Phenomenon of “Instant” Hurricanes in 2005

Left: Tropical storm Rita quickly became Cat 1 hurricane by Tuesday morning, September 20, 2005,  from a tropical depression on Saturday. Right: Then intensified rapidly to a Category 5 on Wednesday,  September 21, 2005. Satellite images courtesy NOAA.
Left: Tropical storm Rita quickly became Cat 1 hurricane by Tuesday morning, September 20, 2005, from a tropical depression on Saturday. Right: Then intensified rapidly to a Category 5 on Wednesday, September 21, 2005. Satellite images courtesy NOAA.


September 23, 2005  Miami, Florida – The United States mainland has never been hit by both Category 4 and Category 5 hurricanes in the same season. But 2005 looked like it might happen after catastrophic Katrina hit the Gulf Coast as a Cat 4 on August 29, and was followed three weeks later by the ferocious Cat 5 Rita aimed at Texas with 170 mph sustained winds. By Thursday evening, September 22, Rita’s winds had slowed to 145 mph as a still-dangerous Category 4 headed north toward Port Arthur, Texas.Click for report.

9 X-Class Solar Flares Between September 7 – 19, 2005.

"Why is such a wimpy Solar Minimum cycle, with only a few sunspots, so strong when it comes to making flares?"

- David Hathaway, Ph.D., NASA Solar Physicist

September 23, 2005  Huntsville, Alabama - The sun in our solar system is a big ball of hydrogen and helium gas that's 107 times larger than the Earth. The sun is like a big nuclear fusion reactor that gives light and heat to the planets. Even at 93 million miles from the sun, the temperatures can support life from the icy poles to the hot equator. Scientists who have studied ice cores report that long before the current Industrial Age's emissions of greenhouse gases linked to global warming, there have been many cycles of heating and cooling on the planet. Could it be that the so-called Solar Constant is not so constant? Could cycles in the sun ranging from lots of sunspots and big solar flares to few sunspots and small solar flares have more to do with Earth temperatures than originally thought?


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Silent, Unidentified Aerial Triangle Entered Thuderstorm Over Fairborn, Ohio

 Michael Johnson's home is north of Wright-Patterson AFB near Enon, but in Fairborn, Greene County, Ohio.
Michael Johnson’s home is north of Wright-Patterson AFB near Enon, but in Fairborn, Greene County, Ohio.
Michael Johnson's back yard facing east as photographed from the same deck as he photographed the silent, unidentified triangle during the September 19, 2005, thunderstorm shown below. Photograph © 2005 by Michael Johnson.
Michael Johnson’s back yard facing east as photographed from the same deck as he photographed the silent, unidentified triangle during the September 19, 2005, thunderstorm shown below. Photograph © 2005 by Michael Johnson.

September 21, 2005  Fairborn, Ohio – On Monday night September 19, 2005, around 10:30 p.m. in Ohio, Michael Johnson and his wife heard a surprising and unexpected deep rumble of thunder. Both are radio ham operators and members of the Dayton Sky Warn group which watches the sky for unusual weather and sends out alerts. No thunderstorm was expected as far as they knew. But Mike grabbed his digital camera as he usually does in storms to photograph unusual lightning or other notable storm features.Click for report.

Part 9: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II – New Sources, New Data

"An alleged violent incident occurred in the Spring of 1977 in southwestern Ohio which involved an encounter between a landed or disabled alien craft and its crew and a U. S. military detachment dispatched to the site."


Return to previous Part 8

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 9 of Status Report II, written in January 1980. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report III begins at Earthfiles. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994. For all the previous status reports, see Earthfiles Archives.

Leonard H. Stringfield:

"ITEM B-13

In my first UFO crash/retrieval paper I made brief reference to an alleged violent incident occurred in the Spring of 1977 in southwestern Ohio which involved an encounter between a landed or disabled alien craft and its crew and a U. S. military detachment dispatched to the site. Since it made news and drew inquiry, the town nearest the site has been identified as Lumberton, on Highway 68, southeast of Xenia, Ohio and Wright-Patterson AFB.


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Part 8: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II – New Sources, New Data

© January 1980 by Leonard H. Stringfield

With permission, reprinted in © 2005 by Linda Moulton Howe.

"Although I've read accounts of reputable pilots who have seen what they described as UFOs... I made an effort to get in the room at Wright-Patterson Field where the information was stored and I was denied this request..."

- U. S. Senator Barry Goldwater (R-Arizona)

Return to previous Part 7

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 8 of Status Report II, written in January 1980. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report III begins at Earthfiles. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994. For all the previous status reports, see Earthfiles Archives.


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Animal Mutilations Reported in Switzerland, Hollywood and Kansas

“Ten cats have been chopped in half or into three pieces and posed in the front yards of neighbors in this area since July.”

– Brenda Carey, Bureau of Humane Law Enforcement , Los Angeles

Since early August 2005, at least 47 animals have been found dead and mutilated in Switzerland, ranging from the provinces of Neuchatel, Jura and Basel provinces to Solothurn and Aargau.
Since early August 2005, at least 47 animals have been found dead and mutilated in Switzerland, ranging from the provinces of Neuchatel, Jura and Basel provinces to Solothurn and Aargau.

September 14, 2005  Solothurn (Soleure), Switzerland – Beginning in late May 2005, police in northwest Switzerland in a triangular region located between Basel (Basle), Solothurn (Soleure) and Aarau began receiving reports about cows, sheep, horses, cats and rabbits found dead with precise, surgical excisions of tissues, especially the sexual organs. Between August 8 and August 26, 2005, as the number of dead animals climbed to at least 47, there were half a dozen newspaper articles about the disturbing mutilations. Earthfiles viewer, Jeanne Guillou of Paris, France, saw Swiss television and newspaper reports about the dead animals and translated several articles for this Earthfiles report.Click for report.

“Planet X” and the Kuiper Belt’s Oddballs, “Santa” and “Easterbunny”

 "Instead of Pluto being a unique object that's difficult to understand (has frozen methane crust), we now see it as part of a family of objects (Xena, Sedna and Easterbunny that also have frozen methane crusts). We can try to understand the entire family, with Pluto being the middle sized member of the three. That's very exciting to us."

- Michael E. Brown, Astronomer  

Planet X, or Xena, or 2003 UB313, illustrated as red in color because it has a surface  of frozen methane similar to Pluto, "Easterbunny," and Sedna. Nine billion miles from the sun,  Xena is 20 to 30 percent larger than Pluto. Illustration by Cal Tech.
Planet X, or Xena, or 2003 UB313, illustrated as red in color because it has a surface of frozen methane similar to Pluto, "Easterbunny," and Sedna. Nine billion miles from the sun, Xena is 20 to 30 percent larger than Pluto. Illustration by Cal Tech.

September 15, 2005  Pasadena, California - A couple of months ago in late July, astronomer Michael Brown and his colleagues at the California Institute of Technology, announced their discovery of "Planet X." It's a big chunk of rock and ice nine billion miles from the sun. It's actually bigger than Pluto - and far beyond Pluto in what is known as the Kuiper Belt that circles our solar system. Now, almost two months later, the International Astronomical Union still has not decided if the exciting discovery should be classified a planet or what it's official name should be.


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