Part 1: Martian Water Vapor and Methane Overlap in Equatorial Regions

"A symbiosis of methanogenic bacteria with methanothrophic bacteria in the Martian underground can be an alternative interpretation (to geothermal) and looks more likely."

- Vittorio Formisano, Ph.D.

New in-depth analysis of PFS data by European Space Agency confirms that methane is not uniform in the Martian atmosphere, but concentrated in some areas. The PFS team observed that the areas of highest concentration of methane overlap with the areas where NASA identified water vapor and underground water ice are also concentrated. This spatial correlation between water vapor and methane seems to point to a common underground source. Spectra of red-colored atmospheric CH4 methane and other gases, and W water vapor, from European Space Agency (ESA)
New in-depth analysis of PFS data by European Space Agency confirms that methane is not uniform in the Martian atmosphere, but concentrated in some areas. The PFS team observed that the areas of highest concentration of methane overlap with the areas where NASA identified water vapor and underground water ice are also concentrated. This spatial correlation between water vapor and methane seems to point to a common underground source. Spectra of red-colored atmospheric CH4 methane and other gases, and W water vapor, from European Space Agency (ESA).

September 20, 2004  Ischia Island, Italy - Today at the International Mars Conference held September 19-23, by the Italian Space Agency, physicist Vittorio Formisano, Ph.D., presented results from his analysis of the Martian atmosphere in a paper entitled, "Observation of Methane, Formaldehyde and HS (hydrogen sulfide): Extant Life On Mars?" Dr. Formisano designed the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) for placement on the European Space Agency's Mars Express Orbiter. Back on May 6, 2004, when I interviewed him for Earthfiles and radio, he said his PFS data indicated molecules of formaldehyde in the Martian atmosphere and told me, "Formaldehyde is destroyed in the Martian atmosphere within 7.5 hours. There is no way that formaldehyde can exist and remain for a long time in the Martian atmosphere. If (formaldehyde) confirmed, possibly life on Mars today, yes."


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Cat 4 and 5 Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Ivan in Four Weeks – Unprecedented in American Recorded Weather History

A rare view from inside the eye of a hurricane - this was Hurricane Allen on August 7, 1980. At the time this photo was taken, Allen was just entering the Gulf of Mexico through the Yucatan Channel. Scientists aboard a reconnaissance flight into the storm measured a barometric pressure of 26.55 inches (899 mb) and sustained winds of 190 mph. Photo courtesy NOAA Photo Library 1980.
A rare view from inside the eye of a hurricane - this was Hurricane Allen on August 7, 1980. At the time this photo was taken, Allen was just entering the Gulf of Mexico through the Yucatan Channel. Scientists aboard a reconnaissance flight into the storm measured a barometric pressure of 26.55 inches (899 mb) and sustained winds of 190 mph. Photo courtesy NOAA Photo Library 1980.
Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Ivan between August 13 to September 14, 2004, have been Category 4 and 5, an unprecedented event in American recorded weather history. The National Hurricane Center says Ivan has had the 6th lowest barometric pressure on record. Hurricane intensity is measured using the Saffir-Simpson Scale, ranging from one (1) (minimal) to five (5) (catastrophic). Cat 3-5 hurricanes have caused over 70% of American natural disaster damage. Source NC Division of Emergency Management Hazard Mitigation Section.
Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Ivan between August 13 to September 14, 2004, have been Category 4 and 5, an unprecedented event in American recorded weather history. The National Hurricane Center says Ivan has had the 6th lowest barometric pressure on record. Hurricane intensity is measured using the Saffir-Simpson Scale, ranging from one (1) (minimal) to five (5) (catastrophic). Cat 3-5 hurricanes have caused over 70% of American natural disaster damage. Source NC Division of Emergency Management Hazard Mitigation Section.

September 14, 2004  Greenbelt, Maryland - In a four-week-period from August 13 to September 16, 2004 - for the first time on record in American weather history - three major Category 3 to 5 hurricanes made landfall in the southeastern United States. Charley intensified to a Category 4 hurricane and made landfall with winds of 145 mph, and gusts that topped 180 mph in Punta Gorda which was devastated along with Port Charlotte on August 13. Charley cut a huge swath of upturned trees, downed power lines, flattened trailer homes, destroyed houses and businesses all across central Florida, including Orlando, and killed at least 27 people.


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Part 4: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch

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"25. Don't Trust Senses Unless Two or More See

Barbara: Really, we did not mention the fact that often when the wall pounding was going on, or when there would be a larger number of disks, or the animal would be around more ­ quite often all the electricity would go off. I absolutely freaked out if anybody wanted to go out and check the breaker on the corral until after things had calmed down. We would check house breakers and eventually, go out to the corral and the breakers would be on out there. We developed a system of nobody going by themselves and nobody making a big issue out of something that at least two people did not see or hear. It was too easy to get paranoid. Once I went out the back door and heard this horrible sound in the corral and screamed and freaked out and came running in. Everybody went out with flashlights and it was a cow that had gotten trapped in the corral. It's very easy to get into that (mind set) and I could see my children doing it. Everything strange that happened ­ a sudden wind storm that came up, a sudden fog that would roll in ­ would be the space creatures. It was becoming an absolutely paranoid thing ­ it was very frightening.


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Part 3: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch

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"16. Plane Crashes

Jim: Also, during that period, two airline pilots and the son of one of them came out and wanted to put a landing strip on our land in exchange for my use of their plane. I agreed. About three weeks later, one of them and two others were killed in a crash nearby in clear weather. The plane was found in the daytime, but I don't know if it happened in the day or at night. Others who have inquired deeply into the mutilations, I understand, have disappeared, including the editor of a magazine who was never seen again. I also understand that two National Guard interceptors were up close to here and went down while in pursuit of a UFO at night. All of this was a little unnerving, so I decided I was going to stop my own inquiry. I was going to just quietly mind my own business.


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Updated: Part 1 – High Strangeness in Canadian Cattle Corn

September 17, 2004  Vancouver, B. C. Canada – Canada has reported crop formations since the mid-1990s all over the provinces ­ but the region that has always had the most patterns for whatever reason has been Saskatchewan. Until 2004.

Currently, Paul Anderson, Director of the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network – known as CCCRN – has a total of twelve crop formations reported in eleven sites, starting on on May 26, 2004, at Nahanni Butte, Northwest Territories.Click for report.

Part 2: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch

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“4. First Mutilation

Jim: Shortly after that, the oldest boy, Joe, had his friends out from Denver. They were out going through the woods ­ this was a Sunday morning ­ and they found our first mutilated cow about 200 yards from the house up over the hill. They came back in a panic. They were both 16-years-old. It was snowing heavily and we decided the first thing to do was get into town and get the law officer. The boys were pretty upset and we took some time to talk to them because they felt that something was following them to get them. I assumed it was a natural paranoia.We went out and I followed the route and we found huge footprints that had followed them all the way from the cow to the horse barn and the footprints were even in the soft manure inside the horse barn. They were, I guess, 18 inches long. I didn’t measure them, but they were quite large ­ what you would call a ‘big foot’ footprint.Click for report.

Part 1: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch

"(The law officer) explained to me that they knew what the mutilations were and they had known for some time. They only report one out of four and in this county alone, there had been over 400 reports by that time. It was being done by extraterrestrials and they had spoken to the FBI about it."

- 1978 Clearview Report, APRO

Portion of my original 1979 map that I wrote on concerning animal mutilation sites and the Clearview Report location between Elizabeth and Kiowa in Elbert County, Colorado, while the television crew and I produced the documentary A Strange Harvest which first broadcast on May 28, 1980 on KMGH-TV, Channel 7, Denver, Colorado.
Portion of my original 1979 map that I wrote on concerning animal mutilation sites and the Clearview Report location between Elizabeth and Kiowa in Elbert County, Colorado, while the television crew and I produced the documentary A Strange Harvest which first broadcast on May 28, 1980 on KMGH-TV, Channel 7, Denver, Colorado.

September 13, 2004  Elbert County, Colorado - While I was working as Director of Special Projects producing documentaries at KMGH-TV, Channel 7 (then CBS) in Denver, Colorado, I began an investigation in the fall of 1979 into the mystery of bloodless animal mutilations. Hundreds of animals around the world in 1979 had been found dead with the same pattern of tissue removed from the head, belly and rectal area without blood, tracks or signs of struggle. The phenomenon was not new. The first mutiltion reports went back to at least the early 1960s. But in 1979, there was an increase in the number of reports in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Law enforcement, ranchers and even fellow journalists had seen unidentified lights in the sky over pastures. In addition to unidentified lights, there were silent, black helicopters often associated with regions of ongoing mutilation reports. Sometimes those black helicopters dissolved into mist, according to eyewitnesses. Other times, there were loud sounds of what seemed to be a helicopter or low-flying jet over ranches, but no source of the sound could be seen.


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Update on Miamisburg, Ohio, Corn Pictogram – Balls of Light?

Miamisburg, Ohio, and its famous mound are fifty miles northwest of Hillsboro, which is also in the Hopewell ancient mound region. In 2003, there were several complex crop formations in soybeans in the mound region east and south of Hillsboro. See 09-06-03 Earthfiles.
Miamisburg, Ohio, and its famous mound are fifty miles northwest of Hillsboro, which is also in the Hopewell ancient mound region. In 2003, there were several complex crop formations in soybeans in the mound region east and south of Hillsboro. See 09-06-03 Earthfiles.
Large pictogram measured 220 feet in 8-foot-tall Miamisburg, Ohio, corn field reported September 1, 2004. See 09-02-04 Earthfiles. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Jeffrey Wilson.
Large pictogram measured 220 feet in 8-foot-tall Miamisburg, Ohio, corn field reported September 1, 2004. See 09-02-04 Earthfiles. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Jeffrey Wilson.

September 8, 2004  Miamisburg, Ohio – On September 2, 2004, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time, Jeffrey Wilson called me on his cell phone while standing in the middle of “the most impressive corn formation” he has ever seen. Jeff, based in Cincinnati, Ohio, is Director of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association (ICCRA). With him was colleague Ted Robertson, (B.S. Biology, Indiana University) from Ellettsville, Indiana, who makes detailed diagrams of crop formations and who was taking photographs at the time Jeff was talking with me on the phone.Click for report.

Part 1: Terry Sherman – 1996 Interview About High Strangeness on Fort Duchesne, Utah Ranch

South of Ft. Duchesne, Utah, is the 480-acre ranch owned by Terry and Gwen Sherman from 1994 to 1996 and now owned by the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS).
South of Ft. Duchesne, Utah, is the 480-acre ranch owned by Terry and Gwen Sherman from 1994 to 1996 and now owned by the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS).

September 6, 2004  Fort Duchesne, Uintah County, Utah - In June 1996 when I was reporting about the unidentified bismuth and magnesium layered metal that allegedly came from bottom of a wedge-shaped craft in 1947 at White Sands Missile Range (See 03-26-04 Earthfiles), I received a call from longtime Utah Bigfoot, crop circles and UFO researcher, Ryan Layton. He wanted me to interview a rancher named Terry Sherman. Two years before in 1994, Terry and his wife, Gwen, had moved to a 480-acre cattle ranch in central Utah south of Fort Duchesne after the owners passed away. It was not long before the Shermans noticed circles in their pasture grass and cattle missing and mutilated at the same time that unidentified aerial objects showed up. After two years of high strangeness, the Shermans wanted to move again - away from the ranch. Here for the first time at Earthfiles are several excerpts from my June 30, 1996, interview that was broadcast on Dreamland with Art Bell.


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