Part 8 – UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield

"The crashed UFO object 'looked like a whale.'"

To be more computer-upload-friendly, the reprints will be divided into parts. Here begins Part 8 of Status Report VII, from February 1994.

The following continues the July 1993 Ohio UFO Notebook article about an alleged Clovis, New Mexico UFO crash site in the late 1950s by William Jones, Director, Mid-Ohio Research Associates (M.O.R.A.) that was begun in Earthfiles, Part 7.

"M.O.R.A. Follow-Up Data from Ohio UFO Notebook July 1993 article by William Jones

According to Jake, he and his two friends had gotten into the area without being noticed. There were between 40 and 50 people in the area, some taking notes and measurements. Fire trucks, pickup trucks, wreckers, and jeeps were parked near the road they came in on. Several 'four-by' covered trucks were parked near the object which was located down in a river bed area. The object was sitting on the surface of the ground. It appeared that the object had come down, skipping over the surface of the ground before sliding down into the river bed. A telephone pole, a fence row, and a number of bushes and small trees had been knocked down.


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Martian Soil “Clumpy” – Electrostatic Binding of Dust?

"Scientists liken the alien soil to clumpy cocoa powder."

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

January 19, 2004  Pasadena, California - The Mars Exploration Rover Spirit deployed its robotic arm early Friday morning, January 16, 2004, to use its microscopic imager, one of four geological instruments located on the arm. The instrument will help scientists analyze and understand Martian rocks and soils by taking very high resolution, close-up images. The first surprise was the clumpy nature of the red soil and some planetary geologists wonder if an electrostatic binding of the dust could be at work.


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Earthfiles and Radio Audience Feedback About Anomalous Sky Objects

January 19, 2004  Jamison, Pennsylvania - The following are a selection of many e-mails that have come from radio listeners and readers since I reported about highly strange aerial objects in Napoleon, fifteen miles east of Horton, on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and at on the night of January 16-17, 2004.


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Huge Moving “Triangle of Stars” Over Alberta, Canada

Frame from computer animation of huge, moving "triangle of stars" observed in February 2003, over the Grande Prairie region of northern Alberta, Canada. Image based on eyewitness drawings © 2003 by Adgraphics.
Frame from computer animation of huge, moving "triangle of stars" observed in February 2003, over the Grande Prairie region of northern Alberta, Canada. Image based on eyewitness drawings © 2003 by Adgraphics.

January 18, 2004  Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada - A little after 7 p.m. MT in February 2003, on a very clear night outside Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, two grade school friends were sledding in a back yard until they saw a big triangular piece of the starry sky move. Neither wants their names to be used in this report, but I was able to interview now-11-year-old, "Sally," who is still in grade school with an interest in art and music. Her neighbor is a year older.


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Update on Horton, Michigan Ice Circle

Ice circle discovered on December 28, 2003, by local resident Vaughn Hobe at Mud Lake in Horton, Michigan, about fifteen miles south of Jackson. Photograph © 2004 by Todd Lemire, Michigan MUFON.
Ice circle discovered on December 28, 2003, by local resident Vaughn Hobe at Mud Lake in Horton, Michigan, about fifteen miles south of Jackson. Photograph © 2004 by Todd Lemire, Michigan MUFON.
Horton, Michigan, in Liberty Township is about fifteen miles south of Jackson where the odd Mud Lake ice circle was discovered December 28, 2003, by Horton resident, Vaughn Hobe.
Horton, Michigan, in Liberty Township is about fifteen miles south of Jackson where the odd Mud Lake ice circle was discovered December 28, 2003, by Horton resident, Vaughn Hobe.

January 16, 2004  Horton, Michigan – On January 3, 2004, reported about an “incredibly brilliant white light” that local resident, Vaughn Hobe, saw hovering over the hill above Mud Lake about a thousand feet from his house in Horton. When a large, nearly perfect circle was discovered in Mud Lake ice on December 28, 2003, many wondered if there was a link between the bright light and the ice circle. Some of the local residents say the cove end of the lake where the ice circle emerged has been called the “Devil’s Hollow” because people have seen so many strange lights there. In fact, over the past few years, near the same hill above Mud Lake, Vaughn Hobe has repeatedly seen large, orange glowing spheres at least 25-feet in diameter hovering in the sky. He says the orange is the color of a ripe pumpkin and that he has only seen one sphere at a time, never in groups. The closest approach was once about 200 feet away. The orange spheres have been stationary and then move off, seeming to dip down toward the hill beyond his house where he saw the bright, white bar of light on December 18, 2003.

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High Strangeness in the Napoleon, Michigan Sky

Napoleon, Michigan, is fifteen miles east of Horton where the bright light was seen on December 18, 2003, prior to the discovery of an ice circle at Mud Lake on December 28, 2003. Several Napoleon residents have seen highly strange aerial craft in January 2004.
Napoleon, Michigan, is fifteen miles east of Horton where the bright light was seen on December 18, 2003, prior to the discovery of an ice circle at Mud Lake on December 28, 2003. Several Napoleon residents have seen highly strange aerial craft in January 2004.

January 16, 2004  Napoleon, Michigan – Since the middle of December, residents of Horton and Napoleon, Michigan, west of Ann Arbor, have seen some very strange lights and objects in the sky. Another mystery was a large, nearly perfectly round ice circle discovered on December 28th at Mud Lake near Horton. The ice circle was probably created by Nature. But the sky objects are highly strange, returning to the same places, and changing shape in front of at least half a dozen people. One of the shapes included hawk-like wings.Click for report.

Part 2 – Is Dark Matter the “Heavy Shadow” of Light Matter?

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Quarks and leptons are the major atomic particle building blocks of the universe. The muon is in the bottom, center row. Image courtesy Fermi National Laboratory.
Quarks and leptons are the major atomic particle building blocks of the universe. The muon is in the bottom, center row. Image courtesy Fermi National Laboratory.

January 17, 2004  Urbana-Champaign, Illinois - Not everyone is certain that Supersymmetry of super atomic particles is the answer to Dark Matter. In fact, some theoretical physicists argue about whether the Brookhaven muon magnetic moment measurement is even a meaningful discrepancy.


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Spirit Is Moving in the Martian Crater

On January 15, 2004, at 3 a.m. ET, NASA's Spirit land rover finally moved out from its air bag-shrouded lander leaving tracks on the Martian soil of the Gusev crater. Image credit: NASA/JPL.
On January 15, 2004, at 3 a.m. ET, NASA's Spirit land rover finally moved out from its air bag-shrouded lander leaving tracks on the Martian soil of the Gusev crater. Image credit: NASA/JPL.

January 15, 2004  Pasadena, California - NASA reported early today after the 3 a.m. ET roll out of Spirit onto the Martian crater soil: "This image from the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit's rear hazard identification camera shows the rover's hind view of the lander platform, its nest for the past 12 'sols,' or Martian days. The rover is approximately 1 meter (3 feet) in front of the air bag-cushioned lander, facing northwest. Note the tracks left in the Martian soil by the rovers' wheels, all six of which have rolled off the lander. This is the first time the rover has touched Martian soil."


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President Bush Sets “New Course for America’s Space Program”

On January 14, 2004, President George Bush announced "new course for America's space program" at NASA Headquarters, Washington, D. C. Image courtesy NASA.
On January 14, 2004, President George Bush announced "new course for America's space program" at NASA Headquarters, Washington, D. C. Image courtesy NASA.

January 14, 2004  Washington, D. C. - At NASA's headquarters this afternoon, President George Bush was greeted by NASA Director Sean O'Keefe and Astronaut Mike Foale, who spoke from the International Space Station (ISS) orbiting Earth.

President Bush began, "Today we set a new course for America's space program. We will give NASA a new focus. We will build new ships to carry man forward into the universe to gain a new foothold on the moon and prepare for new journeys beyond Earth. ... We will expand human presence across our solar system."


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