Part 10: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III – Amassing The Evidence

"An officer in charge explained that they were to see a movie on UFOs. The movie, about a half hour in duration, showed shapes of UFOs - top-shape, saucer-shape, their ability to hover, speed, and manner of sudden disappearance. He could not recall seeing UFO occupants. They were briefed after the movie and instructed to be on alert for UFO sightings States-side and report same to the Army."

- Source: Spec. 5 in the 7th U. S. Army, Munich, Germany, 1968

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To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 10 of Status Report III, written in June 1982. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report IV begins at Earthfiles 021205. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994. 


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Part 9: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III – Amassing The Evidence

"He (prominent French biochemist) was taken into a special room where he could leisurely study the corpses of two humanoids. They were very tall (2.3 meters or so, or 7 feet 3 inches) and bore hideous mutilations on their bodies, as if they had been the victims of a road accident! The heads of these two creatures were intact. The forehead high and broad. Very long blond hair. The eyes were stretched towards the temples which gave them an Asiatic look. ...the humanoids were of extraterrestrial origin."

- Source: Preuves Scientifiques OVNI © 1981 by J. C. Fumoux

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To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 9 of Status Report III, written in June 1982. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report IV begins at Earthfiles 021205. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Leonard H. Stringfield:

CASE B-8: 1979, Autopsy of Humanoids

Allegedly, UFO affairs involving the United States and many world governments are of the highest degree of secrecy. If my 'insiders,' both here and abroad are correct, there is a high level international exchange of UFO data and a cooperative contingency plan for alien craft retrieval. I have been told on good authority that countries in NATO have close Intelligence ties as does the U. S. with Australia and New Zealand, and some countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Some insiders even believe that Russia, and more recently, the Peoples Republic of China, share a close detente on UFO matters. But, except for the sensational 'stuff' which gets top billing in some tabloids, precious little of the real tactical or scientific data leak out to trickle down to the researcher. Although stories of crashed alien craft surface from distant lands from time to time, the stories of recovered occupants are rare. Thanks to a new French connection, maybe there is light in the end of the international tunnel. 


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1949 Aerial Disc Covered-Up By Project Blue Book As “Kite”

April 17, 2005  Thurmont, Maryland - U. S. Navy Research Physicist Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., is author of a book published in 2000 entitled The UFO/FBI Connection, The Secret History of the Government's Cover-Up. He told me, "We're learning more about what happened years ago then they knew years ago. My book could not have been written twenty years ago or ten years ago because it involves information that has only been recently released."


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“Battle of Los Angeles” On February 25, 1942: When America’s 37th Coast Artillery Brigade Fired Anti-Aircraft Shells At A UFO

When America’s 37th Coast Artillery Brigade fired off 1,430 anti-aircraft shells at a diamond-shaped craft of unknown origin.

Actual photograph taken of eight search lights aimed by American anti-aircraft batteries at an unidentified object or objects during the “Battle of Los Angeles” some time after 3:06 a.m. Pacific, February 25, 1942, over Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles, California. Photographer, Mr. Calvert.
Actual photograph taken of eight search lights aimed by American anti-aircraft batteries at an unidentified object or objects during the “Battle of Los Angeles” some time after 3:06 a.m. Pacific, February 25, 1942, over Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles, California. Photographer, Mr. Calvert.
Los Angeles Times Front Page, February 25, 1942, after early morning anti-aircraft artillery fire on unidentified aerial object over Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles, California. 
Los Angeles Times Front Page, February 25, 1942, after early morning anti-aircraft artillery fire on unidentified aerial object over Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles, California.

April 14, 2005  Los Angeles, California – Sixty three years ago on February 24-25, 1942, all of southern California from the San Joaquin Valley to the Mexico border was blacked out. Fearing a WWII Japanese invasion attack after Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, air raid sirens had gone on and off the evening of February 24, as intermittent unidentified aerial lights were reported. Then at 2:25 a.m. on February 25, most of the greater Los Angeles region’s three million population was awakened by loud air raid sirens that kept wailing for the next thirty-eight minutes. Powerful searchlights were aimed at a glowing unidentified aerial object over the Santa Monica Mountains that was shaped like a “lozenge.” Then America’s 37th Coast Artillery Brigade fired off 1,430 anti-aircraft shells at the unidentified aerial, diamond-shaped craft.Click for report.

First 2005 Dutch Crop Circles Reported in Hoeven, Holland Grass

Hoeven, Holland, is a small farming community marked by the red star near Roosendaal, south of Rotterdam. Map © MapQuest.
Hoeven, Holland, is a small farming community marked by the red star near Roosendaal, south of Rotterdam. Map © MapQuest.

April 12, 2005  Brummen, The Netherlands – Seven years ago on June 7, 1999, a few minutes after midnight, 19-year-old Robbert van den Broeke woke up and felt compelled to look out his second story bedroom window. Robbert opened the curtains and saw a “small, misty, pinkish-purple light” shaped like a football coming over the wheat field at a height of about ten feet. The light stopped about 150 feet from his house. “Then the light started to elongate, spreading out becoming thinner and thinner looking like a disc. When it was about thirty feet in diameter, Robbert saw what he called “electrical discharges” emit from the bottom of the pinkish-purple light. After that, the light faded away. Robbert ran outside into the wheat and there was a 30-foot-diameter circle next to a 10-foot-diameter circle.

Click for report.

Highly Strange Dog Death in Arkansas; 2000-Pound Bull Dropped On Log Pile and Calf Skinned

Rancher Ricky Lummus and his family have 90 acres between Bloomburg, Texas, and Doddridge, Miller County, Arkansas, near the "T-border" where Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas come together. Hope and Ashdown, Arkansas, circled in black on the map, are areas of animal mutilation reports over the past several decades.
Rancher Ricky Lummus and his family have 90 acres between Bloomburg, Texas, and Doddridge, Miller County, Arkansas, near the “T-border” where Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas come together. Hope and Ashdown, Arkansas, circled in black on the map, are areas of animal mutilation reports over the past several decades.

April 12, 2005  Doddridge, Arkansas – Rancher Ricky Lummus is 43-years-old. He has been raising animals for half his life. Nine years ago, he and his family moved on to 90 acres in southwestern Arkansas between Bloomberg, Texas, and Doddridge, Arkansas, very near the “T-border” where Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana come together. He runs his cattle with cow dogs. Recently he added two male puppies about two-months-old to his other five dogs for a total of seven.Click for report.

Chronic Wasting Disease Has Spread to New York State Captive Deer

“If it was a positive CWD animal, I would not eat it. In the infectious prion form, we hope the species barrier will protect us. But the recent history of BSE (Mad Cow) suggests it has not.”

– Srinand Sreevatasan, D.V.M., Univ. of Minnesota

Oneida County, New York, where Utica is the County Seat.
Oneida County, New York, where Utica is the County Seat.

 April 7, 2005  Albany, New York – This week on April 2, 2005, a second case of Chronic Wasting Disease was confirmed in a white-tailed deer farm in Oneida County, New York State. Utica is the county seat. The week before, the first case was reported by New York’s Department of Agriculture and Markets and the New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC).Click for report.

Part 8: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III – Amassing The Evidence

"The Colonel stated that underground installations, as well as isolated areas of military reservations, have squadrons of unmarked helicopters which have sophisticated instrumentation on board. Squadrons are dispatched to areas of UFO activity to monitor the craft or airlift them out of the area if one has malfunctioned."

- Source: USAF Colonel, Carswell AFB, Fort Worth, Texas

Return to Part 1

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 8 of Status Report III, written in June 1982. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report IV begins at Earthfiles 021205. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Leonard H. Stringfield:

CASE B-4: 1962, Crashed Disk In Northern New Mexico

[Editor's Note: Carswell AFB was one of the first Strategic Air Command bases, originally created on July 18, 1916.]

Researcher Tommy Blann met Lt. Colonel X through a friend of another military officer stationed at Carswell AFB. 'There were many exchanges of communications between myself, my friend and the other officer before the Colonel decided to meet me in person,' commented Blann in his personal summary of the discussion, recorded March 14, 1975, which Tommy obliged to send me in November 1981. 


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What’s Killing Off Marine Life Every 62 Million Years?

Graph of Earth life genera (genus of species) declining on a cycle of every 62 million years for the past half billion years. Graphic © 2005 by Richard Muller, Ph.D.
Graph of Earth life genera (genus of species) declining on a cycle of every 62 million years for the past half billion years. Graphic © 2005 by Richard Muller, Ph.D.

Apri1 1, 2005  Berkeley, California - Whatever humans do, or don't do, in this century to help sustain the Earth's ecosystem, it appears that our planet has endured some kind of assault every 62 million years which kills marine life all over the world. The last big global catastrophe is definitely linked to the impact of a large asteroid near the Yucatan Peninsula in the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago. About 75% of all living creatures in the oceans and on land were literally wiped out to extinction, including the dinosaurs. Could there be a 62-million-year cycle of asteroids, comets or other cosmic debris that affects our solar system and Earth? Or is it fluctuations in our Sun? Or the periodic volcanic violence of our own planet? Or something else?


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Soft Tissue – Even Blood Cells? – Found in Tyrannosaurus rex Leg Bone

Two Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs below a Pteranod flying on bat-like membranes. Painting © by Mark Hallet in Dinosaur Illustrations.
Two Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs below a Pteranod flying on bat-like membranes. Painting © by Mark Hallet in Dinosaur Illustrations.

April 1, 2005  Raleigh, North Carolina - One of the most awesome creatures that ever walked on Earth was the 20-foot-tall Tyrannosaurus rex, or T-rex. It was a big meat eater with many sharp teeth as long as six inches in a head that could be five feet long. Sixty-five million years ago, the big dinosaurs were roaming what is now called the Hell Creek Formation in the state of Montana when an asteroid, maybe 6 miles in diameter, hit the Earth near the Yucatan Peninsula. That violent impact and its subsequent fires and dust blocked sunlight around the world for months and killed off more than 75% of all Earth life. Thirty-one dinosaur skeletons have been found at the Hell Creek Formation in the past four years by Montana State University paleontologist, Jack Horner. And one of those is the first dinosaur remains to have stretchy tissue and even what appears to be blood cells inside one of its leg bones. This astonishing discovery recently published in the March 2005 journal, Science, was made by biologist and paleontologist, Mary Higby Schweitzer, Ph.D., at North Carolina State University's Dept. of Marine Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.


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