What Is Happening to Birds? Updated With Viewer Reports

Homing pigeons navigate by the sun and the earth's magnetic fields. Photograph © Acclaim Images.
Homing pigeons navigate by the sun and the earth’s magnetic fields. Photograph © Acclaim Images.

July 22, 2004 Stockholm, Sweden – Lloyd Jones reporting for Australia’s Herald Sun in Stockholm began a dispatch today:

“Homing pigeons vanish during race. Organizers of a race for homing pigeons were still scratching their heads in wonder today after about 1500 of the birds, famous for their ability to find their way home, went missing during the contest.”

Usually it takes the pigeons only two hours to return to their home lofts. But a member of the Malmoe Homing Pigeon Club, Lars-Aake Nilsson, said only about 500 of the 2000 pigeons flown in the contest have returned after the 150 kilometer flight between the cities of Ljungby and Malmoe in southern Sweden. “Click for report.

Part 1 – The Apollo Program, Cape Canaveral and UFOs

July 21, 2004  DeLand, Florida - On June 21, 2004, I received an e-mail from Jim Oglesby, a writer and retired U. S. Postal Service letter carrier who had worked for Bendix Corporation as a machine tool technician in its contract with the Apollo program at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Apollo 11 was the first mission to put the American flag and human footprints on the moon. Its commander was aerospace engineer Neil A. Armstrong. The lunar module pilot was USAF Col. Buzz Aldrin and the command module pilot was USAF Lt. Col. Michael Collins.

Left to right: 1969 Apollo 11 Commander Neil A. Armstrong; command module pilot USAF Lt. Col. Michael Collins; lunar module pilot USAF Col. Buzz Aldrin. Photograph courtesy NASA.
Left to right: 1969 Apollo 11 Commander Neil A. Armstrong; command module pilot USAF Lt. Col. Michael Collins; lunar module pilot USAF Col. Buzz Aldrin. Photograph courtesy NASA.


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Inside Job – Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies by Jim Marrs

“There is also the fact that NOAD-Northeast was conducting war game exercises that morning, a fact that has been very little talked about and certainly not reported to the general public. What’s also not been reported, according to the information that I have, at least one of the scenarios they were considering in their war game exercises concerned hijacked aircraft being crashed into buildings. Now, this could explain the lack of response when the air traffic controllers began to report that four planes were off course…”

– Jim Marrs, Author, Inside Job

For new book © July 2004 by Jim Marrs, click on cover to order.
For new book © July 2004 by Jim Marrs, Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies

 July 17, 2004  Wise County, Texas – Jim Marrs has been tracking down facts and trying to make sense of political stories in America since his college days as a journalism major at North Texas University in Denton. He graduated in 1966 and began a newspaper reporting and editing career at the Denton Record Chronicle, Lubbock Avalanche Journal and Fortworth-Star Telegram where he was an investigative reporter and cartoonist, and earned photography awards.Click for report.

Updated: Part 1 Beyond Hillsboro, Ohio, More Corn Down in New Milford, Connecticut


Left: Randomly downed corn discovered July 5, 2004, in Hillsboro, Ohio garden. Photograph © 2004 by owners. Right: Discovered July 13, 2004, more of a rectangle of downed corn about 40 feet long by 30 feet wide in Martha Bailey's garden, New Milford, Connecticut. Photograph © 2004 by David W. Harple, The New-Times.
Left: Randomly downed corn discovered July 5, 2004, in Hillsboro, Ohio garden. Photograph © 2004 by owners. Right: Discovered July 13, 2004, more of a rectangle of downed corn about 40 feet long by 30 feet wide in Martha Bailey’s garden, New Milford, Connecticut. Photograph © 2004 by David W. Harple, The New-Times.

     New Milford is about twenty miles west of Waterbury, Connecticut.

New Milford is about twenty miles west of Waterbury, Connecticut.July 15, 2004  New Milford, Connecticut – Yesterday, Kamilla Gary reported in The News-Times of Danbury and New Milford, Connecticut, about “Mystery of the maize: New Milford woman’s corn crop flattened overnight. Mid-garden damage defies explanation, son says.”Today I talked with Kamilla and the corn crop’s owner, Martha Bailey, who has lived at her New Milford home for three years. There is a 7-foot wire fence built around her garden of tomatoes, squash, yellow and white corn. The squash was about three feet high and the corn plants were nearly six feet high. But on Tuesday morning at 6 a.m., she had sat down to have coffee and was shocked when she looked out the window.Click for report.

Updates on Spanish Fork, Utah Barley Formation

Twenty-three feet to the east of the large central ring (small circle with standing crop nearest Chopper 5 logo), an "eyeball" addition was discovered on Sunday, July 4, 2004, after a local Spanish Fork, Utah, family reported seeing small white lights moving in that same area after 11 p.m. MST on Saturday, July 3, 2004. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Channel 5 KSL-TV, Salt Lake City, used with permission.
Twenty-three feet to the east of the large central ring (small circle with standing crop nearest Chopper 5 logo), an “eyeball” addition was discovered on Sunday, July 4, 2004, after a local Spanish Fork, Utah, family reported seeing small white lights moving in that same area after 11 p.m. MST on Saturday, July 3, 2004. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Channel 5 KSL-TV, Salt Lake City, used with permission.
The July 3 to July 4, 2004, Saturday night to Sunday "eyeball" addition is shown 23 feet to the east of the main large and original ring in the barley formation first discovered by the farm owners on June 26, 2004. After the July 4, 2004 addition, the overall formation measured 207 feet in length and 118 feet in width. Diagram © June 30, 2004 by Melissa Crumpton.
The July 3 to July 4, 2004, Saturday night to Sunday “eyeball” addition is shown 23 feet to the east of the main large and original ring in the barley formation first discovered by the farm owners on June 26, 2004. After the July 4, 2004 addition, the overall formation measured 207 feet in length and 118 feet in width. Diagram © June 30, 2004 by Melissa Crumpton.

July 13, 2004  Spanish Fork, Utah – Since my July 6, 2004 Earthfiles report about an addition to the Spanish Fork, Utah barley formation associated with the presence of mysterious small lights, I have talked with Channel 5 KSL television in Salt Lake City about returning to do a second aerial. KSL’s first aerial taken before July 1 is shown below. Today, KSL provided the new aerial image above which was videotaped on Tuesday, July 6, 2004. Spanish Fork resident Melissa Crumpton, a field worker for BLT Research which sampled plants and soil, also did a diagram of the formation after the July 4 addition. The overall pattern measured 207 feet in length and 118 feet in width.Click for report.

The Chapter 7 Bankruptcy of Dan and Deborah Burisch

July 13, 2004  Las Vegas, NevadaA month ago on June 12, 2004, I reported an update for Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM with George Noory about alleged government whistleblower and microbiologist, Dan Burisch. See: 06/12/04 Earthfiles and 05/19/04 Earthfiles. His Ph.D. allegedly was earned at State University of New York, Stonybrook (SUNY) in the 1986 to 1989 time period and paid for by the government, but no diploma or university confirmation has yet been provided.
Click for report.

Part 3: Whistleblower Microbiologist Dan Burisch Interview on June 7, 2003

"The biggest problem is to make sure that there are no human-created ERB (Einstein-Rosen Bridge) machines ("Star Gate" time machines). It sounds science fiction, I know, and it's hokey-sounding, OK? But we need to make sure there are none of those in existence which can automatically turn on when the next age begins on December 21, 2012. We are apparently going to cross over the plane of the galaxy in which there is a dense network of wormholes. There is supposed to be some sort of enlightenment. Whether or not that's the Christ event or whether that's a burp on a Sunday morning, I don't know what that's going to be."

-Danny B Burisch, Ph.D., Microbiologist

Dan B Burisch, Ph. D., Microbiologist, working in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2004. Photograph by BJ.
Dan B Burisch, Ph. D., Microbiologist, working in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2004. Photograph by BJ.

Click here for Part 1

May 23, 2004  Las Vegas, Nevada - On June 7, 2003, Bill Hamilton - then Executive Director of Skywatch International - was given permission by microbiologist Dan Burisch, Ph.D., to interview Dr. Burisch on-the-record as a whistleblower in a videotaped session attended by five other researchers with their own videotape cameras. The subjects were Dan Burisch's 1994 work with the J-Rod entity at the S-4/5 underground laboratory, Area 51, Nellis AFB, Nevada; the Doctrine for Converging Time Line Paradox (DCTP); and Dan's concern about the future of this planet.Here is Part 3 of that June 7, 2003, videotaped interview in Las Vegas, reviewed and corrected by Danny B Burisch, Ph.D. (His family says his middle initial has no period. See birth certificate in More Information below) In this section of the interview, questions were asked by Bill Hamilton and the others. The questions are ALL CAPS without specifying specific questioner, except where specifically noted for Bill Hamilton.


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Fourth 2004 Crop Formation in Poland Has Multiple Parts

West of Warsaw and fourteen miles south of Mogilno and Zabno (yellow on map) in the village of Wylatowo, the fourth pictogram for 2004 in Poland was reported on July 5, 2004. This is the third formation discovered near the Wylatowo farm village.
West of Warsaw and fourteen miles south of Mogilno and Zabno (yellow on map) in the village of Wylatowo, the fourth pictogram for 2004 in Poland was reported on July 5, 2004. This is the third formation discovered near the Wylatowo farm village.

July 7, 2004  Wylatowo, Poland – Robert K. Lesniakiewicz, Vice President of the CBUFOIZA (researchers in Poland who investigate unidentified aerial objects and crop formations) reports: “A new wheat crop formation in Wylatowo was examined by the Polish ufologists’ teams on July 6, 2004. That pictogram was found nearby the Wylatowo village on the morning of July 5, 2004. It is composed of four elements. Two were examined first: they are two circles of 6 and 9.5 meters in their diameters.

Click for report.

Mysteriously Downed Oat Plants in Eagle Grove, Iowa and Downed Corn in Hillsboro, Ohio

Eagle Grove, Iowa

Eagle Grove is north of Des Moines, Iowa, in Hamilton County.
Eagle Grove is north of Des Moines, Iowa, in Hamilton County.

July 6, 2004  Eagle Grove, Iowa –
KCCI-TV, The Iowa Channel 8 in Des Moines, reported last night that “a dozen spots” (patterns of downed plants) were found Saturday morning by Brenda and Mike Trevis in their oat field near Eagle Grove in north central Iowa. Some of the plants were described as “pushed over and broken at the roots in various shapes and sizes.”The Trevises called the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office and so far investigators report there was “no evidence of a person or animal going in or out of the field.” Further, there were no weather events before the weekend that could be linked to a cause of downed crop. Channel 8 provided me four frames from video they broadcast on July 5 .Click for report.

Additions to Spanish Fork, Utah Formation and Mysterious Lights Seen

Spanish Fork, Utah, is about 50 miles south of Salt Lake City.
Spanish Fork, Utah, is about 50 miles south of Salt Lake City.

July 6, 2004  Spanish Fork, Utah - Melissa Crumpton has gone more than once to the Spanish Fork, Utah, formation to measure the dimensions of its rings for Nancy Talbott's BLT crop and soil research project. The first time was after the farm owner reported the pattern on Sunday, June 27, 2004. That's when it looked like the aerial image below taken before July 1, by KSL-TV, Channel 5, from Salt Lake City. The large center ring measured 25 feet east to west and 24.5 feet north to south, almost a perfect circle. The pattern's overall dimensions were 207 feet by 118 feet, including the later addition of a fourth "eyeball" that appeared in two stages between Thursday, July 1, and Sunday, July 4. The KSL television aerial below does not show the "eyeball" addition. KSL might do more aerial photography and if so, this report will be updated. Melissa Crumpton is working on a new diagram that will show the additional feature with all the pattern's measurements.


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