Mysterious Triangle-Shaped Welts and Bruises

June 13, 2006   Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Since the early 1980s and the television broadcast of my documentary about the global animal mutilations linked to extraterrestrial biological entities (A Strange Harvest), many people have contacted me to complain about scoop marks and scars left on their bodies after allegedly being taken by non-humans for incomprehensible reasons. I have been shown several photographs over the years of triangle-shaped scars that remain pinkish-red and sometimes slightly raised on the skin. One such photograph was shown to me in the early 1990s by a man who had been working in Brazil and was conscious of missing time. The quarter-inch long, perfect pink triangle, was on his right wrist above his thumb. He had vivid dreams of being taken by grey-colored beings with large black eyes into a round room. But he did not know why.

Other people in the human abduction syndrome have remembered seeing symbols of triangles on non-human uniforms. Here are some examples from my book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses (See: Earthfiles Shop.).

Circle around triangle was on patch seen and drawn by Missouri abductee, J. R., after experiences in the 1970s. She remembered the symbol on "left breast of uniform" worn by grey being.
Circle around triangle was on patch seen and drawn by Missouri abductee, J. R., after experiences in the 1970s. She remembered the symbol on "left breast of uniform" worn by grey being.
Small, light gray being described by P. W., Mt. Vernon, Missouri. Watson had repeated abductions from 1983 onward after she and her husband, Ron, watched small non-human beings float a black cow from a nearby pasture. Sketch by artist Hingway Hatch.
Small, light gray being described by P. W., Mt. Vernon, Missouri. Watson had repeated abductions from 1983 onward after she and her husband, Ron, watched small non-human beings float a black cow from a nearby pasture. Sketch by artist Hingway Hatch.


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Updated: Mysterious Rings in Wheat Baffle Kansas Farmer

“Oh, my God. Here is a circle and rings in my wheat!’
In all my years of farming, I’ve never seen anything like it!”

– Merle Ecklund, Farmer

Lost Springs, Kansas, is a little south of Herington and about 90 miles northeast of Wichita. Unusual retarded and accelerated wheat growth was discovered on June 2, 2006, in the Lost Springs wheat field. To the southwest in Haysville, Viola and Conway Springs, other crop anomalies allegedly have occurred as well recently.
Lost Springs, Kansas, is a little south of Herington and about 90 miles northeast of Wichita. Unusual retarded and accelerated wheat growth was discovered on June 2, 2006, in the Lost Springs wheat field. To the southwest in Haysville, Viola and Conway Springs, other crop anomalies allegedly have occurred as well recently.
Front Page, The Herington Times, Thursday, June 8, 2006. Farm owner, Merle Ecklund, is standing to the right of the westernmost circle in his wheat field. The second eastern circle is behind. Both circles were estimated to be about 28-feet in diameter and both defined by three different heights in the nearly ripe wheat. Times photo by Larry.
Front Page, The Herington Times, Thursday, June 8, 2006. Farm owner, Merle Ecklund, is standing to the right of the westernmost circle in his wheat field. The second eastern circle is behind. Both circles were estimated to be about 28-feet in diameter and both defined by three different heights in the nearly ripe wheat. Times photo by Larry.

The Herington Times reported beneath its front page photograph:

“WHAT CAUSED THEM? Was there a UFO landing in this field a few months ago? [Mr. Ecklund discovered the two circles on June 2, 2006.] Or was some prankster chemist at work during the winter? Or is there some other rare, but logical and highly scientific explanation? Merle Ecklund of rural Herington would like to know. He found these two unexplainable cupped-out circles Friday afternoon [June 2, 2006] in a wheat field on land he farms just east of 2800 Road, 1 mile south of U. S. 56, in western Morris County. Ecklund said he had never witnessed such an oddity in more than four decades of farming. Both circles were about 19 to 20 feet in diameter.Click for report.

Part 2: Unexplained Phenomenon of Sudden Human-to-Reptile “Replacement”

"It looked just like if we had gone to the zoo and seen an upright alligator with red eyes gazing at you as in total curiosity, but trying to communicate its essence with you."

- Sara, Texas Eyewitness

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June 7, 2006  Texas   -  Author and UFO investigator, Jim Marrs, and I have shared information over the past decade about firsthand eyewitnesses who have seen a close family member, or friend, suddenly be replaced for a few seconds by a standing up, or sitting down, lizard or alligator reptile. For example, Jim heard about such an incident from the daughter of a prominent Texas politician several years ago who saw her father change briefly and then returned to his normal human self. Both Jim and I have interviewed another Texas resident who saw her best friend sitting on a couch, suddenly replaced by a sitting “alligator” for a few seconds before the friend returned to her normal-looking human self. The Texas eyewitness in this report will be called Sara.


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Part 2: Bizarre Morgellons Disease: Letters From Viewers

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Unidentified microscopic fibrils attached to excised skin lesion. Photomicrograph 250x courtesy Morgellons Research Foundation.
Unidentified microscopic fibrils attached to excised skin lesion. Photomicrograph 250x courtesy Morgellons Research Foundation.

June 3, 2006  Albuquerque, New Mexico   –  Following my Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM news reports on May 31, about the agonizing Morgellons disease which has emerged over the past five years, I have received many e-mails from viewers and listeners. Below is a sampling for consideration.Click for report.

Part 1: Unexplained Phenomenon of Sudden Human-to-Reptile “Replacement”

Left: "Rachel" in white robe as she was in February 1992, hair colored red. Eyes covered in Photoshop for identity protection. Right: Drawing by "Martin" of the tall, indigo blue-colored reptilian who "replaced" Rachel for several seconds. Phenomenon occurred in their shared apartment in southeastern U. S.  Photo and drawing © 2006 by Earthfiles.
Above: "Rachel" in white robe as she was in February 1992, hair colored red. Eyes covered in Photoshop for identity protection. Below: Drawing by "Martin" of the tall, indigo blue-colored reptilian who "replaced" Rachel for several seconds. Phenomenon occurred in their shared apartment in southeastern U. S.  Photo and drawing © 2006 by Earthfiles.

June 2, 2006  Southeastern U. S.   -  Author and UFO investigator, Jim Marrs, and I have shared information over the past decade about firsthand eyewitnesses who have seen a close family member, or friend, suddenly be replaced for a few seconds by a standing reptile. For example, Jim heard about such an incident from the daughter of a prominent Texas politician who saw her father change briefly and then returned to his normal human self. Both Jim and I have interviewed another Texas resident who saw her best friend sitting on a couch, suddenly replaced by a sitting “alligator” for a few seconds before the friend returned to her normal-looking human self.


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Part 1: Bizarre Morgellons Disease: A Nurse Describes Her Own Symptoms

Mysterious and still-unidentified fibrils embedded in skin removed from facial lesion of three year old boy. Photomicrograph 60x courtesy Morgellons Research Foundation.
Mysterious and still-unidentified fibrils embedded in skin removed from facial lesion of three year old boy. Photomicrograph 60x courtesy Morgellons Research Foundation.
Unidentified microscopic fibrils attached to excised skin lesion. Photomicrograph 250x courtesy Morgellons Research Foundation.
Unidentified microscopic fibrils attached to excised skin lesion. Photomicrograph 250x courtesy Morgellons Research Foundation.
Unidentified fibrils emerging from lesion on child's lip. Photomicrograph 200x courtesy Morgellons Research Foundation.
Unidentified fibrils emerging from lesion on child’s lip. Photomicrograph 200x courtesy Morgellons Research Foundation.

June 1 , 2006  East Texas   –  A month ago at the end of April 2006, a 23-year-old man named Travis Wilson killed himself after a year of suffering what has come to be called “Morgellons disease.” His mother, Lisa Wilson, said: “Fibers would come out of Travis’s hands and fingers that were white, black and sometimes red. Very, very painful.”Click for report.

Recent Cattle Mutilations in Kiowa County, Colorado

Eads in Kiowa County, Colorado, northwest of Lamar, is wide open range country not far from the Kansas border. Hundreds of animal mutilations since the 1960s have been reported to law enforcement in Kiowa County and surrounding region.
The Chuck and Sheri Bowen windmill-powered watering hole on their 13,000-acre ranch near Eads. Photograph © 2006 by Chuck Bowen.
 The Chuck and Sheri Bowen windmill-powered watering hole on their 13,000-acre ranch near Eads. Photograph © 2006 by Chuck Bowen.
The Chuck and Sheri Bowen windmill-powered watering hole on their 13,000-acre ranch near Eads. Photograph © 2006 by Chuck Bowen.

June 1 , 2006  Lamar, Colorado   –  I began traveling with my television crew in Kiowa, Elbert, El Paso, Logan and many other eastern Colorado counties in the fall of 1979 as I began my documentary investigation of the animal mutilation mystery which was frustrating ranchers and law enforcement that year – again. Since at least the 1960s, ranchers had been finding horses, cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits and other domestic and wild animals dead with the same excisions of tissue, usually without blood or tracks. Typically, if a dead animal were on its right side, the left ear, eye, jaw flesh, tongue and even teeth, trachea and esophagus were excised in “neat, surgical, precise cuts.” In males, the penis and testicles are either totally removed in an oval excision, or some parts of the male sexual organs are removed. In females, whole udders can be cut hide-deep, leaving behind large circular, square or triangular patterns in the belly. Or only the teats are cored out. Or half the udder neatly cut away. The vaginal tract is almost always cored out in females. And in nearly every mutilation case, regardless of sex, the rectal tissue is cored out in 6-inch-diameter holes that extend into the body as far as fourteen inches or more.Click for report.

Part 20 – Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs

© 1994 -1995 by J. Andrew Kissner
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission of the author.

Reprinted in 2005-2006 as a Real X-Files series by with author's written permission.

"We got out there to one of the three crash sites near Corona, and there were a helluva lot of people out there in a closed tent. ...There were four (non-human) bodies I could see when the flash went off. That's all I was photographing, bodies."

- U. S. Army/Air Force Photographer

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The U. S. Army 509th Bomb Group, Z-Division at Sandia Base, New Mexico; the antiaircraft artillery school at Ft. Bliss, Texas; and U. S. Army Ordnance, Enemy Equipment Intelligence Section, attempted to pick up debris of a crashed aerial vehicle in a pasture between Corona and Roswell. At the same time, other crashes were reported, including on the Plains of San Agustin. In the San Agustin crash, there reportedly were two dead entities, one severely injured and one live extraterrestrial biological entity which attempted to give comfort to his fallen comrades at the crash site. I have no details about yet another possible crash east of the Rio Grande River near San Antonio, New Mexico. Please note that the Corona and San Agustin Plains events are discussed and documented by Stanton Friedman and Don Berliner in Crash At Corona © 1992.


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Simple “Binocular” Telescope Finds Another Planet Beyond Solar System

Astronomers used this inexpensive telescope to find an extrasolar planet transiting the face of a Sun-like star 600 light-years from Earth. The telescope, which looks like a pair of binoculars, consists of two 200-millimeter telephoto camera lenses. The lenses are attached to electronic device s that measured slight dips in light output from the star, indicating that an object was crossing in front of it. The telescope is on the summit of the Haleakala volcano in Hawaii. Research team members are from the Space Telescope Science Institute; Rice University; Boston University; University of Hawaii; University of Illinois; University of Florida; Boston University; Racoon Run Observatory; Hereford Arizona Observatory; CBA Belgium Observatory.
Astronomers used this inexpensive telescope to find an extrasolar planet transiting the face of a Sun-like star 600 light-years from Earth. The telescope, which looks like a pair of binoculars, consists of two 200-millimeter telephoto camera lenses. The lenses are attached to electronic device s that measured slight dips in light output from the star, indicating that an object was crossing in front of it. The telescope is on the summit of the Haleakala volcano in Hawaii. Research team members are from the Space Telescope Science Institute; Rice University; Boston University; University of Hawaii; University of Illinois; University of Florida; Boston University; Racoon Run Observatory; Hereford Arizona Observatory; CBA Belgium Observatory.

May 19, 2006  Baltimore, Maryland  -  The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore reports an equipment and money breakthrough in the search for planets orbiting suns beyond our solar system. An international team of professional and amateur astronomers, using simple off-the-shelf equipment have discovered a Jupiter-sized planet orbiting a star similar to our sun 600 light-years from Earth in the constellation Corona Borealis.


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