September 12, 1952: America’s “Secret War”? Part 2: USAF Starfire Disappeared Over Gulf of Mexico

“What would be so sensitive that the U. S. military would not want anybody to know?”

– Linda Howe

“That our aircraft were being shot out of the skies by UFOs.”

– Frank Feschino

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UFOs Reported All Over Eastern U. S. on September 12, 1952

Interview (continued):

Frank C. Feschino, Jr., Artist Illustrator, UFO Researcher and Author, The Braxton County Monster: The Cover-Up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed © 2004: “There weren’t just a couple of UFO sightings on September 12, 1952. I found out that there were UFO sightings all over the Eastern United States, up and down the Eastern seaboard. There were thousands of people who saw UFOs that day and night.Click for report.

Audience Feedback About Earthfiles “September 12, 1952: America’s ‘Secret War’?”

See: Earthfiles December 29, 2004 Part 1

December 30, 2004  Albuquerque, New Mexico –

1) P. N.
Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii

Aloha Linda,
Tonight I was listening to you on Coast when I recalled an incident which happened in 1951 while my Dad was stationed at the Millington Naval Air Station in Tennessee. Millington was in the middle of cotton fields then.
My Dad was the Maintainance Officer at the Station. He came home from work one day, crying like a baby, which upset all in the family, since very rarely did we see our Father cry.
He told us about his best friend, a Navy pilot who we all knew since this man always made home-made ice cream for us. His (Dad’s) best friend had disappeared along with his plane…completely disappeared after chasing a UFO near the Naval Base there in Millington.
I was 12 at the time and had never heard the words UFO in my life.
I remember asking my Dad what a UFO was and his only reply was that they were bad people….so for many years growing up I just assumed UFOs were some kind of enemies of the U.S.
I also remember my Dad being very sad and angry for about two weeks. He finally told us that his friend and his plane were gone forever never to be found. After that short conversation, my Dad never mentioned this incident again or his best friend.
Sorry, I cannot remember the name of the pilot and my Dad has passed away.
Love your site!!!
Aloha nui loa,Click for report.

September 12, 1952: America’s “Secret War”? Part 1: UFO Retrieval in Flatwoods, West Virginia

Rural Flatwoods, Braxton County, West Virginia, is 206 miles west of Washington, D. C.
Rural Flatwoods, Braxton County, West Virginia, is 206 miles west of Washington, D. C.

December 29, 2004  Daytona Beach, Florida – Half a century ago in 1952, fifteen hundred and one UFO sightings were reported to the U. S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book (Page 108 of Blue Book Report). The most well known events were “flying discs” over Washington, D. C., on July 19 and July 26, 1952, that were monitored on radar.Click for report.

September 12, 1952: America’s “Secret War”? Part 3: Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman Comments

“A world-wide reporting system has been instituted and major Air Force Bases have been ordered to make interceptions of unidentified flying objects.”

– H. Marshall Chadwell, CIA, September 24, 1952

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September 24, 1952, Memorandum For Director of Central Intelligence (CIA) from H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director, Scientific Intelligence, on the "Subject: Flying Saucers."
September 24, 1952, Memorandum For Director of Central Intelligence (CIA) from H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director, Scientific Intelligence, on the “Subject: Flying Saucers.”

December 29, 2004  Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada – Stanton Friedman is a nuclear physicist who has worked for General Electric, Westinghouse and other companies in the design and development of fusion rockets and nuclear power plants for space applications. He investigated the famous 1947 UFO crash at Roswell with aviation science writer, Don Berliner, who founded the Fund for UFO Research. The result was their 1992 co-authored and now-classic book, Crash At Corona: The U. S. Military Retrieval and Cover-up of a UFO.Click for report.

Part 22: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

"The humanoids were packed in ice and sent to an isolation chamber at the University of Ottawa. CIA physiologists performed the autopsies. The three reptilian, fetus-headed beings, were listed as CLASS 1 NTE's (Non-Terrestrial Entities). Like others recovered in previous operations, they were muscular, grey-white skinned humanoids."

- Anonymous

Click here to see Part 1 of Status Report VI

Click here to see Part 21 of Status Report VI

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 22 of Status Report VI, from July 1991. These status reports were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report VII begins at Earthfiles 12/15/03. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Carp, Ontario, Canada, southwest of Ottawa, where allegedly a non-terrestrial aerial craft, containing humanoid reptilian entities, "crashed" on November 4, 1989.
Carp, Ontario, Canada, southwest of Ottawa, where allegedly a non-terrestrial aerial craft, containing humanoid reptilian entities, "crashed" on November 4, 1989.
Alleged video frame of unidentified aerial craft which allegedly landed - or crashed? - at Carp, Ontario, Canada, on November 4, 1989.
Alleged video frame of unidentified aerial craft which allegedly landed - or crashed? - at Carp, Ontario, Canada, on November 4, 1989.


If there are questions about the Kalahari Desert crash, there are even more about a reported crash in the town of Carp, near Ottawa, on November 4 , 1989. 


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Part 2: “Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN’T Release Truth About UFOs!” with Canadian Researcher, Grant Cameron

Reporter Sarah McClendon: 'Mr. President, why don't you do something about the ET cover-up?'

President Bill Clinton: 'There's a government inside the government and I don't control it.' 

Return to Part 1


Grant Cameron, a building facility manager at the University of Manitoba; reporter and producer of, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada:


How Does U.S. Government Reverse
Its Policy of Lies and Denials About ETs


Good question. I don't know. Basically, I think you are talking the same things that have held it up. I can't really see ­ unless they make a mistake. My idea is to get a high ranking leader who has been briefed and confirms the fact he was briefed, which leads you to a date, a briefing date, where you can get a document. The document will have the truth, not the misinformation they are putting out. It will have the actual truth of what is going on.


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Part 1: “Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN’T Release Truth About UFOs!” with Canadian Researcher, Grant Cameron

Reporter Sarah McClendon: "Mr. President, why don't you do something about the ET cover-up?'

President Bill Clinton: 'There's a government inside the government and I don't control it.'  

December 21, 2004  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Last month in Las Vegas at the MJ-12 UFO Crash/Retrieval Conference, Canadian researcher Grant Cameron and I talked about several reasons why the U. S. government continues to sustain a strict policy of denial about the extraterrestrial phenomenon ­ even while it has back engineered physical objects retrieved from several UFO crashes since at least the early 1940s (For example, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, in 1941).


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Part 21: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

Click here to see Part 1 of Status Report VI

Click here to see Part 20 of Status Report VI

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 21 of Status Report VI, from July 1991. These status reports were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report VII begins at Earthfiles 12/15/03. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.


"When I arrived in Johannesburg on the 28th of December, there were no messages waiting for me at my hotel. I phoned Van Greunen and there was no reply. Periodically, throughout the day of the 29th, I continued to call him, but there was never any response.

Subsequently, on the 13th of January 1990, Prier Wintle lent me his copy of Van Greunen's NUFORIN magazine in which he had announced that I would be speaking at the Johannesburg Hotel at 8:00 PM on the 29th of December. He had also written, 'The tickets can be obtained from the Conference Director, NUFORIN, P. O. Box 17230, Hillbrow 2038 and are R20 per ticket.' I have since learned from David Powell of Pretoria that about 20 people turned up on the night and were furious at being duped.


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Updated – Feedback About Destruction of U. S. Military Records

Click to Part 1“Peculiar Phenomena,” V-2 Rockets – and UFOB Retaliation?

Update December 17, 2004: Viewer reply to this Earthfiles report:

E-mail December 15, 2004

Nebraska Resident:

“As a former university archivist, I can assure you that the person you interviewed for your December 11th Dreamland report was correct in every detail of his description of archival protocol and operation.

I write requesting confidentiality, but perhaps you might be interested to know that there is sensitive information on the controversial subject of UFOs and related subjects at both the Nebraska State Historical Society and at the Archives/Special Collections of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. But such is the case across the country’s archives. Click for report.

Is Our Solar System’s Red, Mysterious Sedna An Alien Planetoid?

Artist's conception of the cold, distant Sedna. The sun is a tiny point of light, varying 8 to 84 billion miles away from the red planetoid in its bizarre orbit. A hypothesized tiny moon appears nearby. Graphic image courtesy Michael E. Brown, Cal Tech, Pasadena, California.
Artist's conception of the cold, distant Sedna. The sun is a tiny point of light, varying 8 to 84 billion miles away from the red planetoid in its bizarre orbit. A hypothesized tiny moon appears nearby. Graphic image courtesy Michael E. Brown, Cal Tech, Pasadena, California.

December 17, 2004  Salt Lake City, Utah - Some astrophysicists are trying to understand how our solar system formed, as baffling objects continue to be discovered. Only a year ago on November 14, 2003, a mysterious object was found at the far reaches of our solar system that has the strangest elliptical orbit of anything revolving around our sun.


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