Two Bulls and Several Cows Dead and Mutilated in Manitoba, Canada

“I’ve had dead animals before, but I’ve never seen them like this. And then Greg (Wotowich) lost his bull and just recently, Lois and Steve Matis lost one of their cows. The teats on theirs was cut off in circles just like mine.”

- Sheila Vigfusson, Manitoba Rancher

August 17, 2007   Komarno and Gimli, Manitoba, Canada - The modern era of worldwide animal mutilations goes back to the 1960s. Canada had as many reports as the United States. For example, in August 1967, exactly forty years ago, on the Sarcee Reserve near Twin Bridges in Alberta, a dead horse was found where a witness claimed a “domed saucer craft” had been seen earlier that day.


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Another U. K. Wheat Formation in August 18th Countdown

"The Sun and Venus are moving towards an inferior conjunction on August 18, thereby ending their current 260-day Sun-Venus calendar, and beginning another. So, they (circlemakers) could be trying to tell us about that, or maybe something else entirely?"

- Australian Scientist

Stanton St. Bernard, near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England, reported August 12, 2007. Pattern is equivalent to the Mayan number "6." Reported six days before August 18, 2007. Aerial image © 2007 by Philippe Ullens. Also see:
Stanton St. Bernard, near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England, reported August 12, 2007. Pattern is equivalent to the Mayan number "6." Reported six days before August 18, 2007. Aerial image © 2007 by Philippe Ullens. Also see:

August 13, 2007  Stanton St. Bernard, Wiltshire, England -  In my July 23, 2007, Earthfiles report entitled, "070707 East Field Wheat Formation: Viewer Comments," there is a section written by an Australian scientist who requests anonymity. The Earthfiles report shares his "Lunar Cycle Count Down to August 18, 2007" analysis of the 150 circles in the East Field that were discovered shortly after a bright flash of light around 3 AM on July 7, 2007.   See: 072307 Earthfiles.


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Levitation Possible by Reversing Casimir Force

“In principle, you could use this repelling Casimir force to levitate heavier objects, but not with current technology. With current technology, one could only conceive of levitating very light objects.”

- Thomas Philbin, Ph.D., Theoretical Physicist

August 10, 2007  Fife, Scotland - Theoretical physicists work in their mind and on paper with math and formulas trying to understand the laws of the universe. Some of the greatest of those minds have been Max Planck and Albert Einstein. More than a hundred years ago in 1900, Planck was struggling to understand radiation from black bodies. Actual experiments forced him to suppose that the electromagnetic energy of the light at a given frequency could only take discrete values: it is "quantized." Planck found that if he chose the spacing between the allowed energies correctly, his equations agreed with the experiments. This spacing is determined by a number, now called Planck's constant. For that theoretical physics work - now regarded as the birth of quantum physics - Max Planck received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. For that theoretical physics work – now regarded as the birth of quantum physics - Max Planck received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.


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2007’s Warm, Erratic Global Weather

“I want to scare you about climate change. We are probably the last generation to be able to rely on a stable climate.”

- Fred Pearce, Environmental Reporter

1880 to 2005 Global-Mean Surface Temperature Anomaly (Celsius) in a steady climb upward since the 1960s. The ten warmest years in the past 150 years have all occurred after 1990. Temperature graph by NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
1880 to 2005 Global-Mean Surface Temperature Anomaly (Celsius) in a steady climb upward since the 1960s. The ten warmest years in the past 150 years have all occurred after 1990. Temperature graph by NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

August 8, 2007  Geneva, Switzerland - In mid-July at the Cheltenham Science Festival in England, global warming was a featured topic. One of the speakers was Fred Pearce, an environmental journalist and author of a new book entitled, The Last Generation: How Nature Will Take Her Revenge for Climate Change. He told his audience, “I want to scare you about climate change. We are probably the last generation to be able to rely on a stable climate. ... The truth is, the more we observe about the climate system, the more frightening the scenarios that scientists are starting to develop. Past climate change has been more violent and extreme than we have been led to believe. Tranquility looks like the exception rather than the rule. We could be measuring sea level rises in meters, not centimeters. Old ideas about climate chang are just not how the world works. When climate does change, it does so suddenly and violently.”


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Pewsey White Horse 9-Fold Geometry Adds More Data to August 18th Countdown

9-fold geometry in wheat field reported August 4, 2007, below Pewsey White Horse, Pewsey, Wiltshire, England. Aerial image © 2007 by John Montgomery. Also see:
9-fold geometry in wheat field reported August 4, 2007, below Pewsey White Horse, Pewsey, Wiltshire, England. Aerial image © 2007 by John Montgomery. Also see:

August 7, 2007  Pewsey, Wiltshire, England - In my July 23, 2007, Earthfiles report entitled, "070707 East Field Wheat Formation:  Viewer Comments," there is a section written by an Australian scientist who requests anonymity. The Earthfiles report shares his "Lunar Cycle Count Down to August 18, 2007" analysis of the 150 circles in the East Field that were discovered shortly after a bright flash of light around 3 AM on July 7, 2007.
See: 072307 Earthfiles.


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Crop Circle Research and Photography by U. K.’s Lucy Pringle

"There comes a time when the mind touches a higher plane of knowledge, but can never prove how it got there."

- Albert Einstein, Physicist

August 6, 2007  Petersfield, Hampshire, England - Lucy Pringle has been photographing crop formations from the air and on the ground since 1993. Her latest book, Crop Circles: Art in the Landscape, was released as a North American edition in July 2007. This book has prints large enough to study in detail - some photographs are given 2-page spreads. From her hundreds of English crop formation photographs since the early 1990s, Lucy focused on ninety-five crop formations. Her photographs sweep you into the page as if you were in the air with her. A good example is Furze Hill near Beckhampton and the ancient stone circles of Avebury reported on June 5, 2005.


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More Strange Animals in Texas

"What caught my attention was its gallop. It looked as if its front legs had been dismembered, broken – the front end of the animal was much lower than the back end."

- Phylis Canion, 7C Ranch, Cuero, Texas

Left: Pollok, Texas, October 8, 2004, strange gray animal soon after it was shot. Image © 2004 by Stacey Womack. Right: Elmendorf, Texas, Memorial Day weekend, 2004, unidentified gray animal about six hours after shot. Both described as about 20 inches tall, 30 inches long with upper and lower fangs overlapping in overbite and front legs shorter than back legs. Image © 2004 by Devin McAnally.
Cuero, Texas (hour southeast of San Antonio), July 14, 2007, odd purplish-gray animal with fangs overlapping in overbite and front legs shorter than back legs. Image © 2007 by Phylis Canion.

Cuero, Texas (hour southeast of San Antonio), July 14, 2007, odd purplish-gray animal with fangs overlapping in overbite and front legs shorter than back legs. Image © 2007 by Phylis Canion.

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August 4, 2007  Cuero, Texas - Whatever the true nature of the Texas gray animals with big ears, overbite and shorter front legs than back legs, photographs of them and their actual dead bodies look nothing like the drawings of the alleged "chupacabras" that haunted Puerto Rico more than a decade ago.

In the spring of 1995, farmers in the El Junque rainforest region of Puerto Rico reported finding chickens, rabbits, goats, sheep and even dogs with quarter-inch wide puncture holes that did not bleed, but usually left the domestic animals dead as if the blood had been sucked out of them. That description lead to the name “chupacabras,” which means “goat sucker” in Spanish.


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The Milky Way Is Devouring the Alien Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy

“After slow, continuous gnawing by the Milky Way, the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy has been whittled down to the point that it cannot hold itself together much longer. We are seeing Sagittarius at the very end of its life as an intact system.”

- Martin Weinberg, Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts

Red denotes the stars of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy being devoured by our much more massive blue Milky Way galaxy, based on models that match the map of 2MASS M-giant stars. Yellow dot denotes the position of our sun and solar system. Sagittarius debris extends from the denser "core" in upper right, wrapping around the Milky Way and descends through our sun's position. Illustration by David Law, Univ. of Virginia.
Red denotes the stars of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy being devoured by our much more massive blue Milky Way galaxy, based on models that match the map of 2MASS M-giant stars. Yellow dot denotes the position of our sun and solar system. Sagittarius debris extends from the denser "core" in upper right, wrapping around the Milky Way and descends through our sun's position. Illustration by David Law, Univ. of Virginia.

August 3, 2007  Charlottesville, Virginia - More and more people are depending on the internet for their daily news updates. But there is no overall Web Editor to do a reality check on content. So, finding out what is factual is an ever-increasing challenge.


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Part 3: Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards

"I do know I saw images of the big nosed lizard things harvesting that cocoon stuff in those tunnels.” 

- Kansas Abductee

Drawings by human abductees after encounters with blond, lizard and big-nosed, cat-eyed grey non-humans. Source: Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses © 1993 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Drawings by human abductees after encounters with blond, lizard and big-nosed, cat-eyed grey non-humans. Source: Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses © 1993 by Linda Moulton Howe.

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August 1 , 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Strange "Moon Stone" Ring

My Dad went in for surgery on Nov. 9, 1980. The doctors said he had to have bypass surgery. The doctor was from overseas.


The Philippines is what I was told. I never met him. During the surgery on my Dad, the Philippine doctor cut a vein and my Dad bled to death on the operating table. Two weeks after that, the doctor disappeared out of the U. S. All attempts by me – I could not find his name or anything. So, I kind of feel that my Dad’s death was not an accident.


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Part 2: Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards

“Tall, scaly beings with very large noses – bigger than Arabic –
and yellow eyes with vertical pupils like cat eyes. Those big-nosed ones
had come back to Earth to first take over some kind of  underground harvesting operation.”   

- Kansas Abductee

Symbols and craft shapes seen in mind of Kansas man while in the presence of tall, blue-eyed blond-haired humanoids. Drawing © 2007 by Kansas abductee.
Symbols and craft shapes seen in mind of Kansas man while in the presence of tall, blue-eyed blond-haired humanoids. Drawing © 2007 by Kansas abductee.

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July 31, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  The Kansas abductee told me, “Tall, scaly beings with very large noses – bigger than Arabic – and yellow eyes with vertical pupils like cat eyes. Those big-nosed ones (in the images shown to me) had come back to Earth to first take over some kind of underground harvesting operation.”


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