Is There Living Green Algae in the Gusev Crater on Mars?

"Certainly like the green in the Gusev crater picture or by looking at the development of darker spots toward the South Pole which are tied to seasonal variations, it certainly gives rise to the speculation that there could be algae."

 - Michael McKay, European Space Agency


The center of the Gusev crater with the landing site of the NASA Spirit rover marked with a cross. The image was taken by the HRSC instrument in color and 3-Dimension on January 16, 2004, from a height of 320 kilometers (199 miles). Gusev is a large crater about 160 kilometers in diameter. Scientists believe that the crater was covered by standing water, maybe in the form of a lake, early in the history of Mars. Image by European Space Agency's Mars Express: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum).
The center of the Gusev crater with the landing site of the NASA Spirit rover marked with a cross. The image was taken by the HRSC instrument in color and 3-Dimension on January 16, 2004, from a height of 320 kilometers (199 miles). Gusev is a large crater about 160 kilometers in diameter. Scientists believe that the crater was covered by standing water, maybe in the form of a lake, early in the history of Mars. Image by European Space Agency's Mars Express: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum).

January 31, 2004 Darmstadt, Germany - The European Space Agency's Mars Express Orbiter has been exploring the red planet from 186 miles (300 kilometers) altitude. Its high resolution stereo camera has been sending back extraordinary color images. Some, like the Gusev crater image above, show green areas. Some like the Reull Vallis ancient river channel below show blue and blue-green regions.


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Unprecedented Outbreak of Avian Flu Has Killed Ten People in Asia

“The extent of this (avian flu) outbreak is unprecedented.”

-World Health Organization

South Korea dumps bags of potentially bird flu-infected chickens in Yangsan. Other countries also killing birds to stop the spread of avian flu are China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Laos and Taiwan. Photo © 2004 by AP.
South Korea dumps bags of potentially bird flu-infected chickens in Yangsan. Other countries also killing birds to stop the spread of avian flu are China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Laos and Taiwan. Photo © 2004 by AP.

January 29, 2004  London, England – The World Health Organization’s Director of the Influenza Collaborating Centre, Alan Hay, said this week, “The extent of this (avian flu) outbreak is unprecedented.” It is also virulent and jumping from birds to humans. The big medical fear is: What happens if the avian virus begins jumping from human to human? How fast and far could it spread? The worry is warranted. SARS in 2003 was also a virus that jumped from animals to humans and began spreading and killing rapidly.

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FDA Outlaws Cattle Blood in Livestock Feed

 The deadly prion disease known as "Mad Cow" in cattle attacks brains and spinal nerves. Affected tissues, if eaten in livestock feed, supplements or even cooked meals, can apparently transfer the distorted and destructive proteins from animal to animal or into humans.
The deadly prion disease known as “Mad Cow” in cattle attacks brains and spinal nerves. Affected tissues, if eaten in livestock feed, supplements or even cooked meals, can apparently transfer the distorted and destructive proteins from animal to animal or into humans.

January 27, 2004 Washington, D. C. – In its first act to change American laws since bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or “mad cow” disease, was found on December 23, 2003, in a Washington state Holstein cow, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that no more mammalian blood, blood products or chicken waste can be added to livestock feed. Further, no meat scraps from large restaurants can be recycled into cattle feed. Factories that make food for livestock and food for other animals that use cow ingredients will have to have separate production lines to guard against accidental contamination from the deadly prion proteins.

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Opportunity Lands on Mars – in “Muddy” Hematite?

 "I will attempt no science analysis, because it looks like nothing I've ever seen before. I've got no words for this. I am flabbergasted. I am astonished. I am blown away. Opportunity has touched down in a bizarre alien landscape."

- Steven Squyres, Principal Investigator, Cornell University

Above and below: Opportunity's panorama camera shows rocky "butte" surrounded by dark "sea of soil" that is thought to be grey hematite, a very different mineral from the iron, olivine and nickel soil that Spirit landed on in the Gusev crater. Image: NASA/JPL.
Above and below: Opportunity's panorama camera shows rocky "butte" surrounded by dark "sea of soil" that is thought to be grey hematite, a very different mineral from the iron, olivine and nickel soil that Spirit landed on in the Gusev crater. Image: NASA/JPL.

January 25, 2004  Pasadena, California - Opportunity, NASA's second rover, landed on Mars five minutes after 9 p.m. in California and after midnight on the East Coast as expected. Opportunity bounced down in its airbag-covered lander on to a smooth plane called Meridiani Planum near the equator half way around Mars from the Gusev crater where the first damaged rover, Spirit, landed on January 3, 2004. Opportunity's mission is to search for signs of water and its landing marks and the soil look even muddier than the Gusev crater's.


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Updated – Spirit Alive, But in “Critical” Condition. Mars Express Sees Water Ice and Ancient River Channel


NASA artist's concept of Spirit rover working in the Gusev crater on Mars. Image: NASA/JPL.
NASA artist's concept of Spirit rover working in the Gusev crater on Mars. Image: NASA/JPL.

Updated - January 24, 2004  Pasadena, California -

Spirit Communication Revived Briefly,
But Rover's In "Critical" Condition

On January 23, the flight team for NASA's Spirit rover finally received data from the silent robot in a communication session that began at 5:26 a.m. PST and lasted 20 minutes at a data rate of 120 bits per second. Spirit's response was provoked by a JPL command to Spirit at 5:02 PST via the NASA Deep Space Network antenna complex near Madrid, Spain, telling Spirit to begin transmitting about its problems.


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Oregon Man’s Experiences with High Strangeness

Milwaukee, Oregon south of Portland was location of November 2003 sighting by Michael McNeil.
Milwaukee, Oregon south of Portland was location of November 2003 sighting by Michael McNeil.

 January 24, 2004  Milwaukee, Oregon - 2004 has begun with some spectacular sightings of unidentified sky objects over the Napoleon, Michigan, region not far from where an unusually large ice circle was found in December. See: Earthfiles 011604. The more I investigated the ice circle, the more I learned from local residents about mysterious lights and unidentified flying objects haunting the area for years. In my recent, Dreamland and Coast to Coast AM radio news reports, I have presented some of those eyewitnesses.


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Are Military Jets Chasing UFOs in Bloomington, Indiana?

Bloomington, Indiana, has Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center to the southwest and the U. S. Army's Camp Attebury to the northeast.
Bloomington, Indiana, has Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center to the southwest and the U. S. Army's Camp Attebury to the northeast.


January 24, 2004  Bloomington, Indiana - John Tosti is 34-years-old, has lived in Bloomington, Indiana for the past twenty-seven years and at his current Bloomington address for the past decade. Over the years, he has seen several strange objects in the sky, but nothing as "weird" as what he and his family saw around 8 p.m. on January 23, 2004, right from their backyard.


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Spirit Rover’s First Martian Soil Analysis Has Surprises

This image shows the patch of soil scientists examined at Gusev Crater just after Spirit rolled off the Columbia Memorial lander. Image credit: NASA/JPL.
This image shows the patch of soil scientists examined at Gusev Crater just after Spirit rolled off the Columbia Memorial lander. Image credit: NASA/JPL.

January 21, 2004 Pasadena, California - Scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena yesterday were puzzled about the first soil examined by the Spirit rover in its alpha particle X-ray spectrometer as it begins its exploration of the Martian Gusev crater.


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