Part 2 – “Rendlesham File”: A Triangle-Shaped Aerial Craft of Unknown Origin, December 26, 1980

Joint British Royal Air Force and U. S. Air Force bases, Bentwaters (not shown) and Woodbridge, are about 3 miles apart with some of the Rendlesham Forest between them.
Joint British Royal Air Force and U. S. Air Force bases, Bentwaters (not shown) and Woodbridge, are about 3 miles apart with some of the Rendlesham Forest between them.

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December 9, 2002 - Twenty-two years ago on December 26, 1980, U. S. Air Force Staff Sergeant James Penniston was stationed in the 81st Security Police Squadron at the large joint British and U. S. Air Force base known as RAF (Royal Air Force) Bentwaters and its smaller, secondary base at Woodbridge, about three miles away, where some aircraft were kept. Not long after midnight on December 26, Sgt. Penniston was asked to investigate odd lights seen moving in the Rendlesham forest between Bentwaters and Woodbridge. Joining him was USAF Airman First Class John Burroughs and several other security and military personnel.


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Cattle Mutilation – The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 1, Part Three

The Farm Journal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 1975

"REWARDS NOW TOTAL $23,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of stock mutilators in Colorado. The last $10,000 was posted by the Elbert and El Paso County Ranchers and Farmers Association for incidents in those two counties (where NORAD and the Air Force Academy are located). More mutilations have been reported in New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Wisconsin and Iowa. Shots have been fired at Army helicopters. Accusations have been hurled at everyone from Patty Hearst (Symbionese Army captive) to the (Charles) Manson family (mass murderer) and the U. S. government. There have also been reported mutilations of dogs, hogs, mules, donkeys, goats, sheep, horses ­ and a buffalo at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. But lawmen and ranchers are still looking for their first solid clue."

 One especially infuriating aspect of it has been the waste of meat. To ranchers, this is absolutely unpardonable ­ on a par with trophy hunters who take heads to hang in their dens while letting the edible part of the game rot. Actually, this is even worse. Cattlemen imagine prime steaks to be the very choicest food available anywhere. But these mutilators, whoever they are, display a fine contempt and haughty disdain for that economically sacred idea.


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Evolution of Crop Patterns Near Britain’s Chilbolton Radio Telescope Observatory, 1999 – 2002

December 7, 2002  Chilbolton, England - As I have investigated and reported about crop formations since 1991, I began to wonder if the patterns were connected over arcs of time at the same geographic locations. One example of what seems to be patterns related to each other year after year occurred near the Chilbolton Radio Telescope Observatory between June 1999 and August 2002.

June 16, 1999, Chilbolton Observatory

On June 16, 1999, the strange pattern in the foreground marked by a yellow arrow appeared near the observatory.

The yellow arrow points at a 230-foot-wide crop formation that appeared on June 16, 1999  in a crop field near Chilbolton Observatory in Hampshire, England.  Photograph © 1999 by Steve Alexander.
The yellow arrow points at a 230-foot-wide crop formation that appeared on June 16, 1999 in a crop field near Chilbolton Observatory in Hampshire, England.
Photograph © 1999 by Steve Alexander.


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Cattle Mutilation – The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 1, Part Two

© 1976 by Fredrick W. Smith, Freedland Publishers

Chapter 1, Part Two

"Dr. Urich, the county coroner, said:
'The cutting (on the 1500-pound buffalo near NORAD)
was done neatly, cleanly, obviously with a very sharp instrument.
The dissection was of the type that would eliminate any type of predator.'
He said the hide was removed by someone who did not puncture
the tissue layer directly under the hide. 'It was better than I could
do if I were trying. It was really an expert job.'"

- The Colorado Springs Sun, October 23, 1975

Helicopters have been reported acting suspiciously or even threateningly in ranch areas. But no actual evidence of this or identification of the aircraft is available. Others feel that various factors such as noise, anger and expense rule out the helicopter theory. Some of the beefs that have allegedly been transported weigh half to three quarters of a ton or more, which would require a very large, noisy and expensive helicopter that requires specialized servicing. In any case, the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) has canceled a helicopter survey of several rural counties because it could not guarantee the safety of their crews from high flying lead (bullets).


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Cattle Mutilation – The Unthinkable Truth Chapter 1, Part One

Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth

© 1976 by Fredrick W. Smith, Freedland Publishers


"The mutilators haven't made one misstep.
They leave their calling cards, but no one has ever surprised
them at their work. They leave too much evidence for any rational
person to deny they exist, but never enough to be identified. No one even
claims to have taken a picture of them. Afterward, of course, thousands
are taken. They're obviously playing with us like a cat plays with a mouse.
And it's driving folks, including the authorities, right up the wall."

Fredrick W. Smith asked on his 1976 book cover, "Who did it? Why? How was it done without leaving a clue? Why are the facts suppressed? (This book has) Answers to questions that have baffled lawmen and ranchers throughout the west."
Fredrick W. Smith asked on his 1976 book cover, "Who did it? Why? How was it done without leaving a clue? Why are the facts suppressed? (This book has) Answers to questions that have baffled lawmen and ranchers throughout the west."


Fredrick William Smith was born in Salmon, Idaho on October 21, 1920, and raised in Butte, Montana where his father was a miner until his death when Fred was 8 years old. Then his mother moved the family to Denver.On May 5, 1945, Fred Smith married Grace Elizabeth Deaton. The couple had seven children, four boys and three girls. Fred worked as a goat farmer, part-time plumber and wrote. By the mid-1970s, he was puzzled by unusual cattle deaths in Colorado. Fred talked with law enforcement and ranchers in eastern Colorado and came to the conclusion that whatever was killing the animals, and bloodlessly excising tissue in similar patterns from animal to animal, was not human. In 1976, he published his investigation, not knowing that at the same time Deputy Keith Wolverton in the Cascade County Sheriff's Office in Great Falls, Montana, was collaborating with writer Roberta Donovan to summarize the sheriff's reports about mutilations in that region. Fred Smith died in Delta, Colorado near Cedaredge on July 24, 1997 at age 77. See Mystery Stalks The Prairie.

Who - or what - kills and mutilates animals around the world - and why? Fredrick Smith's 1976 book, self-published in a limited quantity, has long been out of print. But now with his family's permission, presents an electronic version of the original work.


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Part 1 – “Rendlesham File”: UK Ministry of Defence Releases Previously Restricted UFO Documents

British MOD letterhead on an August 21, 1985, document in the "Rendlesham File."
British MOD letterhead on an August 21, 1985, document in the "Rendlesham File."

December 3, 2002  London, England - On November 29, 2002, the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) released for the first time on its website a UFO file of nearly 180 pages that had been restricted from public scrutiny since December 1980. One of the many government documents is entitled UFO Sighting At Rendlesham Forest and begins:


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What Broke Up Between Afyon and Yalova, Turkey On November 1, 2002?

"When the object got closer, I saw a flashing light. As I was trying to figure  out what it might be, I saw several steady lights. Then the light which I  previously presumed as headlight started to change and get smaller. As I was trying to find a plausible reason for that, the object approached and got into the position of 12 o'clock. Ten or fifteen small objects about the size of a Boeing 747 were flying at 1-2 kilometers between them. This lasted for about 1.5 minutes. As they were getting out of sight, we reported these UFOs to air control at 5:44 a.m. local time."

- Captain Ercan Eken, Pilot, Sun Express Air, Turkey

Video frame from a 22-second sequence taped at 5:38:58 a.m. on November 1, 2002, by Halil Yalcin while driving with his wife between Balikesir and Susurluk, Turkey. The white arrow points at the yellow-colored light that many witnesses over many kilometers said pulsed in a stationary position while a bright, white light nearby broke up into many large pieces that are shown falling through the frame. Videotape © 2002 by Halil Yalcin and provided by the Turkish Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center and International UFO Museum, Istanbul. Actual videotape can be seen at website linked at bottom of this report.
Video frame from a 22-second sequence taped at 5:38:58 a.m. on November 1, 2002, by Halil Yalcin while driving with his wife between Balikesir and Susurluk, Turkey. The white arrow points at the yellow-colored light that many witnesses over many kilometers said pulsed in a stationary position while a bright, white light nearby broke up into many large pieces that are shown falling through the frame. Videotape © 2002 by Halil Yalcin and provided by the Turkish Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center and International UFO Museum, Istanbul. Actual videotape can be seen at website linked at bottom of this report.

November 18, 2002  Istanbul, Turkey - On November 1, 2002 around 5:30 to 5:45 a.m. local time, four airline crews in the air and two on the ground reported an unusual armada of glowing objects moving together past a yellow pulsing light. The pilots' reports went to Turkey's Flight Safety Department and were headlined on television, radio and newspapers as a "fleet of UFOs flying over Turkey." The airline crews in the air estimated the altitude of the pulsing light and armada of glowing objects was between 22,000 and 36,000 feet.


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More Cat and Cow Mutilations: Colorado, Utah and Missouri

November 16, 2002 -

Aurora, Colorado

 Yellow shaded areas of Denver and Aurora, Colorado, map indicate where cats, rabbits and squirrels have been found dead and mutilated since June 2002.
Yellow shaded areas of Denver and Aurora, Colorado, map indicate where cats, rabbits and squirrels have been found dead and mutilated since June 2002.

According to the Aurora Animal Control Office, the Denver Dumb Friends League, and local residents, between June and mid-November 2002, ten cats and other small animals such as rabbits and squirrels have been found strangely cut up without blood or signs of struggle. (9 cats, 2 squirrels and 1 rabbit in Aurora; 1 cat and 1 rabbit in Denver). The region affected has been where southwest Aurora and southeastern Denver come together between the University of Denver and the Aurora Medical Center.


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What Happened 11,000 Years Ago That Killed So Many Animals?

Head skeleton of saber tooth cat that died out along with dozens of other animal species at the end of the Pleistocene ice age about 12,000 years ago. Photograph courtesy University of California.
Head skeleton of saber tooth cat that died out along with dozens of other animal species at the end of the Pleistocene ice age about 12,000 years ago. Photograph courtesy University of California.

November 13, 2002  Seattle, Washington - Tonight at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology, scientists gathered to discuss what killed off so many large mammals of North and South America at the end of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago, the end of the Pleistocene. At least 35 genera of animals in North America alone were wiped out, including the huge saber-toothed cat, woolly rhinos, woolly mammoths, mastodons, giant skunks, giant rabbits, camels and horses. Using modern DNA analysis, bodies and bones found freeze-dried are being explored for signs of unusual disease. Did a deadly virus or bacteria infect and kill the animals? Or did a growing human population throughout the world exterminate species after species in its search for food and hides?


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