Bird Eggs Undamaged in Slovenia Crop Formation

Ptuj, Slovenia, is marked by red circle, southeast of Graz Austria (yellow).
Ptuj, Slovenia, is marked by red circle, southeast of Graz Austria (yellow).

June 7, 2007  Ptuj, Slovenia - Today I received an email from Omer Sabic in Slovenia, a country bordered by Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Italy.


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Part 3: U. S. Crop Formations, Wheat Pictogram in Madisonville, Tennessee

"The physical data knocks out the chance that people hoaxed this. People just cannot hoax the expulsion cavities and they cannot elongate the growth nodes..."

- Jeffrey Wilson, ICCRA

 Madisonville, Monroe County, Tennessee - site of the historic Cherokee nation's capital, Chota - is straight south of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory outside Knoxville and west of the Great Smoky Mountains.
Madisonville, Monroe County, Tennessee - site of the historic Cherokee nation's capital, Chota - is straight south of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory outside Knoxville and west of the Great Smoky Mountains.

Return to Part 1U. S. Crop Formations in Epps, Louisiana, and Red Bluff, Calif.

Return to  Part 2:  U. S. Crop Formations, Two Mysterious Grass Circles in Mission, Kansas.

June 7, 2007  Williamsburg, Ohio   -  On May 24, 2007, I received a phone call from Jeffrey Wilson, Director of the Independent Crop Circle Research Association (ICCRA) in Williamsburg, Ohio, telling me that the Monroe County Buzz newspaper in Madisonville, Tennessee, had a headline about a crop formation in a wheat field. Madisonville, Monroe County, Tennessee - site of the historic Cherokee nation's capital, Chota - is straight south of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory outside Knoxville and west of the Great Smoky Mountains (red circle on map).


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Part 2:  Yatesbury, England and Madisonville, Tennessee – A Mayan Link?

Top:  Yatesbury Field, Wiltshire, England, reported May 30, 2007, fifty-seven swirled barley circles in large spiral about 300 feet in diameter. Bottom: Madisonville, Tennessee, wheat pattern about 170 feet in diameter with crop laid down in counterclockwise circles discovered from airplane on May 15, 2007. U.K. aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle. Tennessee aerial © 2007 by Mark Boring, Co-owner and Editor, Monroe County Buzz.
Top:  Yatesbury Field, Wiltshire, England, reported May 30, 2007, fifty-seven swirled barley circles in large spiral about 300 feet in diameter. Bottom: Madisonville, Tennessee, wheat pattern about 170 feet in diameter with crop laid down in counterclockwise circles discovered from airplane on May 15, 2007. U.K. aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle. Tennessee aerial © 2007 by Mark Boring, Co-owner and Editor, Monroe County Buzz.

Return to Part 1: Yatesbury Spiral - Viewer Comments on Spiral Math

June 6, 2007  Yatesbury Field, Wiltshire, England - Two crop formations an ocean apart - one in English barley near the ancient and sacred ground of Avebury Trusloe on Yatesbury Field; the other in a Madisonville, Tennessee, wheat field not far from the historic Cherokee Indian capital of Chota and even more ancient 9,500-year-old Icehouse Bottom. (See Part 3: Madisonville Circles.)  The English pattern has fifty-seven circles threaded on a thin, 4-inch-diameter spiral. The Tennessee pattern has nine circles with a triangular "pointer" in the middle standing circle that aims west in the opposite direction from Chota.


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Part 2: U. S. Crop Formations, Two Mysterious Grass Circles in Mission, Kansas

"Something has really knocked the heck out of the energy in the larger circle – and somewhat in the smaller circle."

- W. C. Levengood, Biophysicist

Monday, May 21, 2007, around 4 PM local time in Mission, Kansas, (suburb of Kansas City, Kansas), homeowner James Gravatt discovered two circles swirled in the high native grass of his unmowed front yard. Photograph © 2007 by James Gravatt.
Monday, May 21, 2007, around 4 PM local time in Mission, Kansas, (suburb of Kansas City, Kansas), homeowner James Gravatt discovered two circles swirled in the high native grass of his unmowed front yard. Photograph © 2007 by James Gravatt.

June 5, 2007, Earthfiles viewer's comment on the Mission, Kansas, grass circles:


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Part 1: Yatesbury Spiral – Viewer Comments on Spiral Math

Reported May 30, 2007, 60-foot-diameter single circle in wheat near the barley spiral. Aerial image © 2007 by Peter white. Also see:
Reported May 30, 2007, 60-foot-diameter single circle in wheat near the barley spiral. Aerial image © 2007 by Peter white. Also see:
Reported May 30, 2007, fifty-seven swirled barley circles in large spiral about 300 feet in diameter, Yatesbury Field near Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire County, England, which is northeast of Calne. Aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle. Also see:
Reported May 30, 2007, fifty-seven swirled barley circles in large spiral about 300 feet in diameter, Yatesbury Field near Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire County, England, which is northeast of Calne. Aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle. Also see:

June 4, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - So many Earthfiles readers today were provoked by the Yatesbury Field spiral "abacus" and the single circle in the other field that seems to reinforce the importance of the number "1" in the spiral counting. Among the many emails was communication from Chris Steele of ICCRA (Independent Crop Circle Research Association).


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Is Earth Close to Dangerous Tipping Point in Global Warming?

“It’s not really so much of a question whether the dangerous tipping point occurs at 450 or 550 ppmv CO2. It’s how do we get the (greenhouse) emissions under control so we don’t push past all the possible points at which the climate change becomes a seriously dangerous issue.”

- Chris Field, Ph.D., Director, Carnegie Institution's Dept. of Global Ecology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif.

Almost 98% of the Antarctica South Pole continent is covered by ice, which averages a mile thick. Antarctica lost much more ice to the sea than it gained from snowfall, according to a NASA survey done between 1992 and 2002. It also had a corresponding rise in sea level.  The survey documented for the first time extensive thinning of the West Antarctic ice shelves. Credit: NASA/SVSSatellite image courtesy NASA.
Almost 98% of the Antarctica South Pole continent is covered by ice, which averages a mile thick. Antarctica lost much more ice to the sea than it gained from snowfall, according to a NASA survey done between 1992 and 2002. It also had a corresponding rise in sea level.  The survey documented for the first time extensive thinning of the West Antarctic ice shelves. Credit: NASA/SVSSatellite image courtesy NASA.

June 1, 2007  New York, New York - The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported this year that there is at least a 90% certainty that global warming is man-made and will “continue for centuries.” The IPCC also reports that in coming decades, rising temperatures and rising sea levels will cause floods and mass famine. The implication is that there will be massive dislocations of humans and animals that have traditionally lived near coastlines. Despite the hard data, the George Bush Administration has resisted setting CO2 reduction goals, claiming there would be too many economic hardships for Americans. Ironically, it is the United States, which dominates the world list of greatest CO2 emitters.


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Part 1 – U. S. Crop Formations Near Indian and Ancient Earth Mounds

May 30, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Here begins an overview of five American crop formations, all in the month of May 2007. Each one is near Native American and ancient earth mounds reminiscent of the closeness that Wiltshire, England, crop formations also have to ancient stone circles and earth mounds.

May 27, 2007 - Asheville, North Carolina

Home of Cherokee Indians; many earth mounds west of Asheville.
More upcoming in Part 4.

Asheville, North Carolina, resident Danny Tetrault sent in these photos of what he described as a crop circle he saw in West Asheville on Sunday, May 27, 2007. The grass formation can be seen off of North Bear Creek Road. Image © 2007 by Asheville Citizen-Times.
Asheville, North Carolina, resident Danny Tetrault sent in these photos of what he described as a crop circle he saw in West Asheville on Sunday, May 27, 2007. The grass formation can be seen off of North Bear Creek Road. Image © 2007 by Asheville Citizen-Times.
May 21, 2007 - Mission, Kansas
(Suburb of Kansas City, Kansas)


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Birmingham-Type “Drone” Seen At Barksdale AFB, Louisiana, in Mid-1980s


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Deadly VHS Fish Virus Has Spread to Lake Michigan

Hemorrhaging (bleeding) in the fins and eye of a freshwater drum believed to be infected with the VHS virus.The fish was collected from Little Lake Butte des Morts. Image courtesy Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Hemorrhaging (bleeding) in the fins and eye of a freshwater drum believed to be infected with the VHS virus.The fish was collected from Little Lake Butte des Morts. Image courtesy Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Updated map: Lake Winnebago in eastern Wisconsin at Oshkosh, Lake Michigan, Lake St. Clair at Warren, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario (all highlighted with red in above map) have had metric tons of fresh water fish die from lethal viral hemorrhagic septicemia in 2005 through 2006; first die-offs of 2007 have now been reported to USGS. Authorities are trying to keep the virus from spreading to the other Great Lakes and into the Mississippi River (red underlined lower left) that extends south to New Orleans.
Updated map: Lake Winnebago in eastern Wisconsin at Oshkosh, Lake Michigan, Lake St. Clair at Warren, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario (all highlighted with red in above map) have had metric tons of fresh water fish die from lethal viral hemorrhagic septicemia in 2005 through 2006; first die-offs of 2007 have now been reported to USGS. Authorities are trying to keep the virus from spreading to the other Great Lakes and into the Mississippi River (red underlined lower left) that extends south to New Orleans.

May 29, 2007  Madison, Wisconsin - The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reported on May 24, 2007, that a brown trout that died in Lake Michigan and washed ashore near the Kewaunee/ Algoma area preliminarily tested positive for viral hemorrhagic septicemia, or VHS. The University of Wisconsin-Madison Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory conducted the preliminary test on the Lake Michigan trout. The sample has been sent to an Ames, Iowa, lab to confirm the VHS findings.The deadly fish disease also spread earlier this month to Lake Winnebago fish in eastern Wisconsin.


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