Former Canadian Minister of Defence Calls for Public Parliament Hearings About UFOs and ETs

“There have been visitors from space and they were as real as the airplanes flying overhead and they were designated by Gen. Nathan Twining (in 1947) as ‘enemy aliens.'”

– Paul Hellyer, Canadian Minister of Defence, 1963-1967

December 2, 2005  Toronto, Ontario, Canada – On July 4, 1997, I was in Roswell, New Mexico, at the 50th anniversary of the most famous UFO crash discovered by rancher, “Mac” Brazel, near Corona. U. S. military and intelligence units retrieved wreckage that was soon dismissed as a weather balloon. But joining that anniversary celebration was an Army man who declared the crash was definitely extraterrestrial and was not the only one the U. S. government had covered up. United States Army Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso had just released his groundbreaking book, The Day After Roswell.  Colonel Corso wrote astonishing details about U. S. government programs to retrieve extraterrestrial technology from downed craft and to back engineer and patent it inside American corporations. On the Colonel’s list of extraterrestrial technologies were:Click for report.

H5N1 Avian Flu Has Infected 21st Person in Thailand. 13 Have Died.   

“The H5N1 avian flu virus has mutated into a more dangerous form that could breed more effectively in mammals.”

– Cao Bao Van, Dir.,
Molecule Biology Department, Pasteur Institute, Vietnam

Early 1997 strain of H5N1 avian influenza virus shows golden-brown in this electron micrograph. Virus in 2005 has mutated to more virulence in lab tests. Image 1997 by CDC.
Early 1997 strain of H5N1 avian influenza virus shows golden-brown in this electron micrograph. Virus in 2005 has mutated to more virulence in lab tests. Image 1997 by CDC.

November 13, 2005  Washington, D. C. – The Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization confirm that the 21st person has been infected with H5N1 bird flu in Thailand. The victim is an 18-month-old boy now in a Bangkok hospital. Medical authorities think the child contracted the deadly virus from three fighting cocks and a chicken kept at the family’s home in Bangkok. All those birds died soon after the child was hospitalized. So far, twenty-one people in Thailand have been infected by the H5N1 bird flu and 13 have died.

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Is the Sun Heating Up?   

"The Sun right now is probably averaging over several decades the most active it's been in 400 years."

- Sallie Baliunas, Ph.D., Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

The large white spot on the face of the sun is called "Sunspot 822." Its current length on November 17, 2005, is 87,000 miles (140,000 km), about the size of Jupiter. According to, "This sunspot poses a threat for M-class solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% chance of one during the next 24 hours. Eruptions in the days ahead could cause magnetic storms on Earth." November 17, 2005, solar image by Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).
The large white spot on the face of the sun is called "Sunspot 822." Its current length on November 17, 2005, is 87,000 miles (140,000 km), about the size of Jupiter. According to, "This sunspot poses a threat for M-class solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% chance of one during the next 24 hours. Eruptions in the days ahead could cause magnetic storms on Earth." November 17, 2005, solar image by Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).

November 18, 2005  Cambridge, Massachusetts - Astrophysicists are scratching their heads about what's happening on the sun and in our solar system. Why has this so-called "Solar Minimum" been so active? It should be quiet now with very few sunspots because this is supposed to be the low point of the Sun's 11-year-sunspot cycle. But this week, there was a sunspot called 822 that's 87,000 miles across - the size of the planet Jupiter! Could it erupt with more powerful X-flares as has happened the past few months. Big flares threaten all the broadcast, global positioning and military satellites that now orbit our planet. As I've reported before in Earthfiles, the sun is not "normal." Is it warming up? Earth's North Pole and Mars's South Pole are melting at a surprisingly rapid rate. Even far out Pluto seems to show some melting. Is the sun a bigger player in all this than originally thought? 


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“Godzilla” of the Ancient Seas

The December 2005 issue of National Geographic magazine, provided in advance by National Geographic.
The December 2005 issue of National Geographic magazine, provided in advance by National Geographic.

November 12, 2005  Washington, D. C. - National Geographic announced this week that a large fossil sea monster about 135 million years old with a head like a carnivorous dinosaur and a tail like a fish's has been discovered in Argentina's Neuquen Basin at the foot of the Andes. The scientist who found the specimen is calling the fierce-looking animal "Godzilla," or "chico malo," which means the "bad boy" of the ocean.


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Part 4: An Alleged 1953 UFO Crash and Burial Near Garrison, Utah

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November 11, 2005  -

Remote Viewing by Joe McMoneagle
October 13 to 15, 1005

LINDA: I talked about the DRES case with MJ-12 and UFO crash/retrieval researcher, Ryan Wood, who suggested I hire the talented remote viewer, Joe McMoneagle, of Intuitive Intelligence Applications in Virginia. I prepared a sealed envelope that had only a xerox of a June 11, 1953, aerial photograph of the triangle in the DRES lakebed and the latitude and longitude coordinates of the triangle. (113W 40'29.83" by 38N 37'). Later after the work was completed, the sealed envelope was returned to me unopened, taped and marked with lines that would have torn if the envelope had been opened.


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Part 1: An Alleged 1953 UFO Crash and Burial Near Garrison, Utah

November 10, 2005  – Fifty-two years ago on May 20, 1953, it’s been said by a variety of sources that some kind of unidentified aerial craft allegedly crashed in a desert site near Kingman, Arizona. Follow the red arrow in the map below from Kingman to the yellow marked location two hundred miles straight north. The yellow marks a dry lakebed east of Fishlake National Forest which the U. S. government photographed in a grid pattern on June 11, 1953.

Red arrow points 200 miles straight north from Kingman, Arizona,  to the yellow-colored DRES facility near alleged lakebed crash site, perhaps in May 1953.
Red arrow points 200 miles straight north from Kingman, Arizona, to the yellow-colored DRES facility near alleged lakebed crash site, perhaps in May 1953.

Two dozen high altitude photographs were taken in a grid pattern of a large triangular feature in the dry lakebed near a government facility known as the Desert Research Experimental Station, or D.R.E.S. The triangle measured approximately 4,400 feet long and 2,700 feet wide. The measurements are from a 1999 geologist’s analytical report.Click for report.

Part 2: An Alleged 1953 UFO Crash and Burial Near Garrison, Utah

Return to Part 1

November 10, 2005  -

A new addition constructed some distance from the DRES buildings is a solar panel array surrounded by chain-link fence, topped by security barbwire.

 New solar arrays power some of DRES. Photographed on July 17, 2005, by Linda Moulton Howe.
New solar arrays power some of DRES. Photographed on July 17, 2005, by Linda Moulton Howe.

The power from the solar panels is transferred on poles to where powerlines descend into what look like abandoned buildings next to new fuel tanks. One particular building below has new white fuel tanks next to its half buried structure.


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Dust Storm On Mars, Cosmic First Light and Huge Black Hole At Our Galaxy’s Center

November 9, 2005   -

Hubble Space Telescope image of Mars and growing dust storm on October 28, 2005, one night before its close approach to Earth at 41 million miles on October 29, 2005. Image credit: NASA, ESA, The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), J. Bell (Cornell University) and M. Wolff (Space Science Institute).
Hubble Space Telescope image of Mars and growing dust storm on October 28, 2005, one night before its close approach to Earth at 41 million miles on October 29, 2005. Image credit: NASA, ESA, The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), J. Bell (Cornell University) and M. Wolff (Space Science Institute).

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope snapped this picture of Mars on October 28, 2005, within a day of its closest approach to Earth on the night of October 29, 2005. Hubble astronomers were also excited to have captured a regional dust storm on Mars that has been growing and evolving over the past few weeks. The dust storm, which is the bright "feathery" feature in the middle of the planet in this picture, is about 930 miles (1500 km) long measured diagonally. That's about the size of Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico combined.


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Lightning Killed 106 Cows in New South Wales, Australia

“We’ve always had small losses from lightning strikes, but nothing of this magnitude. We’ve gone through droughts and floods over the years, but this is the worst thing we’ve ever experienced.”

– NSW Australia Farmer Warwick Marks

Farmer Warwick Marks stands amid 68 of his cows killed instantly by a severe lightning storm on Monday, October 31, 2005, at his Dorrigo pasture west of Coffs Harbour in New South Wales north of Sydney. Photograph © 2005 by Coffs Coast Advocate.
Farmer Warwick Marks stands amid 68 of his cows killed instantly by a severe lightning storm on Monday, October 31, 2005, at his Dorrigo pasture west of Coffs Harbour in New South Wales north of Sydney. Photograph © 2005 by Coffs Coast Advocate.
Dorrigo is a little west of Coffs Harbour in New South Wales, Australia, north of Sydney. Glen Innes is 125 miles (200 kilometers) northwest of Dorrigo. Lightning hit and killed 38 cows in Glen Innes and 68 in Dorrigo, on October 31, 2005.
Dorrigo is a little west of Coffs Harbour in New South Wales, Australia, north of Sydney. Glen Innes is 125 miles (200 kilometers) northwest of Dorrigo. Lightning hit and killed 38 cows in Glen Innes and 68 in Dorrigo, on October 31, 2005.

November 3, 2005 Dorrigo, near Coffs Harbour, NSW Australia – The Coffs Coast Advocate in New South Wales, Australia, reported today that “an unusual high pressure system over the Tasman Sea, pushing a strong northeasterly wind and blowing moisture over the state,” has been blamed for severe lightning storms that killed 106 cows on two farms, Monday, October 31, 2005. Click for report.