Updated: Survey Engineer Photographs Mysterious Light

March 8, 2006   Western New Jersey – I have known New Jersey survey engineer, Vincent Creevy, for more than a decade. He is very critical-minded and an excellent observer of details in his environment. So, on March 4, 2006, when I received the following e-mail with an attached photograph, I asked Vince if I could share his correspondence at Earthfiles, and he said yes. There have been so many mysterious lights photographed around the world – sometimes seen by the photographer, but most often not seen until after the images are taken.Click for report.

Missing Time Abduction Before Birth

"A few minutes before I was born, the power went out.
...After the power came back on and everyone came back to their senses,
I’m not there. Me, the baby, has already been delivered. They found me out in a hallway wrapped up in a towel. One testicle was missing."

- R.D.

March 2, 2006  Northern California - Fifty-eight years ago, the date July 2, 1947, was two days before the alleged crashes of three extraterrestrial aerial craft in the Roswell and White Sands Proving Ground region of New Mexico. That night of July 2nd, in Casper, Wyoming, a baby boy was born after 35 minutes of missing time, later linked to an abduction of the unborn child by a non-human entity that had orange eyes. Over the past fifty-eight years, that child, “R.D.,” grew into adulthood, haunted by strange memories and the panicked confusion his mother described at the time he was born. His official birth certificate says R.D. was delivered in the public hospital in Casper. Yet, his mother was definite that she was in a military hospital that seemed nearly empty while she was in labor.


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Part 13 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

"... the timing of the 'peculiar phenomenon' interfering with the V-2 rocket research and Dr. Husaker's request for more 'Aerial Weapons Research Funds' was more than coincidental."

- J. Andrew Kissner

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Jerome C. Hunsaker (MJ-7) Appealed to Congress
For "Aerial Weapons Research Funds"

Five people were killed on June 11, 1947, when an Argentine four engine "Lancastrian" airliner coming in for a landing miscalculated its altitude, struck a post supporting the air field's radio antenna, crashed and burst into flames.


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Part 4: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs

“Several UFOs appeared out of nowhere and apparently shot
our ‘invisible-painted’ plane down. The pilot was immediately killed.
It became apparent to the USAF that these things were watching the
guys at the secret installation in Bermuda.”

 – Source: USAF Officer, 1950s

February 27, 2006 – On January 20-21, 2006, I posted at Earthfiles and broadcast on Coast to Coast AM radio an update with U. S. Navy physicist, Bruce Maccabee, about his discussions with a USAF geophysicist referred to as “Hawk.” See two-part 012106 Earthfiles. I also reported more about former New Mexico State Representative Andrew Kissner’s (Dona Ana County, Las Cruces) investigations of V-2 rocket research at White Sands Proving Ground in 1947 when aerial discs interfered with launches. See “Peculiar Phenomenon” Real X-Files series beginning with 121905 Earthfiles.Click for report.

Huge Boomerang Craft and Blond Beings

"It was a huge boomerang-shape, totally black, no lights whatsoever.  As we were looking at it, a ball of light ... shot out of the curve of the boomerang so fast it was a ball of a fire ­ if you had blinked, you would have missed it."

- "Chris," Norfolk, Virginia

February 23, 2006 - In the early to mid-1980s, more than 5,000 people living in the Hudson Valley of New York, and in Connecticut and along the East Coast, reported huge boomerang-shaped aerial craft. Descriptions stressed the size ­ "as big as three football fields," said one eyewitness. "A flying city!" said another.


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Part 3: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs

“There was a time when the U. S. Navy was testing a Talos missile
and there were several unexplained failures. The techs who worked on the
electronics swore they checked each missile several times prior to flight,
but for a period of time, missiles would do 180-degree turns on themselves
(like the Juarez, Mexico UFO incident) and crash.”

– Source: V-2 Rocket Recovery Technician

February 22, 2006 – On January 20-21, 2006, I posted at Earthfiles and broadcast on Coast to Coast AM radio an update with U. S. Navy physicist, Bruce Maccabee, about his discussions with a USAF geophysicist referred to as “Hawk.” See two-part 012106 Earthfiles. I also reported more about former New Mexico State Representative Andrew Kissner’s (Dona Ana County, Las Cruces) investigations of V-2 rocket research at White Sands Proving Ground in 1947 when aerial discs interfered with launches. See “Peculiar Phenomenon” Real X-Files series beginning with 121905 Earthfiles.Click for report.

Part 2: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs

“What set this moving light apart from anything that I had ever seen was the fact that as fast as it was streaking across the night sky, suddenly without slowing its speed, it made a 90-degree turn upward and within a flash, it disappeared into infinity.”

White Sands Missile Range Army Technician

February 21, 2006 – On January 20-21, 2006, I posted at Earthfiles and broadcast on Coast to Coast AM radio an update with U. S. Navy physicist, Bruce Maccabee, about his discussions with a USAF geophysicist referred to as “Hawk.” See two-part 012106 Earthfiles. I also reported more about former New Mexico State Representative Andrew Kissner’s (Dona Ana County, Las Cruces) investigations of V-2 rocket research at White Sands Proving Ground in 1947 when aerial discs interfered with launches. See “Peculiar Phenomenon” Real X-Files series beginning with 121905 Earthfiles. Click for report.

Mysterious Deaths of Whales in Mexico

“I’m worried. We are just starting the year and already we seem to see a dead whale nearly every day. Something is happening there and it needs to be investigated.”

 – Homero Aridjis, Head, Group of One Hundred

A gray whale in Gulf of California, courtesy Natural Resources Defense Council.
A gray whale in Gulf of California, courtesy Natural Resources Defense Council.

February 20, 2006  Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), Mexico – Authorities report that beginning perhaps back in November 2005, eight whales of varying plankton-eating species died of unknown causes. The first two bodies were humpback whales which were found on January 18, 2006, washed up on Mexican beaches along the State of Sinaloa (Culiacan is capital) in the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez). Other dead species have included a baby gray whale, a fin whale and a minke whale.The badly decomposed carcasses so far have not shown signs of disease, toxic spill, algae bloom, or the cuts of fishing nets. “It’s a mystery,” Luis Fueyo, an assistant federal prosecutor for environmental crimes, told The New York Times.Click for report.

Part 12 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

© 1994 -1995 by J. Andrew Kissner
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission of the author.

Reprinted in 2005-2006 as a Real X-Files series by Earthfiles.com with author's written permission.

"In that same week after the May 29, 1947, 'peculiar phenomenon
and Juarez rocket crash,' airplanes began to crash
all over the world."

  - J. Andrew Kissner

Return to Part 1

Increased Plane Crashes and the National Reaction

On June 4, 1947, the same day President Truman requested an extension of the Second War Powers Act from Congress, a curious announcement appeared in the June 4, 1947, El Paso Times, about 300 cadets who had graduated from the National Military Academy at West Point and would arrive in El Paso in ten transport planes to watch nine B-29 bombers drop 500 pound bombs reportedly south and east of the main post area of WSPG. The graduates would also have the opportunity to watch Ft. Bliss Antiaircraft Artillery demonstrate antiaircraft weapons and observe U. S. Army Ordnance launch a WAC Corporal missile. The announcement was made five days later Col. Turner departed for Washington, D. C., following the "Juarez V-2 Incident."


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Updated: White Sands Navy Radar Operator Saw Discs Circle V-2 Rocket Launches

"On several occasions, Dad could see flying saucers circling the V-2 rockets.  ...He said they were a large, silvery disc that looked like a pie pan turned upside down."

- Eyewitness, U. S. Navy DC1 Lloyd Eugene Camp

February 17, 2006 Algood, Tennessee - For the past year, I have been reporting about the revelations of former New Mexico State Representative, Andrew Kissner, from Las Cruces in Dona Ana County. Las Cruces is not far from White Sands Missile Range. Andy's work in local construction projects brought him in contact with White Sands employees who told him about flying discs that interfered with rocket launches from 1947 onward.


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