Pregnant Cows Disappear in Ohio; Horses Beheaded in Vancouver

"We’re puzzled and without a clue. Frankly, we can’t believe
this has happened. It’s something that we would not have dreamed would
occur in a million years.”

- Chula Family Farm, Lake Township, Ohio

November 16, 2006   Albuquerque, New Mexico - Back in the 1970s, there were British reports of cattle that either disappeared from fenced pastures or entire herds were found in a neighbor's pasture, inexplicably transported during the night

When animal mutilations occur, at the same time there are often missing animal reports that can range from small cats to large animals such as cattle and horses. One famous case occurred in Waurika, Oklahoma, in the mid-1990s. A rancher reported that 850 of his cows and 850 of his calves all disappeared one weekend without a trace of evidence.  1700 cattle missing! The case was never solved and the insurance company finally settled with the nearly-bankrupt family.

Ohio Beacon Journal, November 9, 2006, Akron, Ohio.
Ohio Beacon Journal, November 9, 2006, Akron, Ohio.


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Outer Space Sunshade to Cool Earth in Global Warming?

“The scientific evidence is now overwhelming: climate change presents very serious global risks, and it demands an urgent global response. … If no action is taken to reduce emissions, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere could reach double its pre-industrial level as early as 2035.”

– Sir Nicholas Stern, British Economist, November 10, 2006,
Report to U.K. Prime Minister and Chancellor of Exchequer

Graphic illustration of thin, 2-foot-diameter, transparent inscribed discs with small solar panels that could be launched by the trillions to form a large "cloud" between the sun and Earth in order to cool this planet in the grip of global warming. The little rings in the discs represent light from background stars that is blurred into the deflected ring shapes as an analogy for how a small percentage of the Sun's light could be deflected from reaching Earth. The goal: to keep the world's global temperature cooler. Illustration by University of Arizona Steward Observatory.
Graphic illustration of thin, 2-foot-diameter, transparent inscribed discs with small solar panels that could be launched by the trillions to form a large “cloud” between the sun and Earth in order to cool this planet in the grip of global warming. The little rings in the discs represent light from background stars that is blurred into the deflected ring shapes as an analogy for how a small percentage of the Sun’s light could be deflected from reaching Earth. The goal: to keep the world’s global temperature cooler. Illustration by University of Arizona Steward Observatory.

November 9, 2006  Tucson, Arizona – Even a year ago, I would not have reported about a sunshade in space to help cool off our planet in the grip of global warming because an outer space sunshade would have seemed too much like science fiction speculation – not news.Click for report.

Another UFO Retaliation to Radar Lock On – 2003

Twenty-five miles northeast of Cambridge, England, is RAF Mildenhall near the British town, Mildenhall, highlighted in yellow in upper right quadrant of map. Five miles further northeast of Mildenhall is RAF Lakenheath, an American USAF facility with nuclear missiles.
Twenty-five miles northeast of Cambridge, England, is RAF Mildenhall near the British town, Mildenhall, highlighted in yellow in upper right quadrant of map. Five miles further northeast of Mildenhall is RAF Lakenheath, an American USAF facility with nuclear missiles.
RAF Mildenhall, England, 100th Air Refueling Wing, USAF.
RAF Mildenhall, England, 100th Air Refueling Wing, USAF.

November 3, 2006  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Around the summer solstice of June 22, 2003, at Royal Air Force Mildenhall in England, USAF security guards on nightshift were alerted that a bright, unidentified light was approaching restricted airspace at the base runway. One of the security guards that night recently contacted me. He had enlisted in the U. S. Air Force in 2000, had trained in the Air Traffic Technical School and was stationed at Langley AFB, Virginia, in Security Forces. In August 2002, he received orders to work at RAF Mildenhall, about 25 miles northeast of Cambridge.


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First E. Coli on Spinach – Now Salmonella, Perhaps in Tomatoes. What’s Happening?

October 31, 2006 CDC Announcement:  “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with state departments of health and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is investigating an outbreak of infections caused by a type of Salmonella called Salmonella typhimurium. This infection has no relationship to typhoid fever, which is caused by another organism. Salmonella typhimurium typically causes an illness with fever and non-bloody diarrhea which commonly resolves after about one week.
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Close UFO Encounter by USAF Eyewitnesses

October 28, 2006  Carl Junction, Missouri - Fifty-three years ago, USAF Private Al Caldwell was working as an Airborne Radar Observer at Ladd Air Force Base in Fairbanks, Alaska. Whenever aircraft went down, his rescue unit would be called into action.

Al was born on August 25, 1931, so in 1953, he was twenty-two-years-old and in his third year working for the USAF. He had signed up for a full twenty years and did not retire as a Master Sergeant E-6 until December 31, 1970. [ See Retirement Order below.] From 1959 to 1967, Al was in the first Astronaut Recovery Program to pull astronauts out of the Caribbean and other waters after Earth orbits or flights to the moon and back. After he retired from the USAF, Al worked in the computer industry selling and repairing computers and installing networks.


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Norwegian Crashed Disc and Other High Strangeness

From Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue

© 1957 by Leonard H. Stringfield

With permission, reprinted in
© 2006 by Linda Moulton Howe.

"British scientists and airmen, after examining the wreckage of one mysterious flying ship, are convinced that these strange aerial objects are flying saucers from another planet. The source of my information is a British official of Cabinet rank."

- Reporter Dorothy Kilgallen, 1955

An official publication of Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO) © 1957 by Leonard H. Stringfield.
An official publication of Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO) © 1957 by Leonard H. Stringfield.

October 26, 2006 
- In September 1957, Leonard H. Stringfield, finished his first book, Inside Saucer Post ... 3-0 Blue, based on his research cooperation with the U. S. Air Defense Command Filter Center in Columbus, Ohio. Len had served with the 5th U. S. Air Force and was baffled by three unidentified lights that he and other crew members saw in 1945 while being transported in a C-46 near Iwo Jima. After the war, Len Stringfield seriously began to investigate the UFO phenomena. For the next thirty-seven years, he tried to learn from firsthand sources about government cover-ups of UFO incidents and the interaction of non-human intelligences with Earth. Len died on December 18, 1994.


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One, Maybe Two, More Mysterious Radio Bursts from Galactic Center

Radio image of the central region of our Milky Way Galaxy. The white arrow points at the SNR 359.1-00.5 region where intense radio bursts repeated five times spaced 77 minutes apart on the night of September 30, 2002, to October 1, 2002. Image courtesy Northwestern University.
Radio image of the central region of our Milky Way Galaxy. The white arrow points at the SNR 359.1-00.5 region where intense radio bursts repeated five times spaced 77 minutes apart on the night of September 30, 2002, to October 1, 2002. Image courtesy Northwestern University.

Date: Night of September 30 to October 1, 2002.
Radio Wave Size: About 1 meter in wavelength.
Number of Bursts:  Five bursts over 7-hour period.
Name Assigned 5 Radio Bursts:  "GCRT J1745-3009"
Length of Each Burst:  10 minutes duration and each radio burst separated by about 77 minutes of silence. Rise time in intensity was about 8 minutes, slower than decay time which was about two minutes.
Estimated Location: As far as 24,000 light-years, or as close as 300 light-years, toward center of Milky Way galaxy and region of red supernova remnant known as "SNR 359.1-00.5."

October 23, 2006  Sweet Briar, Virginia - A year and a half ago in early March 2005, I reported at Earthfiles about a physicist’s report in Nature concerning a powerful and repeating burst of radio waves toward the center of our Milky Way galaxy in a region known as SNR 359.1-00.5. The galactic center is 26,000 light-years from Earth and is full of stars. There were five radio bursts in 1-meter-long radio wavelengths of 330 MegaHertz detected over a 7 hour period on the night of September 30 to October 1, 2002. The five radio bursts were equally spaced apart by 77 minutes and there were no detectable x-ray emissions. No one studying our galaxy has ever seen any radio bursts like that before. The source is a complete mystery.


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UFO Retaliation to U.S. Army Radar Lock On in Florida, 1967

“NORAD was talking back and forth to us and they were as flabbergasted as we were about the speeds we were seeing. There was no way the bogies were from Earth because they were going too fast.”

– Dennis, Richmond USAF Station, Miami, Florida

Key West in far lower left corner is 129 miles southwest from Miami in upper right corner.
Key West in far lower left corner is 129 miles southwest from Miami in upper right corner.

October 19, 2006  Albuquerque, New Mexico – In reply to one of my recent COAST TO COAST AM radio appeals for firsthand information from military or intelligence people about the UFO phenomena, I have heard from two military eyewitnesses about a remarkable radar tracking of UFOs east of Miami, Florida, in March 1967, over the Bermuda triangle region.

Neither man is willing to be identified beyond his first name, but the two are cousins who were in the American military in the late 1960s. In April 1966, Bill signed up for Army Air Defense Command called ARADCOM (no longer exists) after Army basic training at Ft. Benning, Georgia. By March 1967, Bill was working as both a missile crew launchman and fire control operator in the Army’s “B (Bravo) ” Battery, 6th Battalion, 65th Air Defense Artillery in Key West, Florida.Click for report.

Another Cattle Mutilation in Pondera County, Montana

"The mutilated cow looked like she fell from the sky, hit the ground and bounced to the north, but the stubble underneath her body was bent south."

- Pondera County Sheriff, Tom Kuka, Conrad, Montana

October 17, 2006  Valier, Montana - Thirty years ago in 1975-1976, there were so many cattle mutilations in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and other parts of the United States that sheriffs reported some mutilated carcasses were still warm to touch. All the cows, steers, bulls or heifers were usually missing an ear, eye, jaw flesh, tongue, genitals and rectal/vaginal area. Law enforcement often described the cuts as looking like they had been done with a "cookie cutter," or "surgical."


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Big Sorghum Circle in Beloit, Kansas

“This Beloit, Kansas, crop circle is one of the largest single circles that’s ever been reported in the United States. There are only two reports that are larger.”

– Jeffrey Wilson, Director, ICCRA

Beloit, Kansas is northwest of Herington and Lost Springs, Kansas, the site of two wheat circles reported on June 2, 2006. Beloit is also about 70 miles northwest of the U. S. Army's Fort Riley in Manhattan, Kansas.
Beloit, Kansas is northwest of Herington and Lost Springs, Kansas, the site of two wheat circles reported on June 2, 2006. Beloit is also about 70 miles northwest of the U. S. Army’s Fort Riley in Manhattan, Kansas.

October 14, 2006  Beloit, Kansas – Four months ago, I reported about two circles suddenly showing up on June 2, 2006, in a wheat field owned by Merle and Diane Ecklund in Lost Springs, Kansas, which is a bit south of Herington and north of Wichita. [ See 061106 Earthfiles.] Both circles were estimated to be about 28-feet in diameter. Biophysicist W. C. Levengood examined wheat from both circles and found fundamental biophysical and biochemical changes in the plants that he hypothesizes could only have resulted from interaction with a spinning vortex of plasma and other energies.Click for report.