Genetic Harvest by E.T.s in Cimarron, New Mexico?

"God! The brightest, whitest light I've ever seen. ...How can they be doing that? Killing that cow! It's not even dead. It's alive!"

- UFO Abductee, Cimarron, NM

Cimarron, New Mexico, is east of Taos, and about 30 miles west of Clayton.
Cimarron, New Mexico, is east of Taos, and about 30 miles west of Clayton.

April 3, 2006  Albuquerque,  New Mexico -   Twenty-six years ago on May 5, 1980, a mother and her young son were driving at night on a road near Cimarron in northeastern New Mexico. Their home was in Clayton about thirty miles further where their family expected them home around 9 p.m.  But it was not until 1:15 a.m., four hours late. The mother was extremely upset and her son remembered seeing large, lighted objects in the air above a pasture where a cow was apparently being killed. The family called the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO) which put the mother in touch with Albuquerque scientist and UFO investigator, Paul Bennewitz, then owner of Thunder Scientific Corporation and now deceased.


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“Anomaly” On Mt. Ararat’s Western Plateau?

Mt. Ararat is a volcanic mountain that rises 16,945 feet (5,165 meters) in eastern Turkey on the borders of Iran and Armenia (former Soviet Union). Western Plateau is on far right in image above. Photograph by Chuck Aaron and Bob Garbe.
Mt. Ararat is a volcanic mountain that rises 16,945 feet (5,165 meters) in eastern Turkey on the borders of Iran and Armenia (former Soviet Union). Western Plateau is on far right in image above. Photograph by Chuck Aaron and Bob Garbe.

March 24, 2006  Richmond, Virginia – A CIA spy satellite photographed an unusual feature in the glacier back in 1973 during its Cold War observation missions of the Turkey/Russia border, but there was never any news because the satellite was not to be discussed in the interests of national security. Twenty years later in 1993, a retired CIA official confirmed an anomaly on Mt. Ararat was photographed in 1973. And recently a professor at the University of Richmond in Virginia has talked to the media about a more recent satellite photograph taken on February 1st, 2003, which he has been having analyzed by various intelligence experts. His name is Porcher Taylor, an Assoc. Prof. of Paralegal Studies in the School of Continuing Studies at the University of Richmond.Click for report.

More Unusual Orb Photographs

Also see: 030806 Earthfiles

March 24, 2006 – Since reporting in the March 8, 2006, update about the New Jersey survey engineer’s photograph of a ball of light, I received other similar glowing orb photographs which I posted as updates to the 030806 Earthfiles.

Since then, I have received two more unusual orb photographs I would like to share.  These contain spiral structures inside the orbs that are peculiar, hard to explain and have also turned up in some photographs at crop formations the past few years.Click for report.

Part 15 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

"The surface-to-air missiles were provided to WSPG to shoot down
'long range reconnaissance drones' that seemingly possessed high scientific value - no doubt, the 'peculiar phenomenon' of unidentified discs that could interfere with V-2 rocket tests."

- J. Andrew Kissner

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The Government Agencies and Expert Panels Behind the UFO Cover-Up:

OSRD, JRDB, CIOS & Expert Panels

On August 2, 1939, physicist Albert Einstein took it upon himself to inform President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that there was a possibility that Germany might be in the process of initiating a nuclear chain reaction by which vast amounts of power and large quantities of new radium-like elements would be generated. He said:


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Part 2: U.S. Navy Chief Yeoman Describes “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities” in TOP SECRET/MAJIC Photographs.

“Whatever convinces this government to maintain the secrecy (about UFOs and E.T.s) is beyond me. I see no rhyme or reason to it, other than ‘We are the good guys. We’re the U.S.A. This is something we need to hold tight.'”

– Thomas C. Sheppard, Chief Yeoman, U. S. Navy (Retired)

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March 22, 2006  Albuquerque, New Mexico –  Last week, retired U. S. Navy Chief Yeoman, Thomas Colman Sheppard, described how he and two other Navy men saw photographs in a file about “extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) .” On the back of each photograph was the stamp TOP SECRET/MAJIC, signed and dated (he does not remember the date, but a truck in the first photograph Tom thought was a 1940s model.) The EBE photographs were in a classified vault at White Beach Naval Base in Okinawa. The date was Thanksgiving night, 1976.Click for report.

One Way H5N1 Bird Flu Could Adapt to Humans

"It’s still unknown what the H5N1 virus could or will do, but we suggest the HA receptor switch is a possible route that the H5N1 virus could get a foothold in the human population."

  - Ian Wilson, Molecular Biologist, Scripps Research Institute

Left: Highly pathogenic A/chicken/HK/YU562/01 (H5N1). Right: Moderately pathogenic A/goose/HK/437-10/99 (H5N1). Source: Journal of Virology.
Left: Highly pathogenic A/chicken/HK/YU562/01 (H5N1). Right: Moderately pathogenic A/goose/HK/437-10/99 (H5N1). Source: Journal of Virology.

March 21, 2006  Lajolla, California -  The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) in Geneva, Switzerland, is concerned that with each new case of bird flu in humans, the possibility that the virus could mutate into a form transmissible from human-to-human increases. Once that happens, it's a worldwide influenza pandemic. It happened in 1918 and that pandemic killed fifty to one hundred million people around our planet, depending on various sources. Modern research on skeletons of some of those victims has revealed that the binding sites of the 1918 influenza virus had similar characteristics to those in the new lethal strain of H5N1 bird flu. It's also educated medical opinion that the 1918 pandemic flu strain first originated in birds and mutated inside human hosts to move person-to-person.


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Part 1: U.S. Navy Chief Yeoman Describes “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities” in TOP SECRET/MAJIC Photographs.

“You could tell it was sort of reptilian-ish, but at the same time you could not point out discernible scales. Throughout its head in different places, it sort of had little bumps. It was very smooth. It was very dead.”

– Thomas C. Sheppard, Chief Yeoman, U. S. Navy (Retired)

March 17, 2006  Albuquerque, New Mexico – Last year I began reporting about the research that former New Mexico State Representative, Andrew Kissner, did in the 1990s about the history of White Sands Proving Ground. Employees at White Sands and the Naval Research Lab housed there, leaked information to Andy about the American government’s missile and artillery attacks on unidentified aerial discs that the Base Commander called  “peculiar phenomenon.” See other Earthfiles reports listed below under More Information.Click for report.

Planet Earth’s Ice Melt

“Very reasonable computer models suggest a point of irreversibility for Greenland exists at a warming between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius and we’re already looking at a warming of about 2 degrees C., maybe 3 degrees C. over this century. So, it seems that if this irreversibility point exists, that we’re getting frightfully close to it.”

– Jason Box, Ph.D.

March 17, 2006  Albuquerque, New Mexico –  Over the past 100 years, our planet’s global average temperature has increased one degree Fahrenheit. In 2005, that average surface temperature was 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit – the hottest year on record ever in modern human history. In fact, the last time the Earth was this warm is estimated to be at least ten thousand years ago, or longer. Some scientists think the last time was the Pliocene 3 million years ago.Click for report.

The Rapid Spread of H5N1 Bird Flu Virus

“What does surprise me, or what has baffled me, is that the H5N1 virus has been able to infect so many animal species in a relatively short period of time and really spread so fast around the world.”

– Albert Osterhaus, Ph.D. and D.V.M.

W. H. O. March 9, 2006, map of countries reporting confirmed occurrence of H5N1 avian influenza in poultry and wild birds since 2003: Hong Kong and mainland China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Russian Federation, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Niger, Nigeria, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and Albania.
W. H. O. March 9, 2006, map of countries reporting confirmed occurrence of H5N1 avian influenza in poultry and wild birds since 2003: Hong Kong and mainland China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Russian Federation, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Niger, Nigeria, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and Albania.

As of March 8, 2006: Total Human H5N1 cases: 175 and 96 Deaths

W.H.O.'s March 8, 2006, map of human H5N1 cases since 2003. Left to right: Iraq 2 cases, 2 deaths; Turkey 12 cases, 4 deaths; Thailand 22 cases, 14 deaths; Indonesia 27 cases, 20 deaths; China 15 cases, 10 deaths; Cambodia 4 cases, 4 deaths; Vietnam 93 cases, 42 deaths.
W.H.O.’s March 8, 2006, map of human H5N1 cases since 2003. Left to right: Iraq 2 cases, 2 deaths; Turkey 12 cases, 4 deaths; Thailand 22 cases, 14 deaths; Indonesia 27 cases, 20 deaths; China 15 cases, 10 deaths; Cambodia 4 cases, 4 deaths; Vietnam 93 cases, 42 deaths.

March 10, 2006  Rotterdam, The Netherlands – This week, the World Health Organization (WHO) gathered international public health experts at its Geneva, Switzerland, headquarters to discuss a rapid response strategy in the event that a serious worldwide flu pandemic occurs. The current worry is the H5N1 bird flu that has spread so rapidly the past few months from Asia to Africa, the Middle East and into the European Community. The spread is most likely caused by wild, migrating birds which have died in the hundreds of thousands, along with millions of domestic poultry that have been deliberately slaughtered to try to stop the deadly virus’s spread. Yet, one of the mysteries about H5N1 is that no one knows exactly which bird species are most responsible for spreading avian flu. Ironically, the answer could be birds most resistant to the virus – birds that carry H5N1 without dying, and perhaps not even showing signs of illness.

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Part 14 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

"There was something radically wrong in civil and military aviation eight days before the first public sightings of flying discs on June 24, 1947."

 - J. Andrew Kissner

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Civil Aeronautics Board authorities reported a B-29 missing around 10:00 p.m. on June 14, 1947, but added that they did not know either its origin or destination. At 12:35 a.m. on June 15, a telephone operator reported seeing a large plane "dumping flares." Shortly thereafter, a B-29 of the 64th squadron of the 43rd bomb group based at Davis-Monthan Field in Tucson, Arizona, slammed into Hawkes Mountain near Springfield, Vermont, killing twelve. It was reported to be enroute to Andrews Field, Maryland, via Pittsburg.


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