SARS Pneumonia Spreads Despite Quarantines; American Patient’s Sister Describes Agony

March 29, 2003 - Patient's hospital location remains confidential at family's request, but it is a southeastern state and is presumed to be one of the ventilator cases on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) list.

Despite government authorized quarantines in Hong Kong, Singapore and Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the deadly SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) pneumonia continues to spread. Singapore officials are warning this is the worst health crisis in years and doubled the number of people under quarantine there. In Singapore now, at least 1500 people are confined to their homes for the next ten days. In Hong Kong, 1000 people are quarantined and more than 700 in Toronto.


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“Engraved” Banana Squash Seeds Photographed

"I noticed that the seed itself still had the skin or a membrane around it which makes the seed smooth to the touch. So, in fact, you would have to take off this skin or membrane to actually feel the markings or engravings that are in the seed. ...There was no way that a worm or any insect could do that because it would have eaten through the skin or membrane."

 - Dave Rosenfeld, Photographer, Salt Lake City, Utah

Banana squash section containing "engraved" seeds still tangled in the squash fibers, preserved in a vacuum pack by Baba Afghan Restaurant owner, Kasim Barakzia, Salt Lake City, Utah. Photograph © 2003 by Dave Rosenfeld.
Banana squash section containing "engraved" seeds still tangled in the squash fibers, preserved in a vacuum pack by Baba Afghan Restaurant owner, Kasim Barakzia, Salt Lake City, Utah. Photograph © 2003 by Dave Rosenfeld.

March 28, 2003  Salt Lake City, Utah - As I reported on March 15, 2003, about 500 "engraved" seeds were found inside an otherwise fresh, healthy banana squash by Salt Lake City restaurant owner, Kasim Barakzia, on March 14, at his restaurant, Baba Afghan. Almost every seed had letters or symbols engraved on both sides in what appeared to be different languages. The first symbol that Kasim recognized was the Arabic symbol for Allah.

Kasim has cut open dozens of banana squash every week since he opened his restaurant nine years ago and has never seen anything like these seeds before. Normal squash seeds are smooth and glisten with a thin, transparent membrane.


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SARS Pneumonia Cases Are Increasing and Singapore Orders Quarantines

March 24, 2003  Atlanta, Georgia - Today the World Health Organization reports that 13 countries have now reported 456 cases of SARS and 17 deaths (the numbers go higher if 305 cases in Guandong Province, China from February 2003 are included). The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States is now reporting 39 suspected cases in 18 states. Today, fourteen new cases of SARS were reported in Singapore, bringing the new total to 65. Twelve patients are in serious condition in intensive care.


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Do American Nuclear Power Plants Have Adequate Emergency Evacuation Plans?

Armed National Guard troops at the Palo Verde, Arizona nuclear power plant 55 miles west of Phoenix on March 20, 2003, after notice of possible terrorist threat. Photograph © 2003 by The Associated Press.
Armed National Guard troops at the Palo Verde, Arizona nuclear power plant 55 miles west of Phoenix on March 20, 2003, after notice of possible terrorist threat. Photograph © 2003 by The Associated Press.

 March 22, 2003  Washington, D. C. - The United States is at war with Iraq. The Homeland Security office is at Code Orange which means "High Risk of Terrorist Attacks." On Thursday, March 20, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano sent National Guard troops to the Palo Verde nuclear power plant 55 miles west of Phoenix. Two reasons were given. One was that Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge asked all states with nuclear power plants to beef up security. The other reason was connected to a Washington Times report that American intelligence had information about Iraqi "sleeper cells" in the United States with plans to attack the Palo Verde nuclear power plant, the largest in the nation.


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Medical Experts Are Worried About the New SARS Pneumonia

By February 2003, more than 300 people in Guangdong Province, China, had been ill with severe respiratory distress. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is analyzing the medical data  to determine if this is where the worldwide Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome known as "SARS," originated.
By February 2003, more than 300 people in Guangdong Province, China, had been ill with severe respiratory distress. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is analyzing the medical data to determine if this is where the worldwide Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome known as "SARS," originated.

March 21, 2003  - SARS is an acronym for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, an atypical pneumonia that rapidly attacks alveoli lung tissue. This afternoon, Julie Gerberding, M. D., Director, Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta announced that:

"Some of the individuals with the severe SARS pneumonia and death have been relatively healthy, middle-aged people, and that tells us that this is a disease that can be virulent and life-threatening, even among those who are otherwise probably immunologically healthy. ...Further, the high attack rate in health care workers caring for the early hospitalized patients ... suggests that it is certainly contagious."

- CDC is now monitoring 22 cases of the SARS pneumonia in the United States.

California  6
Hawaii  3
Maine  1
Massachusetts  1
New Jersey  1
New Mexico  1
North Carolina   2
New York   2
Rhode Island  1
Utah  1
Virginia  2
Wisconsin  1

Total Suspected U. S. Cases Under Investigation: 22


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