Part 1: Five Circle Pattern in Geneseo, Illinois, Soybeans

Five circles in soybeans first reported Thursday afternoon, August 17, 2006. Pathways to smaller circles and large circles were not there on August 17. Paths were created by a Henry County Deputy Sheriff and farm owner, Jim Stahl, plus others who first entered field on Saturday, August 19, 2006, when 12-feet-deep "walls" of soybeans were standing untouched between larger center circle and two outer, smaller circles. Aerial image on August 21, 2006, © by Linda Moulton Howe.
Five circles in soybeans first reported Thursday afternoon, August 17, 2006. Pathways to smaller circles and large circles were not there on August 17. Paths were created by a Henry County Deputy Sheriff and farm owner, Jim Stahl, plus others who first entered field on Saturday, August 19, 2006, when 12-feet-deep “walls” of soybeans were standing untouched between larger center circle and two outer, smaller circles. Aerial image on August 21, 2006, © by Linda Moulton Howe.
Where Illinois and Iowa run along either side of the big Mississippi River outlined in the orange rectangle on the map, that region is known as "Quad Cities." That 4-city complex is Davenport, Iowa; Bettendorf, Iowa; Rock Island, Illinois; and Moline, Illinois. Twenty miles east of Moline in Henry County is Geneseo, Illinois, a farming community of about 6,500 people.
Where Illinois and Iowa run along either side of the big Mississippi River outlined in the orange rectangle on the map, that region is known as “Quad Cities.” That 4-city complex is Davenport, Iowa; Bettendorf, Iowa; Rock Island, Illinois; and Moline, Illinois. Twenty miles east of Moline in Henry County is Geneseo, Illinois, a farming community of about 6,500 people.

August 27, 2006  Geneseo, Illinois – On Sunday, August 20, 2006, Quad City Times reporter, Barb Ickes, wrote:  “The crop circles at Jim Stahl’s farm appeared as they always do – out of nowhere. … The five circles in his soybean field create a geometric pattern. Three of the circles are the same size – about 50 feet in diameter – and are connected like beans in a pod. The other two circles are half the size of the others and flank them on either side. They appear to be precisely the same distance from the main circle. …Amid a 90-acre field of soybeans, Stahl discovered the oddity Saturday morning (August 19, 2006). He called the Henry County Sheriff’s Department.”Click for report.

Solar Cycle 24 – Headed for Intense X Flares by 2010-2012?

"Researchers from the University of Colorado believe the next solar cycle (Solar Cycle 24) will be the most intense in 50 years."

- NASA, August 15, 2006

On May 2, 2002, solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) blast plasma throughout the Solar System. The highest concentration of plasma in our Solar System is at the Sun. Over 99.999% of the Solar System by volume is plasma. Credit: SOHO Consortium, LASCO, EIT ESA, NASA.
On May 2, 2002, solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) blast plasma throughout the Solar System. The highest concentration of plasma in our Solar System is at the Sun. Over 99.999% of the Solar System by volume is plasma. Credit: SOHO Consortium, LASCO, EIT ESA, NASA.

August 23, 2006   Huntsville, Alabama -  As long as humans have been studying our sun, observers have noticed that the sun goes through reoccurring cycles that last about eleven years. For instance, most recently the year 2000 was a solar maximum of sunspots. After that, sunspots were supposed to decline in size and number to a solar minimum in 2005 before starting over again with an upswing in sunspot activity to another solar maximum in 2010 to 2012. During solar maximums, there can be powerful flares, or coronal mass ejections, that propel intense solar radiation at a million mph through the solar system. The power of a solar flare is the energy equivalent of a million megatons of TNT, or ten million Hiroshima bombs. During the most recent solar minimum, there were a number of unexpected huge sunspots that unleashed gigantic X class flares when the sun was supposed to be quiet. X class flares are the strongest category. That unusually intense activity during a solar minimum left many people wondering if the next solar cycle, the 24th, will be especially strong?


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Red Rain Cells of Kerala, India – Still No Definite DNA

August 19, 2006   Cardiff, Wales - Nearly half a century ago in 1960, a mathematics graduate student from Colombo, Sri Lanka, set off on his first international trip to Cambridge, England. His name is Chandra Wickramasinghe. He was fascinated by stars in the night skies, wondered about other life Out There, and his Cambridge University advanced degree was in Astronomy. His faculty supervisor was the famous Cambridge astronomer, Fred Hoyle. The two men had the curiosity and courage to look for other life in the universe by studying cosmic dust. Their controversial panspermia hypothesis was that the universe is teeming with at least microbial life, which can be transported from one cosmic location to another. In their collaboration, the two astronomers felt strongly that the double helix DNA found in all Earth life had been seeded here by comets or other cosmic bodies and that same DNA would be found in all life forms throughout the cosmos.

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Ph.D. and S.C.D., Cambridge University, Prof. of Applied Math and Astronomy and Director of the Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, U.K.
Chandra Wickramasinghe, Ph.D. and S.C.D., Cambridge University, Prof. of Applied Math and Astronomy and Director of the Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, U.K.


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Military Helicopter Aggression Toward Red Sphere in U. K.

Seventy-eight triangles in fractal pattern were reported in Savernake Forest wheat field near Marlborough, Wiltshire, England, on July 19, 2005. Aerial image © 2005 by
Seventy-eight triangles in fractal pattern were reported in Savernake Forest wheat field near Marlborough, Wiltshire, England, on July 19, 2005. Aerial image © 2005 by

August 17, 2006   Cherhill, Wiltshire, England -  Two weeks ago at the Silent Circle Cafe in Cherhill, I met and talked with Kate Fenn about an encounter she and a colleague had with military helicopters, which seemed to be aggressively interacting with a large, red, glowing sphere above a crop formation in the Savernake Forest near Marlborough. The date was last year in early August 2005.


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Etchilhampton August 15, 2006, Wheat Formation

Etchilhampton, Wiltshire, is in the lower left corner southwest of Avebury. Wayland's Smithy is in the upper right corner of Oxfordshire County near Blowingstone Hill and Uffington Castle. Some other 2006 crop formation locations are highlighted in yellow.
Etchilhampton, Wiltshire, is in the lower left corner southwest of Avebury. Wayland’s Smithy is in the upper right corner of Oxfordshire County near Blowingstone Hill and Uffington Castle. Some other 2006 crop formation locations are highlighted in yellow.

August 16, 2006   Etchilhampton, Wiltshire, England –  British researcher and photographer, Lucy Pringle, has photographed the new August 15, 2006, Etchilhampton formation from the air, while on the ground the’s Julian Gibsone reports: ” Complexity within this wonderful new Star. This a beautiful new formation with an intricate line structure and a lovely star shaped centre. As I wandered around this circle I became aware of just how interesting the line structure was. This is a case of where seeing a formation on the ground is as significant as seeing it from the air. The lay, appeared to me at least, to be pretty impressive in crop that is about to be cut in the next few days. … The location was outstanding as one could look across Pewsey Vale to the Milk Hill White Horse, Woodborough and Picton Hills in the distance.”Click for report.

Part 2 – Three Crop Formations Near Uffington White Horse The Third – A “Merkabah?”

In the county of Oxfordshire, England, formations were reported at Wayland's Smithy and Uffington Castle on the same day of July 8, 2006. Then a month later on August 6, 2006, a third formation was reported at Blowingstone Hill in Kingston Lisle, northeast of Uffington Castle.
In the county of Oxfordshire, England, formations were reported at Wayland’s Smithy and Uffington Castle on the same day of July 8, 2006. Then a month later on August 6, 2006, a third formation was reported at Blowingstone Hill in Kingston Lisle, northeast of Uffington Castle.

August 14, 2006   Kingston Lisle, Oxfordshire, England –  A few days before I left for England, journalist Jaime Maussan in Mexico City called. Jaime is an TV and magazine investigative reporter for his own production company and last year went to the U. K. to fly over and videotape the 2005 Wayland’s Smithy “Mayan Calendar” and Woolstone “Mayan Clock.” Jaime asked a Mexican archaeologist to study the 2005 wheat patterns and reported that the glyphs were counting down to 2012 and the end of the Grand Mayan Calendar. Click for report.

Part 1: Three Crop Formations Near Uffington White Horse

In the county of Oxfordshire, England, formations were reported at Wayland's Smithy and Uffington Castle on the same day of July 8, 2006. Then a month later on August 6, 2006, another formation was reported at Blowingstone Hill in Kingston Lisle, northeast of Uffington Castle.
In the county of Oxfordshire, England, formations were reported at Wayland’s Smithy and Uffington Castle on the same day of July 8, 2006. Then a month later on August 6, 2006, another formation was reported at Blowingstone Hill in Kingston Lisle, northeast of Uffington Castle.

August 12 , 2006   Uffington, Oxfordshire, England –  On July 8, 2006, four extraordinary crop formations were reported in southern England. The sequence began in Boxley near Maidstone in the county of Kent southeast of London with a “fractal snowflake.” Many investigators think this was the finest crop formation of 2006. The ground lay was fluid, like water waves.Click for report.

From Wiltshire to Red Alert At Heathrow Airport

Wiltshire County, England, peaceful landscape of cereal crop farms.
Wiltshire County, England, peaceful landscape of cereal crop farms.

August 12 , 2006   Albuquerque, New Mexico  –  At 5:30 a.m. on Thursday morning, August 10, I was traveling in my rental car from Wiltshire County, England, to Heathrow Airport in London. I had been in southern England for two weeks to explore crop formations and do more research on the mysterious red rain of Kerala, India. [ See:  Earthfiles061606 and upcoming new report. ]Click for report.