Another “Chupacabra” Shot in Texas

“At first glance, you would think of a deer’s head
on a kangaroo’s body.”

– Stacey Womack, Dog Breeder

October 8, 2004, photograph of the unidentified animal soon after it was shot in the right eye by Stacey Womack's brother in Pollok, Texas. Digital image © 2004 by Stacey Womack.
October 8, 2004, photograph of the unidentified animal soon after it was shot in the right eye by Stacey Womack’s brother in Pollok, Texas. Digital image © 2004 by Stacey Womack.

October 14, 2004  Pollok, Texas – What are the grey, hairless, animals that people have seen – and shot ­ in Texas? Back in May this year, Elmendorf, Texas farmer, Devin McAnally, shot an animal eating mulberries that he also thought was killing his chickens. Devin was amazed that his bullets did not cause bleeding on the strange, grey body. See photo at end of this report and 07-31-04 Earthfiles. I was interested in the odd body because I had investigated the “chupacabra” mystery in 1996 in both Puerto Rico and the southern United States. Many locals described a grey-colored kangaroo-like creature with long teeth which was blamed for hundreds of punctures in chickens, rabbits and other farm animals, including some goats and dogs that were still alive after bloodless holes in their forehead bone or neck. Chupa = sucker and cabra = goat.Click for report.

Rapid Increase of Greenhouse Carbon Dioxide in 2003-2004

October 13, 2004  Tromso, Norway – Today in London at the annual Greenpeace business lecture, disturbing recent greenhouse data from America’s Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, Britain’s Hadley Center and the Norwegian Institute for Air Research will be discussed. In 2002 and 2003, the average rise in the amount of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere rose from about 1.5 parts per million by volume to as much as 2.54 ppm. Some atmospheric scientists worry that such a sudden and rapid increase in greenhouse CO2 is linked to rising global temperatures. If the CO2 continues to increase rapidly for the next five to ten years, it could mean that even the soil of our planet is warming to the point that it more easily releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Click for report.

Part 1: Texas Case of Shape-Shifting Human-to-Reptilian.

October 10, 2004  Texarkana, Texas - When I was writing Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Facts & Eyewitnesses (See: Earthfiles Shop), I included a chapter entitled "Other Beings." In it, there are fifty drawings by people from coast to coast in the United States who, over the past several decades, have reported conscious encounters with a variety of non-human entities and submitted drawings to me about those encounters. 


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Part 2: Texas Case of Shape-Shifting Human-to-Reptilian

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October 10, 2004  Texarkana, Texas -

Second Encounter

R. S.: "The second incident was about seven years ago (1992). I knew a woman in Atlanta, Texas, named Brenda. She was about two or three years older than me. She was a registered nurse (R. N.). I met her through a metaphysical class. She was very much into holistic healing. She was very much into UFOs. B talked about them quite freely. She said she could command them, as far as her choice of words ­ she said she could communicate with them when she desired to. Usually it was between 3 and 4 a.m. She could go to one particular window of her house and they would communicate with her, she said. We talked about that quite a bit.


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Exploding Stars: Investigating the 1604 and 1987 Supernovas

October 7, 2004  Baltimore, Maryland - Supernovas are stars that explode. Those exploding stars are either small, very dense white dwarfs or massive red giants. The star literally blows apart and unleashes a spherical shock wave that expands outward at more than 22 million miles per hour (10,000 kilometers per second.) Modern astronomers can usually determine which stars caused specific known supernovas. But there is one that still baffles astronomers. 


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Is NRC Making Terrorist Work Easier? Radioactive Material Sites On U. S. Government Website

“The Nuclear Regulatory commission (NRC) tracks radioactive materials at more than 21,000 sites through routine applications for license renewals that those sites must file with the government (NRC). …Documents for one well-known Northeastern university included a floor plan of the building showing the office and vault where the (radioactive) materials are kept.”

– The Patriot-News, October 3, 2004

October 6, 2004  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – Today the State Department offered a $5 million reward for Al Qaeda leader, Adnan El Shukrijumah, who last year allegedly posed as a student at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, in an effort to steal radioactive materials from the university’s five-megawatt nuclear research reactor. The terrorist’s goal: to cause another “9/11” by constructing and blowing up a dirty radioactive bomb in the United States. American authorities also think El Shukrijumah directed Al Qaeda surveillance efforts of the financial districts in New York City, Washington, D. C., and Newark, New Jersey this summer that provoked Homeland Security to increase terror alerts for those cities to Code Orange. Click for report.

Part 18: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

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To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 18 of Status Report VI, from July 1991. These status reports were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report VII begins at Earthfiles 12/15/03. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.


South Africa, irrespective of its apartheid problem, is a modern, progressive, high-tech nation reported to be in possession of nuclear weapons. It is a likely spot on the globe for UFO surveillance - if technological modernity is a reason. Accordingly, reports abound in that region going back to the early 1950s. Such include landings, close encounters with strange entities and a crash of a saucer near Johannesburg in 1953 which, to my surprise, was confirmed by a CIA person with whom I had contact in the late 1970s, especially during the period when I began my probes into the C/R syndrome. Albeit, thanks to Cynthia Hind, a resident of Zimbabwe, and a veteran MUFON researcher, many well-investigated UFO reports in South Africa and its contiguous countries, have reached the rest of the world. 


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Earthquake Swarms At Mt. St. Helens, Washington

“Where we are now (September 27) is that the largest earthquakes are just a little bit below magnitude 2. They are still occurring at a pretty good clip of 1 or 2 per minute and it’s basically been in a holding pattern over the last twelve hours.”

– Seth Moran, Ph.D., USGS Seismologist, Vancouver, WA.

Mt. St. Helens has averaged an eruption every 100 years or so. The last big one above was May 18, 1980. The current earthquake swarms could be building up to steam release. Image © 1980 by Austin Post.
Mt. St. Helens has averaged an eruption every 100 years or so. The last big one above was May 18, 1980. The current earthquake swarms could be building up to steam release. Image © 1980 by Austin Post.

September 27, 2004 Vancouver, Washington –


Seth Moran, Ph.D., Seismologist, U. S. Geological Survey, Vancouver, Washington: “On Wednesday, September 21, 2004, we started seeing more earthquakes than we usually see at Mount St. Helens. We usually see maybe one a day. Wednesday, there was a notable increase. Then running through Thursday, September 22, we started seeing a lot of earthquakes occurring maybe one a minute. They were all very small, very shallow, and after awhile, the seismicity rate declined and on Friday, kind of went down and looked like it was going away.Click for report.

Bio-Nanotechnology Breakthrough: Building “Nanomotors” and “Nanostructures” with RNA

Left: Human red blood cells = 7 micrometers (microns). Middle: Influenza viruses = about 80-100 nanometers.  Right: SARS coronavirus = 100 nanometers.  1 micrometer (micron) = 1 / millionth of a meter (39.37 inches) 1 nanometer = 1 / billionth of a meter
Left: Human red blood cells = 7 micrometers (microns). Middle: Influenza viruses = about 80-100 nanometers. Right: SARS coronavirus = 100 nanometers.

1 micrometer (micron) = 1 / millionth of a meter (39.37 inches) 1 nanometer = 1 / billionth of a meter

August 21, 2004  West LaFayette, Indiana - When you enter the world of bio-nanotechnology, you are so small that if one nanometer were the size of a single pea, a regular meter of 39.37 inches would be the size of the Earth! In that nano world, virus sizes vary from 18 to 300 nanometers.


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