Frozen Sea Near Martian Equator Size of Lake Michigan

"The most interesting thing is that we might find life there (in frozen sea) because if you look at the source of the water, which has filled a huge basin, it comes out of cracks in the ground. The indication that there are warm, wet places beneath the surface of Mars as recently as 5 million years ago to me is good evidence that life might have developed on Mars."

 - John Murray, Ph.D., Open University, England

Elysium Planitia lies near the Martian equator. Map © 1998 by National Geographic Society.
Elysium Planitia lies near the Martian equator. Map © 1998 by National Geographic Society.
ESA Mars Express image of extensive fields of large fractured ice covered by red lava ash at the Cerberus Fossae fissures in eastern Elysium Planitia. Photograph © 2005 G. Neukum, ESA/D_R/FUBerlin.
ESA Mars Express image of extensive fields of large fractured ice covered by red lava ash at the Cerberus Fossae fissures in eastern Elysium Planitia. Photograph © 2005 G. Neukum, ESA/D_R/FUBerlin.

February 22, 2005  Noordwijk, The Netherlands - On Earth, pack ice is a floating mass of ice formed from seawater in the Earth's polar regions. Pack ice expands during winter to cover about 5 percent of the northern oceans and 8 percent of the southern oceans. When melting occurs in spring and summer, the margins of the pack ice retreat. 


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Updated – Bull and Cow Mutilations Northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas

Left: Bull found dead and mutilated on January 5, 2005, in Sandia, Texas, northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas. Right: Cow also found dead and similarly mutilated 150 yards from bull. Photographs by Chris Dimukes © 2005 by South Side Sun.
Left: Bull found dead and mutilated on January 5, 2005, in Sandia, Texas, northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas. Right: Cow also found dead and similarly mutilated 150 yards from bull. Photographs by Chris Dimukes © 2005 by South Side Sun.

Updated on February 21, 2005 with photographs.Original report January 15, 2005  Sandia, Texas – I have investigated the phenomenon of animal mutilations since 1979 and before he died, U. S. Army Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso told me that he had seen with his own eyes, during his work for the Eisenhower and Kennedy Administrations, highly classified documents about unusual and bloodless animal deaths around the world dated as early as 1951. That would be only four years after the Roswell, New Mexico, headlines about an unidentified flying disc that had crashed near Corona.

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Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report IV – Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire

© January 1985 by Leonard H. Stringfield
With permission, reprinted in © 2005 by Linda Moulton Howe.

McGuire AFB and Fort Dix Military Reservation near Wrightstown, New Jersey, are near the U. S. Naval Air Station in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The bases are about 45 miles east of Philadelphia, 50 miles south of New York City, 60 miles north of Atlantic City and 10 miles west of the Atlantic ocean. The Fort Dix / McGuire Air Force Base / Lakehurst Naval Air Station complex covers 42,000 acres.
McGuire AFB and Fort Dix Military Reservation near Wrightstown, New Jersey, are near the U. S. Naval Air Station in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The bases are about 45 miles east of Philadelphia, 50 miles south of New York City, 60 miles north of Atlantic City and 10 miles west of the Atlantic ocean. The Fort Dix / McGuire Air Force Base / Lakehurst Naval Air Station complex covers 42,000 acres.

Click back to Part I, Status Report IV

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 3 of Status Report IV, written for the June 28-30, 1985, MUFON 1985 UFO Symposium Proceedings in conjunction with the national MUFON conference held in Saint Louis, Missouri. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report V begins at Earthfiles 012805. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Leonard H. Stringfield: "The document is avowedly not proof. For it to be established as bona fide would, in turn, require additional irretrievable reports, memoranda, tapes, ad infinitum. In this regard, however, Morse said on several occasions that he had attempted to obtain a later Form 1569 Report mentioned by the desk sergeant, but was unsuccessful. Nevertheless, the Incident/Complaint Report, as it stands, is a strong link of evidence not easily dismissed, even if denied officially or by any of its named personnel who might be coerced to do so. (Note 4: See Incident Complaint Report, Item 11, where the box for 'Unfounded' is checked. Inasmuch as 'Unfounded' suggests that the incident was baseless, I asked Morse to explain this classification. He said that it referred only to the limited information available to his security police squadron, which was not in a position to evaluate the incident. Also note that the check in Item 13 indicates that the case was referred to 'Other agency' (AFOSI - Air Force Office of Special Investigations) for final disposition, including 'One body of unknown origin ...' released to other authorities. The security police squadron had no basis for any other 'Evaluation.'


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Iapetus and Enceladus: Baffling Moons of Saturn

"You could go so far as to call Iapetus pre-biotic. One of the reasons we are interested in the whole Saturnian system is the fact that it's kind of a laboratory for life. The molecules that lead to the origin of life on Earth, we think formed in the outer solar system, and we are seeing them in the Saturnian system. It's colder there and these complex molecules have persisted out there as kind of a laboratory for the origin of life."

- Bonnie Buratti, Ph.D., NASA/JPL Astronomer


Left: Black and white Iapetus (diameter 1,426 kilometers) with a bulging "weld" around its middle. Right: Enceladus (diameter 499 kilometers) is as bright as freshly fallen snow with a bizarre, wrinkled terrain. Below: Saturn and rings imaged by Cassini spacecraft in 2004. Images credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.
Above: Black and white Iapetus (diameter 1,426 kilometers) with a bulging "weld" around its middle. Below: Enceladus (diameter 499 kilometers) is as bright as freshly fallen snow with a bizarre, wrinkled terrain. Below: Saturn and rings imaged by Cassini spacecraft in 2004. Images credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

February 17, 2005  Pasadena, California - The current NASA Cassini mission to Saturn has produced the clearest pictures human eyes have ever seen of Saturn's rings, which are made out of ice and dust and iron. In addition to the rings, Saturn has 33 moons, including Titan ­ Saturn's biggest moon and second largest moon in the Solar System after Jupiter's Ganymede. Beyond the mysterious Titan where methane apparently rains down into dark lakes, Cassini has also taken the clearest images of two other moons which baffle scientists. Those moons are Iapetus (eye-AP-uh-tus) and Enceladus (en-SELL-uh-dus) from Greek mythology. The entire Saturnian system is named from the Greek dramas about gods and the universe. Saturn was the Titan who ruled over the Olympian Gods, including Iapetus. Iapetus was the father of Atlas, who carried the Earth on his shoulders, and father of Prometheus who was mankind's savior. Saturn ended up killing his father, Uranus, to become lord of the Universe. After the murder, revenging giants sprang from the father's blood. One of those giants was called Enceladus.


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Part 2: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report IV – Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire

McGuire AFB and Fort Dix Military Reservation near Wrightstown, New Jersey, are near the U. S. Naval Air Station in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The bases are about 45 miles east of Philadelphia, 50 miles south of New York City, 60 miles north of Atlantic City and 10 miles west of the Atlantic ocean. The Fort Dix / McGuire Air Force Base / Lakehurst Naval Air Station complex covers 42,000 acres.
McGuire AFB and Fort Dix Military Reservation near Wrightstown, New Jersey, are near the U. S. Naval Air Station in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The bases are about 45 miles east of Philadelphia, 50 miles south of New York City, 60 miles north of Atlantic City and 10 miles west of the Atlantic ocean. The Fort Dix / McGuire Air Force Base / Lakehurst Naval Air Station complex covers 42,000 acres.

Click back to Part I, Status Report IV

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 2 of Status Report IV, written for the June 28-30, 1985, MUFON 1985 UFO Symposium Proceedings in conjunction with the national MUFON conference held in Saint Louis, Missouri. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report V begins at Earthfiles 012805. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Leonard H. Stringfield: "By March 1981, while preparing the text for Status Report III, I had decided it was time to take inventory; time for appraisal of the material on hand and of myself still in the midst of a heated controversy among researchers over the pros and cons of UFO crashes and retrievals. I needed outside thinking and assessment of cases, a new perspective. To this end, I invited to my home two trustworthy friends who supported and contributed to my endeavors: Dr. Peter Rank, Chief of Radiology at the Methodist Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin; and Richard Hall, former Assistant Director of NICAP and then Editor of the MUFON UFO Journal. (Note 3: See statement in Epilogue, page 49, of Status Report III, signed by Dr. Peter Rank and Richard Hall.) 


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Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report IV – Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire

Pages 41-65 of the MUFON 1985 UFO Symposium Proceedings are entitled, "The Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire: A Case Study: Status Report IV" © 1985 by Leonard H. Stringfield.
Pages 41-65 of the MUFON 1985 UFO Symposium Proceedings are entitled, "The Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire: A Case Study: Status Report IV" © 1985 by Leonard H. Stringfield.

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 1 of Status Report IV, written for the June 28-30, 1985, MUFON 1985 UFO Symposium Proceedings in conjunction with the national MUFON conference held in Saint Louis, Missouri. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report V begins at Earthfiles 012805. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.


Leonard H. Stringfield: New testimonial evidence and a document are bared in Status Report IV, following the re-emergence in 1983 of the informant whose experience, as a witness, was first disclosed three years earlier and published as Case A3 in Status Report III, 1982. The source, a sergeant in the U. S. Air Force Security Police at McGuire AFB, adds substantive information relative to the reported fatal encounter on January 18, 1978, between an alleged alien entity and a Ft. Dix MP and relates his firsthand observation, while on duty, when the slain entity was found on an abandoned runway at McGuire AFB. The source also reveals his sensitive involvement with authorities in various agencies following his discharge from service because of his disclosures to this writer. Also reported are the communications with the source since 1980 and an arranged meeting between the source and a colleague to lend back-up credibility to the case. Investigation continues.


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Sunspot Region 720 Emitted Strongest Solar Radiation Since October 1989

"It does look like the sun has been more active in the last 50 years than it has been for a long time. One estimate is that there has not been this long  a time period of high activity in something like 8,000 years."

- David Hathaway, Ph.D., NASA

Left: Giant sunspot 720 erupted for seventh time on Jan. 20, 2005, unleashing a powerful X 7-class solar flare. The blast hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) into space and sparked the strongest radiation storm since October 1989. Jack Newton of Arizona photographed the sunspot rotating toward the sun's limb and other side on Jan. 19th. Right: Bright auroras spread across northern Europe on January 21st soon after 720's coronal mass ejection crashed into Earth's magnetic field. The result was a spectacular aurora display over Europe. Jim Henderson photographed the vivid red and yellow light near Aberdeen, Scotland.
Above: Giant sunspot 720 erupted for seventh time on Jan. 20, 2005, unleashing a powerful X 7-class solar flare. The blast hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) into space and sparked the strongest radiation storm since October 1989. Jack Newton of Arizona photographed the sunspot rotating toward the sun's limb and other side on Jan. 19th. Below: Bright auroras spread across northern Europe on January 21st soon after 720's coronal mass ejection crashed into Earth's magnetic field. The result was a spectacular aurora display over Europe. Jim Henderson photographed the vivid red and yellow light near Aberdeen, Scotland. 

February 11, 2005  Huntsville, Alabama - On Saturday, January 15, the Sun erupted with three strong solar flares. The next day, the Sun erupted again. The Space Weather office at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Boulder, Colorado, released warnings about intense radiation storms that could damage satellites and interrupt radio communications. By Monday, January 17th, the Sun erupted yet again with a strong solar flare and some of the brightest auroras in years were being photographed over the northern latitudes. The next day there was yet another strong solar flare, totaling six major eruptions in four days.'


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FINAL Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report V – Is The Cover-Up Lid Lifting?

"...Escorted to a briefing room, (photographer and others) were told that they were to photograph a flying saucer and the autopsy of three dead aliens. Ordered to disrobe, they were issued white smocks and combat boots for security purposes. Mike was then escorted into the installation where he saw a disc-shaped craft about 30 feet in diameter contained in a heavy net suspended from a large crane."

- "Mike," U.S. Air Force Photographer

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To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 3, the end of Status Report V. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Status Report VI begins at Earthfiles 022404. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.


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Swarms of Earthquakes in Ecuador and the Nicobar and Andaman Islands – Is There A Connection?

"On January 27th, seismometers around the world were recording a quake every 20 minutes. ... I don't think we have ever seen this many magnitude 5 earthquakes concentrated in one location on the surface of the Earth, at least not in modern times." ­

Goran Ekstrom, Harvard Geophysicist

February 4, 2005  Cambridge, Massachusetts - Intense swarms of earthquakes, generally between 5 and 6 on the Richter Scale, began shaking the Nicobar and Andaman Islands north of Sumatra on January 26th. The next day, January 27th, seismometers around the world were recording an earthquake every 20 minutes. Indian Ocean residents and geophysicists began to wonder if it all was leading up to another large seismic event ­ even if the quakes were aftershocks of the huge 9.0 that occurred off the coast of Banda Aceh, Sumatra in Indonesia, on the morning of December 26, 2004. 


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