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Special Earthfiles YouTube Channel interview
with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe.

Part 1 of 7: “Animal Mutilation Perpetrators Are Creatures from Outer Space.” – Sheriff Tex Graves, Logan County, Colorado, 1979

“My brother said the Blond man showed him it  was reptilians (doing mutilations).”

- “Tyler Jones,” Gadsden, Alabama


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Final Part 20: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“I do remember reading a CIA file on Harry Truman in which he was talking about the Cold War starting and that there were aliens from outer space and some looked like little humans and some looked like insects.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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Part 19:  Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“I asked, ‘Have you been shooting down any saucer vehicles and aliens
with this weapon?’ And those Wackenhut types told me they had.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) seal, Wackenhut now as G4S logo, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) seal
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) seal, Wackenhut now as G4S logo, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) seal.


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Return to Part 18

Reposted November 26, 2021 - February 24, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  At the end of Part 18, of my June 29, 1998, interview with Stein at his Florida home, he was talking about the Wackenhut security firm that worked with the CIA in the 1950s. It was also Wackenhut in Coral Gables, Florida, that his phone manager friend told him [ See Stein Earthfiles Part ] was the source of the first call to Stein warning him not to talk with me further about the name of the southeastern military base or its activities during the Cuba stand-off with the Soviet Union or its alleged assassin squad assigned to termination missions. During his work for the Army/CIA unit that studied real UFO Blue Book cases, Stein said, “We could call Wackenhut for background checks on civilians coming to do work. Wackenhut is a worldwide security firm with offices in Europe.”


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Part 18: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“In July, in order to let you survive getting out of the Army and CIA,
we’re going to find a derelict who has died of dehydration in the streets.
We’re going to get one of the unidentified corpses that the local police
department has and we’re going to put your CIA  I.D. on the
unidentified corpse and then cremate the body. ”

- Anthony Barden, “Stein's” CIA Boss

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Return to Part 17

Reposted November 25, 2021 - February 11, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  My June 29, 1998, interview with Stein at his Florida home continues from Part 17, in which he discusses what happened when he and his boss, Anthony Barden, returned to the southeastern military base and their highly classified CIA Project Blue Book investigations during the period leading up to the presidential election of John F. Kennedy.


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DoD Creates Yet Another New Office to Study UFOs — Exit UAPTF, Enter AOIMSG.


“Today (112321), Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, in close collaboration with the Director of National Intelligence (Avril Haines), directed the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security (Ronald Moultrie)  to establish within the Office of the USD(*I&S) — Under Sec. of Defense for Intelligence and Security — the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG) as the successor to the U. S. Navy's Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF).”



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Part 17: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“We (CIA) gave President Eisenhower the report we had that U. S. naval ships had radar screen information about saucer craft coming in from outer space and going into the South Pole and down into the Argentina region.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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Return to Part 16

Reposted November 24, 2021 - February 4, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  My June 29, 1998, interview with Stein at his Florida home continues from Part 16, in which he described an April 1959 meeting with both President Dwight David Eisenhower and Vice President Richard M. Nixon at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D. C. that began with a UFO photo from Puerto Rico.


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Part 16: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“I wonder if this triangle craft is coming from an entirely
different place? Entirely different aliens? Just what is this?”

 - Richard M. Nixon, V. President, Oval Office, Fall 1958


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Return to Part 15

Reposted November 23, 2021 - January 7, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  My June 29, 1998, interview with Stein at his Florida home continues from Part 15, in which he describes in more detail an Oval Office meeting about UFOs with Vice President Richard Nixon in the fall of 1958 and the photographs shown to Nixon then, followed by a brief meeting in April 1959 with both Nixon and President Dwight Eisenhower in FBI headquarters, Washington, D. C.


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Part 15: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“To finish their meeting with Vice President Nixon, the FBI had a short film about a saucer materializing over a power station. Nixon said he brought us in to the FBI and USAF meeting to see that 16mm film of the UFO.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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Part 14: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“‘Tagging’ was when non-humans put little chips into the necks of people -the CIA had many cases. One implant device was supposed to have produced hieroglyphs when passed over a certain kind of scanning device.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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Part 13: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“My CIA boss explained that when you came up with a question in your mind, none of the humans had to say the question out loud. The grey being could read your mind and answer telepathically before you could even say the question.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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