North Pole Summers Without Ice?

Global Climate Model Projections - Arctic Surface Air Temperature60N - Pole: Change from 1990 to 1999 Mean. Source: International Arctic Research Center (IARC). 
Global Climate Model Projections – Arctic Surface Air Temperature60N – Pole: Change from 1990 to 1999 Mean. Source: International Arctic Research Center (IARC).

November 2, 2004  Fairbanks, Alaska – More than 250 scientists and six circumppolar organizations, which have participated in the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, will meet November 9-12, 2004, in Reykjavik, Iceland, to discuss recent warnings in the International Arctic Research Center’s (IARC) new report prepared for the eight nations around the Arctic Circle: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States.Click for report.

Part 1: Update On Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, UFO Case. See Upcoming Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, November 12 – 14

Upcoming 2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference.
See you in Las Vegas in November!    Click on banners above.

October 28, 2004  Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada - In two weeks, the Second Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference will be held at the Sunset Station Hotel in Henderson, a suburb of Las Vegas, Nevada. The speaker line up features Canadian researchers Grant Cameron and Don Ledger; British researcher Nick Redfern and American investigators including myself, Jim Marrs, Peter Robbins, Dr. David Pace, Stephen Bassett, Dr. Robert M. Wood and his son, Ryan Wood. The subject matter focuses as much as possible on documents and eyewitnesses about government knowledge and cover-up of non-human technologies and entities which have been retrieved in crashes since at least the 1940s. 


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Part 2: Update On Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, UFO Case. See Upcoming Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, November 12 – 14

Upcoming 2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference.
See you in Las Vegas in November!    Click on banners above.

Click to Part 1

Shag Harbour and nearby Clark's Harbour are at the southern tip of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Shag Harbour and nearby Clark's Harbour are at the southern tip of Nova Scotia, Canada.

Interview (cont):

Don Ledger, Retired Civil Servant Sound Engineer and TV Producer-Director, Province of Nova Scotia (employed 34 years); and author Maritime UFO Files © 1998, Swissair Down (Flt. 111) © 2000; Dark Object (Shag Harbour) © 2001:

Canadian and American Military Investigation for Seven Days


The whole event took place over a period of seven days. I think it was two objects, not just one, which went into the water and made their way out of the sound next to the harbor and traveled northeast up the coast and settled on the bottom off the mouth of Shelburne Harbor.


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Veterinarian Examines Pollok, Texas Carcass

Stacey Womack dug up the animal her brother shot on October 8, 2004, and delivered it to Dr. Craig Wood's East Texas Veterinary Clinic in Lufkin, Texas, on Wednesday, October 20, 2004. Photograph © 2004 by Craig Wood, D.V.M.
Stacey Womack dug up the animal her brother shot on October 8, 2004, and delivered it to Dr. Craig Wood’s East Texas Veterinary Clinic in Lufkin, Texas, on Wednesday, October 20, 2004. Photograph © 2004 by Craig Wood, D.V.M.

See: 10-14-04 Earthfiles and 10-20-04 Earthfiles. October 22, 2004

Lufkin, Texas – On Monday, October 18, I contacted veterinarian, Craig Wood, D.V.M., at the East Texas Veterinary Clinic in Lufkin, Texas, to see if he would be willing to excise the head and other body parts from the animal Stacey Womack’s brother shot on October 8, and ship to a veterinarian DNA diagnostic laboratory. Dr. Wood agreed to help if Stacey would dig up the animal and deliver to his clinic. On Wednesday, October 20, Stacey drove the skeleton enshrouded with dark hide to Dr. Wood’s office. Given controversial headlines about “chupacabras” connections, I asked him for his professional assessment.Click for report.

1948 Aztec, New Mexico UFO Crash: Policemen, Disk and Humanoids

October 22, 2004  Charlotte, North Carolina - On April 9, 1983, I was at Kirtland Air Force Base's Office of Special Investigations in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to interview an AFOSI Special Agent named Richard Doty. He showed me an alleged briefing paper for the President of the United States about "unidentified aerial vehicles" and entities. One of the pages contained a list of locations where American military and intelligence units had retrieved aerial vehicles described as "extraterrestrial," along with humanoid bodies - both dead and alive. In addition to the well known name Roswell, other sites on the crash retrieval list included Magdalena near the Plains of San Augustin; Kingman, Arizona; northern Mexico south of Loredo, Texas; and Aztec, New Mexico. See other Earthfiles Aztec crash reports in More Information below. 


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Mysterious Deaths of Squirrels in Michigan

October 22, 2004  Lansing, Michigan – Several incidents of unexplained animal deaths have been reported recently.

  • Two steers and one heifer were found dead and mutilated in Craig, Colorado, last week. Their genitals had been removed. No evidence about how the deaths were accomplished. The Moffat County Sheriff’s Office asked a Colorado state veterinarian to examine the three cows.

  • This past weekend at the Long Beach Peninsula in the state of Washington, hundreds of giant squid washed up dead. Cause unknown. Some people harvested them for food, but the marine fish manager in the State Fish and Wildlife Department warned, “I sure wouldn’t eat them. It would be like eating a deer on the side of the road.” You don’t know what killed them.

Click for report.

Pollok, Texas “Chupa”- Strange Mammal or Mangy Coyote?

Pollok, Texas, is northwest of Lufkin, which is north of Galveston, Texas on the Gulf.
Pollok, Texas, is northwest of Lufkin, which is north of Galveston, Texas on the Gulf.

October 20, 2004  Pollok, Texas – I have been receiving dozens of e-mails from people around the world concerning the Pollok animal that some refer to as a “Chupa,” after the chupacabra mystery in Puerto Rico in the mid-1990s. The most common explanation has been a coyote with mange. Manuel and Tammi Rego sent the photograph below of a mangy coyote shot in the ribs.Click for report.

American Crop Formations: 1880-2004

Between 1880 and 2004, locations for three hundred sixty-eight crop formation events in United States and Ontario, Canada, have been marked by yellow circles on the map by Jeffrey Wilson, Director, Independent Crop Circle Research Association (ICCRA). Map © 2004 by Jeffrey Wilson.
Between 1880 and 2004, locations for three hundred sixty-eight crop formation events in United States and Ontario, Canada, have been marked by yellow circles on the map by Jeffrey Wilson, Director, Independent Crop Circle Research Association (ICCRA). Map © 2004 by Jeffrey Wilson.

October 17, 2004  Cincinnati, Ohio – Jeffrey Wilson, Director, Independent Crop Circle Research Association (ICCRA), has gathered 368 reports related to crop formation events in the United States and Ontario, Canada, from 1880 to 2004. The majority of American crop formations have occurred east of the Mississippi River and Ohio has had the most – at least 25 crop formations. The first reported Ohio crop formation was near Middletown in 1941, which is only about eight miles south of Miamisburg, Ohio, and its ancient cone-shaped earth mound. Click for report.

Ever-Increasing Carbon Dioxide Build-Up in Atmosphere Since 1958

“In the early part of the record around 1958 on, the average annual rate of carbon dioxide growth was something like 0.7 parts per million (ppm) per year, whereas in the past five or six years, the average rate of growth has been more like 1.8 ppm per year ­ two and a half times faster. And up to 2.54 ppm in 2002-2003.”

– Pieter Tans, Ph.D., NOAA

 Ever-increasing carbon dioxide since 1958. Graph © 2004 by Pieter Tans, Ph.D., NOAA.  
Ever-increasing carbon dioxide since 1958. Graph © 2004 by Pieter Tans, Ph.D., NOAA.

October 15, 2004  Boulder, Colorado – This week in London at the annual Greenpeace business lecture, disturbing recent greenhouse data from America’s Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, Britain’s Hadley Center and the Norwegian Institute for Air Research was discussed. In 2002 and 2003, the average rise in the amount of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere rose from about 1.5 parts per million by volume to as much as 2.54 ppm. Some atmospheric scientists worry that such a sudden and rapid increase in greenhouse CO2 is linked to rising global temperatures. If the CO2 continues to increase rapidly for the next five to ten years, it could mean that even the soil of our planet is warming to the point that it more easily releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A Norwegian scientist, Dr. Kim Holmen, has been studying soil and permafrost oxidation to carbon dioxide in the Northern Hemisphere. See: 10-13-04 Earthfiles. He told me this week: “There is a storage of carbon in soils that can oxidize to CO2 which is at least three times as large as the total atmospheric content of CO2.” If the soil and permafrost warmed up enough to release a lot more carbon dioxide, that would increase global warming which releases more CO2 from soils and on and on – which might lead to a “runaway greenhouse” of ever-increasing temperatures.Click for report.