Insect Evidence in Mysterious Banana Squash “Symbols”

About 500 seeds seemingly carved with symbols and letters were reported inside an otherwise fresh, banana squash by Salt Lake City restaurant owner, Kasim Barakzia, on March 14, 2003. Squash seeds are normally smooth and unmarked. Photograph © 2003 by Ryan Galbraith, The Salt Lake Tribune.
About 500 seeds seemingly carved with symbols and letters were reported inside an otherwise fresh, banana squash by Salt Lake City restaurant owner, Kasim Barakzia, on March 14, 2003. Squash seeds are normally smooth and unmarked. Photograph © 2003 by Ryan Galbraith, The Salt Lake Tribune.

September 9, 2003  Grass Lake, Michigan – Earlier this year on March 14, 2003, a restaurant owner in Salt Lake City contacted The Salt Lake Tribune about the banana squash he cut open filled with seeds seemingly carved with symbols and letters. (See Earthfiles 03/15/03 and 03/28/03) Kasim Barakzia is owner of Salt Lake’s Baba Afghan Restaurant in which he has also been the main cook for nine years. Banana squash is a staple in his restaurant meals and he was shocked while cutting open one to find what he thought were symbols and letters on the seeds, including several with what he perceived to be the Arabic symbol for “Allah.”Click for report.

Part 1 – Unusual Soybean Formation Near Serpent Mound, Ohio

Photograph of ancient Serpent Mound near Locust Grove and Peebles, Ohio. Mound is 800 meters long (.5 miles) and its construction is placed around 800 A.D. Soybean formation was 3,000 feet ( a little more than a half mile) to the east of the Serpent's tail shown at left of photo. Image courtesy Planetary and Space Science Centre, University of New Brunswick.
Photograph of ancient Serpent Mound near Locust Grove and Peebles, Ohio. Mound is 800 meters long (.5 miles) and its construction is placed around 800 A.D. Soybean formation was 3,000 feet ( a little more than a half mile) to the east of the Serpent’s tail shown at left of photo. Image courtesy Planetary and Space Science Centre, University of New Brunswick.
Green arrow points at the soybean formation through early morning mist. Thin black line extends from the formation to lower right beige clearing , which is the tail of the Serpent Mound. Aerial photograph © 2003 by Jeffrey Wilson and Roger Sugden.
Green arrow points at the soybean formation through early morning mist. Thin black line extends from the formation to lower right beige clearing , which is the tail of the Serpent Mound. Aerial photograph © 2003 by Jeffrey Wilson and Roger Sugden.

September 6, 2003  Peebles, Adams County, Ohio – Delsey Knoechelman was driving with her mother, Beverly, and her two daughters, Natasha and Aerial around 11 a.m. Sunday, August 24, 2003, when they rode over the Brush Creek bridge and saw “an oddity in the soybean field that was not natural.”Click for report.

Part 2 – Unusual Soybean Formation Near Serpent Mound, Ohio

Return to Part 1.


September 6, 2003 Dexter, Michigan –

The Investigation

Jeffrey Wilson, independent crop circle investigator with a Master’s Degree in general science, arrived around 8:30 a.m. on Friday, August 29, with his colleague Roger Sugden who wanted to take aerial photographs. Meeting them in the field was Ted Robertson, a harpsichord craftsman volunteering to help with the survey and sampling work. The group had obtained permission from the farm owner via Delsey Knoechelman to enter the field. Jeffrey estimates he has been in more than 100 United States formations since his first investigation of the Paulding, Ohio pattern in 1996. “Geometrically, the Serpent Mound pattern is one of the most sophisticated that we’ve seen,” he told me this week, and all their electronic testing and plant sampling have shown statistically significant anomalies. See Earthfiles, Part 3.Click for report.

Updated – Helicopter “Attacks” Wiltshire, England, Residents At Knap Hill on August 26, 2003

UpdatedSeptember 4, 2003  Devizes, Wiltshire, England

Gazette & Herald
Devizes, Wiltshire, England
September 4, 2003

Mars seekers are buzzed

A couple have spoken of their terror as they were buzzed by a military helicopter as they held an evening countryside vigil for the planet Mars. Tom and Kerry Blower, from Lockeridge (East Kennett), said they were terrified as they found themselves the target of close inspection by an Army helicopter. Mrs. Blower, a researcher into the various phenomena that occur in the Marlborough area, and her husband Tom, a landscape gardener, held their planet vigil on Tuesday last week.”

The newspaper recounts the same story I posted yesterday at Earthfiles after an interview with Kerry Blower and concludes:

“A military spokesman said: ‘The Army can confirm there were a number of helicopters in the vicinity. If the pilots did fly too low, we are sorry, but it can be difficult to spot parked cars in the dark. If a formal complaint is made to the Ministry of Defence, it will be investigated fully.

‘”9/4/03 E-Mail from Kerry Blower:

“More amazing information today, Linda. Someone saw my write up the the paper and contacted me. I went to see them. The couple concerned live in Bottlesford which is situated 1 mile approx south of East Field (near Woodborough Hill).

They are a couple in their mid-60’s called Mr and Mrs Hyde. They were in their home on the 26th August (the same night as mine and Tom’s incident) when they heard a helicopter approaching. To their horror. it hovered just 3 feet away from their chimney stack. Mr Hyde ran out to shout at them. The helicopter was black with guns either side. It rocked forwards and backwards in the same spot for a few minutes. It totally horrified Mr Hyde. The whole house shuddered and Mrs Hyde was too frightened to go outside. It was 6.30 in the evening just a few hours before our incident.

When it left, Mr Hyde went into the house and phoned the Southern Command headquarters. It was discovered that the pilot was called Mr Rory Burnett and he lives local working as an instructor for the military. Mr Hyde was given an apology which he didn’t accept as this had happened to him before. He is still furious. The awful thing is that they have noticed that since the incident they can see big cracks appearing all over the house after the intence shuddering caused by the helicopter.

I am going to see them again tomorrow and I will videotape the house cracks and interview the couple. If you would like me to send that also on video I will do so next week.

They have talked to other people and there was a little boy that was traumatised by the helicopter’s noise. This makes me real mad that they can get away with it. Oh, by the way. The reporter that took my story had a response from a military spokesman who said ‘The army can confirm their were a number of helicopters in that area that evening but we are sorry that it can be very difficult to spot parked cars’. Wow!! I was amazed and these people defend us!!!! I don’t believe for one minute that they cannot see in the dark. What an awful explanation, don’t you think?”

September 3, 2003 East Kennett, Wiltshire, England – Over the years, I and others who have visited the Vale of Pewsey in Wiltshire, England, to explore crop formations have encountered helicopters maneuvering directly over crop formations – or over some of us on foot or in our cars. Once such incident occurred on July 25, 1996, when Kerry Blower of East Kennett had gone up Knap Hill to videotape the eerie “DNA Molecule” pattern first discovered in the East Field on June 17, 1996. A week later on June 25th, Kerry watched several helicopters over the East Field near the road leading from Lockeridge to Alton Barnes. That is the same area in which Colin Andrews had his own close encounter with a helicopter in 1994.

Kerry reported that at least three helicopters were hovering low over East Field, apparently photographing the crop formation. She ran her camera on them until the aircraft suddenly flew directly toward her in a dangerously low and intimidating maneuver.

She was very scared and got back to her car, but kept the camera running wrapped inside her coat. Below is one frame from the videotape that Kerry’s camera recorded.

Unidentified helicopter rises from East Field over the barbed wire fence along the road and hovered low over Kerry Blower's car. Video frame isolated from Kerry Blower's June 25, 1996, camcorder tape by Paul Vigay,
Unidentified helicopter rises from East Field over the barbed wire fence along the road and hovered low over Kerry Blower’s car. Video frame isolated from Kerry Blower’s June 25, 1996, camcorder tape by Paul Vigay,

September 6, 2003 E-mail From Viewer: 

“You may already know this, but the model of this aircraft is an Aerospatiale SA341 or SA342 “Gazelle”. Janes aircraft recognition guide lists the U.K. as an having these aircraft in their military. Standard armament can consist of air to air missiles, anti-tank guided missiles, or free-flying 2.75-inch rockets. The aircraft in the photo has a nonstandard colour scheme, and may well be some sort of special operations aircraft which would imply nonstandard armament such as automatic cannon, machine-guns, or automatic grenade launchers.”


Seven Years Later on August 26, 2003, Another
Helicopter “Attacks” Kerry and Tom Blower

Knap Hill rises at the northern end of the huge East Field, the focus of both crop formations and military helicopters. 
Knap Hill rises at the northern end of the huge East Field, the focus of both crop formations and military helicopters. 

Kerry Blower, Musician and Singer, East Kennett near Marlborough, Wiltshire, England: “It was Tuesday, August 26, at 21:30 in the evening ( 9:30 p.m.). Tom and I went to Knap Hill with my camcorder to try and film Mars. We thought we would get a real clear view from that vantage point. While we were there, we noticed a helicopter blowing the field in front of us in the East Field. It was hugging the contours of the field and moving very slowly in front of us around the field. Then it flew off to our right about 300 feet in front of us the first time. Then the second time, it started doing the same maneuver again in front of us when suddenly it turns toward us and just flew straight toward us. I couldn’t believe he was heading straight toward us at the same height as the car.

So I thought, ‘I’ve got to film this.’ I put the camcorder through the front window of the car. The window was down on the car at the time. Tom said, ‘Oh, my God, it’s going to come straight towards us!’ And I thought, ‘I’m terrified, but I’m still going to film it.’ It came right towards the car. It looked like it was going to touch the car. The sound was absolutely horrific. I was so frightened. I couldn’t believe a helicopter was doing this. It picked up all the dust and gravel and everything around the car and it was flying in the car and hitting us on the face. It was so frightening! I tried to put the camcorder right through the open window to film it behind us as it left, but the downdraft from the helicopter was so bad that it hit me back in the car because something hit my face. (Frames from Kerry’s night time video will be posted at as soon as available.)

I was so mad and angry and furious that our military can do this to people on a public place, you know? We drove around the area for awhile that night. I was so traumatized. As soon as I got home that evening around 11 o’clock, I decided to phone the military. They gave me seven different telephone numbers of different people passing the buck from one person to another until in the end, someone eventually said, ‘Right, OK. I’m logging this as an official complaint. And we will take it further. We will find out exactly where they came from.’ And he said that if he hadn’t heard from ‘them’ (identity unknown) in a week, I should contact this guy back. He was from the Seventh Regiment in Netheravon in Wiltshire. And he said he will sort this out personally.

In the meantime, I took it to the local paper (Gazette & Herald) and luckily enough a journalist there said he knows so many people now in Wiltshire who have been buzzed by these helicopters that he himself would call White Hall (government offices in London) to find out further and demand to know what is going on in all the harassments of people in this area. He has taken the story from me and it’s going in the paper tomorrow, so I would like to collect everybody else’s experiences and really find out what is going on in the East Field and others.


Not a thing. Strangely enough, the same incident happened in 1996 in the daytime. I also filmed that incident as well. I got them in broad daylight harassing me in the same area.


In 1996, there was a crop circle in the field down there (in the East Field) ­ it was the ‘DNA’ formation. And I decided to go there with my camcorder and sit on the hill opposite about 12 o’clock in the day. And as I was there, I noticed a military helicopter was flying over the circle, hovering there for a few minutes, and then flying off. It did this about three times in an hour period. On each time, I filmed them doing this.

Then, I got bored with that and I thought I should leave. But this feeling of hell came over me, ‘Get off the hill! Get off the hill!’ I didn’t know what was wrong with me. But I got to my car and I heard this noise. I thought it was like a juggernaut coming down the hill or something like that. to my horror, a helicopter came up over the field right in front of me and the propeller blades were literally feet from my head. The belly of the helicopter was sunk toward East Field, so the propeller blades were coming up and over the public road. He didn’t know I was filming him because what I did was put the camcorder on the bonnet of the car and threw my coat over it. So, he didn’t know he was being filmed. I put my fingers in my ears because the noise was unbearable and then I grabbed my coat and the camcorder and it was still running and I got into the passenger seat.

At this time then, he then came over the top of the car, almost touching the top of my car, and came with me all the way down the hill. I was absolutely traumatized by that experience. It gave me a fear of helicopters for two years. And now I thought I was over it and OK, and now it happens again.


I’ve been very interested in that particular area (Knap Hill) for thirteen years and I know that there is something so strange going on there. I’ve seen so many videos by people who have filmed harassing helicopters, balls of light. I don’t know what on Earth is happening, but something is happening and they seem to want to get us away from there. It’s like they want to frighten us off ­ ‘Just go away, please. We’ve got things to do.’ Whatever it is.

Because I’ve been harassed twice now. It’s a horrible thing to be harassed by a very loud helicopter and I’m angry as well now. It’s made me angry to think I can’t go and sit on my favorite hill without the fear of being harassed by our military who are supposed to be defending us.


Didn’t have a clue. It didn’t have any lights, no search lights, just red and a green flashing lights underneath. Other than that, you couldn’t see the helicopter at all. All you could see were the red and green lights. You could see it as it approached the car windscreen, but really what you could pick up on the video in the night time was just the noise and the downdraft on the grass and that is what you could pick up there.


Tom said he could see the belly of the helicopter when he looked through the window and he estimates it could have been between 12 and 20 feet above the car.


I think it just proves that there is something they don’t want us to see in that area, definitely. Otherwise, why would they do this? Initially, I thought they were doing it for a bit of fun. But there again, they wouldn’t harass all of us for a bit of fun. I reckon there is something they don’t want us to see. I don’t know what it is. Maybe the balls of light flying around. I don’t know. Maybe a secret military weapon flying out in this area and they don’t want anyone to see it under any circumstances. but there is definitely something and what they are doing in effect by trying to keep us away ­ they are attracting us more to the area! Because I want to go there more often now with my camcorder and I know I’m going to be frightened. So I’m going to take other people with me. I’m hoping to almost tease them to come back again because I want to know why they are doing it! It’s absolutely ridiculous to do this and very dangerous.


Not at all. My argument like I told the newspaper was, ‘How did they know that one of us in that car that night hadn’t just come out of hospital, or had a pacemaker, or heart operation. They could have killed us because it was such a traumatic experience. So loud, and stuff flying around in the car, hitting us in the face from the downdraft. It was such a horrible experience to go through, especially in the dark. They can’t be allowed to get away with this. I am just furious beyond words.”

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Astronomers Discover Asteroid That Might Hit Earth in 2014

"Scientists already know of 113 Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) tumbling on paths that will eventually lead them to within an astronomical hair's width of Earth. The total number of such asteroids could be well over a thousand."


Top: The 1994 XM asteroid appeared as a trail in images taken on December 9, 1994. Bottom: Compare to image on right which shows the asteroid some 4.5 hours later. The asteroid was about 550,000 kilometers away from Earth at the time, on its way to a record close approach of some 105,000 kilometers (65,258 miles) only 12 hours later.
Top: The 1994 XM asteroid appeared as a trail in images taken on December 9, 1994. Bottom: Compare to image on right which shows the asteroid some 4.5 hours later. The asteroid was about 550,000 kilometers away from Earth at the time, on its way to a record close approach of some 105,000 kilometers (65,258 miles) only 12 hours later.

Updated -  The Jet Propulsion Lab's Paul Chodas, a research scientist who specializes in calculating the orbits of asteroids and other near-Earth objects, announced today that asteroid 2003 QQ47 is not on a collision course with Earth in March 2014. Chodas said, "This particular one was of interest because it is fairly large, 1.3 kilometers [0.8 mile], and the predicted impact was only ten years away. Combining those two factors, we raised it to some level of concern."

September 2, 2003  Cloudcroft, New Mexico - The first eyes to see the new asteroid threat called "2003 QQ47" are at the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research Program at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. LINEAR, as it's known to astronomers, was an outgrowth of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) that took over the Reagan Administration's Star Wars program. LINEAR rose from the development of very high tech surveillance equipment that was originally designed to look for orbiting space junk high above our planet. Scientists already know of 113 Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) tumbling on paths that will eventually lead them to within an astronomical hair's width of Earth. The total number of such asteroids could be well over a thousand. And this newly discovered one is about two kilometers in diameter - big enough to do serious damage on Earth if it hit us.


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Volcanic and Seismic Threats to Northwest U. S.

"The effects of an eruption of Mt. Rainier, the severe effects, would be much smaller than the effects of the potential 9 Richter earthquake that can happen off the Pacific northwest. That earthquake will affect areas from northern California to southern British Columbia."

­ William Scott, Ph. D., USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory

Moderately active volcano, Mount Rainier, looms in the background of Tacoma, Washington, population 194,000. Its last major eruption was 500 years ago. Photograph by Lyn Topinka, U. S. Geological Survey.
Moderately active volcano, Mount Rainier, looms in the background of Tacoma, Washington, population 194,000. Its last major eruption was 500 years ago. Photograph by Lyn Topinka, U. S. Geological Survey.
Mt. Rainier is near center of map between Olympia and Tacoma, Washington.
Mt. Rainier is near center of map between Olympia and Tacoma, Washington.

August 29, 2003 Vancouver, Washington - Along the northwest coast of the United States and southern British Columbia, Canada, there is a volcanic range called the Cascades. There are thirteen Cascades volcanoes which have been intermittently active for hundreds of thousands of years ­ the latest being Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980. Another moderately active volcano is Mt. Rainier near Olympia and Tacoma, Washington and could directly affect the lives of more than a hundred thousand people who now live on or near the lower slopes of the mountain.


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Part 1 – Why Do Military Helicopters Focus On Crop Formations?

August 29, 2003  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – I arrived in Wiltshire, England early Tuesday morning, July 29, 2003, after speaking at the Glastonbury Symposium and went directly to Woodborough Hill in Alton Barnes. No one knew where I was and I had no set itinerary. I could see and hear helicopters circling over Woodborough and then on to the East Field, on to West Stowell and back around again. The helicopters were hovering, then lowering down toward the fields and then rising back up again. I had seen these same maneuvers back in August 2000 during one day that seven of us did a night watch at the East Field and watched through a night vision scope as an oval-shaped light jumped from side to side and changed shape into a bright square.Click for report.

Part 2 – After August 10, No Crop Formations Except in Canada?

August 29, 2003  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – As I had reported on Coast to Coast AM and Dreamland Online back in June, after the crop formation appeared in Belgium on June 24, 2003 that was very similar to the Gog Magog Hills “angel” formation of July 25, 2001, that came 49 days before the September 11th Al Qaeda attacks on the United States, many wondered if the 2003 Belgium pattern meant that 49 days later on August 11, 2003, something else serious might happen – either in the crop formations or a world event.

Above, crop formation reported June 24, 2003, in Mielen-Boven-Aalst (Gingelom), Belgium. Very similar to the Gog Magog Hills "angel" formation below discovered July 25, 2001, southeast of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. "Disturbing humming sound" was reported by people living near the field in Belgium.
Above, crop formation reported June 24, 2003, in Mielen-Boven-Aalst (Gingelom), Belgium. Very similar to the Gog Magog Hills “angel” formation below discovered July 25, 2001, southeast of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. “Disturbing humming sound” was reported by people living near the field in Belgium.

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No Ancient Oceans On Mars? Only Glaciers?

"Mars has probably always been very cold and if (occasional melted) water rushed out of those massive outflow channels and flowed out onto the northern plain, it likely froze very quickly."

­ Philip Christensen, Ph.D., Planetary Geologist, Arizona State University

Hubble Telescope image of Mars and the largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris, that stretches for 2,500 miles (4,000 km).
Hubble Telescope image of Mars and the largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris, that stretches for 2,500 miles (4,000 km).

August 27, 2003 Tempe, Arizona - Observations of Mars go back to the 1700s. People saw bright and dark markings on Mars and they speculated that the dark areas were oceans and the bright regions were continents. So, the idea of oceans on Mars has been postulated for three hundred years.


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Mars At Its Closest August 27, 2003, At 2:51 a.m. PDT / 5:51 a.m. EDT.

Mars At Its Closest August 27, 2003,
At 2:51 a.m. PDT / 5:51 a.m. EDT.

Mars image by Hubble Telescope.
Mars image by Hubble Telescope.

This week, Mars rises at 6:30 p.m. PDT / 9:30 p.m. EDT in the southeastern sky as it approaches what is known as "Mars opposition." Like a full moon, the red planet will be facing the Earth (opposition) and opposite the Sun on August 28, 2003. Mars will have reached its closest approach to the Earth in 60,000 years the day before on August 27 - only 34,650,000 miles away.


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