, based on entity's appearance at science meeting with physicist Edward Teller and other scientists in the 1970s or early 1980s.
Sketch of J-Rod wearing a human man's shirt. Drawing by retired mechanical engineer, Bill Uhouse, based on entity's appearance at science meeting with physicist Edward Teller and other scientists in the 1970s or early 1980s.

October 5, 2002  S-4, Papoose Mountains, Groom Lake near Area 51 and Nellis AFB, Nevada - The first time I saw the phrase, "extraterrestrial biological entity" (EBE or EBEN) in an alleged government document was in the early 1980s when I was trying to further investigate the non-human link to global animal mutilations. I had produced the 1980 documentary, A Strange Harvest, for KMGH-TV (CBS) in Denver, Colorado where I was Director of Special Projects. For the television film, I interviewed many people in law enforcement, including Lou Girodo, Chief Investigator for the District Attorney's Office in Trinidad, Colorado. He had been assigned to investigate mysterious, bloodless, trackless animal deaths in southern Colorado and told me on camera that he and other investigators had concluded the perpetrators were "creatures not from this planet."


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Part 2 – J-Rod and Microbiologist Dan B. Burisch, Ph.D.

Danny B Burisch, Ph. D., Microbiologist, working in Las Vegas, Nevada in the 1990s. Photograph by BJ.
Danny B Burisch, Ph. D., Microbiologist, working in Las Vegas, Nevada in the 1990s. Photograph by BJ.

October 5, 2002  Las Vegas, Nevada -

Danny B Burisch, Ph.D., Background
Born Danny B (no period) Crain on February 2, 1964. Name changed to Burisch in 1995 for family reasons.

Copy of Danny B Crain (aka Dan Burisch) "Certificate of Live Birth" at 4:28 a.m. on February 2, 1964, in St. Francis Hospital in Lynwood, California - a suburb of Los Angeles. Birth certificate provided by "Dodie" Crain.
Copy of Danny B Crain (aka Dan Burisch) "Certificate of Live Birth" at 4:28 a.m. on February 2, 1964, in St. Francis Hospital in Lynwood, California - a suburb of Los Angeles. Birth certificate provided by "Dodie" Crain.


  • 1986 B.A., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Psychology.
  • 1988 M.S., St. Patrick's Seminary, Biology.
  • 1989 Ph.D., State University of New York, Stonybrook, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics.


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Part 3 – More Background On the Scientists Linked To “J-Rod”

October 5, 2002  Las Vegas, Nevada -

Disclosure Project Statement by Bill Uhouse:

Bill Hamilton, on left, with Bill Uhouse at the Little A'Le' Inn  near Area 51, Nellis AFB in 1998. Photograph © 1998 by Bill Hamilton.
Bill Hamilton, on left, with Bill Uhouse at the Little A'Le' Inn near Area 51, Nellis AFB in 1998. Photograph © 1998 by Bill Hamilton.

Bill Uhouse: "I spent 10 years in the Marine Corps, and four years working with the Air Force as a civilian doing experimental testing on aircraft since my Marine Corps days. I was a pilot in the service, and a fighter pilot; [I] fought in after the latter part of WWII and the Korean War Conflict, I was discharged as a Captain in the Marine Corps.

"I didn't start working on flight simulators until about - well the year was 1954, in September. After I got out of the Marine Corps, I took a job with the Air Force at Wright Patterson doing experimental flight-testing on various different modifications of aircraft.


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Update on the Todd Sees Death in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania

Montour Ridge in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, near Northumberland  was the scene of Todd Sees's disappearance on August 4, 2002, and discovery of his  dead body on August 6, 2002, near his home after a two-day manhunt.
Montour Ridge in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, near Northumberland was the scene of Todd Sees's disappearance on August 4, 2002, and discovery of his dead body on August 6, 2002, near his home after a two-day manhunt.

October 4, 2002 Point Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania - Point Township Police Chief Gary Steffen announced today that 39-year-old Todd Sees, who was found dead August 6 near his Montour Ridge home after a two-day manhunt, died from a cocaine overdose.

“The immediate cause of death has been determined to be cocaine toxicity. The manner of death is listed as accidental.” Toxicology analysis was done by Northumberland County Coroner James Kelley. These tests were requested after the autopsy back in August failed to determine Todd See's cause of death.


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Part 3 – 2002 Crop Formations In Canada

October 3, 2002  Vancouver, B. C., Canada - From reports over the past nine years, the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network (CCCRN), founded and directed by Paul Anderson of Vancouver, British Columbia, has listed 113 crop formations that have occurred over time throughout the country. CCCRN also includes four unusual patterns in crops ranging from canola to wheat and pasture grass that were reported in the 1980s in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Even further back, a Landis, Saskatchewan farmer told Paul that during a 1941 duck hunting trip he found two circles about 25 feet in diameter swirled down in a hay field.


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Chapter 5 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

 Chapter 5

The Montana Site

Ideas are sometimes rejected by human beings simply because those ideas lay beyond the realm of their acceptance. Ideas that seem too far out are discounted as fantasy, labeled impossible or simply ignored.

The Cascade County deputies, working to solve the rash of cattle mutilations, felt no idea was too weird to merit careful consideration. For this reason, they have considered the theory that the mutilations were the result of some cult and they expended considerable time investigating reports that might indicate positive confirmation of this theory.


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Part 2 – September 2002 Maize Circles Update: Canada


 About an hour east of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is the farming community of Mission where two pictograms in 9-foot-tall corn stalks were reported on September 8, 2002.
About an hour east of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is the farming community of Mission where two pictograms in 9-foot-tall corn stalks were reported on September 8, 2002.

October 1, 2002  Mission, British Columbia, Canada - On the other side of the ocean in North America, two more circle patterns in maize corn were reported on September 8th from a British Columbia, Canada farm community called Mission. Paul Anderson, Director of the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network (CCCRN) and I contacted the farm owner, Bobby Braich. Mr. Braich wondered from the condition of the plants if they had gone down even earlier at the end of August. If so, it is strange that no one driving on the busy road separating the corn fields bothered to report the patterns before September 8.


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