Part 9 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

© 1994 -1995 by J. Andrew Kissner
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission of the author.
Reprinted in 2005-2006 as a Real X-Files series by with author's written permission.

"One of the many unanswered questions is how long was there an American military order to shoot down the discs described as 'enemy weapon systems?"

- J. Andrew Kissner

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Trouble All Over the World

The most controversial research finding will undoubtedly generate argument from both proponents and skeptics of the flying disc phenomenon. But it appears that flying discs very possibly behaved aggressively in 1947. It's also possible there was aggression before that year, but certainly after the May 29 detonation in Juarez, Mexico, and second explosion near Mt. Franklin in New Mexico.


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31st Cattle Mutilation on Red Bluff, California Ranch

"We've had a young calf dropped through trees because he had his legs intertwined with tree branches."

- Rancher Jean Barton

In Red Bluff, California, the Jean and Bill Barton ranch has suffered 31 cattle mutilations over the past decade. A few miles north, a rancher in Anderson, California, had cattle mutilations in 1999 and 2004.
In Red Bluff, California, the Jean and Bill Barton ranch has suffered 31 cattle mutilations over the past decade. A few miles north, a rancher in Anderson, California, had cattle mutilations in 1999 and 2004.

January 13, 2006  Red Bluff, California - For the past half century, unusual deaths that law enforcement call "animal mutilations" have been reported around the world. Both domestic animals and wild game have been affected, especially horses and cattle. Ranchers and law enforcement have long been puzzled because animals are found with the same pattern of hide and tissue removed ­ usually without blood ­ from the head, sexual organs, and vaginal/rectal area. There are no signs of struggle or tracks around the dead animals, not even the animal's own tracks. That peculiar fact provoked law enforcement long ago to wonder if the mutilators came in and out of pastures from the sky?


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Part 8 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

"If this was the U. S. Army's first attempt to shoot down a flying disc,
where did the disc go? There was no explanation about why the launched 'V-2,' or modified Wasserfall SAM missile (Hermes A-1), vaporized."

- J. Andrew Kissner 

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Trouble in the Desert (cont.)

Crash in Juarez, Mexico, on May 29, 1947

The explosion at Mt. Franklin was witnessed by General Homer and reported by the El Paso Times the following day. That explosion occurred more than ten minutes before a second explosion at least twenty-five miles further south. General Homer dispatched troops to look for missile wreckage and investigate the first crash site ten to fifteen miles northwest of Ft. Bliss towards WSPG. [ Source: Ibid.]

El Paso Times, El Paso, Texas, May 30, 1947.
El Paso Times, El Paso, Texas, May 30, 1947.


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Einstein’s “Spooky Action At A Distance”

"Of the six beryllium atoms we have entangled, you take five of the atoms and put them into a spaceship and send them to the moon. If you now measure on earth the one that remains, you find it's spinning clockwise. Then you know that the five other ones on the moon will also spin clockwise, but there's no physical interaction between them."  

- Dietrich Leibfried, Ph.D., NIST

January 6, 2006  Boulder, Colorado - In this New Year, time and events seem to hurdle forward faster and faster ­ while advanced computers become smaller and smaller. Some physicists even think by mid-21st Century, there could be quantum computers in which each bit would be an atom. A quantum computer would use one of the strangest properties of our universe to calculate mathematical problems quickly that might take billions of years for classical computers to solve.


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Antarctic Earthquakes and Edgar Cayce Pole Shift Prediction

“There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the Torrid areas, and there will be shifting then of the poles…”

– Edgar Cayce, January 19, 1934

Left: Star indicates 7.1 earthquake on January 2, 2006, at 22:13:40 Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), located 60 miles NNE of Ndoi Island, Fiji. Right: Star indicates 7.3 east of South Sandwich Islands north of Antarctica, at 06:10:49 UTC. Maps courtesy USGS.
Above: Star indicates 7.1 earthquake on January 2, 2006, at 22:13:40 Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), located 60 miles NNE of Ndoi Island, Fiji. Below: Star indicates 7.3 east of South Sandwich Islands north of Antarctica, at 06:10:49 UTC. Maps courtesy USGS.


January 3, 2006  Fiji Islands and South Sandwich Islands – Two strong earthquakes have been reported in island regions north of Antarctica. The first 7.3 magnitude on the Richter scale was east of the South Sandwich Islands which are north of Antarctica. The second several hours later was a 7.1 magnitude located in the Fiji Island chain further north of Antarctica. Click for report.

Part 7 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

"It is believed that at least one Wasserfall surface-to-air missile,
complete with a 674-pound high explosive warhead, was fired at one
or more unidentified  radar targets hovering to the southwest
of WSPG Launch Row."

 - J. Andrew Kissner

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Trouble in the Desert (cont.)

Wendover Field and "GAPA" Program

Wendover Field was the site of Project Y's TOP SECRET 'KINGMAN' nuclear test staging area in the isolated desert in western Utah near the Bonneville Salt Flats. The U. S. Army Air Force's first atomic bomb element, the 509th Bomb Group, trained at KINGMAN under code name "CENTERBOARD." That was prior to its relocation to Tinian Island for the atomic bomb missions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is the same 509th Bomb Group based at Roswell, New Mexico, following their return from the Pacific Theater of Operations.


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Updated: Part 6 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

"The object that had appeared next to the launched V-2 was
defined as 'hostile' since it appeared to have caused the rocket to veer off
course. Therefore, that unidentified disc was considered to be an
advanced foreign weapon system."

- J. Andrew Kissner

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Trouble in the Desert (cont.)

The Deputy Commanding General of the Army Air Forces and Air Chief of Staff, Lt. General Ira C. Eaker, had been on hand to observe the launch. General Eaker's Vice Chief of Staff was General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, identified in the MJ-12 document as MJ-6, who in 1946 was U. S. Director of the Central Intelligence Group (CIG), immediate forerunner of the CIA established by the National Security of 1947. General Vandenberg (MJ-6) was returned by the CIG to the Army Air Forces in January 1947 and given the assignment of Vice Chief of the Air Staff. He was subsequently promoted shortly after this test to Chief of the Air Staff, upon General Eaker retirement.


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Updated: Part 5 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

"Lt. Col. Harold R. Turner, White Sands Proving Ground commanding officer, today blamed 'peculiar phenomena' for the erratic test flight of a German V-2 rocket which landed only six miles east of Alamogordo yesterday afternoon."

- Las Cruces Sun-News, May 16, 1947

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Trouble in the Desert

The German Vengeance-2 (V-2) rocket gathered momentum and accelerated from White Sands Proving Ground's (WSPG) "Launch Complex 33" to a maximum speed of 1,700 meters per second all data appeared nominal. The rocket climbed to an intermediate altitude of 40 miles. Radar technicians assigned to U. S. Army Ordnance watched in amazement as an unidentified target suddenly appeared next to the ascending missile. [ Source: United States Civilian Space Programs, 1958-1978, p. 166.]


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Part 3 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

© 1994 -1995 by J. Andrew Kissner
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission of the author. Reprinted in 2005-2006 as a Real X-Files series by with author's written permission.

"The Rosetta Stone of secret science is a security clearance and a need to know that permits access to classified information and facilities."

- Robert W. Seidel, 1999

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In order to better understand Peculiar Phenomenon, I am beginning with the following glossary of American government abbreviations, acronyms and nomenclature.


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Part 4 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

Part 4 - Peculiar Phenomenon:Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
© 1994 -1995 by J. Andrew Kissner
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced,
in any form, without written permission of the author.
Reprinted in 2005-2006 as a Real X-Files series by with author's written permission.

"The Rosetta Stone of secret science is a security clearance and a need to know that permits access to classified information and facilities."

- Robert W. Seidel, 1999

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Glossary continued of American government abbreviations, acronyms and nomenclature.


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