Part 1: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse “Insectogram” Crop Formation

© 2005-2006 by Andrew J. Buckley
Reprinted with permission at Earthfiles.

February 27, 2007  Wiltshire County, England - One earth mystery that has been described by eyewitnesses is the sudden appearance "out of nowhere" of what seems to be a child or adult person. Some have observed mysterious balls of light from which individuals emerge. One example was reported in a 1989 book, Unexplained Mysteries of the 20th Century by Janet and Colin Bord. They wrote: "The witness was climbing in the Bavarian Alps of West Germany around 1950 and she got lost. 'All of a sudden, I noticed a sort of a big ball of light and this condensed into the shape of a tall, rather Chinese-looking gentleman. ...He bowed, spoke a few words, led me by a small path to the tourists' way and disappeared back as a ball of light.'"


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Scientists Hope “Amphibian Arks” Can Save Frogs and Toads

“The amphibians were around before the dinosaurs. Now, the amphibians are starting to get hit. They survived all that before, and now they are going down the tubes!”

– Andrew Blaustein, Ph.D., OSU

This Golden Toad, Bufo periglenes, of Monteverde, Costa, Rica, has not been seen since 1989 and is considered one of the first of 122 amphibian species which have died out since 1980. Image © 1966 by Savage.
This Golden Toad, Bufo periglenes, of Monteverde, Costa, Rica, has not been seen since 1989 and is considered one of the first of 122 amphibian species which have died out since 1980. Image © 1966 by Savage.

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February 23, 2007  Corvallis, Oregon – In the past few weeks, I have interviewed scientists who are alarmed that global warming could destroy the Amazon and other rainforests and devastate the biodiversity of plants around the world. In Svalbard, Norway, construction begins in March to build a Noah’s Ark to preserve the Earth’s plants in a seed bank built inside an Arctic mountain.  In the oceans, corals and much marine life are threatened with extinction. On land, millions and millions of honey bees that pollinate so many of the fruits, vegetables, nuts and melons we expect in supermarkets have been disappearing in the United States, Spain and Poland.Click for report.

Part 1: Earth Life Threats – Alarming Disappearance of Honey Bees

“This is certainly the worst die-off that I’ve seen in my experience working with honey bees. It may be the worst die-off that has ever occurred with honey bees since they’ve been introduced into the United States since the 1620s.”

– Maryann Frazier, Honey Bee Specialist, Penn State

Western honey bees, or European honey bees (Apis mellifera), gather nectar from the blooms of fruits, vegetables, nuts, melons and many other food crops for the production of honey in wax combs. Millions of honey bees in 22 American states, Spain and Poland have been disappearing at an alarming rate with no explanation to date, threatening pollination of one-third American food crops. Bee image © 2007 by Gyoergy Varga, AP. Honeycomb image from Wikipedia.
Western honey bees, or European honey bees (Apis mellifera), gather nectar from the blooms of fruits, vegetables, nuts, melons and many other food crops for the production of honey in wax combs. Millions of honey bees in 22 American states, Spain and Poland have been disappearing at an alarming rate with no explanation to date, threatening pollination of one-third American food crops. Bee image © 2007 by Gyoergy Varga, AP. Honeycomb image from Wikipedia.

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February 23, 2007  Pennsylvania – Most people don’t realize that honey bees pollinate about one-third of our food supply around the world. Honey bees pollinate apple trees and berry bushes, vegetables, melons, almonds and many other food sources. Honey bees were originally brought from Europe to the United States in 1620. Periodically since then, there have been occasional die-offs of honey bees, mostly attributed to mites.Click for report.

Part 2: Earth Life Threats – “Noah’s Ark” for World’s Seeds

Construction begins in March 2007 on a "Noah's Ark" seed vault inside Svalbard, Norway, mountain to protect the Earth's plant biodiversity in the face of global warming and devastating events. Illustration courtesy Global Crop Diversity Trust.
Construction begins in March 2007 on a “Noah’s Ark” seed vault inside Svalbard, Norway, mountain to protect the Earth’s plant biodiversity in the face of global warming and devastating events. Illustration courtesy Global Crop Diversity Trust.

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February 23 , 2007  Svalbard, Norway – At least 3 million seeds from most of the Earth’s plants can fit in two rooms that measure about 66 feet by 50 feet (20 by 15 meters). At least that’s the plan for what is being called a “frozen Noah’s Ark” to be built inside a cold mountain on the archipelago of  Svalbard, Norway, in the Arctic. Construction begins in March and is expected to be finished by October this year. This Noah’s Ark for Earth seeds is being paid for by the Norwegian government, in affiliation with the U. N.’s Food and Agricultural Organization’s Global Crop Diversity Trust.Click for report.

Part 4: Tappen, North Dakota, High Strangeness Provokes Many Emails from Viewers and Listeners

“In the barracks, I was awakened by something next to my bed and I felt a jolt go through my lower right leg. As I came more fully aware, I saw a rather tall, ‘grey,’ lanky-type alien at the foot of my bed.”

– Sergeant, Camp Roberts, California

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February 18, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico – On January 26, 2007, I posted a 3-part Earthfiles entitled “Tappen, North Dakota: Encounters with Non-Humans” in text/images and podcast.  That night on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, I also reported about the Tappen, North Dakota, cattle ranch family that have had an extraordinary series of events occur since October 2005.

After my January 26th Earthfiles and Coast news updates about the extraordinary Tappen, North Dakota, events, I have received hundreds of emails from viewers and listeners who have also encountered lights, craft and creatures. In this Part 1, and subsequent reports, I am sharing some of those many emails without name attribution. My hope is that others will come forward with firsthand experiences about interactions with non-humans. My email address is: [email protected]. All requests for anonymity are respected.

19) Camp Roberts Army National Guard,  San Miguel, California (between Monterey and San Luis Obispo south of San Francisco)
February 2002    Adult Male

“After 9/11, I re-enlisted in the California National Guard (rank-Sgt.). By the end of February 2002 I got Activated for a Homeland Security mission. I was shipped to a secured (guards 24/7) military reservation in California named Camp Roberts. I was there with many other soldiers getting activated also.Click for report.

Grey Non-Human Floats in Air at New Orleans Defense Contractor Site

"I had this overwhelming fear come over me and I’m looking around. I looked up and I saw a grey being hovering about 20 feet in the air."

- Machinist Eyewitness, Jan. 2007

 Grey non-human floated in air above defense contractor machinist in New Orleans, Louisiana, second week of January 2007. Sketch by eyewitness.
Grey non-human floated in air above defense contractor machinist in New Orleans, Louisiana, second week of January 2007. Sketch by eyewitness.

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February 15, 2007  New Orleans , Louisiana -  In January, I put out an appeal at my news website,, and in radio broadcasts for viewers and listeners who have had firsthand interactions with non-human creatures to contact me at my email address:  [email protected].


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Part 3: Tappen, North Dakota, High Strangeness Provokes Many Emails from Viewers and Listeners

“The blue-white light moved so fast, it was not like it was flying. It was like it jumped through space and reappeared off in the distance. When it reappeared, several small white balls of light came from it and started moving at tremendous speed, changing direction rapidly.”

– Georgia Police Officer, Summer 2006

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February 14, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico – On January 26, 2007, I posted a 3-part Earthfiles entitled “Tappen, North Dakota: Encounters with Non-Humans” in text/images and podcast.  That night on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, I also reported about the Tappen, North Dakota, cattle ranch family that have had an extraordinary series of events occur since October 2005.

After my January 26th Earthfiles and Coast news updates about the extraordinary Tappen, North Dakota, events, I have received hundreds of emails from viewers and listeners who have also encountered lights, craft and creatures. In this Part 1, and subsequent reports, I am sharing some of those many emails without name attribution. My hope is that others will come forward with firsthand experiences about interactions with non-humans. My email address is: [email protected]. All requests for anonymity are respected.

13)  Louisiana – January 27, 2007 – Adult Female

“I read about the recent experiences of a farming family in Tappen, North Dakota, and the death of their sow and other problems they have encountered relevant to possible encounters with unusual craft and beings. I will try and respond as per your request to hear from experiencers of such events. I have decided the best way to begin is from the most recent experiences I have had and work back in time from those.Click for report.

Part 2: Tappen, North Dakota, High Strangeness Provokes Many Emails from Viewers and Listeners

“I didn’t feel any communication from the pale being, except when he was bowing I felt like he was saying, ‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’ll leave now.’ Almost like a child who was going to get in trouble for coming there.”

– Female Eyewitness

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February 12, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico – On January 26, 2007, I posted a 3-part Earthfiles entitled “Tappen, North Dakota: Encounters with Non-Humans” in text/images and podcast.  That night on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, I also reported about the Tappen, North Dakota, cattle ranch family that have had an extraordinary series of events occur since October 2005.Click for report.

Part 1: Tappen, North Dakota, High Strangeness Provokes Many Emails from Viewers and Listeners

“Whatever the thing was that had kidnapped us, assured me we would not be hurt. Whatever this thing was, it was not speaking out loud, but it was communicating telepathically. I could feel it was deep inside my mind. I felt it had wisdom and age far beyond anything of this planet.”

– Wisconsin Eyewitness

February 11, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico – On January 26, 2007, I posted a 3-part Earthfiles entitled “Tappen, North Dakota: Encounters with Non-Humans” in text/images and podcast.  That night on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, I also reported about the Tappen, North Dakota, cattle ranch family that have had an extraordinary series of events occur since October 2005.

Farmers in Tappen, with a current population of about 200 people, have been challenged by mysterious deaths and disappearances of livestock. One of those families is Myra and Torrey Briese, both in their late forties, who have lived in Tappen all their life. Their five children are Tessa 23, Trista 20, Evan 16, Tia 11 and Marshel 3.Click for report.