Part 2 – U. S. Presidents and UFO Investigations

President Ronald Reagan on left, wife Nancy, and on right, E.T. film director, Steven Spielberg, at White House screening in 1982. Photograph from Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California.
President Ronald Reagan on left, wife Nancy, and on right, E.T. film director, Steven Spielberg, at White House screening in 1982. Photograph from Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California.

Continued from Part 1:

October 28, 2003 - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Moments after the photograph above was taken in late June 1982, Steven Spielberg screened E.T.:The Extraterrestrial for President Ronald Reagan and First Lady, Nancy Reagan. Near the end of the movie, Reagan allegedly leaned over to Spielberg and stated, "You know, I bet there aren't six people in this room who know just how true this really is." (Source: Reagan Library)


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Part 1 – What Does NASA Know About 1965 Aerial Vehicle Crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania?

Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, is about 35 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, is about 35 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The unidentified aerial object reportedly fell at 4:47 p.m. on December 9, 1965, in a large wooded area near the village of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Aerial photograph © 1998 by Stan Gordon Productions.
The unidentified aerial object reportedly fell at 4:47 p.m. on December 9, 1965, in a large wooded area near the village of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Aerial photograph © 1998 by Stan Gordon Productions.

October 25, 2003 Greensburg, Pennsylvania - In 2002, former President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff, John Podesta, joined the Sci-Fi Channel in a request to the Bush administration to release all documents it has on the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania "UFO crash" of December 9, 1965.


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Science Data Reinforces Invisible “Dark” Matter and Energy Make Up 96% of Our Universe

 The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe's first detailed map of the oldest light in the universe. Cosmologists call it a "baby picture" of the universe. Colors indicate "warmer" (red) and "cooler" (blue) spots. The oval shape is a projection to display the whole sky; similar to the way the globe of the earth can be projected as an oval. The microwave light captured in this picture is from 379,000 years after the Big Bang, over 13 billion years ago. Source: WMAP NASA.
The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe's first detailed map of the oldest light in the universe. Cosmologists call it a "baby picture" of the universe. Colors indicate "warmer" (red) and "cooler" (blue) spots. The oval shape is a projection to display the whole sky; similar to the way the globe of the earth can be projected as an oval. The microwave light captured in this picture is from 379,000 years after the Big Bang, over 13 billion years ago. Source: WMAP NASA.

October 24, 2003  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - 2003 is turning out to be a pivotal year for cosmologists. In February, NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy (an-EYE-stro-pea) Probe - known as WMAP - made precise measurements of the oldest light in the universe, the microwave background radiation from the Big Bang. The map produced from the microwave data breaks our universe down this way:


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2003 “UFO Flap” in Ohio

Recent Headlines from Kenny Young's 
Ohio UFO Research

  • UFO SIGHTING: Hamilton, Ohio (Oct. 15, 2003)
    Upside down diamond, rotating multi-colored lights
  • "Deer Surveillance" Photo Catches Ohio Mystery
    Aberdeen (Ellsberry), Ohio (Brown County), Sept. 23, 2003
  • UFO SIGHTING: Franklin, Ohio (Sept. 24, 2003)
    Pattern of green flashing lights reported to Wright Patterson Air Force Base
    Highland County Press - Sept. 28, 2003
  • "Monster Object" said to roam Ohio skies
    Sighting of massive object, Gahanna, Ohio (Franklin County.), Sept. 22, 2003
  • Ohio Sightings Continue: Tremendous Object Alleged in Southern Ohio
    Adams County, Sept. 13, 2002 - Triangular UFO with sequence of flashing lights
  • Increase in Ohio UFO Activity - Canton, Akron & Proctorville, Ohio


Ohio in 2003 has had UFO reports from Hamilton in the south to Akron and Canton in the north and the Columbus region, including Gahanna. Crop formations were found in the Chillicothe region of large, ancient earthworks such as the Serpent and Seip Mounds.
Ohio in 2003 has had UFO reports from Hamilton in the south to Akron and Canton in the north and the Columbus region, including Gahanna. Crop formations were found in the Chillicothe region of large, ancient earthworks such as the Serpent and Seip Mounds.

October 17, 2003  Florence, Kentucky - Since August 2003, many Ohio residents have seen large, strange, unidentified objects in the sky. Many of those reports have reached Kenny Young, an award-winning TV producer-writer-director who works full time as InfoChannel Coordinator for the Telecommunications Board of Northern Kentucky in Florence, Kentucky. In his off-hours, out of personal curiosity, Kenny produces and reports the UFO Research website,


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Bright Aerial Object Over Camp Williams, Utah

 At 10:50 a.m. on October 16, 2003, a Utah National Guard NCO reported an "aircraft in distress" falling in the sky above Camp Williams south of Salt Lake City.
At 10:50 a.m. on October 16, 2003, a Utah National Guard NCO reported an “aircraft in distress” falling in the sky above Camp Williams south of Salt Lake City.

October 17, 2003  Salt Lake City, Utah – On Thursday, October 16, 2003, at 10:50 a.m. MT, a Utah National Guard NCO with several years in military service reported a “plane in distress” falling in the sky over Camp Williams south of Salt Lake City. As a precaution and in standard operating procedure in the event of a pending air crash, the Salt Lake City International Airport stopped two airliners from landing. But the FAA said there weren’t any aircraft in the area. When the NCO’s report reached higher authorities, NORAD at Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, became involved. As of this date, NORAD has not released any official statement about the NCO’s report. The unofficial guess is that the object was “probably a meteorite.”Click for report.

Is Our Universe Finite and Shaped Like A Dodecahedral Sphere?

"An analysis of astronomical data suggests not onlythat the universe is finite, but also that it has a specific, rather rigid topology (dodecahedral sphere). If confirmed, this is a major discovery about the nature of the universe." 

­  George F. R. Ellis, "The Shape of the Universe," Nature,
Vol. 425, October 9, 2003,


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Updated – Ohio Hunter’s “Deer Camera” Photographs Mysterious, Glowing Disk

 Aberdeen, Ohio, is thirty miles southwest  of the ancient Serpent Mound earthworks.
Aberdeen, Ohio, is thirty miles southwest of the ancient Serpent Mound earthworks.

October 10, 2003  Aberdeen, Ohio - Since August, I have reported about two extraordinary crop formations of unknown origin in Ohio soybeans. The first was near the ancient earthworks known as the Serpent Mound between Locust Grove and Peebles, Ohio. The second was on Paint Creek island near the ancient Seip Mound in Bainbridge, Ohio, about 30 miles north of the Serpent Mound. Paint Creek was reported September 28 by a local newspaper after a pilot flew over it. The exact date of its creation is not known, but investigators think it was probably created the same time as the Serpent Mound pattern first discovered on August 24, 2003.


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Part 2 – Cuban Megaliths and the Atlantis Question

Northeast of Cabo de San Antonio, marked in yellow, and down about one-half mile off the western tip of Cuba are large stones in rectangular and pyramidal shapes. There are also huge unidentified structures that have 90-degree corners and are spread along straight corridors on the white sea floor sand.
Northeast of Cabo de San Antonio, marked in yellow, and down about one-half mile off the western tip of Cuba are large stones in rectangular and pyramidal shapes. There are also huge unidentified structures that have 90-degree corners and are spread along straight corridors on the white sea floor sand.
Original high resolution side scan sonar images of large structures a half mile down on the white sand sea floor off the western tip of Cuba, received by an ADC International, Inc. expedition in 2000 directed by Paulina Zelitsky and Paul Weinzweig, Owners, Advanced Digital Communications International, Inc. of Havana, Cuba. Sonar images © 2000 by ADC International, Inc. and used with permission.
Original high resolution side scan sonar images of large structures a half mile down on the white sand sea floor off the western tip of Cuba, received by an ADC International, Inc. expedition in 2000 directed by Paulina Zelitsky and Paul Weinzweig, Owners, Advanced Digital Communications International, Inc. of Havana, Cuba. Sonar images © 2000 by ADC International, Inc. and used with permission.

October 5, 2003  Havana, Cuba - Three years ago when Paulina Zelitsky and Paul Weinzweig, co-owners of Advanced Digital Communications, saw the first side scan sonar images of the deep water structures off the western tip of Cuba, some underwater objects were dark as metals sometimes show up on magnetometers. I asked Paul if any more data supported the initial cesium magnetometer data which implied there might be metal coatings on some of the megalithic structures.


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Part 3 – Paint Creek Island, Ohio Crop Formation Photographs

October 5, 2003 Bainbridge, Ohio - The following photographs were taken by Jeffrey Wilson during his field investigation of the Paint Creek Island, Ross County, Ohio, formation in soybeans on September 28, 2003. The formation is four miles west of the ancient Seip Mound and about thirty miles from the Serpent Mound. This is the third formation at the mounds in 2003.

Paint Creek Island, near Bainbridge in Ross County, Ohio, formation in soybeans about 30 miles from the Serpent Mound pattern - both probably occurred around same date of August 24, 2003. Aerial photograph © 2003 by Dan Music and Jeffrey Wilson.
Paint Creek Island, near Bainbridge in Ross County, Ohio, formation in soybeans about 30 miles from the Serpent Mound pattern - both probably occurred around same date of August 24, 2003. Aerial photograph © 2003 by Dan Music and Jeffrey Wilson.


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Part 2 – Military Interest in Serpent Mound and Seip Mound Formations?

The first August 24, 2003, soybean formation was reported by Delsey Knoechelman a half mile from the Serpent Mound in Adams County going toward Locust Grove, Ohio. The second "Mercedes-Benz" pattern reported around September 9, 2003, was found four miles east of the Seip Mound outside Bainbridge, Ohio. The third Triskelion pattern at Paint Creek in Ross County was first seen by a pilot the end of August 2003, about two miles east of the Seip Mound.
The first August 24, 2003, soybean formation was reported by Delsey Knoechelman a half mile from the Serpent Mound in Adams County going toward Locust Grove, Ohio. The second “Mercedes-Benz” pattern reported around September 9, 2003, was found four miles east of the Seip Mound outside Bainbridge, Ohio. The third Triskelion pattern at Paint Creek in Ross County was first seen by a pilot the end of August 2003, about two miles east of the Seip Mound.

October 3, 2003  Bainbridge, Ohio –

Serpent Mound


Yes, I heard two stories in the past week about people who had gone to visit the Locust Grove, Adams County formation located just near the Serpent Mound. One gentleman said he was just out there on Sunday and there was a military helicopter that came over and hovered over the site less than 1000 feet up and then made several circling passes over it before it left. And I did hear kind of a vague report from someone who lives in the area that they were out at the formation site where they have not been allowing visitors into the formation. We were only allowed out there because of our agreement with the landowners.Click for report.