Genetically Modified Crops: Playing Dangerous Genetic Roulette?

“When you create a genetically modified crop or organism, it’s not like you’re sticking a gene in like a Lego piece that snaps into place. There is massive collateral damage that occurs within the DNA. This can create unpredictable side effects.”

– Jeffrey Smith

March 22, 2007  Fairfield, Iowa – The United States accounts for nearly two-thirds of all biotechnology crops planted globally. Since 1996, the United States has consistently planted more GM crops than any other country. Total acres of genetically modified corn, soybeans, cotton, and canola planted in the United States in 2006 totaled 128.3 million acres – an increase of nearly 10% more GMs planted than in 2005.

In addition to large farming of soy, corn, cotton, canola, and alfalfa, other smaller GM crops now include zucchini, crooked neck squash, and Hawaiian papaya. Meanwhile, data keeps piling up about human allergies and sick and dying animals and amphibians linked to interactions with GMs. One man is convinced that GMs should be eliminated from the world’s agriculture. He is Jeffrey Smith, author of the best selling 2003 book, Seeds of Deception. His follow-up book will be released in April with a title he says sums up the situation in two words: Genetic Roulette. His subtitle is: “The documented health risks of genetically engineered foods.”

The Foreword is written by Michael Meacher, former U. K. Environment Minister, who states:  “The case presented is absolutely a smoking shotgun that should stop in its tracks any dabbling with GM foods, whether by individual families, food companies or indeed, nations. … Jeffrey Smith is the modern David against the GM Goliath. This book may well provide the slingshot to change the global course of events this century.”

Recently, I talked with Jeffrey Smith about some of the documented health risks to humans and animals and why genetically modified crops are different than naturally evolved crops.

 Genetic Roulette © 2007 by Jeffrey M. Smith will be released  in April 2007, and will be available from  and toll free 888-717-7000.
Genetic Roulette © 2007 by Jeffrey M. Smith will be released in April 2007, and will be available from and toll free 888-717-7000.

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Tenth Anniversary of March 1997 Phoenix Lights: What Was the 2-Mile-Long Triangular Craft?

“I saw windows! And I saw shapes, humanoid shadows.”

- Shahla Saracen, Eyewitness

 Prescott, Arizona (purple dot) to Paradise Valley (light blue dot) to Casa Grande (green dot) to Tucson - thousands of people along that path saw a series of unidentified aerial lights and a gigantic triangular-shaped craft between 8:00 PM and 10:30 PM on March 13, 1997. Luke AFB northwest of Phoenix is marked with a red dot.
Prescott, Arizona (purple dot) to Paradise Valley (light blue dot) to Casa Grande (green dot) to Tucson - thousands of people along that path saw a series of unidentified aerial lights and a gigantic triangular-shaped craft between 8:00 PM and 10:30 PM on March 13, 1997. Luke AFB northwest of Phoenix is marked with a red dot.

March 16, 2007  Phoenix, Arizona - Ten years ago this month on March 13, 1997, a series of unidentified aerial lights were reported by thousands of people from Paulden and Prescott to Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, and further west over Nevada. The earliest reports began around 8 PM local time and continued into the evening. Then between 10 and 10:30 PM, an arc of lights emerged over Phoenix that was videotaped by residents and made the local television news and later all the network and cable news programs.


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Honey Bee Disappearances Continue: Could  Pesticides Play A Role?

“How much of our food production do we want to turn over to other
countries that might be friendly now and not friendly in the future? The federal government is looking at this and my question is: Are honey bees the canary in the coal mine? What are honey bees trying to tell us that we humans should be paying more attention to?”

– Jerry Hayes, Chief, Apiary Section, Florida Dept. of Agriculture, Gainesville, Florida

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 February 2007 map showing states so far affected by the honey bee collapse disorder in which beekeepers have reported 60% to 100% honey bee disappearances without explanation to date. Map courtesy MAAREC.
February 2007 map showing states so far affected by the honey bee collapse disorder in which beekeepers have reported 60% to 100% honey bee disappearances without explanation to date. Map courtesy MAAREC.

March 16, 2007  Washington, D. C. – In my previous February 23, 2007, Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM news updates about the mysterious honey bee disappearances, I interviewed a Pennsylvania honey beekeeper who has had nearly 2,000 of his 2900 hives disappear – a 60% loss to date. That is David Hackenberg of Hackenberg Apiary in Pennsylvania. He said he had never seen so many deserted hives that were also left alone by predator moths and beetles. That’s why he suspects some kind of pesticide is getting into the flower pollen and nectar and poisoning the hives. He contacted Penn State’s bee experts to investigate. But to date, there is no answer.Click for report.

Part 4: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

© July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

With permission, reprinted in © 2004 by Linda Moulton Howe.

" ...A secret crate, a mortician to greet it on July 9, 1947, are each on its own merit strong evidence to support the belief that a B-29, #7301, transported the (non-human) cadavers to Ft. Worth, Texas, from Roswell, New Mexico."


Click here to see Part 1 of Status Report VI

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 4 of Status Report VI, from July 1991. These status reports were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Status Report VII begins at Earthfiles 12/15/03. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Len Stringfield - continued:

Following are Tim's flight entries in his log for July 1947:

"July 4, 1947 DEH (C.A.A. station designation for Roswell) Ship 6291. B-29. Formation flight cross-country. Vicksburg, Little Rock, Tulsa, Amarillo and return. Holiday celebration. Flight time 9 hrs. 55 mins.


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Part 5: The Brian Scott Case and Red-Haired ET Link Between Lake Titicaca and Easter Island

"Man is two men in one.   One is awake in the darkness.  The other asleep in the light."

- Red-haired extraterrestrial communication to Brian Scott, 1971.

At the Lake Titicaca Tiahuanaco megalithic site, this statue of Viracocha was created in half red and half white stone representing the duality of day and night, dark and light in the cosmos, according to Brian Scott. Brian was also told that the red-haired extraterrestrials who abducted him in California were responsible for creating Viracocha, the great  Incan leader and example of a common man's transformation.  Photograph © 1976 by James E. Frazier.
At the Lake Titicaca Tiahuanaco megalithic site, this statue of Viracocha was created in half red and half white stone representing the duality of day and night, dark and light in the cosmos, according to Brian Scott. Brian was also told that the red-haired extraterrestrials who abducted him in California were responsible for creating Viracocha, the great Incan leader and example of a common man's transformation. Photograph © 1976 by James E. Frazier.
Lake Titicaca is the largest freshwater lake in South America, covering 3,100 square miles.  In the southern half of Lake Titicaca are the Island of the Sun and the ancient,  megalithic ruins of Tiahuanaco with its Portal of the Sun.
Lake Titicaca is the largest freshwater lake in South America, covering 3,100 square miles. In the southern half of Lake Titicaca are the Island of the Sun and the ancient, megalithic ruins of Tiahuanaco with its Portal of the Sun.

February 3, 2003  Windsor, Colorado - After Brian Scott encountered the large disc in the summer of 1971 near the Superstition Mountains east of Phoenix, he found himself onboard the craft with eight to nine foot tall non-humans with bright red hair, clear blue eyes, and very white skin. (See Earthfiles, Part 4.) With the tall, red-haired beings were equally tall creatures with big heads, very long ears, long noses, sunken eyes and very thick arms, legs and torsos. Brian was told by the red-haired beings that they had originally built the ancient megalithic Tiahuanaco temple at Lake Titicaca with the aid of the grey-skinned creatures. Brian understood that one of the red-haired extraterrestrial supervisors of the stone constructions was named "Viracocha," which the local humans worshiped as a god. Viracocha means "he who walks on the foam of the water," and Tiahuanaco means the "home of Viracocha."


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Updated – Part 4: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse Insectogram Crop Formation

© 2005-2006 by Andrew J. Buckley
Reprinted with permission at Earthfiles.

Return to Part 1

March 13, 2007  Wiltshire County, England - Continued from Part 3.

A Field Report

© 2006 by Andrew J. Buckley. All rights reserved.

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

- Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Left:  Artist's impression of the mysterious girl seen by Gordon Stewart and Andy Buckley at Wilcot Brow and Tawsmead Copse, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England, on Wednesday, August 10, 2005. Right:  2005 drawing of "insectogram" crop formation by Gill Nicholas.
Left:  Artist's impression of the mysterious girl seen by Gordon Stewart and Andy Buckley at Wilcot Brow and Tawsmead Copse, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England, on Wednesday, August 10, 2005. Right:  2005 drawing of "insectogram" crop formation by Gill Nicholas.
The Vale of Pewsey, the village of Alton Priors is highlighted next to the red circle that marks the South Field. Also highlighted around the South Field are Tawsmead Copse, Woodborough Hill and the big East Field on the other side of the brown country road.
The Vale of Pewsey, the village of Alton Priors is highlighted next to the red circle that marks the South Field. Also highlighted around the South Field are Tawsmead Copse, Woodborough Hill and the big East Field on the other side of the brown country road.


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Part 5: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse Insectogram Crop Formation

© 2005-2006 by Andrew J. Buckley
Reprinted with permission at Earthfiles.

Return to Part 1

March 13, 2007  Wiltshire County, England - Continued from Part 4.

A Field Report

© 2006 by Andrew J. Buckley. All rights reserved.

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

- Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Left:  Artist's impression of the mysterious girl seen by Gordon Stewart and Andy Buckley at Wilcot Brow and Tawsmead Copse, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England, on Wednesday, August 10, 2005. Right:  2005 drawing of "insectogram" crop formation by Gill Nicholas.
Left:  Artist's impression of the mysterious girl seen by Gordon Stewart and Andy Buckley at Wilcot Brow and Tawsmead Copse, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England, on Wednesday, August 10, 2005. Right:  2005 drawing of "insectogram" crop formation by Gill Nicholas.
The Vale of Pewsey, the village of Alton Priors is highlighted next to the red circle that marks the South Field. Also highlighted around the South Field are Tawsmead Copse, Woodborough Hill and the big East Field on the other side of the brown country road.
The Vale of Pewsey, the village of Alton Priors is highlighted next to the red circle that marks the South Field. Also highlighted around the South Field are Tawsmead Copse, Woodborough Hill and the big East Field on the other side of the brown country road.


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Zones of Fear and Diamond-Shaped Aerial Light

"In that Zone of Fear, it was just a gut level feeling that it was an alien energy – mechanical almost."

- Rancher Terry Jones

March 9, 2007  North Dakota - Forty years ago in 1967, there was a huge UFO flap in the Ohio River valley, including Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Residents there reported lots of unidentified aerial lights and silver disks, both day and night, along with strange flying creatures that resembled large humans with bat wings. That year, one of the most famous investigators of earth mysteries was John A. Keel. He went to Point Pleasant to investigate and coined the term “Mothman” for the winged humanoids being seen flying in the air.


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Part 3: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse “Insectogram” Crop Formation

© 2005-2006 by Andrew J. Buckley
Reprinted with permission at Earthfiles.

Return to Part 1

March 6, 2007  Wiltshire County, England - Continued from Part 2.

A Field Report

© 2006 by Andrew J. Buckley. All rights reserved.

 Left:  Artist's impression of the mysterious girl seen by Gordon Stewart and Andy Buckley at Wilcot Brow and Tawsmead Copse, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England, on Wednesday, August 10, 2005. Right:  2005 drawing of "insectogram" crop formation by Gill Nicholas.
Left:  Artist's impression of the mysterious girl seen by Gordon Stewart and Andy Buckley at Wilcot Brow and Tawsmead Copse, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England, on Wednesday, August 10, 2005. Right:  2005 drawing of "insectogram" crop formation by Gill Nicholas.
 The Vale of Pewsey, the village of Alton Priors is highlighted next to the red circle that marks the South Field. Also highlighted around the South Field are Tawsmead Copse, Woodborough Hill and the big East Field  on the other side of the brown country road.
The Vale of Pewsey, the village of Alton Priors is highlighted next to the red circle that marks the South Field. Also highlighted around the South Field are Tawsmead Copse, Woodborough Hill and the big East Field on the other side of the brown country road.


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Part 2: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse “Insectogram” Crop Formation

© 2005-2006 by Andrew J. Buckley
Reprinted with permission at Earthfiles.

Return to Part 1

March 4, 2007  Wiltshire County, England - Continued from Part 1.

A Field Report

© 2006 by Andrew J. Buckley. All rights reserved.

Left:  Artist's impression of the mysterious girl seen by Gordon Stewart and Andy Buckley at Wilcot Brow and Tawsmead Copse, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England, on Wednesday, August 10, 2005. Right:  2005 drawing of "insectogram" crop formation by Gill Nicholas.
Left:  Artist's impression of the mysterious girl seen by Gordon Stewart and Andy Buckley at Wilcot Brow and Tawsmead Copse, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England, on Wednesday, August 10, 2005. Right:  2005 drawing of "insectogram" crop formation by Gill Nicholas.
 The Vale of Pewsey, the village of Alton Priors is highlighted next to the red circle that marks the South Field. Also highlighted around the South Field are Tawsmead Copse, Woodborough Hill and the big East Field on the other side of the brown country road.
The Vale of Pewsey, the village of Alton Priors is highlighted next to the red circle that marks the South Field. Also highlighted around the South Field are Tawsmead Copse, Woodborough Hill and the big East Field on the other side of the brown country road.


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