More Eyewitness Descriptions of Large Birds

October 25, 2002 - The following e-mails were sent to me after my news update on COAST TO COAST radio on October 21, about the very large, dark brown bird seen flying by dozens of eyewitnesses, including pilots, in the Manokotak and Dillingham towns north of the Alaska Peninsula since the end of September 2002. See Earthfiles report.

I interviewed Prof. Douglas Causey, Ph.D., Senior Vertebrate Biologist, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. He doubted the estimated 14-foot-wingspan that residents described and suggested the answer could be a bird so rare it hasn't been officially observed for nearly fifty years: the sub-species of the Steller's Sea Eagle known as Haliaeetus pelagicus niger. Niger is Latin for "dark." Eyewitnesses stressed that the large bird seen in Alaska is all dark in color. The Niger Sea Eagle is all dark except for its white tail; the Steller's Sea Eagle has white shoulders and tail. Neither species of sea eagle reaches a 14-foot-wingspan. In this report, I have included for comparison photographs and information about other modern birds that have large wingspans.

Dark "morph" or sub-species of the Steller's Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus niger). Tail feathers are white and adult wingspans reach 4 to 5 feet. Since the bird has not been officially seen for half a century, it has been considered extinct. Drawing from Handbook of Birds of the World, Edited by Josep Del Hoyo.
Dark "morph" or sub-species of the Steller's Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus niger). Tail feathers are white and adult wingspans reach 4 to 5 feet. Since the bird has not been officially seen for half a century, it has been considered extinct. Drawing from Handbook of Birds of the World, Edited by Josep Del Hoyo.


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63 A.D. Inscription Refers to “Jesus.”

"First appearance in the archaeological record," say experts.

Limestone ossuary dated to A.D. 63 inscribed in Aramaic with the word "Jesus." Photograph courtesy Biblical Archaeology Society.
Limestone ossuary dated to A.D. 63 inscribed in Aramaic with the word "Jesus." Photograph courtesy Biblical Archaeology Society.

October 22, 2002  Washington, D. C. - The first and only appearance, so far, of the word “Jesus” inscribed in the archaeological record has been discovered by Andre Lemaire, a French expert in ancient inscriptions. Dated to A.D. 63, the words in Aramaic - the language that Christ and his followers used - are carved into a limestone burial box known as an ossuary: “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.” Lemaire says that ossuary burials - digging up a grave after a year to put the bones into a limestone box - were generally practiced between 20 B. C. and A. D. 70, exactly the time of the earliest Christian efforts in Jerusalem. According to Biblical scholars, the presence of all three famous names is extraordinary. Historic research to date have confirmed that only twenty men with the name “James” in Jerusalem in A.D. 63 would have had a father named Joseph and a brother named Jesus.


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U. S. DOD Satellites Detected Explosion of Siberian Bolide

"U.S. satellites detected the impact of a bolide near Bodiabo (Bodajbo) in Siberia at 16:48:56 UTC (12:48:56 EDT) on 24 September 2002. The object was simultaneously detected by both visible wavelength and IR (infrared) sensors. The object was first detected at 57.91 North Latitude, 112.90 East Longitude at an altitude of approximately 62 kilometers (38.5 miles). It was tracked to 58.21 N, 113.46 E at an altitude of approximately 30 kilometers (18.6 miles). The observed visible wavelength peak intensity was 2.4 x 10^11 Watts/ster. The total radiated energy was 8.6 x 10^11 Joules (6000K black body)."

- Peter Brown, Ph.D., Physicist, Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada

Presumed bolide explosion on September 24, 2002, during the Russian night at 58.21N, 113.46 E near Bodajbo, Siberia, Russia.
Presumed bolide explosion on September 24, 2002, during the Russian night at 58.21N, 113.46 E near Bodajbo, Siberia, Russia.

October 21, 2002  London, Ontario, Canada - On September 24, 2002 at 12:48:56 EDT and 16:48:56 UTC, night time in Russia, American Department of Defense satellites detected the explosion of a presumed bolide approximately 18.6 miles above Bodajbo, Siberia, Russia (58.21 N, 113.46E). The explosion was equivalent to 100,000 tons of TNT, or a meteorite about three meters in diameter burning up in the earth's atmosphere.


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What Is the Huge Bird Flying Over Manokotak, Alaska?

Several dozen Manokotak and Dillingham residents and local pilots have seen a "huge, dark feathered bird" with wing span estimated up to 14 feet soaring in the sky since the end of September 2002.
Several dozen Manokotak and Dillingham residents and local pilots have seen a "huge, dark feathered bird" with wing span estimated up to 14 feet soaring in the sky since the end of September 2002.

October 21, 2002 Manokotak and Dillingham, Alaska - Several dozen Manokotak and Dillingham residents and local pilots have seen a "huge, dark feathered bird" with wing span some have estimated up to 14 feet, soaring in the sky since the end of September 2002. Pilot John Bouker, Owner of the Bristol Bay Air Service in Dillingham, Alaska, has flown for 22 years in everything from C-130s to the Cessna 208 he was flying the weekend of October 5. It was late afternoon, around 4 p.m., partly cloudy, but nice flying weather. John had seven passengers with him in his commuter plane when he thought he saw another plane coming toward him.


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Mt. Kilimanjaro’s Ice Cap Is Melting Fast

Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, is Africa's highest mountain at 19,340 feet.
Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, is Africa's highest mountain at 19,340 feet.

"Between 1912 and 2000, Mt. Kilimanjaro has lost 80 percent of the ice area on the mountain."

- Lonnie Thompson, Ph.D., Geologist, Ohio State University

This map by Ohio State University researchers shows the retreat of Mt. Kilimanjaro's ice cap between 1912 and 2000, an 80 percent reduction.
This map by Ohio State University researchers shows the retreat of Mt. Kilimanjaro's ice cap between 1912 and 2000, an 80 percent reduction.


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Chapter 9 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton

Chapter 9

Egg-Shaped Craft with Arms

As UFO sightings were publicized by the news media in Montana, there was bound to be a number of honest mistakes by individuals who mistook an extremely bright star for a UFO (unidentified flying object).

A report of six UFOs near Raynesford turned out to be Venus, Mars and a constellation of stars. What two Great Falls girls thought was a UFO was believed to be a beacon light. A sighting near Fairfield was believed to be another planet. But not all sightings could be explained that easily. In fact, most reports defied explanation.


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Shifting Time Lines and Earth’s Destiny?

"Do we face an apocalypse or a global spiritual awakening? The choice is ours."

- Mass Dreams of the Future
© 1989 by Chet Snow, Ph.D. and Helen Wambach, Ph.D.


October 19, 2002  Sedona, Arizona - In the 1989 book Mass Dreams of the Future by historian and sociologist, Chet Snow, Ph.D., with psychologist Helen Wambach, Ph.D. (deceased), the book flap stated:

"As we near the end of the 20th century, it is clear that Earth is undergoing a profound evolutionary transformation. The nature and extent of this transformation have now been revealed through the future-life progression hypnosis sessions undergone by hundreds of psychic voyagers and presented as the 'mass dreams' in this book. Chet Snow, a colleague of the late (psychologist), Helen Wambach, Ph.D., has continued her work, producing information about some of the momentous changes we can expect in the crucial decades immediately ahead: massive climate shifts; worldwide earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that will result in Japan and large sections of our West Coast sinking beneath the sea; the breakdown of economies and governments."

In the thirteen years since that publication, there has been a global climate shift toward rapid warming caused by increasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases surrounding earth in a blanket that is getting thicker and thicker. There have been ongoing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but nothing so far large enough to plunge Japan and section of the West Coast of the United States into the Pacific Ocean. Governments have broken down and changed, such as the Soviet Union to Russia transformation. It might be fair to say that the economy of the United States self-destructed between 2000 and 2002 in the corrupt hands of greedy corporate executives.


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Chapter 8 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton

Chapter 8

Teenage Girls Chased by UFO

Yellow indicates the towns, counties and areas affected by animal mutilations,  unidentified helicopters and mysterious aerial craft during 1974 to 1976. Twenty-seven  years later, in 2001 to 2002, Pondera County and surrounding region experienced more than a  dozen animal mutilations associated with unidentified lights and other high strangeness.  See Earthfiles 08/18/01.
Yellow indicates the towns, counties and areas affected by animal mutilations, unidentified helicopters and mysterious aerial craft during 1974 to 1976. Twenty-seven years later, in 2001 to 2002, Pondera County and surrounding region experienced more than a dozen animal mutilations associated with unidentified lights and other high strangeness. See Earthfiles 08/18/01.

During their entire investigation, Cascade County officers have sought to verify any possible connection between the cattle mutilations and the reports of UFOs, unidentified helicopters, strange lights and noises and the hairy creatures. In some instances, there has seemed to be a connection, but it has been frustratingly difficult to prove.

A case in point is a cow that was mutilated in late July 1975, on Ashlot Bench north of Fort Shaw. As in many other cases, the cow's teats had been cut off, apparently with an extremely sharp instrument. But in contrast to other cases where there was no sign of struggle, or tracks, or other evidence around the animal, the grass this time was trampled down in a nine foot radius around the carcass. Although a sample of the grass was tested at a laboratory, nothing conclusive was indicated.


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Could Cheops Pyramid’s Small Channels and “Doors” Be Resonators or Antennae?

The Great Pyramid of Cheops built 4,500 years ago for King Khu-fu in the 4th Dynasty, near Cairo, Egypt. The three pyramids on the Giza plateau seen from across the Nile. Cheops appears smaller than Kephren with the white Tura limestone cap because Kephren is on higher ground. The third smaller to the left are Mykerinos and the two other smallest were for the wife and daughter of King Khu-fu. Drawing © 1971 Peter Tompkins.
The Great Pyramid of Cheops built 4,500 years ago for King Khu-fu in the 4th Dynasty, near Cairo, Egypt. The three pyramids on the Giza plateau seen from across the Nile. Cheops appears smaller than Kephren with the white Tura limestone cap because Kephren is on higher ground. The third smaller to the left are Mykerinos and the two other smallest were for the wife and daughter of King Khu-fu. Drawing © 1971 Peter Tompkins.
"Doors" 1 and 2 are in the southern shaft rising from the Queen's Chamber on the left of the above diagram. The most recently discovered "Door 3" is on the northern shaft rising from the same chamber. Both Door 1 and Door 3 have copper pins, staples or handles. Door 1 and Door 3 also block the two respective shafts at approximately the same distance from the Queen's Chamber: 210 feet. Door 2 is seven inches beyond Door 1. The actual path to Door 3 is now known to have three turns in it to get past the Grand Gallery. No one yet knows what is behind Door 2 and Door 3 or what the purpose of these strange, narrow shafts and little blocks might truly be.
"Doors" 1 and 2 are in the southern shaft rising from the Queen's Chamber on the left of the above diagram. The most recently discovered "Door 3" is on the northern shaft rising from the same chamber. Both Door 1 and Door 3 have copper pins, staples or handles. Door 1 and Door 3 also block the two respective shafts at approximately the same distance from the Queen's Chamber: 210 feet. Door 2 is seven inches beyond Door 1. The actual path to Door 3 is now known to have three turns in it to get past the Grand Gallery. No one yet knows what is behind Door 2 and Door 3 or what the purpose of these strange, narrow shafts and little blocks might truly be.

October 12, 2002  Athens, New York - In 1957, a brilliant analysis of Egyptian architecture was published by philosopher Schwaller de Lubicz in a 3-volume book entitled, The Temple of Man, after his fifteen years of painstaking measurement work at Luxor and other Egyptian sacred sites. The miraculous pyramid and temple structures were, for de Lubicz, the end result of evolved consciousness applying the universe's rules of sacred geometry and Law of One in which "as above, so below" provided an architectural blueprint for the soul/spirit's evolution toward immortality.


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