El Nino Weather 2002-2003

 NOAA climatologists currently classify the El Nino  still growing in the Pacific Ocean (red band on yellow above)  as moderate, but the ocean waters continue to warm and El Nino  climate conditions are expected to dominate through February 2003. Map  courtesy National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service of NOAA.
NOAA climatologists currently classify the El Nino still growing in the Pacific Ocean (red band on yellow above) as moderate, but the ocean waters continue to warm and El Nino climate conditions are expected to dominate through February 2003. Map courtesy National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service of NOAA.

November 8, 2002  Washington, D. C. -  The El Nino in the Pacific Ocean which has building up for months continues to warm and NOAA scientists now classify its intensity as "moderate" with caution that its full intensity still not known. Many drought areas will continue to suffer, but its influence on climate over the next four to five months is not expected to be as strong as the 1997-1998 El Nino.


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Canadian Crop Circles and Mysterious Lights in Saskatchewan

 Saskatchewan has had the heaviest Canadian concentration of crop formations since the mid-1990s. The particular southeast region of the province shown in this map is one of the hot spots where patterns keep appearing year after year. In 2002, Punnichy in the far left circle had a series of four formations in wheat. The latest in the season, a 9-circle pattern discovered by a pilot on October 10, 2002, was discovered in a Kamsack wheat field, upper right circle.
Saskatchewan has had the heaviest Canadian concentration of crop formations since the mid-1990s. The particular southeast region of the province shown in this map is one of the hot spots where patterns keep appearing year after year. In 2002, Punnichy in the far left circle had a series of four formations in wheat. The latest in the season, a 9-circle pattern discovered by a pilot on October 10, 2002, was discovered in a Kamsack wheat field, upper right circle.

November 5, 2002  Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - Paul Anderson of the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network (CCCRN) has received his 19th crop circle report for 2002. It is a pattern of nine circles. It is not known how many of the connecting pathways were part of the original pattern design and how many were paths made by curious residents. The largest of the nine circles was approximately 55 feet in diameter. It was found in mature wheat near the small rural town of Kamsack in southeastern Saskatchewan by a pilot flying over the field. He took a photograph that was printed by a local newspaper shown below.


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Albany Videotape of Unidentified “Missile” Sent to Military Intelligence, Fort Hood, Texas

On Sunday, October 20, 2002, at 4:20 p.m. EDT, FOX 23 News videographer, Brandon Mowry, was filming a weather segment for WXXA-TV in Albany, New York. While the camera was still running, he lifted the camera 180 degrees to get another shot of a plane taking off. He did not know at the time that he caught seven frames (1/3rd second) of digital videotape of the jet airliner passing out of the upper right corner and a strange, missile-like, unidentified aerial object rapidly passing through sky and seemingly through a cloud estimated to be at 5,000 feet or more. Darker blue "line" at center of frame is the rapidly moving unidentified object that is enlarged inside the white oval in lower left corner.Videotape © Fox 23 News WXXA, Albany, New York.
On Sunday, October 20, 2002, at 4:20 p.m. EDT, FOX 23 News videographer, Brandon Mowry, was filming a weather segment for WXXA-TV in Albany, New York. While the camera was still running, he lifted the camera 180 degrees to get another shot of a plane taking off. He did not know at the time that he caught seven frames (1/3rd second) of digital videotape of the jet airliner passing out of the upper right corner and a strange, missile-like, unidentified aerial object rapidly passing through sky and seemingly through a cloud estimated to be at 5,000 feet or more. Darker blue "line" at center of frame is the rapidly moving unidentified object that is enlarged inside the white oval in lower left corner.Videotape © Fox 23 News WXXA, Albany, New York.

November 4, 2002 Albany, New York - There has been much speculation about what the strange object is that has a long body and seems to blend into the blue sky, but also has white fin-like structures at the front and back of the object. (See Earthfiles 10/29/02) Today, I talked with FOX23 videographer, Brandon Mowry, at the station and learned that his assignment desk has received word that the investigation has now branched out from the FBI to a military intelligence unit at Fort Hood, Texas, southwest of Waco.


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Strange Light Triggered Magnetic Alarm and Was Photographed in Montreal, Canada

Unidentified light that set off computer alarm on August 20, 2002, at approximately 9:08 p.m. EDT. The bright object was moving northeast away from the camera. Photograph © 2002 by ASEPI member,  Jean L. from Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Quebec, Canada.
Unidentified light that set off computer alarm on August 20, 2002, at approximately 9:08 p.m. EDT. The bright object was moving northeast away from the camera. Photograph © 2002 by ASEPI member, Jean L. from Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Quebec, Canada.

November 3, 2002  Montreal, Canada - The Association for the Study of Strange and Unexplained Phenomena (ASEPI) in Montreal recently contacted me about their experimental efforts to electronically detect and photograph unidentified aerial objects. ASEPI (Association Sciences de l'Etrange & Phenomenes Inexpliques) is a non-profit organization focused on the study of haunted places, esoteric and paranormal events and unidentified flying objects.


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Chapter 13 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton

Chapter 13

UFO Reported in 1897

Many people look upon the sighting of UFOs as something that has happened only in recent years. But there was at least one such incident almost 80 years ago, according to a story in a newspaper published at that time. The strange episode reportedly took place in mid-April of 1897 on a farm in Kansas and involved the theft of a cow by the UFO, right before the farmer's eyes!

The news story, published in the Woodson County Advocate on April 23, 1897, relates the following incident, as told by the farmer, Alexander Hamilton, of Vernon:

"Last Monday night about half past ten o'clock, we were awakened by a noise among the cattle. I arose, thinking perhaps my bulldog was performing some of his pranks, but upon getting to the door, I saw to my amazement, an airship slowly descending over my cow lot about 50 rods from the house. Calling Gib Heslop, my tenant, and my son, Wall, we seized some axes and ran to the corral. Meanwhile, the ship had been gently descending until it was no more than 30 feet above the ground and we came up within 50 yards of it.


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Chapter 12 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton

Chapter 12

False Story Fools Public

Throughout the entire investigation, Cascade County deputies have meticulously sought to obtain the most accurate and factual information available. This has not always been easy, as memory plays tricks on people who are frightened or excited. And people find it difficult, sometimes, to describe something few others have ever seen.

Despite these obvious problems, officers have done everything possible to substantiate reports. They visited the scene of mutilations and sightings and searched for every shred of evidence. In some cases, they have questioned others living in the area. They also administered lie detector tests.


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Update on 6,500-Year-Old Astronomical Stone Circle and Megaliths in Nabta, Egypt

Nabta astronomical stone circle and megaliths discovered and radiocarbon dated by scientists in 1998 to be at least 6,500 years old, the oldest known astronomical alignment of megaliths in the world. Some of the stone slabs are nine feet high and originated miles away from the constructed circle. Photograph courtesy Professors J. M. Malville, Univ. of Colorado, and F. Wendorf, Southern Methodist University.
Nabta astronomical stone circle and megaliths discovered and radiocarbon dated by scientists in 1998 to be at least 6,500 years old, the oldest known astronomical alignment of megaliths in the world. Some of the stone slabs are nine feet high and originated miles away from the constructed circle. Photograph courtesy Professors J. M. Malville, Univ. of Colorado, and F. Wendorf, Southern Methodist University.
Nabta astronomical stone circle and megaliths are 100 kilometers (62 miles) west of Abu Simbel (Sunbul) in southern Egypt's Sahara Desert far west of the Nile River.
Nabta astronomical stone circle and megaliths are 100 kilometers (62 miles) west of Abu Simbel (Sunbul) in southern Egypt's Sahara Desert far west of the Nile River.

November 2, 2002  Albany, N.Y. - Four years ago in 1998, a team of scientists lead by Fred Wendorf, Ph.D., Anthropology Professor at Southern Methodist University, reported in the science journal, Nature, about the oldest known astronomical stone circle on earth. The stone circle is associated with a series of flat, carved stone structures, six lines of standing and toppled megaliths and two buried megalithic sculptures in southern Egypt's Nabta Playa 100 kilometers (62 miles) west of Abu Simbel. Radiocarbon dating indicated the structures were in 4,500 B. C. sedimentary layers, at least a thousand years older than Stonehenge in England. Nabta Playa is rich in prehistoric remains of the early Holocene age when there was rain and a lake, but no skeletal human remains have ever been found.


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Chapter 11 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

Chapter 11

Hairy Creatures, Eight Feet Tall

Law officers have been unable so far to find an explanation for the sequence in which the strange events have occurred. First, there was the rash of cattle mutilations, then the many sightings of unidentified helicopters, followed by numerous UFO sightings and more recently, the reports of people who saw one or more strange hairy creatures that walked upright like a man. There were overlapping events. One type of activity seemed to decline as another started. Was it a piece of the puzzle or coincidence? Speculation seemed futile.


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Former White House Aide, John Podesta, Says Government Should Open Up UFO Files

White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, (on right) briefs President Bill Clinton as they walk to the Oval Office in 1999, Washington, D. C. Photograph courtesy White House files.
White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, (on right) briefs President Bill Clinton as they walk to the Oval Office in 1999, Washington, D. C. Photograph courtesy White House files.

October 26, 2002  Washington, D. C. - A former Chief of Staff in the Clinton White House met with reporters at the Press Club in Washington, D. C. on Tuesday, October 22, to talk about Area 51 in Nevada and its relationship to UFOs. John Podesta was President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff, is a visiting professor at the Georgetown University Law Center, and now runs a public relations firm in Washington called PodestaMattoon. Earlier this year he was hired by the State of Nevada to lobby Congress into rejecting using the Yucca Mountain site northwest of Las Vegas as a nuclear waste repository. He was not successful.


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