Two Cell Phone Images of Disc Over Chicago O’Hare Airport

January 26, 2007  Chicago, Illinois –  At the beginning of January 2007, Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) received a report about a disc-shaped aerial object seen on November 7, 2006, by several eyewitnesses at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport and broke the story. Then columnist Jon Hilkevitch at the Chicago Tribune followed up with a story about a dozen or so United Airlines mechanics, pilots, baggage people and a manager who watched a silvery-grey disc hover in the sky over Chicago O’Hare’s Concourse C-17 for several minutes. [See 010207 Earthfiles.]Click for report.

Impact of China’s Anti-Sat Weapon’s Test Debris?

"It would not surprise me if it caused the destruction of at least one working satellite and maybe a couple. I would be surprised if it was bad enough to cause the destruction of many satellites."

- Jonathan McDowell, Ph.D., Harvard Astrophysicist

Illustration of aging FengYun-1 weather satellite destroyed January 11, 2007, in Chinese anti-satellite weapon test, courtesy Earth Observation Resources.
Illustration of aging FengYun-1 weather satellite destroyed January 11, 2007, in Chinese anti-satellite weapon test, courtesy Earth Observation Resources.

January 19, 2007  Cambridge, Massachusetts  -   Craig Covault in Aviation Week & Space Technology online reported January 17, 2007, that "U. S. intelligence agencies believe China performed a successful anti-satellite (asat) weapons test at more than 500 miles altitude (new estimate is 530 miles up) on January 11, 2007, destroying an aging Chinese weather satellite target with a kinetic kill vehicle launched on board a ballistic missile.


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Human Genome Project: Junk DNA Is Still A Mystery

“There are some genes we know a lot about, but there are many genes
we have no idea what they do. So, that’s the baffling part to me –
there is still so much work to be done just to figure out how it all works.”

– John McPherson, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine

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January 18, 2007  Houston, Texas – The human body has about 100 trillion cells. Inside each of those cells is the nucleus that contains the genome—46 human chromosomes which have the blueprint for building a human body.Click for report.

Part 9:  Inside Saucer Post …3-0 Blue

© 1957 by Leonard H. Stringfield  (out of print)
Reprinted with permission in
© 2006 by Linda Moulton Howe

"Two distinct groups of triangular-shaped objects seemed to come out of the main disc. Each group had about five objects. They came down the beam and then turned out of the beam."

- Donald R. Berger, ROTC, University of Cincinnati

Return to Part 1

January 16 , 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

An official publication of Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO) © 1957 by Leonard H. Stringfield.
An official publication of Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO) © 1957 by Leonard H. Stringfield.

THE PHOTO 'FINISHERS' - Official and Otherwise

Evidence, in saucer lore, assumes many forms. If not a three-dimensional filament of angel hair or a controversial "hot rock," it can be a photograph or a movie showing a shape in the sky, a blip on radarscope, or a voice or sound on a tape recorder. When "contact" stories became popular in 1952, the tapes were quick to follow. I've heard several, each purporting to be evidence. One, sounding like a musical arrangement of Morse Code and believed to be signals from a space species, was in my opinion, wishful thinking. Most others, preachments and warnings by space people, are just pure bunk.


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Confusing Sun: Will Solar Cycle 24 Be Most Intense On Record?

"It’s a little confusing this time around, actually. We haven’t had this problem before ...but indicators (of big solar maximums) that have agreed and worked in the past don’t agree this time."

- David Hathaway, Ph.D., NASA

Three sunspots on the sun, January 11, 2007. Individual sunspots are often larger than planet Earth, which is shown scaled to size in the lower right, along with massive Jupiter. The scale line at lower left compares to the length of 10 Earths. Image courtesy SOHO.
Three sunspots on the sun, January 11, 2007. Individual sunspots are often larger than planet Earth, which is shown scaled to size in the lower right, along with massive Jupiter. The scale line at lower left compares to the length of 10 Earths. Image courtesy SOHO.
July 15, 2002, "most detailed images ever of sunspots" (Region 10030) on sun's granular surface by solar telescope in La Palma, Canary Islands, off African coast. Resolution is 62 miles (100 km). Colorized image by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Institute for Solar Physics.
July 15, 2002, "most detailed images ever of sunspots" (Region 10030) on sun's granular surface by solar telescope in La Palma, Canary Islands, off African coast. Resolution is 62 miles (100 km). Colorized image by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Institute for Solar Physics.

January 13, 2007  Huntsville, Alabama - If you could fly near the surface of the sun, there would be a lot of humming and sonic booms. At Stanford University and the University of California-Berkeley, physicists have processed radio signals from the sun and produced audio files. The sun vibrates with a hum that goes up and down every five minutes. Stanford scientists call it "the singing sun."


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2006 USA’s Warmest Year On Record

“The past nine years have all been among the 25 warmest years on record for the contiguous U.S., unprecedented in the historical record.”


January 10, 2007  Asheville, North Carolina
–  NOAA’s National Climate Data Center in Asheville, North Carolina, reports that 2006 was the warmest year on record for the United States. The 2006 average annual temperature for the contiguous U.S. was slightly higher than the record set in 1998. Seven months in 2006 were much warmer than average, including December, which ended as the fourth warmest December since records began in 1895 and the hottest December in the history of Minnesota, New York, Connecticut, Vermont, and New Hampshire.Click for report.

Universe’s Mysterious Dark Matter – First 3-D Map

"Without dark matter, there would have been insufficient mass
in the universe for structures to collapse and galaxies to form. ...Normal matter - including stars, galaxies and gas - is built inside an underlying
scaffolding of dark matter."


First 3-dimensional map of dark matter distribution in this universe moving from the early universe (left) to the more recent universe (right).  Image credit NASA, ESA and R. Massey, Cal-Tech.
First 3-dimensional map of dark matter distribution in this universe moving from the early universe (left) to the more recent universe (right).  Image credit NASA, ESA and R. Massey, Cal-Tech.

Age of Universe: 13.7 billion years

­     .4% glowing matter such as stars.
­   3.6% "normal" matter as we know it in planets and stars.
­ 23.0% cold, invisible "dark" matter detectable only by its gravitational influence on "normal" matter.
­ 73.0% invisible "dark" energy.


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Liquid Methane Lakes on Saturn’s Titan Moon

Titan, Saturn's largest moon, and second largest moon in solar system, after Earth's moon. 3200 miles in diameter. Image by Cassini-Huygens/NASA JPL.
Titan, Saturn's largest moon, and second largest moon in solar system, after Earth's moon. 3200 miles in diameter. Image by Cassini-Huygens/NASA JPL.
Layers of haze seen in a colorized ultraviolet image of Titan's night-side limb. Image by Cassini-Huygens/NASA JPL.
Layers of haze seen in a colorized ultraviolet image of Titan's night-side limb. Image by Cassini-Huygens/NASA JPL.

January 6, 2007  Pasadena, California - NASA's JPL reports that scientists now have "definitive evidence of the presence of lakes filled with liquid methane" on Saturn's moon Titan. The radar data was published in this week's journal Nature cover story. Radar imaging data from a July 22, 2006, fly-over by the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft provided convincing evidence for large bodies of liquid methane. on Titan today.


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Updated Images: Attorney Describes His Encounter with Non-Human Entities

“I’m a well-trained professional.  But these entities took away my liberty and hijacked my free will through a process that I’m calling a seduction.”

– Attorney

Three-foot-tall hooded non-human standing next to six-foot-tall non-human at the end of attorney's bed around 1965. Attorney is now 57-years-old. Image © 2007 by "John Smith."
Three-foot-tall hooded non-human standing next to six-foot-tall non-human at the end of attorney’s bed around 1965. Attorney is now 57-years-old. Image © 2007 by “John Smith.”

January 5, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico
– Recently in my Earthfiles mail, I received a 4-page, typed and well-written letter from a successful attorney living and working on the West Coast. For more than three decades, this man – whom I will call John Smith to honor his request for anonymity – has kept secret his interactions with a non-human intelligence.

First he trusted them, but now worries that the agenda of the particular type he has encountered is to manipulate and suppress humans. Attorney Smith’s abduction experiences have included being taken right through a wall, examinations by non-humans of his head and genitals and visions of an apocalyptic Earth future. Guiding Attorney Smith through his experiences was a telepathic voice that entered his life with winning raffle tickets and other inside information that convinced John Smith he was being given special protection by extraterrestrial, or other-dimensional, intelligences. Attorney Smith is now 57-years-old and says his first memories of high strangeness go back to odd, repeating dreams he began having around age 25.Click for report.

Grey Aerial Disk Reported by Chicago O’Hare United Airlines Pilots and Mechanics

” I know that what I saw and what a lot of other people saw stood out
very clearly, and it definitely was not an (Earth) aircraft.”

– United Airlines mechanic about Nov. 7, 2006, sighting

January 2, 2007  Chicago, Illinois – Reporter Jon Hilkevitch at the Chicago Tribune, reported yesterday: “A flying saucerlike object hovered low over O’Hare International Airport (above United Airlines Concourse Gate C17) for several minutes before bolting through thick clouds with such intense energy that it left an eerie hole in overcast skies, said some United Airlines employees who observed the phenomenon.”Click for report.