Updated with Navy Physicist: Unidentified, Invisible Aerial Objects Videotaped in Infrared by Mexican Air Force Pilots

Editor’s Note:  Many questions, including size and energy intensity of the Mexico objects, are yet to be answered. FLIR camera engineers are studying the infrared images. Earthfiles’ journalistic goal is to continue updating new information and refine technical facts as they are clarified. More updates and a special feature about infrared frequencies and infrared technologies will appear in upcoming Earthfiles reports. ]

May 13-14, 2004  Mexico City, Mexico – On April 20, 2004, independent TV producer and journalist, Jaime Maussan – who has worked in Mexico City media for thirty-two years – received a call from Mexico’s Secretary of Defense office. Jaime went the next day on April 21 to meet with General Clemente Vega Garcia, Secretary of Defense, and his staff. One of General Garcia’s challenges is to stop narcotics trafficking. He told Jaime that on March 5, 2004, Mexican Air Force pilots in the 501st Aerial Squadron were flying a Merlin C26A Bimotor airplane in a routine flight to look for aircraft trying to smuggle drugs near Ciudad del Carmen in the State of Campeche. The Merlin C26A was equipped with FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) StarSAFIRE II and RADAR APS 143 (V) 3 made by Telephonics (See websites below). In the war on drugs, infrared cameras are used to photograph the heat from airplanes trying to fly at night without navigation lights to avoid police.Click for report.

An Extraordinary Photograph in A Dutch Home

The fifth in a series of photographs taken by 24-year-old Robbert van den Broeke on May 6, 2004, between 3:32 a.m. and 4:14 a.m. (42 minutes) in the living room of his Hoeven, Holland home. Photograph © 2004 by Robbert van den Broeke.
The fifth in a series of photographs taken by 24-year-old Robbert van den Broeke on May 6, 2004, between 3:32 a.m. and 4:14 a.m. (42 minutes) in the living room of his Hoeven, Holland home. Photograph © 2004 by Robbert van den Broeke.

May 11, 2004  Hoeven, Holland - In the early morning of Thursday, May 6, 2004, 24-year-old Robbert van den Broeke - living at his parents' home in Hoeven, Holland - felt "a very strong mind around me" and the urge to get his Olympus digital camera and wait in front of a living room chair to photograph whatever appeared. He did not put the camera on a tripod. First, Robbert saw a faint mist which he photographed. The mist became denser and over the next 42 minutes, he took four more photographs. By the fifth photograph shown above, the mist had formed into the "alien" figure "sitting" in the living room chair in front of a framed photograph of the 2-year-son of Robbert's oldest sister, Saskya, twenty-seven.


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2003 English Crop Formations on Documentary DVDs

May 10, 2004  Clifton, England – Stuart Dike studied Architectural Technology in school and today works on housing designs for a building developer in Bristol, England. Stuart has always been affected by geometric patterns and when he went to Wiltshire in 1990 to see his first crop formation, he was haunted by the mysterious perfection of the pattern and wanted to know who, or what, was behind the patterns.

Thirteen years later in 2003, he and his Cropcircleconnector.com colleagues, Mark Fussell and Julian Gibson, decided that most of the seventy-three patterns in that English season would be archived in a documentary which the three men photographed and produced called, Out in the Fields, 2003 and another by Julian Gibson entitled Crop Circles: The Ultimate Undercover Investigation (See More Information below).

To order, click on DVD cover.
To order, click on DVD cover.

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Formaldehyde, Ammonia and Benzene Molecules on Mars? Would Probably Mean Life.

"Speculation is that already methane is a rather strong indicator life is probably present today on Mars. Just simply based on methane. ...Formaldehyde is destroyed in the Martian atmosphere within 7.5 hours. There is no way that formaldehyde can exist and remain for a long time in the Martian atmosphere. If (formaldehyde) confirmed, possibly life on Mars today, yes."

- Vittorio Formisano, Ph.D., Physicist

The Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) mounted on the Mars Express spacecraft in orbit around Mars has already confirmed a surprisingly large amount of methane in the Martian atmosphere. See 03/31/04 Earthfiles. If molecules of formaldehyde, benzene and ammonia are also confirmed, it would definitely mean biological life processes are at work on Mars. ESA 2001 Illustration by Medialab.
The Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) mounted on the Mars Express spacecraft in orbit around Mars has already confirmed a surprisingly large amount of methane in the Martian atmosphere. See 03/31/04 Earthfiles. If molecules of formaldehyde, benzene and ammonia are also confirmed, it would definitely mean biological life processes are at work on Mars. ESA 2001 Illustration by Medialab.

May 6, 2004  Rome, Italy - Back on March 31, 2004, I reported at Earthfiles.com that methane measurements in the Martian atmosphere are being analyzed by Physicist Vittorio Formisano, Ph.D., Principal Investigator of the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) which he built and is mounted on the European Space Agency's (ESA) Mars Express Orbiter designed to detect methane and other gaseous molecules. Dr. Formisano is based at the Institute of Physics and Interplanetary Science in Rome, Italy, and has been commuting to ESA offices in Darmstadt, Germany to gather more data from the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer in hopes that he will be able to confirm the location of one or more sources of the Martian methane. In March, he hoped he would be able to make a definitive statement at the European Geophysical Union (EGU) conference on April 26, 2004, in Nice, France.


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Seventeen Cattle, One Dog Die Mysteriously in Gilmer, Texas

Gilmer, Texas, is small ranching community 150 miles east of Dallas.
Gilmer, Texas, is small ranching community 150 miles east of Dallas.
Remaining herd on Ronnie Blasingame's ranch in Gilmer, Texas, after the mysterious die off of 17 animals the week of April 18-25, 2004. Photograph on April 30 © 2004 by KLTV, Channel 7, Tyler, Texas.
Remaining herd on Ronnie Blasingame’s ranch in Gilmer, Texas, after the mysterious die off of 17 animals the week of April 18-25, 2004. Photograph on April 30 © 2004 by KLTV, Channel 7, Tyler, Texas.

May 5, 2004 Gilmer, Texas – On Sunday, April 18, 2004, neighbor ranchers A. D. Varner and Ronnie Blasingame were out working when they found a dead cow on Mr. Blasingame’s ranch in Gilmer, Texas, aabout 150 miles east of Dalls. Ronnie started dragging it off and found another dead cow. While he was dragging that second cow off, he came across three more dead cows. All had a small amount of blood coming out of their mouth along with a large quantity of clear fluid. Neither rancher had ever seen animals die like that before.Click for report.

Part 3 – 25 Years After Three Mile Island, Is Another Nuclear Power Plant Disaster Inevitable?

“The Nuclear Regulatory Commission missed warning signs that the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (near Toledo, Ohio) had a massive hole in its reactor head because inspectors failed to notify officials at NRC headquarters of the findings. …The NRC Inspector General said it was the most extensive corrosion ever found on top of a U. S. nuclear plant reactor.”

– The News Herald, Port Clinton, Ohio, October 22, 2003

Leaking boric acid ate a 6-inch wide hole around the steel cladding of Nozzle #3 in the reactor head at the Davis Besse nuclear power plant near Toledo, Ohio. Discovered in 6-inch steel casing and photographed in March 2002. Plant shut down to avoid potential core melt down. Photograph from Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Leaking boric acid ate a 6-inch wide hole around the steel cladding of Nozzle #3 in the reactor head at the Davis Besse nuclear power plant near Toledo, Ohio. Discovered in 6-inch steel casing and photographed in March 2002. Plant shut down to avoid potential core melt down. Photograph from Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

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Part 2 – Ted Phillips’s Search for “Black Mirror” Cylinder in Slovakia

The Tatra mountains in which the cave and black, shiny cylinder were explored by Antonin Horak in October 1944, are west of Kosice, Slovakia.
The Tatra mountains in which the cave and black, shiny cylinder were explored by Antonin Horak in October 1944, are west of Kosice, Slovakia.

April 30, 2004  Branson, Missouri - Nearly thirty years ago, Ted Phillips was working closely with astronomer J. Allen Hynek, Ph.D., who consulted for the U. S. Air Force on Project Blue Book and later founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). Dr. Hynek was also a professor in the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University and director of its Dearborn Observatory.


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Part 1 – Ted Phillips Photographs Mysterious “Dover Lights”

The Piney River valley - ten miles north of Dover, Arkansas, and northeast of Fort Smith - has a long tradition of mysterious moving lights and green fog. Local residents call them the "Dover lights."
The Piney River valley - ten miles north of Dover, Arkansas, and northeast of Fort Smith - has a long tradition of mysterious moving lights and green fog. Local residents call them the "Dover lights."

April 29, 2004  Branson, Missouri - At the 2004 Eureka Springs, Arkansas UFO Conference three weeks ago, we heard new reports about mysterious glowing objects down in the Piney River valley that local residents since at least the 1800s have called "Dover lights." This year at the conference, Ted Phillips, Director of the Center for Physical Trace Research in Branson, Missouri, talked about his own recent encounter with the Dover lights on March 26, 2004, at "twenty minutes past sunset," or about 6 p.m. Central time. In Eureka Springs, Ted showed a series of color photographs as the lights appeared and changed patterns for a half hour, starting with one moving.


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GAO Report On Nuclear Security: “DOE Needs to Resolve Significant Issues”

Cover page of April 27, 2004, U. S. General Accounting Office (GAO) report for Cong. Christopher Shays, Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations in the Committee on Government Reform in the U. S. House of Representatives, Washington, D. C.
Cover page of April 27, 2004, U. S. General Accounting Office (GAO) report for Cong. Christopher Shays, Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations in the Committee on Government Reform in the U. S. House of Representatives, Washington, D. C.

April 27, 2004  Washington, D. C. – A General Accounting Office (GAO) report was released today about the Department of Energy (DOE)’s slow response since 9/11 to change its plans for dealing with terrorist threats at American sites containing nuclear weapons and/or nuclear materials such as plutonium. In fact, it’s now estimated that it will take until 2008 for DOE to implement its updated plan to deal with terrorist threats.

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