“Smoking Gun” Evidence That Liquid Water Has Flowed on Mars?

"The distributary fan's discovery provides clear, unequivocal evidence that some valleys on Mars experienced the same type of on-going, or persistent, flow over long periods of time as rivers do on Earth. ... and might be the strongest indicator yet that some craters and other depressions on Mars once held lakes."

­ Mike Malin, Ph.D., Planetary Geologist, Malin Space Science Systems

Hubble Telescope image of Mars and the largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris, that stretches for 2,500 miles (4,000 km). Image courtesy Space Telescope Science Institute.
Hubble Telescope image of Mars and the largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris, that stretches for 2,500 miles (4,000 km). Image courtesy Space Telescope Science Institute.


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Part 2: Unprecedented Number of Influenza “A” Complications and Deaths in Children.

Beyond this December 6, 2003, Influenza Activity map, Fujian and Panama  Influenza A have been reported in every state. Map courtesy Centers for Disease Control.
Beyond this December 6, 2003, Influenza Activity map, Fujian and Panama Influenza A have been reported in every state. Map courtesy Centers for Disease Control.

Updated – December 12, 2003  Little Rock, Arkansas The way the Fujian flu has hit so early and so hard in the Northern Hemisphere has left some seasoned doctors stunned. Dr. James Todd, Director of Epidemiology at Denver Children’s Hospital where at least four flu-related deaths have occurred, said this week, “In my 30 years on the job I’ve never seen an outbreak this bad.”
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Diatonic Ratios and Seed Changes in 2003 California Wheat Circles Rule Out Hoax?

Large pictogram pattern consisting of fifteen circles was reported in a Fairfield, Solano County, California wheat field on June 28, 2003. Aerial © 2003 by San Francisco Chronicle (Paul Chinn, Photographer).
Large pictogram pattern consisting of fifteen circles was reported in a Fairfield, Solano County, California wheat field on June 28, 2003. Aerial © 2003 by San Francisco Chronicle (Paul Chinn, Photographer).

December 5, 2003  Grass Lake, Michigan – The San Francisco Chronicle published a story yesterday about a crop formation that was discovered on June 28, 2003, in a wheat field near Fairfield, California in Solano County. There were fifteen circles in a pictogram pattern, the largest was 140 feet in diameter. A ball of light in the field was reported by two different witnesses from two different locations. Thousands of people traveled to the wheat field and national news carried aerial photographs of the crop circles. Then four teenagers claimed they put the wheat down, but the District Attorney did not believe their story. And now the current news report is that local investigators have concluded the pattern of circles was too sophisticated for any teenagers to have created it.Click for report.

Updated – 2003 Fujian Flu Could Be Worse Than 1968 Hong Kong Flu.


"I think at least 20%. So, we're talking about 50 million people at least in 2003-2004. And about 70,000 excess deaths."

- Paul Glezen, M. D., Virologist, Baylor College of Medicine

Transmission electron photomicrograph of an influenza virus particle, © Science Photo Library, GlaxoKlineSmith.
Transmission electron photomicrograph of an influenza virus particle, © Science Photo Library, GlaxoKlineSmith.

Updated - December 5, 2003 - Two influenza vaccine manufacturers announced today that they have shipped all their vaccines and will not have any more until the spring of 2004. So, if one doctor's office is out of flu shots, try another. Some offices and clinics have more flu vaccines than others.


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Glaciers Are Melting Around the World So Fast That Water Supplies Could Be Threatened

Left: In 1979, the dirty gray Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland reached far down the mountain slopes. But on the right, in 2002 - only 23 years later - the glacier is nearly gone and trees and plants are growing. Photographs courtesy World Wildlife Fund.
Above: In 1979, the dirty gray Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland reached far down the mountain slopes. But below, in 2002 – only 23 years later – the glacier is nearly gone and trees and plants are growing. Photographs courtesy World Wildlife Fund.

November 29, 2003 Milan, Italy – The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) released its new report this week about climate change and global glacier decline which headlines, “Unless governments take urgent action to prevent global warming, billions of people worldwide might face severe water shortages as a result of the alarming melt rate of glaciers.” Glaciers have contained 70% of the world’s freshwater reserves. But only a 4 degrees Celsius global temperature warming by the end of this 21st Century would “eliminate almost all of them.” Greenland ice sheets could be triggered to a complete melt-down with only a temperature increase of 2-3 degrees Celcius.Click for report.

UPDATED – 1954 Manual: “Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology” – Reasons It Is Authentic

"Basically what was on the 35mm negative is a 32-page manual dated 1954, which describes for special field units how to recover crashed flying saucers, how to take them apart, how to pack them, where to ship them, how to take care of the bodies and how to keep the public in the dark."

­ Robert M. Wood, Ph.D., Aerospace Engineer


November 19, 2003  Las Vegas, Nevada - This past weekend in Las Vegas was the first Majestic-12 UFO Crash and Retrieval Conference produced by Ryan Wood, President, Majesticdocuments.com. His father, Robert M. Wood, spoke at the conference about why he is convinced that a leaked document known as the TOP SECRET/MAJIC Majestic-12 SOM1-01 Training Manual for "Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal" is authentic. The training manual first appeared as 35mm black and white negative film in a package addressed to Don Berliner of the Fund for UFO Research in Maryland. The package was postmarked March 7, 1994 from LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and bore a return address of a pharmacy in LaCrosse. On the 35mm film were thirty-two pages of text and drawings and the fingers of whoever photographed the pages of the TOP SECRET/MAJIC classified manual.


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British UFO Crash Retrievals

November 7, 2003  Mederland, Texas - British journalist and now Texas resident, Nick Redfern, has been researching and writing for magazines, newspapers and books since graduating in 1983 with a 2-year college certificate in English literature and economics. His work has appeared in Military Illustrated, Eye-Spy, UFO Magazine and the London Daily Express. He is the author of four books: A Covert Agenda © 1997, The FBI Files © 1998, Cosmic Crashes © 2000 and Strange Secrets, Real Government Files on the Unknown, co-authored with Andy Roberts © 2003.


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Another Soybean Formation in Ohio

“We do not have enough evidence to conclude one way or the other that the formation is authentic or that it was hoaxed.”

– Jeffrey Wilson, Crop Formation Investigator

Upper circle flattened in soybeans was 45 feet 4 inches in diameter. All the other rings and flattened circles were about 28 feet in diameter. Field is in West Union, Ohio, south of the Serpent and Seip Mounds. The paths were made during the investigation. Aerial photograph © 2003 by Jeffrey Wilson.
Upper circle flattened in soybeans was 45 feet 4 inches in diameter. All the other rings and flattened circles were about 28 feet in diameter. Field is in West Union, Ohio, south of the Serpent and Seip Mounds. The paths were made during the investigation. Aerial photograph © 2003 by Jeffrey Wilson.

November 1, 2003  West Union, Ohio – This week, crop circle investigators Jeffrey Wilson, Roger Sugden, Ted Robertson, Delsey and Tony Knoechelman and several others went to see yet another crop formation in soybeans south of the Serpent Mound and Seip Mound where other soybean formations were found in August and September this year. This latest one was a little south of West Union on Route 41.Click for report.

Fifth Intense Solar X-Flare – What’s Happening On the Sun?

At 20:48 UT on October 29, 2003, the fifth intense solar X-Flare (near sun's center) in a week erupted on the sun, emitting light, x-rays, ultraviolet rays and plasma energies which will impact Earth yet again on October 30. Image courtesy Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).

October 29, 2003  Grenbelt, Maryland - Today at 20:48 UT (4:58 p.m. ET), the fifth intense solar X-Flare (10) in a week erupted on the sun. The massive Jupiter-sized sunspot known as 486 has been the source of two of the most powerful solar flares ever recorded in the X category that indicates most intense sunspot eruptions. The unprecedented series of five X-flares within a week began last Thursday, October 23, 2003, when there was a powerful X-sized solar flare, followed by two weaker X-flares. Then on Tuesday, October 28th, came the third largest solar flare ever recorded - an X 17.2. The strongest known is an X 20. That was followed on Wednesday, October 29th, with an X 10.


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Part 3 – Library of Congress Allegedly Prepared Two Reports About Extraterrestrials for President Jimmy Carter

"Attorney Danny Sheehan said that in one of two studies that were written at the Library of Congress for reading by President Jimmy Carter, the reports stated there are at least six extraterrestrial races from this galaxy visiting our planet. This was in one of the two official studies by the Library of Congress for the President of the United States."

- Grant Cameron, Director, www.presidentialufo.com

James Earl Carter, Jr., 39th President of the United States, 1977 to 1981.
James Earl Carter, Jr., 39th President of the United States, 1977 to 1981.


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