Professional Computer Engineers Comment About “Isaac” and CARET Document

"To achieve the system described by Isaac where a unit could be broken into parts and still function, we would need units reduced to the molecular level, but nano technology may soon allow it."

- Joe Schumacher, Computer Engineer

July 11, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Regarding the CARET document and information from "Isaac," about the back-engineered extraterrestrial technology he worked on in Palo Alto from  the following two emails seem valuable to share with the Earthfiles viewing audience. The first was sent to me on July 1, 2007, from Joe Schumacher, a retired computer engineer now living in Las Vegas, Nevada. The second was sent to me on July 6, 2007, from Arthur A. Reyes, Ph.D., Information and Computer Science, now teaching at the University of Texas-Arlington in a non-tenured position.


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Swiss Army Pilot Discovers “Perfect Geometric Figure” and U.K.’s East Field Gets At Least 90 Circles!

 Nearly 200-foot-diameter "perfect geometric figure" discovered in wheat field in Corcelles-pres-Payerne, Switzerland, by Swiss Army pilot on July 2, 2007. Aerial image © 2007 by Francois Blancoud.
Nearly 200-foot-diameter "perfect geometric figure" discovered in wheat field in Corcelles-pres-Payerne, Switzerland, by Swiss Army pilot on July 2, 2007. Aerial image © 2007 by Francois Blancoud.

July 7, 2007  Corcelles-près-Payerne, Switzerland -   The Swiss website, 24 Heures (24 hours) reports this week a Swiss Army pilot was flying over a wheat field in Corcelles-pres-Payerne, Switzerland, on July 2, 2007, when he saw "a perfect geometric figure" of six arcs swirled in a flattened circle about 197 feet (60 meters) in diameter.


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Another Dragonfly “Drone” This Week Near Maxwell AFB

“...If I had to guess closest match to what I saw, it would be that Chad
photograph (by the yellow flowers), that's the closest one.”

- Ted Connors (alias), Technical Specialist in Security, Montgomery, Alabama

Dragonfly-shaped "drone" photographed by Chad on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.   Click for podcast.
Dragonfly-shaped "drone" photographed by Chad on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.   Click for podcast.

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June 29, 2007  Montgomery, Alabama - This week on Tuesday, June 26th, the mystery of the dragonfly-shaped aerial “drones” took another turn with the release of an alleged secret report containing photographs of alleged extraterrestrial technologies, entitled “Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology (CARET), the Q4-86 Research Report,” dated December 1986, Palo Alto, California, by the Palo Alto CARET Laboratory, also known as PACL (pronounced “packel”). The CARET Laboratory’s research goal is stated as, “achieving a greater understanding of extraterrestrial technology within the context of commercial applications and civilian use."


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Hackenberg Apiary, Pennsylvania – 75-80% Honey Bee Loss in 2007. What Happens If Colony Collapse Disorder Returns?

Honey bees crowding on hive. Millions have disappeared without explanation so far in North America, Europe, Ukraine, China, Taiwan, Guatemala, Brazil. High on the list of possible causes are pesticides such as neonicitinoids made from nicotine, which can harm bee memories and immune systems.
Honey bees crowding on hive. Millions have disappeared without explanation so far in North America, Europe, Ukraine, China, Taiwan, Guatemala, Brazil. High on the list of possible causes are pesticides such as neonicitinoids made from nicotine, which can harm bee memories and immune systems.

June 28, 2007  Lewisburg, Pennsylvania - The Apiary Inspectors of America reported last week that the still-puzzling phenomenon of disappearing honey bees that scientists call "Colony Collapse Disorder" has been reported in 35 states, 5 Canadian provinces, a dozen European countries, China, Taiwan, Guatemala and Brazil. And today I learned from the Apiary Inspectors of America President, Jerry Hayes, who has been in Russia the past three weeks, that Ukraine honey bee keepers have reported massive disappearances through March of this year as well. The Apiary Inspectors estimate that a quarter of American beekeeping operations in the United States lost more than 50% of their colonies between September 2006 and March 2007, and that some beekeepers lost 90%.


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Part 1:  Explanation of the Recent “Strange Craft” Sightings

(June 26, 2007, reprinted in its entirety without editing or spelling corrections as requested by "Isaac," an alias. Also see:

Dragonfly-shaped "drone" photographed by Chad on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.
Dragonfly-shaped "drone" photographed by Chad on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.
More complicated dragonfly-shaped "drone" photographed by Ty B. on June 5, 2007, near Saratoga in Big Basin Red Woods State Park, California.
More complicated dragonfly-shaped "drone" photographed by Ty B. on June 5, 2007, near Saratoga in Big Basin Red Woods State Park, California.

Isaac, Researcher, Palo Alto CARET Laboratory, 1984-1987:  "Here is the brief introduction. I'm using the alias Isaac, and used to work in what was called the CARET program in the 80's. During my time there, I worked with a lot of the technology that is clearly at work in the recent drone/strange craft sightings, most notably the "language" and diagrams seen on the underside of each craft. What follows is a lengthy letter about who I am, what I know, and what these sightings are (probably) all about.


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Part 2:  Documentation,  Palo Alto Caret Laboratory Q4-86 Research Report

Provided by "Isaac."

(June 26, 2007, reprinted in its entirety. Blackened portions were done, "Isaac" emailed, by Caret officials in Palo Alto. Also see:

Page 56, Palo Alto Caret Laboratory Q3-85 Inventory Review, provided by "Isaac."
Page 56, Palo Alto Caret Laboratory Q3-85 Inventory Review, provided by "Isaac."
Dragonfly-shaped "drone" photographed by Chad on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.
Dragonfly-shaped "drone" photographed by Chad on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.
More complicated dragonfly-shaped "drone" photographed by Ty B. on June 5, 2007, near Saratoga in Big Basin Red Woods State Park, California.
More complicated dragonfly-shaped "drone" photographed by Ty B. on June 5, 2007, near Saratoga in Big Basin Red Woods State Park, California.

Return to Part I

From Isaac X, Researcher, Palo Alto Caret Laboratory, 1984-1987:


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“High Confidence” Earth Is Warmest in 400 Years – Maybe Even 2,000 Years.

Left: Observed Arctic summer sea ice in 1979. Right: Observed Arctic summer sea ice in 2003. 20% decline in last twenty-seven years. Summer sea ice could be gone entirely by the end of the 21st Century. Source: ACIA 2004.
Left: Observed Arctic summer sea ice in 1979. Right: Observed Arctic summer sea ice in 2003. 20% decline in last twenty-seven years. Summer sea ice could be gone entirely by the end of the 21st Century. Source: ACIA 2004.
Polar bears must wait for the summer sea ice to re-freeze each fall so they can hunt seals. But if current greenhouse gas emission levels continue to rise and warm Earth, Arctic summer sea ice will continue to melt and eventually not freeze. Then, polar bear extinction is a probability. Image © Thomas D. Mangelsen,
Polar bears must wait for the summer sea ice to re-freeze each fall so they can hunt seals. But if current greenhouse gas emission levels continue to rise and warm Earth, Arctic summer sea ice will continue to melt and eventually not freeze. Then, polar bear extinction is a probability. Image © Thomas D. Mangelsen,

June 24, 2006   Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - On June 22, the National Academy of Sciences officially reported to Congress "a high level of  confidence" that Earth is the warmest it’s been in at least 400 years. There is also proxy evidence as far back as 900 A.D., more than eleven hundred years ago.

In its press release, the Academy stated:  “There is sufficient evidence from tree rings, boreholes, retreating glaciers, and other ‘proxies’ of past surface temperatures to say with a high level of confidence that the last few decades of the 20th century were warmer than any comparable period in the last 400 years.”


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Half Cat in Waco, Texas, and Kangaroo Mutilations in New South Wales, Australia

"...The fact that the mutilation of these kangaroos has happened in a national park, land set aside specifically to act as a haven for native animals, is beyond comprehension.”

- NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service


   Half-cat photographed by Plano, Texas Police Officer for Incident Report No. 91-44994, August 31, 1991.  
Half-cat photographed by Plano, Texas Police Officer for Incident Report No. 91-44994, August 31, 1991.

June 23, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Texas has had repeating cycles of cat and other animal mutilations for at least sixteen years. In Plano, Texas, an affluent suburb north of Dallas, in 1991 and 1993, police received dozens of reports about cats found cut in half, usually with the front half near the owner’s yard or sidewalk. Plano police also had missing reports on more than 80 domestic house cats that wore collars and identification tags, but were never found. Police investigated satanic cult activities, but could not find any evidence that connected them to the mutilated and missing cats and other animals such as dogs.


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Dragonfly “Drone” Seen October 1995 in Arizona

"I noticed the hair on my arms starting to feel like it was rising up.
I know what it’s like to be around a high amount of power from electricity.
... I could hear a crackling noise. And I looked up and see this weird thing
and it’s buzzing past me right above me."

Ned White, Sitgreaves
National Forest, Arizona, October 1995

Around 4 PM, in October 1995, Ned White set up camp inside the Sitgreaves National Forest between Payson and Heber, Arizona (middle green dot).
Around 4 PM, in October 1995, Ned White set up camp inside the Sitgreaves National Forest between Payson and Heber, Arizona (middle green dot).

June 22, 2007  Phoenix, Arizona - The first alleged "drone" photographs were dated May 5, 2007, from an anonymous Lake Tahoe, California source. The next day, on May 6, 2007, more digital images were taken by a man named Chad in the Bakersfield, California, region. The Lake Tahoe images were submitted to and the Chad images were submitted to the Coast to Coast AM webmaster, Lex. He and I talked about the Chad images and Lex put me in touch with Chad.


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Large Lake in Southern Chile Has Disappeared

"In March we patrolled the area and everything was normal...We went again in May and to our surprise, we found the lake had completely disappeared. The only things left were chunks of ice on the dry lake bed and an enormous fissure."

- Juan Jose Romero, Reg. Dir., CONAF

Perhaps as much as 10 acres of lake water one hundred feet deep are gone from the Magallanes region of southern Chile.Ice chunks were left behind and a new, large ground fissure, which might have resulted from an earthquake between March and May 2007. Perhaps the lake water is underground. Image courtesy CONAF.
Perhaps as much as 10 acres of lake water one hundred feet deep are gone from the Magallanes region of southern Chile.Ice chunks were left behind and a new, large ground fissure, which might have resulted from an earthquake between March and May 2007. Perhaps the lake water is underground. Image courtesy CONAF.

June 21, 2007  Santiago, Chile  - Chile's National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) reports that water in a well known lake covering perhaps as much as ten acres 100-feet-deep in the Magallanes region near Chile's southern tip has vanished.


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