Part 2: Eyewitness Links Animal Mutilations to Non-Humans

"There's tissue. It's laid out nice and smooth. It glistens. And there's needles in it ... And the same thing with what appears to be testicles."

- Judy Doraty, Houston, Texas

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April 19, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuation of the complete transcript of March 13, 1980, hypnosis session with Judy Doraty for my KMGH-TV documentary special, A Strange Harvest, which was broadcast for the first time on May 25, 1980. [See documentary in   Earthfiles Shop.] Hypnosis was done by Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Director of Counseling and Testing, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.


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Part 1: Eyewitness Links Animal Mutilations to Non-Humans

"It's like a spotlight shining down on the back of my car.  ... I can see an animal being taken up in this."

- Judy Doraty, Houston, Texas

April 18, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico
- I think what persuaded me to seriously consider that extraterrestrials might actually be the worldwide mutilators of cattle, horses, goats, sheep, pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs and wild animals such as deer and elk was an "eyewitness" named Judy Doraty. I qualify "eyewitness" because the information was gained through hypnosis. However, Judy's story began in full consciousness with four other family members.


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First 2007 Crop Pattern in United States

Chandler is a suburb southeast of Phoenix where a randomly downed crop formation was discovered by Michael A. Polani on March 25, 2007. Two years ago in May 2005, other odd randomly downed patterns in barley were found on the west side of Phoenix in the suburb of Tolleson.
Chandler is a suburb southeast of Phoenix where a randomly downed crop formation was discovered by Michael A. Polani on March 25, 2007. Two years ago in May 2005, other odd randomly downed patterns in barley were found on the west side of Phoenix in the suburb of Tolleson.

April 12, 2007   Chandler, Arizona –  The first unusual downed crop in the 2007 American season was discovered on March 25, 2007, by Michael A. Polani, a resident of Chandler, Arizona. It is very similar to the first American cases of randomly downed crop I investigated fifteen years ago in the neighbor communities of Linfield and Limerick, Pennsylvania, where odd patterns were found in different fields on May 24, 1992.Click for report.

More Cat Mutilations – This Time in Corpus Christi, Texas

“Some of the cats were cut in half with what some say  is almost surgical precision, others disemboweled or skinned. One resident said,  ‘There is never any blood at the scene, the animals are often dismembered  with surgical precision and paws and other body parts are often left on the ground in strikingly similar arrangements.'”

The New York Times, August 13, 1989

Please Note: This report contains photographs of half cats which might be disturbing to some viewers.

April 9, 2007   Corpus Christi, Texas –  Texas has had repeating cycles of cat and other animal mutilations for at least sixteen years. In Plano, Texas, an affluent suburb north of Dallas, in 1991 and 1993, police received dozens of reports about cats found cut in half, usually with the front half near the owners’ yards or sidewalks. Plano Police Detective Mike Box also had missing reports on more than 80 domestic house cats that wore collars and identification tags, but were never found. Detective Box investigated satanic cult activities, but could not find any evidence that connected them to the mutilated and missing cats and other animals such as dogs.Click for report.

Collapse of Honey Bees in U. S., Canada and 9 European Countries

“We’re seeing that some beekeepers have lost fairly high levels of bees over the winter – one beekeeper as high as 90% loss.”

– Brent Halsall, Pres., Ontario Beekeepers Assoc., Canada

Honey bees working a hive. Albert Einstein said, ” If honey bees become extinct, human society will follow in four years.” Image © 2007 by TargetHealth.
Honey bees working a hive. Albert Einstein said, ” If honey bees become extinct, human society will follow in four years.” Image © 2007 by TargetHealth.

April 6, 2007   London, England  – When hives in Toronto and Saskatchewan, Canada, were opened up in the last week of March, at least 40% had either disappeared – or in another twist of the mystery – in some Canadian hives, thousands of bee bodies were found dead.Click for report.

Unusual Aerial Lights Photographed in Northern China Skies

April 5, 2007  China –  China View is reporting that unidentified aerial lights were seen and photographed on April 2, 2007, over Jilin University in Changchun City in northeastern China, and over the Shijiazhuang Airport in northern China.

Jilin University, Changchun City
West of the Sea of Japan and Vladivostok, Russia, is Changchun, China. Nearby is the university town of Jilin. Both are highlighted with red circles.
West of the Sea of Japan and Vladivostok, Russia, is Changchun, China. Nearby is the university town of Jilin. Both are highlighted with red circles.

China View electronically published four images provided by Xinhua Photo with text.

China View:  “A mysterious luminary is seen in the skies of NE China’s Changchun city. In the evening of April 2, 2007, a moving luminary appeared over Jilin University and was photographed (in two images below). Whether it is a UFO or astronomical phenomenon is still not clear.”Click for report.

U. K.’s Gary McKinnon, Alleged “Cyber-Terrorist,” Lost High Court Appeal to Prevent Extradition to United States

Gary McKinnon in Trafalgar Square, London, England, his home city. In February 2007,  he turned 41-years-old. He is a self-taught internet technology consultant. Image courtesy mother, Janis McKinnon.
Gary McKinnon in Trafalgar Square, London, England, his home city. In February 2007,  he turned 41-years-old. He is a self-taught internet technology consultant. Image courtesy mother, Janis McKinnon.

Also see 060706 Earthfiles:
Gary McKinnon: An Electronic “Robin Hood”?

April 4, 2007  London, England – On Tuesday, April 3, 2007, the defense lawyers (Kaim Todner solicitors) lost their appeal to the High Court in London to prevent the extradition of Gary McKinnon to the United States.Click for report.

Unexplained Turbulence in Venusian Clouds

"It is not yet clear if atmospheric turbulences may be induced
by rough topography below the clouds."


Artist's impression of European Space Agency's Venus  Express orbiting Venus, courtesy ESA.
Artist's impression of European Space Agency's Venus Express orbiting Venus, courtesy ESA.

April 3 , 2007  Paris, France -  New images and data from the European Space Agency’s mission to Venus provide more details about the turbulent and noxious atmosphere of Earth’s sister planet. What causes violent winds and turbulences? Is the surface topography playing a role in the complex global dynamics of the atmosphere?

The images, showing a complex cloud system, were taken on the night-side of Venus at a wavelength of 1.7 micron that allows viewing the deep atmospheric layers. Credits: ESA/VIRTIS/INAF-IASF/Obs. de Paris-LESIA.
The images, showing a complex cloud system, were taken on the night-side of Venus at a wavelength of 1.7 micron that allows viewing the deep atmospheric layers. Credits: ESA/VIRTIS/INAF-IASF/Obs. de Paris-LESIA.


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Fastest Rotating Object in Our Solar System is One of Strangest

“We didn’t expect to find anything so strangely shaped
and so rapidly rotating. It’s the fastest, large rotating object
in the solar system."

- Michael E. Brown, Ph.D., Cal Tech

Click for Earthfiles Podcast  

March 30, 2007  Pasadena, California - For the first time in astronomical history, a huge, bizarre rock beyond Neptune has been linked to other orbiting bodies out there. Some how the big rock called 2003 EL61, which is almost the size of Pluto, got into orbit out in the Kuiper Belt where most every other object is made of ice. Not only is this huge rocky object there, it is the only object in our solar system shaped like an American football and tumbling long end-over-end every four hours.

Computer-generated image of 2003 EL61, courtesy Michael E. Brown, Ph.D., Cal Tech. To see it move, visit:
Computer-generated image of 2003 EL61, courtesy Michael E. Brown, Ph.D., Cal Tech. To see it move, visit:


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