Two More Eyewitnesses of Aerial “Drones” in 2005 and 2006

“I’m told it’s some kind of communications device. It’s supposed to help the Park Service to monitor any possible problems like fires and such.”

- Sequoia National Park Ranger in Uniform, May 2005

Odd, aerial object above power poles near construction site in May 2006, in Birmingham, Alabama. Photo by Mr. Smith.
Odd, aerial object above power poles near construction site in May 2006, in Birmingham, Alabama. Photo by Mr. Smith.

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Return to:  Birmingham-Type "Drone" Seen At Barksdale AFB, La., in Mid-1980s.

Return to:  Previous Odd Aerial "Drone?" Earthfiles.

Return to:  Engineer Comments About Odd Aerial "Drone?" Earthfiles.

Return to:  Odd Aerial "Drone"? Photographed Again Over Capitola, California.

Return to:  Letters About Unidentified "Drone" Aerial Objects.


May 25, 2007  Sequoia National Park, California, and Birmingham, Alabama - As the intensity has risen this week to explain away the Lake Tahoe, Capitola and Central California Chad images as Photoshop and/or "viral promotional films," I have interviewed a California resident who worked for the state government in the Department of Developmental Services in mental health for twenty-five years before recently retiring in 2006. Shirley was born in Ventura County, California, and earned her Psychiatric Technician degree from Ventura Community College in 1978. I have her full address, contact information and academic background, but she has applied to work in another state agency, so has asked to simply be identified as Shirley from the Central Valley of California. She does not want the chaos surrounding the images to affect her new employment. But she wanted the public to know that the Chad photos match a dragonfly-like aerial object she saw two years ago.


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Update: Part 1, Unusual Animal Deaths

"I investigated one strange animal death in Rio Hondo, New Mexico,
where they found a mutilated bull underneath a trailer, which was amazing! ...It was just a blatant display of power and technology."

- Robert Allen, Gallup, New Mexico

May 25, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since at least the 1960s to date, with a major peak in the 1970s, there have been so many cattle mutilations in the United States that sheriffs in Colorado, for example, were traveling to three mutilated carcasses a day still warm to touch. The mutilation phenomenon continues, but its geographic focus changes. Beginning in 2002, there has been a wave of animal mutilations in Argentina. Authorities estimate that more than three thousand cases have been reported to SENASA (Argentina's Dept. of Agriculture), veterinarians, police and other authorities.


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Updated: Part 2 – New “Chupacabras” Attacks in Chile and Cattle Mutilations in Argentina

"The chupacabras entity with glowing eyes was hovering off the ground
after it jumped off the roof. It seemed to be hovering a number of
centimeters off the ground."

- Scott Corrales, Editor Explicata

Return to:  Part 1, Unusual Animal Deaths

Update June 1, 2007  Vina Del Mar, Chile -  Prof. Ana Luisa Cid in Mexico City, Mexico, provided the following recent chupacabras news report from Chile, translated by Scott Corrales © 2007, Institute of Hispanic Ufology, and Editor, Inexplicata.

"SOURCE: La Estrella (newspaper)
DATE : June 1, 2007


Creature appeared in the Recreo Sector
by Carla Olivares

Margarita Ugalde's family underwent an experience worthy of a horror movie in the early hours of Thursday morning in the Recreo sector of Vina del Mar after having a face-to-face encounter with the legendary and feared Chupacabras.


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Updated: Odd Aerial “Drone”? Photographed Again Over Capitola, California

"No one had any idea what this thing was, but everyone in the car
was visibly freaked out by it."

- rajman1977, Capitola

Capitola, population 10,033, is in Santa Cruz County northeast of Santa Cruz, California.
Capitola, population 10,033, is in Santa Cruz County northeast of Santa Cruz, California.

Return to:  Previous Odd Aerial "Drone?" Earthfiles

Return to:  Engineer Comments About Odd Aerial "Drone?" Earthfiles

[ Editor's Note: The words "Chad" and "Drone" at the beginning of my image file names are only an organizational effort for Earthfiles. I work on a Mac G-5 and re-size images for Earthfiles formats. I downloaded the Chad images from the COAST website, which I understand were also re-sized there. So, the only May 6, 2007, original images would be with Chad. Same applies to the May 5, 2007, Lake Tahoe Submitter 7013; and May 16, 2007, Capitola rajman1977 images.

Further, the two individuals quoted in 05/16/07Earthfiles Engineer Comments provided me names and contact information and are not anonymous to me, but I protected their confidentiality.

As a journalist, I would like to learn if our military has some kind of black project for ion electrostatic propulsion drones. ]

May 21, 2007  Capitola, California - Around May 11, 2007, Coast to Coast AM webmaster, Lex, received an email letter with attached May 6, 2007, images of a very odd aerial object from a Central California resident who calls himself "Chad." Chad is worried about his family's safety and health since he has now seen the bizarre aerial object at least eight times from his house windows and on hikes near his home. Neighbors, he said, have also seen the unidentified aerial object. Then on May 15, 2007, I received another similar aerial "drone" image allegedly taken by a person at Lake Tahoe, California, on May 5, 2007 and identifying themselves at UFO as "Lake Tahoe-05-05-07MUFON Submitter 7013."


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Antarctica: Unprecedented Western Ice Melt and CO2-Saturated Southern Ocean

"The western Antarctic ice melt was unprecedented.
We’d never seen anything like this in the past 25 years."

- Ted Scambos, Ph.D., Glaciologist, NSIDC

 Yellow and red colors on western Antarctica indicate where NASA's QuikScat satellite in January 2005 detected snowmelt by radar pulses that bounced off ice formed when snowmelt refroze. The unprecedented ice melt was equal to the size of California. Image courtesy NASA/JPL.
Yellow and red colors on western Antarctica indicate where NASA's QuikScat satellite in January 2005 detected snowmelt by radar pulses that bounced off ice formed when snowmelt refroze. The unprecedented ice melt was equal to the size of California. Image courtesy NASA/JPL.

May 18, 2007  Boulder, Colorado -  The Washington Post, on May 16, 2007, published an editorial by three eminent American scientists in which these words were stated:  “Climate change is the most critical problem the Earth has ever faced.”


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Updated: Engineer Comments About Odd Aerial “Drones”? Over Lake Tahoe and Central California

"The design strategy of charged ion / shaped plasma 'buoyancy' devices does bear some relevancy here. For instance, the circular array of curved 'antennae' coming out of the center of the device is very similar to a form of wave guide/shaping mechanism for a charged plasma/ion field."

- Nanotech Engineer

Top:  Odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Lake Tahoe, California, on May 5, 2007. Bottom: Another odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Central California, on May 6, 2007. Both photographers request anonymity.
Top:  Odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Lake Tahoe, California, on May 5, 2007. Bottom: Another odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Central California, on May 6, 2007. Both photographers request anonymity.

Top:  Odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Lake Tahoe, California, on May 5, 2007. Bottom: Another odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Central California, on May 6, 2007. Both photographers request anonymity.

Return to previous Earthfiles report:  "Odd Aerial "Drones"?

[ Editor's Note: The words "Chad" and "Drone" at the beginning of my image file names are only an organizational effort for Earthfiles. I work on a Mac G-5 and re-size images for Earthfiles formats. I downloaded the Chad images from the COAST website, which I understand were also re-sized there. So, the only May 6, 2007, original images would be with Chad. Same applies to the May 5, 2007, Lake Tahoe Submitter 7013; and May 16, 2007, Capitola rajman1977 images.


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Updated: Odd Aerial “Drones”? Over Lake Tahoe and Central California

Top:  Odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Lake Tahoe, California, on May 5, 2007. Bottom: Another odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Central California, on May 6, 2007. Both photographers request anonymity.
Top:  Odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Lake Tahoe, California, on May 5, 2007. Bottom: Another odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Central California, on May 6, 2007. Both photographers request anonymity.

[ Editor's Note The words "Chad" and "Drone" at the beginning of my image file names are only an organizational effort for Earthfiles. I work on a Mac G-5 and re-size images for Earthfiles formats. I downloaded the Chad images from the COAST website, which I understand were also re-sized there. So, the only May 6, 2007, original images would be with Chad. Same applies to the May 5, 2007, Lake Tahoe Submitter 7013; and May 16, 2007, Capitola rajman1977 images.

Further, the two individuals quoted in 05/16/07 Earthfiles Engineer Comments provided me names and contact information and are not anonymous to me, but I protected their confidentiality.

As a journalist, I would like to learn if our military has some kind of black project for ion electrostatic propulsion drones. ]

May 15, 2007  Lake Tahoe and Central California - Today I received the first photo below by email from a source simply identified as "Lake Tahoe-05-05-07 MUFON Submitter 7013" that was recently posted at UFO Later, I was referenced to the second image and the wife's comments.


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Hubble Finds Dark Matter Ring

"This is the first time we have detected dark matter as having a
unique structure that is different from both the gas and galaxies in the cluster."

- M. James Jee, Ph.D., Astronomer, Johns Hopkins University

The dark matter ring was found within the galaxy cluster Cl 0024+17 (ZwCl 0024+1652), located 5 billion light-years from Earth. The ring measures 2.6 million light-years across. Image courtesy Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute/NASA.
The dark matter ring was found within the galaxy cluster Cl 0024+17 (ZwCl 0024+1652), located 5 billion light-years from Earth. The ring measures 2.6 million light-years across. Image courtesy Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute/NASA.

May 15, 2007  Baltimore, Maryland - The Hubble Space Science Institute reported today that astronomers using NASA's Hubble have discovered "a ghostly ring of dark matter that formed long ago during a titanic collision between two massive galaxy clusters.

"The ring's discovery is among the strongest evidence yet that dark matter exists. Astronomers have long suspected the existence of the invisible substance as the source of additional gravity that holds together galaxy clusters. Such clusters would fly apart if they relied only on the gravity from their visible stars. Although astronomers don't know what dark matter is made of, they hypothesize that it is a type of elementary particle that pervades the universe.


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Updated: Environmental Emergency Updates: Part 2 – Ebola-like Virus Killing Great Lakes Fish

May 14, 2007 Update:  "It is a major fish health crisis now in Wisconsin."

- Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources

"VHS is catastrophic certainly within the context of the Great Lakes ecosystem and the fishery resources. As a fish health problem, it is in fact catastrophic."

- Jim Winton, Ph.D., USGS Fish Health

Updated map: Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, and now Lake Winnebago in eastern Wisconsin (all highlighted with red in above map) have had metric tons of fresh water fish die from lethal viral hemorrhagic septicemia in 2005 through 2006; first die-offs of 2007 have now been reported to USGS. Authorities are trying to keep the virus from spreading to the other Great Lakes and into the Mississippi River (red underline left) drainage that extends south to New Orleans.
Updated map: Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, and now Lake Winnebago in eastern Wisconsin (all highlighted with red in above map) have had metric tons of fresh water fish die from lethal viral hemorrhagic septicemia in 2005 through 2006; first die-offs of 2007 have now been reported to USGS. Authorities are trying to keep the virus from spreading to the other Great Lakes and into the Mississippi River (red underline left) drainage that extends south to New Orleans.
Destruction of several million fish at the Makah National Fish Hatchery following initial discovery of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus at the facility. Image courtesy USGS.
Destruction of several million fish at the Makah National Fish Hatchery following initial discovery of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus at the facility. Image courtesy USGS.
 Skin hemorrhages (bleeding) on a fish infected with Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia virus (VHSv) © Jim Winton, Ph.D., USGS, Seattle, and Paul Bowser, Ph.D., Cornell Univ., Ithaca.
Skin hemorrhages (bleeding) on a fish infected with Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia virus (VHSv) © Jim Winton, Ph.D., USGS, Seattle, and Paul Bowser, Ph.D., Cornell Univ., Ithaca.

Return to Part 1

May 14, 2007, Update:  The deadly VHS virus (viral hemorrhagic septicemia) has now also been found in the Lake Winnebago chain of lakes - the first VHS infection confirmed in Wisconsin inland waters. The Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources confirmed on May 12, 2007, that two freshwater drum fish, or sheepshead, from the Little Lake Butte des Morts tested positive for VHS and describes the situation as "a major fish health crisis in Wisconsin."


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