Celestial Secrets: The Hidden History of the Fatima Cover-Up

“At the heart of the matter, lies a conspiracy by the Jesuits to suppress the fact that the entities encountered by the children at Fatima were not deities descending from Heaven, but rather were alien beings visiting our planet from ‘elsewhere’ in the vast cosmos.”

Celestial Secrets © 2006 by Joaquim Fernandes and Fina D’Armada

Tile work depicting the three children below the oak tree and the apparition with black eyes in 1917. Tile art by Ironbound, a Portuguese company in Newark, New Jersey.
Tile work depicting the three children below the oak tree and the apparition with black eyes in 1917. Tile art by Ironbound, a Portuguese company in Newark, New Jersey.

June 30, 2006  Portugal –  Eighty-nine years ago on May 13, 1917, three children watching sheep in Fatima, Portugal, saw lightning. Then a “small, pretty lady” appeared, suspended in the air at the top of an oak tree.Click for report.

Another Horse Suspended in the Air

Alleged photograph of horse suspended in the air over a Texas location in June 2005. The photographer requests anonymity. See e-mail below.
Alleged photograph of horse suspended in the air over a Texas location in June 2005. The photographer requests anonymity. See e-mail below.

June 29, 2006  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  A week ago on June 22, 2006, I reported about an alleged horse suspended in the air beyond towers and antenna in front of an apartment building in Milan, Italy. See image below and  062206 Earthfiles. Three minutes of the horse in the air was videotaped and that videotape was given to Jaime Maussan, investigative reporter from Mexico City, while he was in Italy at a conference and met the Milanese fashion designer who videotaped the horse suspended in the air. Jaime called me about the tape because I have reported over the past two decades about eyewitnesses who have seen animals rise "paralyzed" in beams of light from pastures where the animals are later found dead and mutilated. The perpetrators of animal mutilations have been described by the late Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso, author of The Day After Roswell © 1997, as "extraterrestrial biological entities," which use beam and laser technologies to interact with Earth life.


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Half Cats in Destin, Florida, and Beheaded Animals in Rochester, N. Y.

"God didn't put these animals on the Earth to be slaughtered for no reason."

- Wanetta Canniota, Rochester, N. Y. resident

Mutilated half cat photographed by Plano, Texas Police Officer for Incident Report #91-44994, August 31, 1991.
Mutilated half cat photographed by Plano, Texas Police Officer for Incident Report #91-44994, August 31, 1991.

June 28, 2006  Destin, Florida   -  Exactly five years ago in June 2001, cat mutilations were reported in Navarre, Florida, and Austin, Texas. At Earthfiles, I showed the Daily News article below of the Navarre couple holding their white surviving cat. Their black male was found cut in half, without blood. Since the 1970s, there have been repeated waves of cat mutilations in Canada, the United Kingdom and United States.

Pattie and John Goodfleisch hold their surviving white female cat, Kitty, after they found their other black male cat, Maximum, cut in half on Saturday, June 30, 2001. Photograph © 2001 by Daily News, Milton, Florida.
Pattie and John Goodfleisch hold their surviving white female cat, Kitty, after they found their other black male cat, Maximum, cut in half on Saturday, June 30, 2001.
Photograph © 2001 by Daily News, Milton, Florida.
Navarre is southwest of Eglin AFB in the Florida panhandle.
Navarre is southwest of Eglin AFB in the Florida panhandle.

At the same time in northwestern Austin, Texas, law enforcement were investigating a dozen incidents of mutilated cats since March 2001, in which the head, neck and front legs of domestic cats had been severed bloodlessly through the spine by a sharp instrument. Most of the internal organs, rib cage and spine were removed in the mutilated cats and some were cut in half bloodlessly right behind the two front legs.


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Weird Clouds Over Cedar Rapids, Iowa

June 26, 2006  Cedar Rapids, Iowa –  These photographs were taken by various Cedar Rapids, Iowa, residents on June 20, 2006, who were fascinated by the weird clouds that emerged around 9:30 a.m. Central time.  KCRG-TV reported the strange clouds were visible from Waterloo to southern areas of Iowa. Even more strange, there were no tornadoes or rain from the weird clouds.

Bizarre swirling clouds at 9:45 a.m., June 20, 2006, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Image © 2006 by Wayne Adair and KCRG.com.
Bizarre swirling clouds at 9:45 a.m., June 20, 2006, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Image © 2006 by Wayne Adair and KCRG.com.

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Morgellons Disease: E-mail from CDC and Viewers/Listeners

Morgellons lesions typically contain microscopic fibers that sufferers say are an agony of painful itching.
Morgellons lesions typically contain microscopic fibers that sufferers say are an agony of painful itching.

E-mail June 23, 2006, official CDC reply concerning Morgellons Syndrome:

“Thank you for your inquiry regarding the condition some refer to as ‘Morgellons.’ CDC is presently bringing together medical experts from several scientific specialties in a working group to help us understand this (Morgellons) pattern of illness or syndrome. Our aim is to gather information on people reporting this condition to see if they share common traits, experiences, or anything that might have put them at risk for these symptoms. We hope to learn enough about the condition so we can offer useful advice for control or treatment, something that is not possible now because too little is known.

“Since CDC has no clinical center or hospital to evaluate or treat patients, we urge persons who believe they are suffering from this condition or who have distressing symptoms to seek evaluation and medical care from their local health care providers. Thank you for your interest in this important matter.”

To contact CDC directly, e-mail: [email protected]

June 25, 2006  Albuquerque, New Mexico – In addition to the above formal e-mail reply from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, to my e-mail inquiry to the new CDC contact link above, I am sharing some of the many communications I have received from Earthfiles viewers and Coast to Coast AM listeners since my radio news update on Thursday, June 22, 2006.Click for report.

Horse Suspended in Mid-Air Near Milan, Italy, Apartment

“She did not know if it was a helicopter, a UFO or what. She stayed there (on the balcony) for four or five minutes until she realized it was a horse.”

– Jaime Maussan, Investigative Reporter

Horse suspended in air next to towers and antennae in Milan, Italy, at 5:07 p.m., October 17, 2005. Image © 2006 by Jaime Maussan Productions.
Horse suspended in air next to towers and antennae in Milan, Italy, at 5:07 p.m., October 17, 2005. Image © 2006 by Jaime Maussan Productions.

June 22, 2006  Mexico City, Mexico   –  While scientists are trying to save polar bears and other animals faced with hardship and extinctions as planet Earth continues to warm up this century, another kind of animal threat continues to happen around the world without comment from scientists or political leaders. Law enforcement calls that threat, “animal mutilations.” The bloodless, trackless deaths have occurred among horses, cattle, sheep, goats, domestic cats and dogs, and wild animals around the world since at least the early 1960s. Long associated with the strange animal mutilations have been beams of light coming from unidentified aerial discs in the sky. I have interviewed about a dozen ranchers and other eyewitnesses who have seen animals either raised up from pastures in light beams or lowered back, dead and mutilated. What is that powerful beam technology? And who, or what, focuses the beams on animals – and even sometimes people? Military and intelligence insiders say the perpetrators are “extraterrestrial biological entities.”Click for report.

“Vacuum Black” Entity in Mexico Reservoir

Sombreretillo Dam is west of Brownsville, Texas, in the state of Neuvo Leon, Mexico.
Sombreretillo Dam is west of Brownsville, Texas, in the state of Neuvo Leon, Mexico.

June 22, 2006  State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico  -  On June 4, 2006, around 5 p.m. amid the water lilies growing thick in the reservoir water at the Sombreretillo Dam, Dr. Efren Saucedo Tello took photographs of kayakers going by. Later when he looked at his photographs closely, he was stunned to see what looked like a large and very black "creature" standing in the water as if watching one of the kayaks. Around the very black entity is another odd shape that is beige-colored.


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Morgellons Agony of Skin Lesions and “Brain Fog”

“These (images of my hand and arm below) are just some of the more common physical effects of Morgellons. There are others as well. Additionally, the psychological and internal physiological effects are equally as devastating.”

– Morgellons patient

Morgellons lesions typically contain microscopic fibers that sufferers say are an agony of painful itching.
Morgellons lesions typically contain microscopic fibers that sufferers say are an agony of painful itching.
Scars and lesions on left arm of Morgellons sufferer.
Scars and lesions on left arm of Morgellons sufferer.

June 22, 2006  Tulsa, Oklahoma –  At the end of April 2006, a 23-year-old man in Texas named Travis Wilson killed himself after suffering for a year with the painful, itching syndrome called “Morgellons disease.” He said it felt like bugs were crawling under his skin. None of the antibiotics and medicines he tried stopped his agony.Click for report.

Viewer Letters About NASA Airbrushing Photos; EBENs and Reptilian Humanoids

"He was always very cryptic and would only say there were things in space and on the moon that were not man made, but were machines."


June 18 - 19, 2006   Albuquerque, NM  -  On June 7, 2006, I interviewed Gary McKinnon in London about his gaining access to NASA and American military computers in 2000 to 2002, which did not have firewalls and only password defaults. [See link in More Information below.] What provoked Gary to try such illegal access was the testimony of a former NASA photo technician, Donna Hare, who said NASA was airbrushing UFOs and UFO-related objects out of photographs on the moon. Gary believes the U. S. and his home country, the U. K., have secretly back-engineered extraterrestrial technologies that could provide energy at this critical time on Earth when petroleum is dwindling and the average citizen's gasoline, air conditioning and winter heating bills are rising so rapidly, many people cannot pay them. Gary wants the UFO secrecy cracked open and whatever secret energy systems there might be revealed to the world so cheaper, or free, energy can be accessible to all citizens.


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“Extraterrestrial Life” in Kerala, India Red Rain?

South of Bombay, the state of Kerala, India, is in the southwestern tip  of the country bordered on the west by the Arabian Sea. Its capital is  Thiruvananthapuram.  Map © by mapsofindia.com.
South of Bombay, the state of Kerala, India, is in the southwestern tip of the country bordered on the west by the Arabian Sea. Its capital is Thiruvananthapuram.  Map © by mapsofindia.com.

June 15, 2006   Cardiff, Wales, U. K. -  There was a most provocative title in the April 4, 2006, journal Astrophysics and Space Science. It reads: “The Red Rain Phenomenon of Kerala and Its Possible Extraterrestrial Origin.”

Kerala is called "God's own country" and is situated on the Malabar Coast in southwestern India. Besides attracting tourists to its beautiful beaches and lush trees where exotic wildlife live, the land supports companies which grow tea, coffee, rubber, cashew, pepper, cardamom, vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon.


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