Cassiopeia A Is Not Dying Peacefully. Is It A Magnetar?

"Spitzer (infrared telescope) came along and showed us this exploded star,  one of the most intensively studied objects in the sky, is still undergoing death throes before heading to its final grave."

- Oliver Krause, Ph.D., University of Arizona

April 22, 2006   Pasadena, California -  The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena reported this week that NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has made accidental and surprising infrared images of light echoes from a star that was supposed to have died 325 years ago in a supernova explosion. But the new infrared information indicates Cassiopeia has released "at least one burst of energy as recently as fifty years ago" from its cosmic grave 11,000 light-years from Earth.


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Unusual Animal Deaths in Garland County, Arkansas

"The two dogs were both, we thought, shot in the head at first, because there was a little bit of blood and there was some kind of round,  cylindrical hole in their heads. But there was no exit wounds and when we had the vet do an x-ray on them, there was no bullet."

- Capt. Ray Shoptaw, Garland County Sheriff's Office, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Unusual animal deaths occurred in northern Garland County, Arkansas, west of Little Rock, from November 2005 into February 2006.
Unusual animal deaths occurred in northern Garland County, Arkansas, west of Little Rock, from November 2005 into February 2006.

April 21, 2006   Hot Springs, Arkansas - The worldwide animal mutilation mystery that I've investigated since the fall of 1979, is most commonly reported for cattle and horses. But wild animals such as deer and elk have also been found with their rectums cored out and sexual organs removed along with jaw flesh, tongue, eye and ear - with no signs of blood. In fact, several pathology examinations of tissue in mutilated animals have confirmed cauterization with a cutting instrument hot enough to prevent bleeding. In addition to cattle, horses and wild animals, every kind of farm and domestic animal has also been affected, including house pets such as cats and dogs. Those cases are especially terrible because the pet owners are devastated to find a beloved dog or cat dead with its paws cut off, or head cut off, or even skinned.


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Part 19 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

© 1994 -1995 by J. Andrew Kissner
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission of the author.

Reprinted in 2005-2006 as a Real X-Files series by with author's written permission.

"(Gen. Nathan Twining) said flatly that the flying saucers are not the result of experiments by the armed forces. Neither the AAF nor any other component of the armed forces had any plane, guided missile or other aerial device which could be mistaken for a saucer or formation of flying discs."

- July 8, 1947, Las Cruces Sun-News

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"Secret War?"
Corona, San Antonio, Carrizozo and San Agustin Plain

The U. S. V-2 rocket program at WSPG appeared to be in trouble. On May 15, 1947, a V-2 almost landed in the center of Alamogordo, New Mexico. The U. S. Army's next V-2 launch on May 29, narrowly missed downtown Juarez, Mexico.


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High Strangeness In Skies Near White Sands Missile Range

April 13, 2006  Chaparral, New Mexico - According to the Claremont Institute historians, an institute dedicated "to understand and promote the strategic defense of the United States," White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) is the largest overland missile testing range in the Western Hemisphere. WSMR is also the largest military installation in the United States. At present, the range is used by the Army, Navy, Air Force, NASA, and other government agencies, as well as universities, private industries, and foreign militaries.

Banner at WSMR website:
Banner at WSMR website:


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Part 18 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

© 1994 -1995 by J. Andrew Kissner

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
in any form, without written permission of the author.

 Reprinted in 2005-2006 as a Real X-Files series by
with author's written permission.

"The threat was the new disc technology with weapons that were more capable than anything on earth. It was a new technology that no one understood. The American insiders, the MJ-12 group, were not going to mention its existence to anyone."

- J. Andrew Kissner

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"Secret War?" The Plane Carnage Continues

On the Fourth of July 1947, while Mac Brazel was visiting the Roswell Sheriff to tell him about the crash of a flying saucer on his ranch near Corona, a B-17 bomber crashed in Sibley, Louisiana, within one mile of the runway. A public affairs officer at Barkesfield Field in Shreveport announced that it had crashed because "a staff sergeant had taken the plane on an unauthorized flight." Little is known about this event because the only report found concerning the crash, explosion and fire was an Associated Press wire photo in a local newspaper in New Mexico.  Las Cruces Sun-News, July 6, 1945.


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Part 17 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

© 1994 -1995 by J. Andrew Kissner
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission of the author.

Reprinted in 2005-2006 as a Real X-Files series by with author's written permission.

"By July 5, 1947, flying discs had been reported in at least thirty-one states. ...The AEC's request came five days after the U. S. Army knew that it had succeeded in bringing down two examples of the foreign (disc) technology. "  

- J. Andrew Kissner

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(cont.)  Military Intelligence, Flying Discs and Plane Crashes

On June 27, 1947, it was announced that "two top generals" from U. S. Army Ordnance would visit WSPG the week of June 30. Major General Everett S. Hughes, the commanding general in charge of U. S. Army Ordnance and Brig. General Henry Saylor, Chief, Research and Development Group and a member of JRDB's Upper Atmosphere Rocket Research Panel. The two Generals were visiting WSPG to "inspect the new safety devices installed on V-2s" and to witness the next launch on July 3. But there really were no new safety devices on V-2s to inspect and there would not be a V-2 launch on July 3. [ Source: El Paso Times, June 27, 1947.]


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Hot Venus Now Studied by ESA’s Venus Express

The CO2 and sulfuric acid atmosphere of Venus is 90 times denser at the surface than Earth's and that greenhouse gas blanket retains almost all of the heat Venus receives from the sun, making the planet's surface temperature 480 ° C (896 °F). Image by ESA.
The CO2 and sulfuric acid atmosphere of Venus is 90 times denser at the surface than Earth's and that greenhouse gas blanket retains almost all of the heat Venus receives from the sun, making the planet's surface temperature 480 ° C (896 °F). Image by ESA.
Artist's illustration of Venus Express firing its rocket engine to slow down into orbit around the hot planet on April 11, 2006. Image by ESA.
Artist's illustration of Venus Express firing its rocket engine to slow down into orbit around the hot planet on April 11, 2006. Image by ESA.

April 11, 2006  Darmstadt, Germany  -  The European Space Agency (ESA) reported this morning that "at the end of a 153-day and 400-million km cruise into the inner Solar System beginning with its launch on 9 November 2005, ESA’s Venus Express space probe fired its main engine at 09:17 CEST for a 50-minute burn, which brought it into orbit around Venus. With this firing, the probe reduced its relative velocity toward the planet from 29,000 to about 25,000 km/h and was captured by its gravity field. This orbit insertion maneuver was a complete success.


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Recent Caribbean Coral Reef Die-Off Biggest Ever Seen 

The largest Gulf and Caribbean coral reef die-off on record occurred between September 2005 to March 2006, after the warmest September water temperatures ever measured in a hundred years of record keeping.
The largest Gulf and Caribbean coral reef die-off on record occurred between September 2005 to March 2006, after the warmest September water temperatures ever measured in a hundred years of record keeping.

April 8, 2006  Silver Spring, Maryland  –  Eight months ago in August 2005, before Hurricane Katrina hit land on August 29th, the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean  water  temperatures were the warmest on record going back to the beginning of record keeping a hundred years ago. Water west of Florida and the Keys measured 79 degrees F. to a depth of 150 meters (492 feet).Click for report.

First 2006 Grass Circles in Conondale, Queensland, Australia

– March 28, 2006

– Two circles in 2.5-foot-high wild, mixed grass.

– 4 degrees east of magnetic North.

– About 1.5 miles north of 2004 four circles in straight line
that were 20 degrees east of magnetic North.

– Larger circle 8 meters diameter and south of smaller circle.

– Smaller circle 4 meters diameter.

Black arrow points to Conondale valley region that is small dairy farming community a couple hours by car northwest of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Black arrow points to Conondale valley region that is small dairy farming community a couple hours by car northwest of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Conondale is the location of March 28, 2006, discovery of two circles swirled in grass and the March 28, 2004, discovery of four grass circles laid in a straight line. Conondale is about 50 minutes northwest of the Glass House Mountains where sorghum was also found downed randomly in May 2003. In both 2003 and 2004, at the time grasses were swirled down, local residents reported seeing unidentified aerial lights.
Conondale is the location of March 28, 2006, discovery of two circles swirled in grass and the March 28, 2004, discovery of four grass circles laid in a straight line. Conondale is about 50 minutes northwest of the Glass House Mountains where sorghum was also found downed randomly in May 2003. In both 2003 and 2004, at the time grasses were swirled down, local residents reported seeing unidentified aerial lights.

April 6, 2006  Conondale, Queensland, Australia –  On March 28, 2006, the air around Conondale, Queensland on the east Australian coast, was unusually warm and still. There were no thunderstorms or wind, yet two beautifully spiraled circles in 2.5-feet-high wild grass were found only about a mile and a half north of where four beautifully spiraled circles were discovered in a line, also on March 28th, in 2004. The year before in 2003, in the same region, residents reported oddly, but randomly, downed sorghum.Click for report.

Part 16 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

© 1994 -1995 by J. Andrew Kissner
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission of the author.

Reprinted in 2005-2006 as a Real X-Files series by with author's written permission.

"Col. Turner said that he had WSPG military personnel searching for two 'flying discs' which appeared to fall into air space above White Sands Proving Ground."

- J. Andrew Kissner

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Military Intelligence, Flying Discs and Plane Crashes

June 16, 1947, Front Page, El Paso Times.
June 16, 1947, Front Page, El Paso Times.

A U. S. Army C-47 crashed on takeoff on June 15, 1947, at Goodman Field, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Eyewitnesses in the control tower said that the transport could not gain altitude. As it lifted off the runway, "it did a low wide circle in an attempt to get back to the field." The flight had departed Bolling Field, Washington, D. C., and was reportedly destined for Ft. Riley, Kansas. Aboard were twenty-two military personnel, twenty of them members of a military intelligence group headed by Major General W. G. Wyman. Twenty of those on board were injured in the crash. S/Sgt. Curtis Green, the most seriously injured, was credited with saving the lives of both the passengers and crew after he opened the escape hatch and helped the others out shortly before the airplane exploded. [ Source: El Paso Times, June 16, 1947.]


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