Updated: Mysterious, Aerial Bars of Light Near Brawley, California

"Suddenly, there was what appeared to be several huge - and I mean really huge - fluorescent white beams of light that were all of the same length and spaced evenly apart, coming down at (an angle) ... out of the black sky."

- M. S., Microwave Technician

Updated with Earthfiles viewerbluemobluemoon comments:

February 14, 2006

"I'm writing to inform you that I, too, have seen these lights in the sky here in Blythe, CA northeast of Brawley, CA. I've seen lights like these before, but not that often. There is a bombing range between Blythe and Brawley and you can see lights over that area from time to time. I use to make a big deal out of them, but most people I talk to about them don't seem to care. But, I'm happy to see them reported on your website."

February 15, 2006

"I read your post at Earthfiles about the beams seen in the skies over CA. As well, I heard you on a past recording of Dreamland. The man interviewed said the beams were descending towards the Chocolate Mountain area, and he pinpointed an area at the gunnery range. ...Beams shot up can sometimes appear to be shooting down and that's what may have been seen. It might be a test of a secret gov. weapon known as a Rail-Gun. If the bars of light were truly descending, it might mean the Rail-Gun is now in space, or on a high altitude jet like the Aurora, fitted with a test version of a Rail-Gun."

February 15, 2006

"I am wondering if what the individual saw in this instance was fire from an AC-130 Spectre gunship, possibly in a training exercise or conducting some sort of live fire exercise in the desert. Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center is to the north of Brawley. AC-130s usually operate at night. "If it was not a joint USAF-USMC air-ground exercise, then I have no idea what an AC-130 would be doing firing at the ground near Brawley. The use of this aircraft for a Drug Interdiction mission would seem rather extraordinary. I also thought about test firing of the Airborne Laser System, yet normally when it is fired, there is a solid shaft of light and not a series of energy "bolts" or "bars" as with the description from Brawley. This is a very interesting mystery."

Airborne Laser Logo for D.O.D.'s Star Wars Space Policy Project. See website below.
Airborne Laser Logo for D.O.D.'s Star Wars Space Policy Project. See website below.

February 13, 2006 - On February 8, 2006, I received the following e-mail from a microwave technician driving around 11 p.m. Pacific time on February 7, when he saw huge, disconnected bars of light suddenly appear moving downward at an angle in the dark sky lasting for about half a minute. He contacted Earthfiles to ask what the mysterious, aerial bars of light might be. If any Earthfiles viewers have any more information, or have seen any comparable bars of light, please contact: [email protected] 


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NORAD “Fast Walkers” and “Men In Black”

"We would see something come up on the perimeter of the radar scope, right out on the end. And within maybe five or six sweeps, it was all the way to the other side of the scope in no time at all. ...1,200 to 1,700 mph."

- USAF Radar Operations, Okinawa, 1970

U. S. Navy air traffic controllers man radar screens of Air Operations Center on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt in 1999. Image courtesy U. S. Dept. of Defense.
U. S. Navy air traffic controllers man radar screens of Air Operations Center on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt in 1999. Image courtesy U. S. Dept. of Defense.

February 10, 2006 - There's an airspace intrusion mystery which has haunted our American military radar centers for decades. The intruders are called "Fast Walkers" ­ unidentified aerial objects that suddenly appear on radar moving at 1200 to 1700 mph.


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Crashed Disc Photos, “Ebens,” and Area 51 “Anti-Gravity”

Three disc crash sites in New Mexico labeled LZ-1, 2 and 3 (Landing Zones) are described in leaked Majestic-12 documents, allegedly official TOP SECRET MAJIC government accounts of what really happened between July 4 to 6, 1947, between Corona and Roswell, at the Trinity Site on White Sands, and east of Alamogordo on the Mescalero Apache Reservation.
Three disc crash sites in New Mexico labeled LZ-1, 2 and 3 (Landing Zones) are described in leaked Majestic-12 documents, allegedly official TOP SECRET MAJIC government accounts of what really happened between July 4 to 6, 1947, between Corona and Roswell, at the Trinity Site on White Sands, and east of Alamogordo on the Mescalero Apache Reservation.

February 10, 2006 - Three weeks ago on Coast to Coast AM radio, I had information from military, political and scientific sources about an aerial disc technology - defined as "interplanetary" and "extraterrestrial" by the Truman administration. That disc technology ­ which the public and media have called "UFOs" - interfered with our V-2 rocket tests at New Mexico's White Sands Proving Ground, beginning around 1947. We even shot at those discs and there was retaliation.


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Mysterious Dark Helicopters Over Comal County, Texas

Example of, but not actual chopper intruder, of what appears to be a Robinson-22 or -44 small, civilian helicopter. Image by Guadalupe County, Texas, rancher John Cores.
Example of, but not actual chopper intruder, of what appears to be a Robinson-22 or -44 small, civilian helicopter. Image by Guadalupe County, Texas, rancher John Cores.

“One tried to land by my cattle tank, but left when I approached. It had no number I could see. My biggest concern is that they (helicopters) are scaring my cattle. I want it to stop.”

– John Cores, Rancher

Guadalupe County (right yellow) is located in south central Texas east of San Antonio and southeast of New Braunfels, which is its largest city and county seat 29 miles northeast of San Antonio and 45 miles southwest of Austin.
Guadalupe County (right yellow) is located in south central Texas east of San Antonio and southeast of New Braunfels, which is its largest city and county seat 29 miles northeast of San Antonio and 45 miles southwest of Austin.

Updated – February 9, 2006  Guadalupe County, Texas – This past week, the San Antonio Lightning news website reported that the Federal Aviation Administration has not been able to identify two, so-called ‘dark helicopters’ reported near the ground on a Comal County, Texas, ranch. The ranch is actually in Guadalupe County, southeast of New Braunfels and east of San Antonio. On November 23rd, and a month later on December 22nd, Guadalupe County rancher, John Cores, filed a complaint with the FAA, after a black and another dark blue helicopter intruded where his cattle water and graze. Mr. Cores says he could not see ID markings on the helicopter.Click for report.

Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs.

"It was common knowledge during test missile firings that 'mysterious disks' would swoop in at thousands of miles per hour,  follow the (missile) trajectory, and zoom off again. He also said that two airmen reported to sick bay after being surrounded by a light, and later died of radiation poisoning."

- Source: White Sands Proving Ground Commander, 1950s

February 7, 2006 - On January 20-21, 2006, I posted at Earthfiles and broadcast on Coast to Coast AM radio an update with U. S. Navy physicist, Bruce Maccabee, about his discussions with a USAF geophysicist referred to as "Hawk." See two-part 012106 Earthfiles. I also reported more about former New Mexico State Representative (Dona Ana County, Las Cruces) Andrew Kissner's investigations of V-2 rocket research at White Sands Proving Ground in 1947 when aerial discs interfered with launches. See "Peculiar Phenomenon" Real X-Files series beginning with 121905 Earthfiles.


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Part 11 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

© 1994 -1995 by J. Andrew Kissner
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission of the author.

Reprinted in 2005-2006 as a Real X-Files series by Earthfiles.com with author's written permission.

"The flying disc intelligence was focused on the one area in the U. S. where any 'peculiar phenomenon' that disrupted weapons research activity was immediately a matter of concern to the JCS and the President."

- J. Andrew Kissner

Sacramento Mountains are east of Alamogordo/Holloman AFB and north of the Fort Bliss Military Reservation.
Sacramento Mountains are east of Alamogordo/Holloman AFB and north of the Fort Bliss Military Reservation.

 Return to Part 1

(Cont.) White Sands and OSRD: The Atomic Bomb and V-2s 

An observatory was constructed on Sacramento Peak east of WSPG by Dr. Donald Menzel (MJ-10) of the Harvard High Altitude Observatory (Climax, Colorado). "Sac Peak" was reported to "aid the observation of surface-to-air missiles launched from Holloman Field." Later, the observatory was used to conduct full coronographic studies of the sun and eventually became the primary instrument for the National Optical Astronomy Observatories and Solar Observatory funded entirely by the National Science Foundation with headquarters in 1996 at Tucson, Arizona. [ Source: Science With A Vengeance © Devorkin. ]


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Trends 2006

“There’s not a better trend forecaster than Gerald Celente.  The man knows what he’s talking about.”


Category 5 Economy

Broken China

Workers of the World

Survival of the Fittest

Outside the System/ Off the Grid

Alternative Energy Movement

Uglier Americans

Cyberworld TV (Computer-to-TV)

Simplicity Hip

Sentimental Journeys

February 3, 2006  Rhinebeck, New York – On the last day of January 2006, President George Bush presented his State of the Union. Iraq ­ and his administration’s “War On Terrorists” ­ were at the top of his priorities.Click for report.

Part 10 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

"Ironically, astronomer Clyde Tombaugh was the  only member of that pioneering scientific team to publicly report sightings of flying discs  above WSPG and was publicly ridiculed for his observations."

- J. Andrew Kissner

Return to Part 1

White Sands and OSRD: The Atomic Bomb and V-2s

One senses the vastness and grandeur of the Chihuahuan desert at WSPG, renamed White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) in 1956. Mountains rise dramatically from flat intermediate plains populated by yuccas, creosote bush and mesquite. The Tularosa Basin has mountain ranges generally oriented north to south. Between mountain ranges lie flat plains with "playas," or beaches in Spanish because the white dry lake bed looks like a beach. In general, playas are depressions in flat plains which act as evaporation ponds for runoff draining from surrounding higher elevations. What is unique about White Sands Missile Range is the pure gypsum deposits that make the sand so white. Evaporation of water from Lake Lucero, a playa, results in the concentration of those pure gypsum crystals. When blown by the wind, the crystals create the pure white sand dune area that was established in 1933 as a National Monument. [ Source: SEAFARER ELF Communications System, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Book 3, p. B-2.]


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Part 2: Navy Physicist and USAF Geophysicist Discuss UFOs and ETs

"This subject has such huge import for the human future that nobody really wants to know it's true. The admission that creatures are flying around out there doing whatever they are doing and we have no control over them amounts to a loss of control."

- Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., U. S. Navy Physicist

Return to Part 1.

January 27, 2006  Thurmont, Maryland - Back in early 1986, physicist Bruce Maccabee listened to USAF geophysicist Hawk talk about the "real Project Blue Book" as described in the mid-1960s by his old friend, USAF Lt. Col. Bob Hippler. Hawk had originally met Col. Hippler in Albuquerque when Col. Hippler wanted to know more about the government's knowledge - and cover-up - of E. T.s and their advanced technologies interacting with Earth. When Hawk met up with Col. Hippler a couple of years later, he was living and working in two worlds ­ one real and secret; the other not real and public. Col. Hippler was trying to find a university willing to investigate UFOs for the U. S. Air Force. Dr. Maccabee concluded that Hippler was part of the government cover-up, "searching for patsies who would be willing to officially come up with the answer the Air Force wanted." And what the Air Force wanted was a white wash that would say there was nothing to UFOs, so the public and media would leave them alone.


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Part 1: Navy Physicist and USAF Geophysicist Discuss UFOs and ETs

"The pilot said that the missiles had all exploded before they hit the
unidentified aerial object (shielded?). Then he said the UFO turned on a
blue beam and it was rotating and the beam was starting to move
toward him. ...Searchers never found anything ­ no wreckage, nothing."

 - "Hawk," USAF Geophysicist

January 20, 2006  Thurmont, Maryland - Some of the startling facts that are emerging from research about the V-2 rocket history at White Sands Proving Ground in the late 1940s are New Mexico and Texas newspaper headlines about the "peculiar phenomena" that were interfering with those early rocket launches. The peculiar phenomena were causing the rockets to veer off course. Photographs showed the peculiar phenomena were circular discs that instantaneously appeared next to the V-2s right before the rockets went off course and crashed to the ground. General Nathan Twining even referred to the discs as an "enemy weapons system," according to government insiders who have leaked information in the past ten years.


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