Mysterious Aerial Lights Over Stratford-upon-Avon, July 14, and Farnborough, Hampshire, on July 22, 2007

“Then a fifth orange light flew over the town a lot faster, slowed down
maneuvering into position to sort of finish off the fifth position in the formation. It ended up looking like a star constellation.”

- Tom Hawkes, U. K. Eyewitness

July 27, 2007  Stratford-upon-Avon, Warickshire, and Farnborough, Hampshire, England -  In the Midlands of Great Britain in the county of Warwickshire is Shakespeare’s home town called Stratford-upon-Avon, not to be confused with a suburb of London called Stratford.

Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, (upper left corner) is 102 miles northwest of London.
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, (upper left corner) is 102 miles northwest of London.

A pub in Stratford-upon-Avon called The Lone Elm on Birmingham Road in the center of town made headlines recently when at least eight of its employees and about one hundred pub visitors all watched orange lights move in formation in the sky. The lights stopped still in a pattern that did not change for nearly a half hour. And no sound. One of the pub visitors was Tom Hawkes, a local resident who works in Customer Care for the British Land Rover company. He had his Olympus digital camera that can take both still frames and up to 40 minutes of videotape with the click of a button. Tom taped at least five minutes of the lights. One of his video frames was used by the Stratford-Herald in the first news story about the event. I talked with him today about what happened.


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Updated Part 1:  1,033-Foot-Long East Field Wheat Formation “Happened Within 90 Minutes.” 

"We were the first to reach the formation at 4 AM (July 7, 2007) after seeing a very bright flash of light. The wheat circles were raised 6 inches above the ground so when we stepped in, the plants crunched under our feet like we were stepping on delicate crystals.”

- Gary King, Cardiff, U. K. Paralegal

4 AM digital images added below.

Approximately 3:20 AM, Saturday, July 7, 2007, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England. Sony digital still frame in pre-dawn misty haze from atop Knap Hill looking toward Woodborough Hill (center dark clump of trees near horizon.) Vast wheat formation of 150 circles spread across 1,033 feet was created some time in the previous 90 minutes to hour and 45 minutes. Image © 2007 by Winston Keech.

July 19, 2007 / Updated  July 27, 2007  Alton Barnes, Wiltshire  -  Gary King is 41-years-old and currently a Linguistics student at Cardiff University in Wales, U. K. Between 1985 and 1987, he had worked as a paralegal in London and then moved on to form his own private investigator company to trace missing persons and investigate cases of matrimonial discontent. He was doing private-I work until July 1997, when he walked into his first English crop formation "and life has changed considerably ever since," Gary told me in a July 11, 2007, phone interview. He explored Navaho reservations in Arizona, studied the dance traditions of West Africa, increased his knowledge of Tai Chi and other martial arts. He began to realize that he was becoming increasingly sensitive to the seen and unseen.


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Updated Part 2:  Military Helicopters Over East Field Wheat Formation

"There was a terrible smell from the helicopter.  I can describe it as being a sulfurous smell – very powerful! It made my eyes burn. I noticed half a dozen other people as well – they were quite severely affected. I saw one man throwing up into the crop.... and my dosimeter shot up very high between 300 and 500 ... which means get out of the place. It’s dangerous!"

- Andrew J. Buckley, U. K. Graphic Designer

Black, unmarked Apache helicopter hovered above cameraman Winston Keech in the East Field formation on July 10, 2007. Dark object to right of helicopter is unidentified. Video image © 2007 by Winston Keech.
Black, unmarked Apache helicopter hovered above cameraman Winston Keech in the East Field formation on July 10, 2007. Dark object to right of helicopter is unidentified. Video image © 2007 by Winston Keech.

Return to Part 1

July 19, 2007 / Updated  July 27, 2007  Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England -  On Tuesday, July 10, 2007, Charles Mallet, Owner, Silent Circle Cafe near Cherhill, Wiltshire, England, had gone to see the massive East Field wheat formation that apparently formed within a 90-minute window of time early Saturday morning, July 7, 2007. (See Part 1.)


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Part 1: Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards

“My Dad basically told me that if people knew the complete truth, it would change religion as we know it today and would collapse religious beliefs.”

- Wichita, Kansas, Abductee Hybrid

"Different craft I have seen since childhood - some use humans and this planet. Others, I think, are trying to help us." Drawing by Kansas abductee
"Different craft I have seen since childhood - some use humans and this planet. Others, I think, are trying to help us." Drawing by Wichita, Kansas abductee


July 26, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  On January 1, 1960, a boy was born to a Kansas family. By age 8 in 1968, the boy understood that his father worked on very important matters concerning astronauts and NASA's moon missions — perhaps as a civilian contractor instead of all military. His mother seemed to know a lot, too, — perhaps worked with her husband — but the boy was never told exactly what his parents did. However, he vividly remembers the night in 1968 when three silver-suited, blond-haired "astronauts" woke him up in his bedroom and he thought they had come home from work with his father.


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070707 East Field Wheat Formation: Viewer Comments

"To a yogi, no symbol is more powerful than the syllable OM, as witnessed by these words from the Mandukya Up-anishad: 'OM: this eternal word is all; what was, what is and what shall be.'"

- Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres

"Is something really going to happen on August 18, 2007, only a month from now? I don't know. It all seems rather strange. But then crop pictures are strange, too!"

- Australian Scientist Interpreting East Field as Lunar Cycles


July 23, 2007  Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England  -  


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Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii – Huge, Lime Green Oval Craft Hovered Over Battalion Headquarters

"This thing kept getting bigger until it got to the point it was as big, or even bigger, than the size of the quadrangle, which was as big as a square city block!"

- C. R. Leslie, former Security Platoon, 2nd Battalion,
35th Infantry, 25th Division, Oaho, Hawaii

U. S. Army's Schofield Barracks, near center of Oahu, Hawaii.
U. S. Army's Schofield Barracks, near center of Oahu, Hawaii.

July 14, 2007  Longmont, Colorado  -  Schofield Barracks is the largest Army post in Hawaii, located on 18,000 acres near the center of Oahu. Schofield Barracks has been the home of the U. S. Army's 25th Infantry, known as the Tropic Lightning Division, since 1941.


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Iowa Minister Reports Large “Crab/Scorpion” Creature Attacked Cow

Unidentified "crab/scorpion" creature on top of cow bellowing in pain around 7:30 PM, in either August 1996 or 1997, on Highway 4 between Upland and Campbell, Nebraska. Drawing © 2007 by Rev. John Click.
Unidentified "crab/scorpion" creature on top of cow bellowing in pain around 7:30 PM, in either August 1996 or 1997, on Highway 4 between Upland and Campbell, Nebraska. Drawing © 2007 by Rev. John Click.
Click for podcast. Unidentified "crab/scorpion" creature on top of cow bellowing in pain around 7:30 PM, in either August 1996 or 1997, on Highway 4 between Upland and Campbell, Nebraska. Drawing © 2007 by Rev. John Click.
Click for podcast
Unidentified "crab/scorpion" creature on top of cow bellowing in pain around 7:30 PM, in either August 1996 or 1997, on Highway 4 between Upland and Campbell, Nebraska. Above the trees about 100 yards from the barbed wire fence and road was a bright light that moved to different locations. Cow attacked by creature was only 25 feet from John Click's semi-trailer truck stopped on Highway 4, Nebraska. Drawing © 2007 by Rev. John Click.
Unidentified "crab/scorpion" creature on top of cow bellowing in pain around 7:30 PM, in either August 1996 or 1997, on Highway 4 between Upland and Campbell, Nebraska. Above the trees about 100 yards from the barbed wire fence and road was a bright light that moved to different locations. Cow attacked by creature was only 25 feet from John Click's semi-trailer truck stopped on Highway 4, Nebraska. Drawing © 2007 by Rev. John Click.
John Click, retired marine and firefighter/paramedic, drove trucks in 1996-1998 for Feekes, a division of KMH Trucking. In August in either 1996 or 1997, he was in an 18-wheeler semi-truck traveling from Garden City, Kansas, to Grand Island, Nebraska. Trying to make up for a time delay, he traveled north on 283 (lower left corner) to Norton, Kansas, and went east to Highway 383 cutting across to Highway 183, which he took north to a small, rural Highway 4 (upper red circle). He turned east and between Upland and Campbell (red highlighted line) was an "unearthly" creature on the back of a cow in a pasture along Highway 4.
John Click, retired marine and firefighter/paramedic, drove trucks in 1996-1998 for Feekes, a division of KMH Trucking. In August in either 1996 or 1997, he was in an 18-wheeler semi-truck traveling from Garden City, Kansas, to Grand Island, Nebraska. Trying to make up for a time delay, he traveled north on 283 (lower left corner) to Norton, Kansas, and went east to Highway 383 cutting across to Highway 183, which he took north to a small, rural Highway 4 (upper red circle). He turned east and between Upland and Campbell (red highlighted line) was an "unearthly" creature on the back of a cow in a pasture along Highway 4.

July 13, 2007  Council Bluffs, Iowa -  The first phone calls I made to law enforcement, ranchers and fellow journalists about the animal mutilation mystery was in early September 1979 - twenty-eight years ago. I was Director of Special Projects at the CBS-TV station in Denver, Colorado, where I produced documentaries, live studio audience broadcasts and news updates about science and the environment. That summer of 1979, hundreds of animals, ranging from cattle and horses to goats, sheep and wild game such as deer and elk, were found with the same pattern of bloodless excisions from their bodies without signs of struggle or tracks - not even their own tracks.


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First Water Confirmed in Extrasolar Planet’s Atmosphere

A scorching-hot gas planet beyond our solar system is steaming up with water vapor, according to new observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and European Space Agency.

Planet HD 189733b is a gas giant 63 light-years away, in the constellation Vulpecula, discovered in 2005 orbiting its parent star. Graphic illustration courtesy European Space Agency (ESA).
Planet HD 189733b is a gas giant 63 light-years away, in the constellation Vulpecula, discovered in 2005 orbiting its parent star. Graphic illustration courtesy European Space Agency (ESA).

July 12, 2007  Paris, France, and Pasadena, California -  Scientists report the first conclusive discovery of the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our Solar System. The discovery was made by analyzing the transit of the gas giant HD 189733b across its star, in the Infrared. The findings appear in the July 12, 2007, issue of the scientific journal Nature. The original paper, titled ‘Water vapour in the atmosphere of a transiting extrasolar planet’, is by G.Tinetti, A.Vidal-Madjar, M-C. Liang, J-P. Beaulieu, Y. L. Yung, S. Carey, R. Barber, J. Tennyson, I. Ribas, N. Allard, G. Ballester, D.K. Sing, F. Selsis.


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Mystery of Night Shining Clouds – Another Global Warming Change?

"It is clear that these clouds are changing, a sign that a part of our atmosphere is changing and we do not understand how, why or what it means."

- James Russell, III, Principal Investigator, AIM Satellite, Hampton University, Hampton, Va.

This AIM satellite image taken on June 15, 2007, in Budapest, Hungary, shows one of the first ground sightings of noctilucent clouds in the 2007 season. Image © 2007 by Veres Viktor.
This AIM satellite image taken on June 15, 2007, in Budapest, Hungary, shows one of the first ground sightings of noctilucent clouds in the 2007 season. Image © 2007 by Veres Viktor.
The NASA Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere ( AIM) satellite has captured the first occurrence in the 2007 summer of mysterious shiny polar clouds called "noctilucent clouds" that form 50 miles above Earth’s surface. AIM satellite image courtesy NASA.
The NASA Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) satellite has captured the first occurrence in the 2007 summer of mysterious shiny polar clouds called "noctilucent clouds" that form 50 miles above Earth’s surface. AIM satellite image courtesy NASA.

July 11, 2007  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland - "The first observations of these 'night-shining' clouds by the satellite, AIM, which means Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere, occurred above 70 degrees north latitude on May 25, 2007. People on the ground began seeing the clouds on June 6, 2007, over Northern Europe. AIM is the first satellite mission dedicated to the study of these unusual clouds.


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