Part 4: “Peculiar Phenomena,” V-2 Rockets – and UFOB Retaliation?

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December 10, 2004  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit

One of the many important documents leaked in 1996 to UFO researchers Bob and Ryan Wood ( is entitled: TOP SECRET ULTRA INTERPLANETARY PHENOMENON UNIT SUMMARY INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENT, from the U. S. War Department and dated July 22, 1947 - the same month of worldwide headlines that an unidentified flying object had crashed between Corona and Roswell, New Mexico.

This IPU document states:

"The extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne objects in the state of New Mexico, between 4 July - 6 July 1947: This Summary was prepared by Headquarters Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit, Scientific and Technical Branch, Counterintelligence Directorate, as requested by A. C. of S., G-2, at the expressed order of Chief of Staff." 


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Part 3: “Peculiar Phenomena,” V-2 Rockets – and UFOB Retaliation?

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December 9, 2004  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Animal Mutilations

On May 15, 1947, when the unidentified "peculiar phenomena" on radar appeared with the ascending V-2 rocket that immediately went off course, perhaps no one in the U. S. government knew that around them another "peculiar phenomenon" was taking place that might be directly linked to the intelligence inside the discs. That phenomenon is the worldwide animal mutilation mystery.


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Part 2: “Peculiar Phenomena,” V-2 Rockets – and UFOB Retaliation?

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December 7, 2004  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Linda Moulton Howe, Denver, Colorado, developing Home Box Office documentary, UFOs: The E. T. Factor. Photograph © 1983 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Linda Moulton Howe, Denver, Colorado, developing Home Box Office documentary, UFOs: The E. T. Factor. Photograph © 1983 by Linda Moulton Howe.

In 1983, I was working on a Home Box Office TV special called, UFOs: The E. T. Factor. On April 9, 1983, I had a meeting at Kirtland Air Force Base's Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with an AFOSI Special Agent named Richard C. Doty. Agent Doty showed me an alleged briefing paper for the "President of the United States of America" about "unidentified aerial vehicles" and entities. One of the pages contained a list of locations where American military and intelligence units had retrieved aerial vehicles described as "extraterrestrial," along with humanoid bodies - both dead and alive. In addition to the well known name Roswell, other sites on the crash retrieval list included Magdalena near the Plains of San Agustin; Kingman, Arizona; northern Mexico south of Loredo, Texas; and Aztec, New Mexico.


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Part 1: “Peculiar Phenomena,” V-2 Rockets – and UFOB Retaliation?

Page 1, Las Cruces Citizen, Las Cruces, New Mexico, May 22, 1947.
Page 1, Las Cruces Citizen, Las Cruces, New Mexico, May 22, 1947.

December 4, 2004  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following is a presentation I made in both the Las Vegas, Nevada, UFO Crash/Retrieval Conference on November 13, 2004, and at the November 28, 2004, Florence, Italy, G.A.U.S. conference (Italian organization to research and report about unidentified aerial phenomena and earth mysteries) concerning the global impact of the UFO phenomenon since at least the 1940s. My subject was: "UFO Crash Retrievals ­ U. S. Government Policy of Denial in the Interest of National Security." My focus was this statement:


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Part 20: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

Click here to see Part 1 of Status Report VI

Click here to see Part 19 of Status Report VI

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 20 of Status Report VI, from July 1991. These status reports were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report VII begins at Earthfiles 12/15/03. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Michael Hesemann: "He came to Munich, behaved excited and frightened and made copies of the paper for the Baron and me. This document is said to be a memorandum to South Africa's President, F. W. de Klerk, written by General T. H. Oberholser from the Bureau of State Security, Pretoria (written Beurau) and was classified RED - POSSIBLE WAR EMERGENCY.


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Closest Look At Mysterious Titan from Cassini Spacecraft

Scientists are trying to understand what they call "bizarre surface brightness patterns" seen in this October 26, 2004, composite image of Saturn's mysterious moon, Titan. Note the peculiar "noodle" features in the upper right corner of the unidentified dark area. Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.
Scientists are trying to understand what they call "bizarre surface brightness patterns" seen in this October 26, 2004, composite image of Saturn's mysterious moon, Titan. Note the peculiar "noodle" features in the upper right corner of the unidentified dark area. Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

November 25, 2004  Pasadena, California - This week, NASA released this extraordinary mosaic of nine processed images of Saturn's mysterious moon, Titan. This image overlay is the most detailed view of Titan ever seen from Earth and were acquired during the Cassini spacecraft's close flyby of Titan on October 26, 2004.


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European Space Agency’s SMART-1 Satellite Begins Moon Orbit

After 332 orbits around the Earth, the European Space Agency's first lunar spacecraft called SMART-1, powered by an experimental ion drive, was fired at 05:24 UT on November 15, 2004, to bring the spacecraft into its first lunar orbit.
After 332 orbits around the Earth, the European Space Agency's first lunar spacecraft called SMART-1, powered by an experimental ion drive, was fired at 05:24 UT on November 15, 2004, to bring the spacecraft into its first lunar orbit.

November 17, 2004  Darmstadt, Germany - SMART-1 is the first space probe the European Space Agency (ESA) has ever launched to the moon. SMART stands for "Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology." This is also the first time that ESA has tried an "electric primary propulsion in space," which is an ion engine that uses a Hall-effect thruster fueled by xenon gas and powered by solar energy. SMART-1 was launched in September 2003 with the plan to make 332 orbits around the Earth, each one going further and further until its experimental ion drive was fired at 05:24 UT, November 15, 2004, to bring the spacecraft into lunar orbit. The engine will be fired repeatedly over the next two months to lower the spacecraft into an operational orbit of 3000 x 300 kilometers by January 13, 2005.


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Part 19: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

Click here to see Part 1 of Status Report VI

Click here to see Part 18 of Status Report VI

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 19 of Status Report VI, from July 1991. These status reports were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report VII begins at Earthfiles 12/15/03. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

"TEAMWORK HELPS EXPOSE HOAXER (Or Deliberate Misinformer?)

Leonard Stringfield: I feel reluctance to chronicle all the convolutions of the South African case, which involves me personally, as it will serve no objective purpose. For me, as with others thrown together by circumstance to work as a small investigative cell, it was an expensive and time-consuming misadventure. But, in the long run, our efforts paid off by helping expose a hoax.


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Strange Metal Pieces from Plains of San Agustin Alleged UFO Crash Site Analyzed.

Plains of San Agustin, southeast of Socorro, New Mexico.
Plains of San Agustin, southeast of Socorro, New Mexico.

November 11, 2004  Gallup, New Mexico - The name Roswell has become synonymous with UFOs through television shows such as The Real X-Files about a ruthless government plot to cover-up crashed discs, non-human entities and their possible alien agendas to preserve the public status quo and prevent panic.


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Gen. Wesley Clark – Has He Been Briefed About UFOs?

 Four-Star Gen. Wesley K. Clark (Ret.) became the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe on July 11, 1997.
Four-Star Gen. Wesley K. Clark (Ret.) became the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe on July 11, 1997.
Left to Right: Hashim Thaci, UCK (KLA) leader; Bernard Kouchner, UN Administrator of Kosovo; Gen. Sir Michael Jackson, KFOR Commander; Agim Ceku, Commander of KPC; Gen. Wesley Clark, NATO Commander. 1999 photo from Kosovo Crisis: a Study in Foreign Policy Mismanagement by Dr. Vojin Joksimovich.
Left to Right: Hashim Thaci, UCK (KLA) leader; Bernard Kouchner, UN Administrator of Kosovo; Gen. Sir Michael Jackson, KFOR Commander; Agim Ceku, Commander of KPC; Gen. Wesley Clark, NATO Commander. 1999 photo from Kosovo Crisis: a Study in Foreign Policy Mismanagement by Dr. Vojin Joksimovich.

November 3, 2004  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Wesley K. Clark was born in Chicago, Illinois, in December 1944, an only child of Veneta and Benjamin Kanne. His father died and he moved with his mother to Little Rock, Arkansas. In 1954, Veneta married Victor Clark who became Wes Clark's stepfather.


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