Part 6: Eyewitness Links Animal Mutilations to Non-Humans

“(Mutilations)... This is not done in only cattle. This done in almost every animal you can think of.”

- Judy Doraty, Houston, Texas

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May 13, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuation of the complete transcript of March 13, 1980, hypnosis session with Judy Doraty for my KMGH-TV documentary special, A Strange Harvest, which was broadcast for the first time on May 25, 1980. [See documentary in Earthfiles Shop.] Hypnosis was done by Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Director of Counseling and Testing, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.


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CIA Origin of National Enquirer?

"It would have been very natural for someone who just came out of the CIA Psychological Warfare Division to appeal to the CIA for funding, or at least be qualified to obtain funding for some type of propaganda operation such as a National Enquirer tabloid."

- Terry Hansen, Author, The Missing Times

May 11, 2007  Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada -  Recently at the April 2007 Eureka Springs, Arkansas, UFO conference – journalist Terry Hansen was a speaker. Terry is author of an important 2000 book entitled The Missing Times – News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-Up.


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Exploded Star 5 Times Brighter Than Any Supernova Seen Before

"This one is way above anything else known. It's really astonishing."

- Nathan Smith, Ph.D., UC-Berkeley

May 8, 2007  Cambridge, Massachusetts - The brightest supernova ever seen by human eyes was discovered in Fall 2006 by NASA's orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Lick Observatory ground-based optical telescope. The exploded star is called "SN 2006gy" and is five times brighter than hundreds of supernovae seen before. SN 2006gy is also the most energetic stellar explosion ever recorded. In fact, astronomers wonder if it is a new type of explosion that did not become a black hole like other supernovae, took 70 days to reach its supernova peak and remained brighter than other known supernovae for several months.

Illustration of SN 2006gy supernova in the constellation Perseus about 238,000,000 light-years from Earth. Illustration courtesy NASA/CXC/M.Weiss.
Illustration of SN 2006gy supernova in the constellation Perseus about 238,000,000 light-years from Earth. Illustration courtesy NASA/CXC/M.Weiss.


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Part 5: Eyewitness Links Animal Mutilations to Non-Humans

"I kept asking about the animal and the entities found it insulting, I guess ... that to sacrifice an animal was nothing compared to what it would bring, you know, the knowledge they could gain from it."

- Judy Doraty, Houston, Texas

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May 7, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuation of the complete transcript of March 13, 1980, hypnosis session with Judy Doraty for my KMGH-TV documentary special, A Strange Harvest, which was broadcast for the first time on May 25, 1980. [See documentary in Earthfiles Shop.] Hypnosis was done by Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Director of Counseling and Testing, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.


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Part 4: Eyewitness Links Animal Mutilations to Non-Humans

"They (grey entities) are concerned ... that (humans) are going to kill themselves through polluting the earth area."

- Judy Doraty, Houston, Texas

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May 6, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuation of the complete transcript of March 13, 1980, hypnosis session with Judy Doraty for my KMGH-TV documentary special, A Strange Harvest, which was broadcast
[See documentary in Earthfiles Shop.] Hypnosis was done by Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Director of Counseling and Testing, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.


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Environmental Emergency Updates: Part 1 – Spreading Honey Bee Disappearances

"Nosema ceranae certainly is a stressor, but it  doesn’t seem to be the smoking gun that we were looking for."

- Jerry Hayes, Apiary Chief, Florida Dept. of Agriculture

Left: Single-cell protozoan by Science Source. Right: Honey bees atop hive board. Another protozoan, Nosema ceranae, has recently been linked to honey bee die-offs in Spain, France, other European countries and the United States. But Colony Collapse Disorder scientists say it's not the final answer to CCD. Honey bee image © 2007 by Matt Cardy/Getty.
Above: Single-cell protozoan by Science Source. Below: Honey bees atop hive board. Another protozoan, Nosema ceranae, has recently been linked to honey bee die-offs in Spain, France, other European countries and the United States. But Colony Collapse Disorder scientists say it's not the final answer to CCD. Honey bee image © 2007 by Matt Cardy/Getty.

May 4, 2007  Gainesville, Florida - In the last week of April 2007, media headlined that University of California-San Francisco biochemists had “tracked down suspect in honey bee disappearances.”


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Scientific Analysis of Chandler, Arizona, Sorghum Formation

Biophysicist W. C. Levengood's Pinelandia Biophysical Laboratory Case No. KS-07-101 about his analysis of the Sorghum bicolor plants in the Chandler, Arizona, randomly downed formation first discovered on March 25, 2007, by Michael A. Polani.
Biophysicist W. C. Levengood's Pinelandia Biophysical Laboratory Case No. KS-07-101 about his analysis of the Sorghum bicolor plants in the Chandler, Arizona, randomly downed formation first discovered on March 25, 2007, by Michael A. Polani.

Return to April 12, 2007, Earthfiles about Chandler formation.

May 1, 2007  Grass Lake, Michigan - After Chandler, Arizona, resident, Michael A. Polani, discovered the randomly downed pattern of Sorghum bicolor plants on March 25, 2007, I asked him if he would be willing to sample the plants for biophysicist W. C. Levengood. Michael agreed and went to the formation field on April 12, 2007, to gather both downed and standing formation plants and normal controls far outside the formation. To Michael's great surprise, at least 95% of the young, lush green plants had been cut out and removed. It was definitely not time for harvest and Michael still has not been able to confirm who owned the field, let alone why the premature removal of the plants. But about 5% of the randomly downed formation was left where he could collect samples from both flattened and standing sorghum. I provided Federal Express so that the plants would arrive at biophysicist Levengood's lab the next day, April 13, 2007.

W. C. Levengood taking respiration measurements of Charge Density Plasmas from crop formation plants in his Pinelandia Biophysical Laboratory in Grass Lake, Michigan. Photo by Linda Moulton Howe.
W. C. Levengood taking respiration measurements of Charge Density Plasmas from crop formation plants in his Pinelandia Biophysical Laboratory in Grass Lake, Michigan. Photo by Linda Moulton Howe.


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Part 3: Eyewitness Links Animal Mutilations to Non-Humans

"The (non-humans) have very large eyes. ...The eyes do not blink. It's almost like, I guess a snake?"

- Judy Doraty, Houston, Texas

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April 24, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuation of the complete transcript of March 13, 1980, hypnosis session with Judy Doraty for my KMGH-TV documentary special, A Strange Harvest, which was broadcast for the first time on May 25, 1980. [See documentary in   Earthfiles Shop.] Hypnosis was done by Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Director of Counseling and Testing, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.


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8 Long-Horn Cattle Mysteriously Show Up in Port Charlotte, Florida Neighborhood

“I would really like to know how they wound up there!
But I think that’s going to be one of the great mysteries because
if they traveled two miles on foot, they had to cross a large, busy road.”

– Sgt. Cathy Katzman, Charlotte County Animal Control

Eight long-horn cattle, most born in 2004 or 2005, that ended up in a Port Charlotte, Florida, residential neighborhood early Tuesday morning, April 17, 2007, without explanation. Image  2007 by Sergeant Cathy Katzman, Charlotte County Animal Control.
Port Charlotte is on the west coast of Florida in Charlotte County between Tampa and Fort Myers.
Port Charlotte is on the west coast of Florida in Charlotte County between Tampa and Fort Myers.
Port Charlotte is on the west coast of Florida in Charlotte County between Tampa and Fort Myers.

April 21, 2007  Port Charlotte, Florida –  The Port Charlotte Sun-Herald reported on April 18, 2007, under the headline Cows! or The Bovine Invaders:  “There were eight, big-eyed and long-horned, voraciously eating lawns and carelessly trampling the gardens that lay in their path. … Cindy Collins was one of those who called 911 when she saw the animals. Collins didn’t think anyone would believer her. ‘There’s cows at my house! There’s cows with horns!’ is what she told the 911 dispatcher.”Click for report.

2006 Human Encounter with Translucent Entity

"I saw a scaly being that was translucent. There, but not there. I could see it, but I could also see through it."

-  Male Florida Resident, August 2006

"What really intrigues me is the E.T.s can be 5% to 10% in this dimension  on this physical plane while the rest is in another dimension. There are dimensions out there like layers of an onion... The E. T.s molecularly change the vibration of something so they can be in another dimension and solid, but be projected here in only 5%. That's when you can see through them."

- Jim Sparks, E. T. Experiencer and Author, The Keepers


April 20, 2007  Southern Florida -  In 1995, at a conference about the human abduction syndrome, one of the participants was a man named Jim Sparks, born Jim Sparacino to his Italian parents on November 15, 1954.


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