Updated Part 1: Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Non-Human Craft and Bodies Retrieval in 1941

"We are not engaged in an arms race, but rather in a race of perfecting an integrated program of UFO technology (including extraterrestrial plasma weapons and Electro-Magnetic Pulse devices.) ...But our scientists will not turn to national defense unless they perceive an actual danger to the United States. A danger was perceived in 1939, only two years before a UFO was captured (1941), and Pearl Harbor (attacked by Japanese). It is vital that scientists should perceive the danger now, before it is too late. What is at stake is not only the prevention of defeat, but prevention of cosmic war. Nevertheless, convincing the American scientific community that military UFO research (is important) is a most difficult undertaking."

­ Excerpted from a 1980s paper entitled, "UFO Technology and the Imbalance of Power," by Edward Teller, Ph.D., Physicist, and former director of the "Star Wars" Space Defense Initiative (SDI),
Ronald Reagan Administration, 1980-1988.

 Ryan Wood has been able to confirm that there was a fire in the Houck Woods outside Cape Girardeau in April 1941, the same month that Charlette Mann says her grandparents, Rev. William Huffman and his wife, Floy, had Charlette's father and pregnant mother as house guests before Charlette's sister was born in early May 1941.
Ryan Wood has been able to confirm that there was a fire in the Houck Woods outside Cape Girardeau in April 1941, the same month that Charlette Mann says her grandparents, Rev. William Huffman and his wife, Floy, had Charlette's father and pregnant mother as house guests before Charlette's sister was born in early May 1941.

December 28, 2002  Broomfield, Colorado - For additional update, please see More Information below from Stanton Friedman. Since the mid-1990s, aerospace engineer, Robert Wood, Ph.D., and his son, Ryan Wood, a mathematics and computer science professional, have taken on the challenge of trying to prove - or disprove - the authenticity of several hundred pages of allegedly leaked U. S. government documents about "flying saucers," "extraterrestrial biological entities," "interplanetary" technologies, and Majestic-12, a highly classified government unit set up by President Harry S. Truman in 1947 to study and keep secret the presence of non-humans on this earth.


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Chapter 7 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton

Chapter 7

Chasing Lights In The Sky

Yellow indicates the towns, counties and areas affected by animal mutilations, unidentified helicopters and mysterious aerial craft during 1974 to 1976. Twenty-seven years later, in 2001 to 2002, Pondera County and surrounding region experienced more than a dozen animal mutilations associated with unidentified lights and other high strangeness. See Earthfiles 08/18/01.
Yellow indicates the towns, counties and areas affected by animal mutilations, unidentified helicopters and mysterious aerial craft during 1974 to 1976. Twenty-seven years later, in 2001 to 2002, Pondera County and surrounding region experienced more than a dozen animal mutilations associated with unidentified lights and other high strangeness. See Earthfiles 08/18/01.

Apparently whoever was at the controls of those unidentified helicopters the night of December 2 to 3 enjoyed harassing law and Air Force officials, as the following night (December 3), more sightings were reported. Officers were able to trace the crafts' course through a series of reports spanning a two hour and 40 minute period, but were unable to identify them.


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Part 2 – Corguinho, Brazil: Close Encounters with Tall Red-Haired and Blond-Haired Non-Human Beings

The location of Felipe Branco's 1999 encounter 100 kilometers outside Campo Grande  was in Corguinho north of Terenos in the state of Mato Grosso Do Sul, along with five other  people including Urandir Oliveira, with disc craft and three tall, blond-haired beings. The foreheads  of the blond beings lighted up andpulsed light. Mr. Oliveira's forehead also lighted up and pulsed as if in telepathic response.
The location of Felipe Branco's 1999 encounter 100 kilometers outside Campo Grande was in Corguinho north of Terenos in the state of Mato Grosso Do Sul, along with five other people including Urandir Oliveira, with disc craft and three tall, blond-haired beings. The foreheads of the blond beings lighted up andpulsed light. Mr. Oliveira's forehead also lighted up and pulsed as if in telepathic response.
Two hours by truck northwest of Campo Grande is the small farming community  of Corguinho, dominated by the flat-topped mesa. Photograph © 2002 by Flavio Mori, Jr.
Two hours by truck northwest of Campo Grande is the small farming community of Corguinho, dominated by the flat-topped mesa. Photograph © 2002 by Flavio Mori, Jr.

December 21, 2002  Campo Grande, Brazil - Brazilian businessman, Felipe Castelo Branco, is an executive in his family's company, Castelo Branco Ltd. - a ranching and holding company with offices in Rio de Janeiro, Campo Grande and Italy. Mr. Branco has taken a deep interest in researching UFOs and close encounters with what seem to be non-human beings since his own first experience with a tall, red-haired, green-eyed female in 1968 when he was 5-years-old. In 1996, he and his brother began traveling to a remote rural area 100 kilometers northwest of Campo Grande in Corguinho, the state of Mato Grosso Do Sul, after they heard about the abduction of farmer Urandir Oliveira. Since then, Mr. Branco has researched phenomenon in the remote valley where he and many others have seen unidentified aerial craft and various types of non-human entities.


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Cattle Mutilation – The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 2, Part One

© 1976 by Fredrick W. Smith, Freedland Publishers

"A Benson, Minnesota farmer fed his cow and later returned
to his barn to turn out the lights. He discovered the cow mutilated
'inside the barn.' A mutilation in South Dakota left a steer with the lower jaw removed and some tissue cuttings so delicate that veterinarians maintained it would have taken them two weeks to perform the same type of surgery. The animal was found 200 feet behind the owner's barn."

- Brush Banner, Brush, Colorado, September 10, 1975.


Chapter 2, Part One

Blueprint for Confusion

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than were ever dreamt of in your philosophy."

- Hamlet by William Shakespeare


Cattle mutilations have provided a basis for every conceivable theory. Margaret Maul at the Colorado Cattlemen's Association has heard hundreds of them. One person explained at length and in great detail who the mutilators really are. One of the insiders is Henry Kissinger. Many people, she says, have thought the whole thing was exaggerated Cattle couldn't be mutilated like the stories say. but after seeing with their own eyes what's been done to one of their neighbor's animals, or to one of their own, they suddenly become believers. The physical presence of the actual facts has a profoundly enlightening effect on ranchers, farmers and most lawmen.


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