Part 2: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report V – Is The Cover-Up Lid Lifting?

"... All available men stood guard duty around the site where a crashed disc had come down and they could not understand why the (non-human bodies) had to be kept cold, as there were trucks of ice. ...Although he and others were told they would get into trouble if they saw too much, they did look under the cover and saw two small dead bodies. He said they were like us, but not like us. They were smaller than a normal man with large heads and slanted eyes. He also said they looked yellowish, a bit Asian."

- Source: Staff Sergeant, 509th Bomb Group, Walker Field, Roswell, 1947.

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To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 2 of Status Report V. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Status Report VI begins at Earthfiles 022404. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.


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Kyoto Protocol Goes Into Affect February 16, 2005. British Scientists Warn Global Temperatures Could Be Even Greater Than Earlier Estimates.

“In the early part of the record around 1958 on, the average annual rate of carbon dioxide growth was something like 0.7 parts per million (ppm) per year, whereas in the past five or six years, the average rate of growth has been more like 1.8 ppm per year ­ two and a half times faster. And up to 2.54 ppm in 2002-2003.”

– Pieter Tans, Ph.D., NOAA

Ever-increasing carbon dioxide since 1958. Graph © 2004 by Pieter Tans, Ph.D., NOAA.
Ever-increasing carbon dioxide since 1958. Graph © 2004 by Pieter Tans, Ph.D., NOAA.
As the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases increase in the Earth's atmosphere, the global average temperature of our planet is projected to keep rising as well. Graph above was prepared by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC).
As the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases increase in the Earth’s atmosphere, the global average temperature of our planet is projected to keep rising as well. Graph above was prepared by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC).   

February 3, 2005  Washington, D. C. – While the world has a new consciousness about the danger of tsunamis in the oceans and the need for better warning systems, above us in the atmosphere, another danger increases and warnings grow more loudly than ever. That danger is the ever-increasing amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases surrounding our planet and making it warmer. Yet, the warnings seem to be ignored by the United States, Australia, China, India and Brazil.

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Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report V – Is The Cover-Up Lid Lifting?

"Former military sources, with information about witnessing a special movie showing deceased alien bodies, surfaced in the late 1970s. ... A close friend of astronaut Ellison Onizuka revealed his (astronaut's) interest in UFOs ... after one of his visits to Wright-Patterson AFB. Onizuka admitted he kept an open mind on the subject and added that his curiosity was aroused when he and a select group of U. S. Air Force pilots at McClelland AFB in 1973 were shown a black-and-white movie film featuring 'alien bodies on a slab.'"

- UFO Researcher, Chris Coffey

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 1 of Status Report V. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Status Report VI begins at Earthfiles 022404. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.


"At this writing, many issues of controversy hang over UFO research. Some have caused bitter differences between team members; some can backfire and smear the image of objective research itself. In the middle zone, trying to avoid the 'people' problems, I feel the urgent need to continue my probes into one basic issue - UFO crash/retrievals. 


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Shroud of Turin Is Between 1,300 and 3,000 Years Old, Based On New Chemistry Evidence

The Shroud of Turin: modern photo of the face, positive left and digitally processed image right.
The Shroud of Turin: modern photo of the face, positive left and digitally processed image right.
Left top is front negative image on Shroud of Turin; Right top is back negative image on Shroud.  Left below is front positive image on Shroud of Turin; Right below is back positive image on Shroud.
Left top is front negative image on Shroud of Turin; Right top is back negative image on Shroud. Left below is front positive image on Shroud of Turin; Right below is back positive image on Shroud.
The Shroud is a linen cloth that for centuries has been purported to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ. The linen measures 14 feet 3 inches long and 3 feet 7 inches wide . There are two faint brownish-yellow images, those of the back and front of a 5-foot 7-inch man. The Shroud has been preserved since 1694 in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista in Turin, Italy. Positive and negative photographs were taken in 1898 by Secondo Pia.
The Shroud is a linen cloth that for centuries has been purported to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ. The linen measures 14 feet 3 inches long and 3 feet 7 inches wide . There are two faint brownish-yellow images, those of the back and front of a 5-foot 7-inch man. The Shroud has been preserved since 1694 in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista in Turin, Italy. Positive and negative photographs were taken in 1898 by Secondo Pia.

January 27, 2005  Los Alamos, New Mexico - The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth alleged to be the burial shroud of Christ. It has pale brownish-yellow stains front and back that form the image of a man as if the linen had been wrapped around the body from the feet up over the head and back down to the feet, leaving complete front and back images. There are also many reddish-colored bloodstains that indicate the man was repeatedly whipped and there are rivulets of blood on the face and back of the head. Many people believe the linen was used to wrap Christ's body after his crucifixion on the cross approximately 2,000 years ago.


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Final Part 28: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

"He mentioned UFO crashes with aliens dead and alive. He told me there was a very high-level cover-up and that it went all the way to the highest office in the land. ...When I asked why it was so secret, he said that the general public couldn't handle what we knew."

- Source: USAF Major General

Click here to see Part 1 of Status Report VI

Click here to see Part 27 of Status Report VI

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 28 of Status Report VI, from July 1991. These status reports were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report VII begins at Earthfiles 12/15/03. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Leonard Stringfield: (PHOTO PHANTASIES continued)

"3) Sensation and mystery were the names of the game when a real looking alien photo made its rounds in Europe in late 1990. First to burst on the scene was a black and white photo that surfaced from a Russian source which showed a front view of a chubby-faced dead 'alien' with slanting eyelids covering a large pair of eyes. 


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From U. S. to Arctic – A Sea Change in the Weather

“The kind of really severe wet, warm and windy winter that happened less frequently in the past, now the odds are that it will begin to happen more and more often.”

– Drew Shindell, Ph.D., NASA’s GISS

Front page top headline, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 22, 2004.
Front page top headline, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 22, 2004.
Record-breaking rains and snowfall the first two weeks of 2005 spread destruction and havoc from the West Coast to the East Coast. Above, Associated Press report on January 19, 2005; Below, January 19, 2005 and January 9, 2005, Albuquerque Journal.
Record-breaking rains and snowfall the first two weeks of 2005 spread destruction and havoc from the West Coast to the East Coast. Above, Associated Press report on January 19, 2005; Below, January 19, 2005 and January 9, 2005, Albuquerque Journal.

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“Angel Light” Inventor Describes “Seeing Through Walls”

 41-year-old inventor and environmentalist, Troy Hurtubise, in his North Bay, Ontario, Canada, home laboratory with his "Angel Light" invention that "sees through walls." Photograph © 2005 by Phil Novak,
41-year-old inventor and environmentalist, Troy Hurtubise, in his North Bay, Ontario, Canada, home laboratory with his "Angel Light" invention that "sees through walls." Photograph © 2005 by Phil Novak,

January 22, 2005  North Bay, Ontario, Canada - There are many satellites now orbiting the Earth which help monitor air and water temperatures, glacial melts, hurricanes and dozens of other details in this complex world. Some of the many satellites that orbit our planet also do work for military and defense agencies. Protecting those satellites is vital to national security. But this week, a story from North Bay, Ontario, Canada, says an inventor there has come up with a machine that not only can see through walls, it can stop the electronics in any machine, including high-altitude orbiting satellites and nuclear missiles. Now, according to the inventor, the Pentagon, Saudi Arabia and France are taking notice.


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Mega-Tsunami Threat of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano in Canary Islands

Satellite photo of 4-mile-high Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Canary Islands, (Spain) volcano, west of La' Youn, Morocco, Africa. Three miles of the volcano are below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean; just over one mile is above the surface. Image courtesy of the Image Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center.
Satellite photo of 4-mile-high Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Canary Islands, (Spain) volcano, west of La' Youn, Morocco, Africa. Three miles of the volcano are below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean; just over one mile is above the surface. Image courtesy of the Image Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center.

January 21, 2005  Santa Cruz, California - The seven Canary Islands owned by Spain rise above the Atlantic Ocean west of Morocco, Africa. One of them, La Palma, is not only the steepest island in the world, but has also been the most volcanically active of the Canaries in the past 500 years. On it is the 4-mile high volcano called Cumbre Vieja, which means "Old Summit." The volcano has been re-building itself for the past 15,000 years since it last blew apart and collapsed huge amounts of rock into the surrounding ocean, sending out a giant tsunami that has been detected in deposits as far away as the Bahamas and Bermuda. Over the past 15,000 years, the volcano kept erupting under water, building back up from the Atlantic sea bed three miles below the water surface to its present height, which is now more than a mile above the Atlantic. Its last two eruptions were 1971 and 1949.


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Titan – A Moon Where It Rains Methane Into Seas and Soils of Hydrocarbons

Above: Ringed Saturn has 33 moons reported as of August, 2004. Below: Titan is Saturn's biggest moon and second largest moon in the Solar System (after Jupiter's Ganymede). It is larger than the planets, Mercury and Pluto. Titan has a thick atmosphere (mostly nitrogen with some methane) and an atmospheric pressure of 1.6 bars (60 percent greater than the Earth's). This atmosphere with its heavy clouds obscures the moon's surface. It may rain liquid methane. The surface temperature is about -178°C = -289°F. Images courtesy NASA/JPL.
Left: Ringed Saturn has 33 moons reported as of August, 2004. Right: Titan is Saturn's biggest moon and second largest moon in the Solar System (after Jupiter's Ganymede). It is larger than the planets, Mercury and Pluto. Titan has a thick atmosphere (mostly nitrogen with some methane) and an atmospheric pressure of 1.6 bars (60 percent greater than the Earth's). This atmosphere with its heavy clouds obscures the moon's surface. It may rain liquid methane. The surface temperature is about -178°C = -289°F. Images courtesy NASA/JPL.
Earth-looking "river" system that is now assumed to drain methane from methane rains into methane seas on Saturn's huge, mysterious moon, Titan. Photograph courtesy European Space Agency (ESA).
Earth-looking "river" system that is now assumed to drain methane from methane rains into methane seas on Saturn's huge, mysterious moon, Titan. Photograph courtesy European Space Agency (ESA).

January 21, 2005  Tucson, Arizona - On January 14, 2005, the European Space Agency's (ESA) Huygens probe finally landed on the surface of Saturn's mysterious and cloud-covered moon, Titan. ESA engineers said Huygens is "the furthest human-made object that has touched down on an alien world, the only moon in the solar system with a thick atmosphere." Titan is Saturn's largest moon of at least 33 moons counted so far and is larger than the planets, Mercury and Pluto. As the Huygens probe fell by parachute through the strange moon's atmosphere at speeds ranging from 150 meters per second down to 5 meters per second, earth scientists were surprised that the probe kept losing orientation lock on the sun. Later it was decided that the lock problem and whooshing sounds from the probe's microphone were caused by winds on the moon that buffeted Huygens as it descended. That means Titan even has weather.


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Part 27: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

"The head, curiously, was not human or like the big, fetal-shaped kind so often associated with the little grays. Only in the photo, which showed the head closely enough, were the eyes in view, looking large and cavernous. The nose was just a dot of light and the mouth was just a slit. On the floor of the case, sitting on either side of the head, were beakers emitting a swirl of vapor and at the base, surrounding the body, were vents."

Click here to see Part 1 of Status Report VI

Click here to see Part 26 of Status Report VI

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 27 of Status Report VI, from July 1991. These status reports were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report VII begins at Earthfiles 12/15/03. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Leonard Stringfield:


In recent years, photographs purporting to show alien spacecraft fail to excite the serious researcher. Good reason: most can be simply explained as conventional aerial objects - and in the heap, there are some good fakes. The most likely fakes are also the most dazzling, usually showing a sharply contoured disc or boomerang or maybe an ellipsoid or a spheroid. Some have domes and windows and other imposing details. Trick, high-tech photography today can produce an impressive UFO!


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