Part 1 – Mysterious Lights and Fourteen Crop Formations in Italy

June 27, 2003  Rome, Italy - For the first time on record, a crop formation was discovered within the city limits of Rome. Also, for the first time over a period from April 25 to June 27, thirteen more unexplained patterns in cereal crops beyond the one in Rome have been reported from the north to the south and east to west in the long "boot" of Italy. Whatever is happening, Italy has also had mysterious lights associated with some of its crop formations this year.

To better understand the chronology and location of the Italian crop patterns, this week I talked with Adriano Forgione, Editor, Hera magazine, in Rome. The following is a chronological evolution with Adriano's comments.


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Corguinho, Brazil Farmer, Urandir Oliveira, and Attorney Describe Harassments

The large Corguinho, Brazil mesa rises to the east of the Urandir and  Jessica Oliveira farm in foreground. Photograph © 2003 by Linda Moulton Howe.
The large Corguinho, Brazil mesa rises to the east of the Urandir and Jessica Oliveira farm in foreground. Photograph © 2003 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Urandir Oliveira in light shirt next to tractor worker on his Corguinho, Brazil farm.  Urandir purchased 209 acres in 1996. Photograph © 2003 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Urandir Oliveira in light shirt next to tractor worker on his Corguinho, Brazil farm. Urandir purchased 209 acres in 1996. Photograph © 2003 by Linda Moulton Howe.

June 21, 2003  Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil - On Friday, Corguinho, Brazil farmer Urandir Oliveira traveled to Campo Grande to join with his first wife, Maria do Carmo da Silva, and his attorney, Mr. Danilo Costalunga, in a telephone discussion with Whitley Strieber and me for Dreamland Online and The Portuguese-to-English translation during the interview was provided by Felipe Branco, University of London-trained businessman, who is now an executive in Rocheston Ltd., Milan, Italy, and cattle rancher, Campo Grande, Brazil.


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Part 4 – Geologists Run X-Ray Diffractometer on Corguinho, Brazil Stones

“You have presented us with objects that are well outside the things we have encountered before, outside our experience.”

- Art Johnson, Ph.D., Prof. of Geology, Univ. of Pennsylvania


Left: The two halves of Stone 2 split by analytical chemist, Phyllis Budinger, for infrared study and EDS plots. Right: Stone 1 in profile to show disk-shape. Stone 1 is 16mm in diameter and weighs 3.2051 grams. Stone 2 before being broken in two was also 16mm in diameter and weighed 3.3068 grams. Both Stone 1 and Stone 2 were collected by Brazilian businessman, Felipe Branco, on September 15, 2002, after a “rain of rocks” on the Urandir Oliveira farm in Corguinho, Brazil. Photograph © 2003 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Left: The two halves of Stone 2 split by analytical chemist, Phyllis Budinger, for infrared study and EDS plots. Right: Stone 1 in profile to show disk-shape. Stone 1 is 16mm in diameter and weighs 3.2051 grams. Stone 2 before being broken in two was also 16mm in diameter and weighed 3.3068 grams. Both Stone 1 and Stone 2 were collected by Brazilian businessman, Felipe Branco, on September 15, 2002, after a “rain of rocks” on the Urandir Oliveira farm in Corguinho, Brazil. Photograph © 2003 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Melted rock sample from shallow crater on Corguinho,  Brazil, hilltop discovered in October 2000, by local residents  who saw a light come down out of the sky toward the hill  and rise up again. Photograph © 2003 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Melted rock sample from shallow crater on Corguinho, Brazil, hilltop discovered in October 2000, by local residents who saw a light come down out of the sky toward the hill and rise up again. Photograph © 2003 by Linda Moulton Howe.

June 6, 2003  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Biophysicists W. C. Levengood's observations about the titanium and magnetic quality of the Corguinho, Brazil stones were reinforced by the x-ray diffractometry (XRD) work done May 22-23 at the University of Pennsylvania. Prof. Johnson, whose field is soil analysis, had selected nine objects from my rock trays and collection bags. I also gave him two halves of Stone 2 that Phyllis Budinger had split open. During the first XRD run, he was joined by Prof. Gomaa Omar, an eminent rock expert, and another geologist who specializes in rare earth isotopes. First up was one half of Stone 2, which they called the “button” on the XRD analysis shown below.

Second was a piece of the melted rock that local Corguinho eyewitnesses found in October 2000 after a light came down to the top of a hill and took off again. That rock was arbitrarily labeled “lightening strike” because Dr. Omar said very high temperature had to have been involved.


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Mars Express Radar Will “See” 3 Miles Into Red Planet’s Crust

Artist's concept of Mars Express courtesy ESA and J-L Atteleyn.
Artist's concept of Mars Express courtesy ESA and J-L Atteleyn.

June 2, 2003  Baikonur, Kazakhstan -
Today the European Space Agency (ESA) launched its first mission to Mars called "Mars Express" aboard a Russian rocket from Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Attached to the orbiter was Britain's Beagle 2 lander which will land on the surface and look specifically for signs of Martian life. The "robotic geologist" will dig into Mars soil and sample the atmosphere hunting for organic material or methane gas produced by living organisms.


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