Mysterious Lights and 2003 Serpent Mound Soybean Formation

“All of us agreed that the mysterious lights seemed to be coming from the direction of the Serpent Mound area, which from my sister’s house would have been off to the right in our field of vision. We actually joked at the time, ‘Maybe there will be a crop circle there in the morning.’”

– Tree Pruitt, Eyewitness, Batavia, Ohio

Photograph of ancient Serpent Mound near Locust Grove and Peebles, Ohio. Mound is 800 meters long (.5 miles) and its construction is placed around 800 A.D. Soybean formation was 3,000 feet ( a little more than a half mile) to the east of the serpent's tail shown at left of photo. Image courtesy Planetary and Space Science Centre, University of New Brunswick.
Photograph of ancient Serpent Mound near Locust Grove and Peebles, Ohio. Mound is 800 meters long (.5 miles) and its construction is placed around 800 A.D. Soybean formation was 3,000 feet ( a little more than a half mile) to the east of the serpent’s tail shown at left of photo. Image courtesy Planetary and Space Science Centre, University of New Brunswick.
Arrow points at the soybean formation through early morning mist. Thin black line extends from the formation to lower right beige clearing which is the tail of the Serpent Mound.  Aerial photograph © 2003 by Jeffrey Wilson and Roger Sugden.
Arrow points at the soybean formation through early morning mist. Thin black line extends from the formation to lower right beige clearing which is the tail of the Serpent Mound.  Aerial photograph © 2003 by Jeffrey Wilson and Roger Sugden.
Serpent Mound soybean formation first discovered August 24, 2003, was 271 feet from top of large ring to bottom of small, ringed circle, all oriented east to west. The diameter of the "Eye" in the Vesica Piscis was 74 feet. Aerial photograph © 2003 by Jeffrey Wilson and Roger Sugden.
Serpent Mound soybean formation first discovered August 24, 2003, was 271 feet from top of large ring to bottom of small, ringed circle, all oriented east to west. The diameter of the “Eye” in the Vesica Piscis was 74 feet.
Aerial photograph © 2003 by Jeffrey Wilson and Roger Sugden.

May 9, 2005  Batvia, Ohio – Two years ago, between August and November 2003, four crop formations in soybeans were reported in the mysterious and ancient mound-builder’s region of southern Ohio. Most important in terms of plant and soil anomalies was the first one discovered on the morning of August 24, 2003, not far from the famous Serpent Mound near Locust Grove, Ohio. The tall soybean plants had been laid down in a geometry based around the Vesica Pisces symbol found so often in British crop formations. Its longest length was 271 feet and there were no tracks around the entire perimeter or inside the extraordinary pattern.Click for report.

Did Milky Way Gas and Dust Turn Earth Into Icy Snowball Four Times?

Sharpest image of the Whirlpool Galaxy ever taken was made by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in January 2005. The pink arms are "star-formation factories, compressing hydrogen gas and creating clusters of new stars." Each arm of stars moves forward through changing densities of gas and dust, as our solar system moves with its Sun in the rotating arms of our Milky Way Galaxy. Image credit: NASA, ESA, and Hubble Heritage Team.
Sharpest image of the Whirlpool Galaxy ever taken was made by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in January 2005. The pink arms are "star-formation factories, compressing hydrogen gas and creating clusters of new stars." Each arm of stars moves forward through changing densities of gas and dust, as our solar system moves with its Sun in the rotating arms of our Milky Way Galaxy. Image credit: NASA, ESA, and Hubble Heritage Team.

May 7, 2005  Boulder, Colorado - In the Earth's 4.5 billion year history so far, there have been five major extinction events, plus the current sixth caused by the expansion of human civilization into animal and plant habitats and subsequent impact on global warming. The five previous major extinction events were based on the most complete study ever done of all the known world marine fossils. That was the life work of University of Chicago paleontologist, John (Jack) J. Sepkoski, Ph.D. He documented 36,380 genera of marine life over the past half a billion years. After his death, his work was published as Compendium of Fossil Marine Animal Genera and is the most complete reference available for the study of biodiversity and extinctions. [See 040105 Earthfiles.]


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What Are The Straight Lines on Saturn’s Titan Moon?

Dark "channels," perhaps draining down into dark "methane sea" at bottom, in image taken from about 8 kilometers altitude by Huygens probe with a resolution of about 20 meters per pixel. Boundary between high, lighter-colored terrain and and darker lowland area on Titan resembles a coast line. One of the many mysteries: what is the right angle structure beneath the white arrow? This composite was produced from images returned January 14, 2005, by ESA's Huygens probe. Image source: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.
Dark "channels," perhaps draining down into dark "methane sea" at bottom, in image taken from about 8 kilometers altitude by Huygens probe with a resolution of about 20 meters per pixel. Boundary between high, lighter-colored terrain and and darker lowland area on Titan resembles a coast line. One of the many mysteries: what is the right angle structure beneath the white arrow? This composite was produced from images returned January 14, 2005, by ESA's Huygens probe. Image source: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.

May 6, 2005  Tucson, Arizona - This week planetary scientists at the University of Arizona in Tucson submitted their first paper about the Cassini/Huygens probe images of Saturn's huge moon, Titan, to the British journal, Nature. But the article, with many images and hypotheses about what the surface geology might be on the mysterious moon, won't be released until the end of 2005. One of the many surface features that have provoked scientists to wonder what they are seeing is what appears to be a straight-sided 90-degree angle at the left of a composite image released on January 14, 2005, soon after the Huygens probe had descended from the Cassini spacecraft to land on Titan. This week I asked one of the team members studying Titan's surface images to comment on the "structure."


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Part 11: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III – Amassing The Evidence

"President-to-President, Eisenhower told him that he once visited an air base in the Southwest United States where they showed him a flying disc and the cadavers of several of its crew members."

- Source: Miguel Aleman, Ex-President of Mexico

Return to Part 1

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 11 of Status Report III, written in June 1982. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report IV begins at Earthfiles 021205. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994. 


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Updated – More Than 1,000 Cane Toads Explode to Death in Germany and Denmark

Exploding cane toads have been reported on April 25, 2005, at Lake Mosehullet, Middle Jutland near Laasby in Denmark, northwest of Copenhagen.
Exploding cane toads have been reported on April 25, 2005, at Lake Mosehullet, Middle Jutland near Laasby in Denmark, northwest of Copenhagen.
Originally native to Venezuela, cane toads have poisonous sacs on the back of their heads which can kill crocodiles, snakes and other animals in minutes. Photograph courtesy of USGS.
Originally native to Venezuela, cane toads have poisonous sacs on the back of their heads which can kill crocodiles, snakes and other animals in minutes. Photograph courtesy of USGS.

April 27, 2005  Hamburg, Germany – At first, the idea that poisonous cane toads originally from Venezuela, South America would crawl out of a lake near Hamburg, Germany, and explode to death, sounds like a Monty Python comedy.Click for report.

Dozens of Unidentified Aerial Objects Videotaped Over Sonora, California

West of Yosemite National Park at the edge of Stanislaus National Forest is Sonora, California, in Toulumne County.
West of Yosemite National Park at the edge of Stanislaus National Forest is Sonora, California, in Toulumne County.
Marine Corps Training Camp is located near Sonora Pass, California, about 25 miles east of Mark Olson's apartment. Photograph courtesy Mark Olson.
Marine Corps Training Camp is located near Sonora Pass, California, about 25 miles east of Mark Olson's apartment. Photograph courtesy Mark Olson.
 Lyons Bald Mountain, Sonora, California, photographed from Mark Olson's apartment. Camcorder image © 2005 by Mark Olson.
Lyons Bald Mountain, Sonora, California, photographed from Mark Olson's apartment. Camcorder image © 2005 by Mark Olson.

 April 28, 2005  Sonora, California - Two years ago in November 2003, two brothers moved together into an apartment on the outskirts of Sonora. One of the brothers is named Mark Olson, a high school graduate who is a certified interpreter for the deaf, computer business specialist and a graduate of the Universal Life Seminary with a doctoral degree in metaphysics. Mark had no specific interest in the UFO phenomenon when he and his brother decided to live in the rural community and split living costs. But only a few months after moving into their new place, Mark noticed a large bruise on the small of his brother's back. 


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Outer Space Impact At Serpent Mound, Ohio, 256 Million Years Ago

April 20, 2005  Dayton, Ohio - Around 11 a.m. Sunday, August 24, 2003, at the Brush Creek bridge in Peebles, Ohio, a family saw "an oddity in a nearby soybean field that was not natural." It turned out to be an extraordinary crop formation in soybeans only a half mile from the tail of the famous Serpent Mound mysteriously built a thousand years ago to be seen from the sky, but no one knows why.

Photograph of ancient Serpent Mound near Locust Grove and Peebles, Ohio. Mound is 800 meters long (.5 miles) and its construction is placed around 800 A.D. Soybean formation was 3,000 feet ( a little more than a half mile) to the east of the serpent's tail shown at left of photo. Image courtesy Wright State University.
Photograph of ancient Serpent Mound near Locust Grove and Peebles, Ohio. Mound is 800 meters long (.5 miles) and its construction is placed around 800 A.D. Soybean formation was 3,000 feet ( a little more than a half mile) to the east of the serpent's tail shown at left of photo. Image courtesy Wright State University.


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