Part 5: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch

"The things that went on out there (Clearview Ranch) left few doubts that they appear extraterrestrial and I have few doubts that they are not friendly. ...After the pilot crashed and other things occurred, I had no doubt that they (non-humans) can play rough. And the law officer encouraged me to accept that point of view. But again, if they are playing rough, they are up to something that I don't feel is ethical. I personally feel that something a whole lot more is going on."
- Colorado rancher

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"29. Friend Loses Physical Control

Jim: This leads us back to another incident. A friend of a friend who was in the Army came out to the ranch to visit. He knew nothing about it; this was just his trip to the country. He spent the night, but he would not go into the woods. He felt something was very wrong and he did not want to go out. We did not press him and we didn't discuss anything. The next morning when we got up, he was already up and was walking across the fields. He would walk stiltedly out and then turn and run back. He was doing that back and forth and everyone thought he was crazy. When we asked him what was going on, he said that every time he got near the house, something took control of him and forced him to walk back into the fields.


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Miamisburg and Serpent Mound, Ohio Crop Formations: Geometries Compared

Left: Miamisburg, Ohio, pattern in 8-foot-tall corn reported on September 1, 2004, near ancient Miamisburg Mound. Length 222 feet. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Jeffrey Wilson. Right: Pattern discovered by soybean farmer near ancient Serpent Mound in Locust Grove, Ohio, on August 17, 2003. Length 271 feet. "Eyes" in both patterns are Vesica Pisces geometries created by overlapping circles and both patterns have two small circles outside main pattern. Aerial photograph © 2003 by Jeffrey Wilson and Roger Sugden.
Left: Miamisburg, Ohio, pattern in 8-foot-tall corn reported on September 1, 2004, near ancient Miamisburg Mound. Length 222 feet. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Jeffrey Wilson. Right: Pattern discovered by soybean farmer near ancient Serpent Mound in Locust Grove, Ohio, on August 17, 2003. Length 271 feet. "Eyes" in both patterns are Vesica Pisces geometries created by overlapping circles and both patterns have two small circles outside main pattern. Aerial photograph © 2003 by Jeffrey Wilson and Roger Sugden.

September 22, 2004  Ellettsville, Indiana - Back on September 8, I posted an Earthfiles about possible balls of light reported by Ted Robertson and Jeffrey Wilson of the Independent Crop Circle Research Association's (ICCRA), who investigated the Miamisburg, Ohio formation in tall corn near the ancient Miamisburg earth mound. Included in that Earthfiles report was a geometry comparison between the 2004 Miamisburg Mound, Ohio, corn formation and the 2003 Serpent Mound, Ohio, soybean pattern researched and drawn by Bert Janssen of The Netherlands. The similarities shown below are remarkable.


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Part 2: Martian Water Ice and Organic Molecules – NASA Will Look for ‘Unique Signs of Life’ on Mars

"Is the overlap of methane and water on Mars evidence of geothermal activity on Mars? Or is it evidence of biology? That's the question which we all want to answer."

- Michael J. Mumma, NASA Astrophysicist

September 21, 2004  Greenbelt, Maryland - NASA scientists began searching for methane on Mars in 1989. By 2002, the NASA infrared facility in Hawaii with its high resolution spectroscopy began to detect methane. In 2003, the Mars Odyssey's neutron and gamma-ray sensors had tracked seasonal changes of carbon dioxide "dry ice" and water ice. As the dry ice dissipated with the seasonal changes in temperatures, water ice was confirmed to be 90% by volume in some places in the Northern Hemisphere.


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Part 2 – The Apollo Program, Cape Canaveral and UFOs

Previous Part 1

In 1968, Jim Oglesby did nightly sky watches for UFOs in Bithlo, Florida, about 32 miles west of Cape Canaveral. Back then, it was sparsely populated with ranches, a few homes, and a cluster of mobile homes.
In 1968, Jim Oglesby did nightly sky watches for UFOs in Bithlo, Florida, about 32 miles west of Cape Canaveral. Back then, it was sparsely populated with ranches, a few homes, and a cluster of mobile homes.

August 20, 2004  DeLand, Florida - By mid-September 1968, Jim Oglesby had been going out nightly to watch the skies around Bithlo, Florida, for the unidentified glowing objects he had been seeing there since New Year's Eve 1967. (See Part 1) In addition to the mysterious craft that seemed to provoke military helicopters and jets to arrive, Jim had seen both a red glowing "cigar" and an amber beam of light right above the orange grove at the edge of Pickett Lake in February to March 1968. Then about six months later on September 16, 1968, it was such a memorable evening that he wrote what happened in a journal he kept about all his sightings. That night, he was parked in front of the orange grove around 7:30 p.m. He had invited his mother, niece, and a friend and fellow employee named Larry Kelly, who brought along one of his friends.


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What’s Happening to U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment?

Amendment I

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


Photograph of original 1791 U. S. Constitution's Bill of Rights on permanent display in the National Archives Building, Washington, D. C.
Photograph of original 1791 U. S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights on permanent display in the National Archives Building, Washington, D. C.

August 19, 2004  Washington, D. C. – Yesterday in the nation’s capitol, U. S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, held five reporters in contempt and fined each $500 a day until they reveal their sources for stories about Los Alamos nuclear scientist, Wen Ho Lee. Lee has filed a lawsuit against the Departments of Energy and Justice, alleging that employees in those agencies were sources of private information about him and his possibly stealing classified information at the Los Alamos laboratory where he worked. Lee was indicted in December 1999 on 59 felony counts of mishandling nuclear weapons information. Subsequently, he was kept in solitary confinement for nine months until he agreed to plead guilty to one felony count. After Lee’s release in September 2000, he received an apology from then-President Bill Clinton.

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New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson Wants More Investigation of 1947 Roswell UFO Crash

August 18, 2004  Santa Fe, New MexicoA paperback book entitled The Roswell Dig Diaries has been published by Simon & Schuster’s Pocket Books in collaboration with cable’s SciFi Channel. The subject is the controversial crash of one or more unidentified flying objects in the desert north of Roswell. The word “dig” refers to archaeological efforts in the past few years at the alleged crash site which have been reported in documentaries broadcast on the SciFi Channel.Click for report.

NASA Has Launched Aura Satellite to Study Ozone-Destroying Chemicals in Atmosphere

"If we don't understand what we're doing to our home planet, we may drive ourselves all into extinction."

- Mike Tanner, NASA Scientist, Aura Satellite

Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data from 1979 to 1999 shows the growth of the ozone hole over Antarctica over twenty years. Images provided by NASA.
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data from 1979 to 1999 shows the growth of the ozone hole over Antarctica over twenty years. Images provided by NASA.

August 16, 2004  Cape Canaveral, Florida - As the ozone holes over the North and South polar regions have enlarged every year since monitoring began in 1979, the U. S. government and scientists agree it is important to study the Earth's atmospheric chemistry more closely. After several delays, NASA finally launched an environmental research satellite called "Aura" (Latin for "air" or "breath") on Sunday, August 15, 2004, from Vandenberg AFB in California.


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Oceans Are Absorbing A Lot of Greenhouse CO2. As Chemistry Changes, What Happens to Sea Life?

August 13, 2004 The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently released the results of a 15-year-long study to measure the total amount of dissolved carbon in the oceans ­ specifically carbon from rapidly increasing carbon dioxide emissions produced by human industrial activities. The startling finding is that between the year 1800 ­ the beginning of the Industrial Age ­ and the year 1994, the world’s oceans absorbed 118 billion metric tons of carbon! That is roughly HALF of all the CO2 that has been released from burning fossil fuels and cement manufacturing during those 194 years, according to Professor Christopher Sabine, Oceanographer at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is also on the oceanography staff of NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, where he has worked for five years since beginning the ocean water sampling studies at Princeton University back in 1992. I talked this week with Dr. Sabine about the amount of carbon absorption he and his colleagues found and what the impact could be on ocean chemistry and sea life.
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Part 15: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

Click here to see Part 1 of Status Report VI

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 15 of Status Report VI, from July 1991. These status reports were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report VII begins at Earthfiles 12/15/03. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.


The spree of saucer crashes in New Mexico and its environs during the post WWII era is now legendary. As more data comes in to support Roswell, and to give credence to others less publicized, even the most fastidious of critics in my reckoning have shown new interest - pro or con - in the crash/retrieval syndrome.


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Circles in Belgium and Holland

August 12, 2004 Since June 22, 2004, Belgium has had three reports of circles. Robert Boerman who produces the Dutch website,, e-mailed me the following comments in English about the Belgium incidents and talked with me by phone about two formations in Holland that he thinks are genuinely mysterious.

Belgium Crop Formations – Genuine and Hoaxes?

1) Heers, Limburg, Belgium – June 22, 2004

“Pictogram of three ring circles connected by arcing pathways in wheat. Dimensions unknown. Could be genuine.”

Pictogram reported in wheat on June 22, 2004, Heers, Limburg, Belgium. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Tommy Borns.
Pictogram reported in wheat on June 22, 2004, Heers, Limburg, Belgium. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Tommy Borns.

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