Part I – Highly Anomalous Pigment Formation in 2004 Hillsboro, Ohio, Crop Formation

June 2, 2005 Grass Lake, Michigan - In a Hillsboro, Ohio, garden back on July 5, 2004, corn plants were discovered by home owners to be mysteriously flattened in a rough rectangular pattern without any storm links or other natural explanations. Jeffrey Wilson, Director, Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association (ICCRA), in Ohio, forwarded to me an e-mail from the Hillsboro, Ohio, residents, along with a photograph of their affected garden plot of corn. The owners wrote:

"We have what most would refer to as a 'crop circle' in our garden plot of corn. We noticed it yesterday (July 5, 2004). We have contacted the local sheriff's department and he said it did not look like vandalism to him, but rather some type of natural or unexplained phenomena. No one has stepped into it yet, as I thought it might be of interest to someone."


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Part 2 – Highly Anomalous Pigment Formation in 2004 Hillsboro, Ohio, Crop Formation

“ …We find in this Hillsboro, Ohio, case that there are statistically significant alterations in all downed corn samples, relative to the normal control plants. If we now add to that the anomalous pigment formation in corn seeds, we must come to the conclusion that the Hillsboro, Ohio, sweet corn patch interacted with a very complex and tremendously high energy vortex plasma.”

– Biophysicist W. C. Levengood

June 2, 2005   Grass Lake, Michigan – May 4, 2005 report about Hillsboro, Ohio, July 5, 2004, mysteriously flattened corn plants, by W. C. Levengood, Biophysicist, Pinelandia Biophysical Laboratory, Grass Lake, Michigan:Click for report.

Part 1 – Brazilian Air Force Opens Its UFO Files to Public

May 26, 2005 - Corguinho, Brazil - On Friday, May 20, the Brazilian Air Force had a meeting in that nation's capitol, Brasilia, with UFO researchers at Brazil's version of NORAD known as CINDACTA I. There it was announced that current Brazil President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ­ known to the Brazil public as "President Lula" - supports opening most government suppressed files ­ including UFO cases, political prisoner files and other secrets kept by previous Brazil administrations. One of the UFO researchers invited to the May 20th Brazilian Air Force meeting was farmer, Urandir Oliveira, from Corguinho in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Top: Urandir Oliveira in left foreground at Brazil's CINDACTA I headquarters in the country's capitol, Brasilia, on Friday, May 20, 2005. Bottom: Brazilian Air Force officials announced release of UFO files to public. Photographs © 2005 by Felipe Branco.
Top: Urandir Oliveira in left foreground at Brazil's CINDACTA I headquarters in the country's capitol, Brasilia, on Friday, May 20, 2005. Bottom: Brazilian Air Force officials announced release of UFO files to public. Photographs © 2005 by Felipe Branco.


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Part 2 – Corguinho, Brazil: Plasma Balls Which Enter Humans

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May 26, 2005 - Corguinho, Brazil - One of the persistent mysteries over the decades in Corguinho, Brazil, have been glowing white or gold lights about 3 to 4 feet in diameter which residents have seen rise out of the ground or come out of the big mesa which dominates the farmland. I have interviewed eyewitnesses there who have watched the lights move around in the sky and go back into the mesa or into the ground. Exactly what the source of the lights are and what they do when they emerge is unknown.

But Urandir Oliveira, his family, the Felipe Branco family and many others have also seen what they call "plasma balls." And nine months ago in September 2004, while Felipe Branco was visiting Urandir Oliveira at the Corguinho farm, Felipe had his own firsthand encounter with one of the lights.


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Phoenix Barley Mystery: Apparently Irrigation and Wind

One of three barley fields operated by Brooks Farms near intersection of 75th Avenue and Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona, in the Tolleson suburb, which have straight parallel lines of standing crop between which are randomly downed and standing crop. May 25, 2005, aerial photograph © 2005 by KTVK, Channel 3 News.
One of three barley fields operated by Brooks Farms near intersection of 75th Avenue and Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona, in the Tolleson suburb, which have straight parallel lines of standing crop between which are randomly downed and standing crop. May 25, 2005, aerial photograph © 2005 by KTVK, Channel 3 News.
Tolleson, a Phoenix suburb, is region where Brooks Farms cereal crops are grown in big fields on Buckeye Road and Lower Buckeye Road.
Tolleson, a Phoenix suburb, is region where Brooks Farms cereal crops are grown in big fields on Buckeye Road and Lower Buckeye Road.

May 26, 2005   Phoenix, Arizona - Thirty-five years ago, Trent Johnson was born in Phoenix into a farm family that raised cereal crops. At age six, he was already learning how to drive a tractor. Twenty years ago he began working for Brooks Farms which leases several thousand acres of land. One of Brooks Farms' fields is leased from Swift Transportation, a large trucking company. That field is near 75th Avenue and Buckeye Road. Two other fields next to each other run from 67th to 72nd Avenues north of Lower Buckeye Road and are owned by a Utah company called "Property Reserve Arizona LLC." Mr. Johnson has been foreman and farm manager of Brooks Farms since 1997. 


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Praying Mantis Creature in Big Bear Mountains, California?

May 24, 2005   Omaha, Nebraska - Back in April 1996, Amy Brockman had been married four years and was living in Southern California. She had grown up in Omaha, Nebraska, where she was born thirty-five years ago in 1970. She graduated from high school with an interest in art and studied for one and a half years in a community college. By April 1996, her marriage was deteriorating toward divorce and her health was bad. For relief, Amy decided to go camping with a friend in the Big Bear Mountains near Big Bear Lake east of San Bernardino. The first morning around 8 a.m., she stepped out of the tent and was overwhelmed by the beauty of the trees, mountains and sunlight. So, she got her 35mm camera, loaded it with a 24-frame roll of 400 ASA Kodak film, and clicked off five shots as she randomly aimed the lens at what appealed to her. During the camp outing, she finished off the roll, had the prints developed and put them in a box. Amy and her husband divorced and she moved back to Omaha to be close to her family parents.
In 2004, she heard a Coast to Coast AM radio program in which I was interviewing people about photographs that had translucent or opaque small orbs in them, even though the photographers had not seen any orbs with their eyes. Amy decided to look through the box of photographs she had been accumulating over the years to see if there were any orbs. To her surprise, she found several orbs in her old photographs - and something else in one of the 1996 photographs from the Big Bear Mountain camping trip that scared her.


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May 2005 Crop Formation Update in Six Countries

May 20, 2005  – One year ago on May 22, 2004, I reported at an overview of 12 crop formations which had been reported in six countries. [See 052204 Earthfiles.] The list included:

– four patterns in yellow flowering oil seed rape in Germany;
– four patterns in oil seed rape in England;
– one pattern of grass circles in Hoeven, Holland;
– one circle geometry of wheat in Poland;
– one pattern of circles laid down in tall pasture grass in Queensland, Australia;
– and randomly downed wheat along straight lines in Mexico.

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USAF Wants Space Weapons Program

Hundreds of commercial, military, and research satellites now orbit relatively close by, in low-Earth orbit. Others lie in safer geosynchronous orbit, visible here as the ring of dots circling farthest from the Earth. Illustration © 2005 by IEEE.
Hundreds of commercial, military, and research satellites now orbit relatively close by, in low-Earth orbit. Others lie in safer geosynchronous orbit, visible here as the ring of dots circling farthest from the Earth. Illustration © 2005 by IEEE.

May 19, 2005  Washington, D. C. - A year ago in June 2004, I reported about German physicist Werner Von Braun's warning before he died in 1977 that space above planet Earth and beyond should not be used for weapons and war. Dr. Von Braun, who had worked in America's early rocket program at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, told a woman named Carol Rosin who worked for him shortly before his death, "that we must prevent the weaponization of space from happening because it will end up destroying humanity." Dr. Von Braun also told Carol Rosin that he knew there was other life in the universe and we would jeopardize contact with them if we persisted with weaponizing space.


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Greenland Sea Cold Water Re-Cycling Has Nearly Stopped. Britain Expected to Become Cooler.

“We do expect that this reduction in the volume of sinking water (in Greenland Sea) will lead to a reduction in the volume of warm water reaching Europe. That will cool down Europe ­ or at least parts of Europe that are accessible to the ocean. … (England and coastal parts of Europe) will be getting more violent types of weather that are due to the higher temperature differences that are happening everywhere.” ­

– Ocean Physicist Peter Wadhams, Cambridge University, U. K.

Labrador and the British Isles are on the same latitude. But Britain has enjoyed a mild climate compared to cold Labrador because of the North Atlantic Drift, also known as the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation, which conveys warm equatorial water to the U. K. and Faeroe Islands.
Labrador and the British Isles are on the same latitude. But Britain has enjoyed a mild climate compared to cold Labrador because of the North Atlantic Drift, also known as the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation, which conveys warm equatorial water to the U. K. and Faeroe Islands.

 May 11, 2005  Cambridge, England – Normally in the Atlantic Ocean, warm water moves from the Equator up to the British Isles, keeping England and parts of Europe warmer than Labrador which is at the same northern latitude. The warming is caused by a huge convection process called the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation, or North Atlantic Drift. Equatorial warm water is circulated to the Labrador Sea and Greenland Sea, cools off, and then sea ice forms. The ice does not take up the sea salt which is left behind in the ocean and makes the water denser and it sinks. For more than a century, at least a dozen cylinder-shaped columns of cold water have been sinking into the deep ocean and heading back south toward the Equator which has kept the big conveyor belt of warm-to-cold-to-warm water going in the Atlantic Ocean.Click for report.

Part 12: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III – Amassing The Evidence

"The observer, Craig Weitzel, photographed the UFO and witnessed one of its occupants, dressed in a metallic suit, get out and quickly return to the craft. The informant, who claimed to be a career airman, also claimed he knew about a crashed UFO stored in the Manzano storage area located on the base (Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque) which was under heavy guard."

- Source: Unidentified Career USAF Airman

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To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 12 of Status Report III, written in June 1982. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report IV begins at Earthfiles 021205. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994. 


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