Part 2: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs

“The animal mutilations did occur and were performed by the aliens.
We allowed them to conduct experiments using animals. Not just cattle.”

- Military Insider

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See September 7, 2007 Update below.

September 5 , 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The government insiders I am calling "Sherman" also had information about the Ebens alleged involvement with our solar system beyond Earth.


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Part 1: Betty and Barney Hill: Captured!

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience © 2007 by Stanton T. Friedman, M.Sc., and Kathleen Marden. See below in More Information about ordering.
Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience © 2007 by Stanton T. Friedman, M.Sc., and Kathleen Marden. See below in More Information about ordering.

August 31, 2007  Stratham, New Hampshire - Before I knew anything about the worldwide animal mutilation mystery linked to non-humans, I remember the first time I ever thought seriously about something from outer space coming to Earth and actually interacting with people.

It was 1975, and I watched a TV program called “The UFO Incident.” It was a docudrama re-enactment of the alleged UFO and non-human encounter that Betty and Barney Hill described occurring in the White Mountains of New Hampshire on September 19th to 20th, 1961 –   46 years ago.


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Part 2: Betty and Barney Hill: Captured!

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August 31, 2007  - Strathum, Massachusetts interview with Kathleen Marden continued.

Comparisons of Betty Hill's Star Map to Actual Suns in Earth's Neighborhood


Portion of modern star map of our local Milky Way galaxy neighborhood. The binary star system of Zeta Reticuli is in lower right corner. Our own sun is labeled "Sol" in top right. The red lines show how close Betty Hill's 1964 drawing under hypnosis was to real sun locations in Earth's vicinity. Reproduction from scanned image by Jeffrey Pratt.
Portion of modern star map of our local Milky Way galaxy neighborhood. The binary star system of Zeta Reticuli is in lower right corner. Our own sun is labeled "Sol" in top right. The red lines show how close Betty Hill's 1964 drawing under hypnosis was to real sun locations in Earth's vicinity. Reproduction from scanned image by Jeffrey Pratt.


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Part 1: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs

“I know I read that the Ebens had also spent almost twenty years
living among the Mayans who had stepped pyramids like
the ziggurats of Sumeria.”

- "Yellow Book," Military Insider

 Pages 4 -18 of the December 1974 Astronomy magazine featured an article entitled, "The Zeta Reticuli Incident" by astronomer and author, Terence Dickinson. Original magazine cover © 1974 Astronomy.
Pages 4 -18 of the December 1974 Astronomy magazine featured an article entitled, "The Zeta Reticuli Incident" by astronomer and author, Terence Dickinson. Original magazine cover © 1974 Astronomy.

August 30, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - According to the December 1974 issue of Astronomy magazine, “The two stars that comprise the Zeta Reticuli system are almost identical to the sun. Each is classified as a G2 star, the same as our sun. They are the only known examples of two solar type stars apparently linked into a binary star system of wide separation. Zeta 1 is separated from Zeta 2 by at least 350 billion miles - almost one hundred times the sun-Pluto distance. The two suns probably require at least 100,000 years to orbit their common center of gravity. The binary stars are in the constellation Reticulum (The Net), which is 37.5 light years from our solar system. Reticulum is visible from Earth's Southern Hemisphere. Both Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 are prime candidates for the search for life beyond Earth. According to our current theories of planetary formation, they both have a retinue of planets something like our solar system.”


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Updated: More Cat and Dog Mutilations

"The lack of blood, fur, or severed parts implies the cats are cut in half
in another location and then for unknown reasons returned to the sites where they are found."

 - Rachel Banks, Animal Cruelty Investigator,
Barrie, Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)

Front portion of male cat found first week of August 2003, in Bothel, Washington, similar to so many other half cats discovered in the U. S. and Canada since at least the 1980s. Photograph © 2003 by Cherie Good, D.V.M., Bothel.
Front portion of male cat found first week of August 2003, in Bothel, Washington, similar to so many other half cats discovered in the U. S. and Canada since at least the 1980s. Photograph © 2003 by Cherie Good, D.V.M., Bothel.

Updated September 4, 2007  Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - On Saturday, September 1, 2007, a cat was found dead and mutilated behind Holy Cross School in Edmonton. Edmonton Police Service Sgt. Jeff Anderson confirmed the cat had been partially skinned and some of its internal organs had been removed without blood. He also confirmed that the cat had a collar tag and on August 26th had been reported missing from a residence three blocks from the Holy Cross School. This would be at least the 22nd mutilated cat reported in Edmonton over the past year. Police and the Edmonton Humane Society are warning residents to keep their cats inside. If anyone has any information, please call the Edmonton Police Service at:  780-423-4567.


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Woodborough Hill Wheat Pattern Made for Rock Band Video

Woodborough Hill pattern made in the late afternoon of Monday, August 13, by Peter Sorensen and a colleague for Gyroscope's new music video, a grunge rock band from Perth, Australia. August 17,2007 aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle.
Woodborough Hill pattern made in the late afternoon of Monday, August 13, by Peter Sorensen and a colleague for Gyroscope's new music video, a grunge rock band from Perth, Australia. August 17,2007 aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle.

August 25, 2007   Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England - The first extraordinary pictogram that made world news was in 1990 on the Manor Farm in Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England, co-owned by Tim and David Carson. The farm has long done business as E. & A. G. Stratton, the grandparents who began farming the Alton Barnes and Alton Priors fields from 1888 onward.


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Orange-Red “Fiery” Aerial Spheres

"It was an orange ball in the air and it looked like it was on fire."

- Richard L. Johnson, Technical Engineer, General Motors

Example of mysterious "fiery" orange-red sphere. This one was seen January 9, 2007, near Van Buren, Arkansas. Photo © 2007 by Col. Brian Fields, USAF, Ret.
Example of mysterious "fiery" orange-red sphere. This one was seen January 9, 2007, near Van Buren, Arkansas. Photo © 2007 by Col. Brian Fields, USAF, Ret.
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August 24, 2007   Mount Morris, Michigan -  A month ago on Saturday, July 14th, high strangeness took place in the English county of Warwickshire at a pub in Shakespeare’s home town of Stratford-upon-Avon. The pub is called The Lone Elm on Birmingham Road in the center of town. That night around 10:30 PM, at least eight employees and about one hundred people in the pub, all watched orange lights move into a formation in the sky. The lights stopped still in a pattern that did not change for nearly a half hour. And there was no sound. See Earthfiles 072707.


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Extraordinary Wind Damage Reports

“This is the first time I have ever seen so much crop down like that.”

- Raymond Wood, Missouri farmer for 45 years

“Thirteen hundred acres, almost 4 miles long, almost a mile wide in places, almost a continuous swath of trees just mowed down.”

- Miles Standish, Santa Fe National Forest

August 23, 2007   Columbia, Missouri, and Santa Fe, New Mexico -  On August 12, 2007, a storm with tremendous 45 to 65 mph winds blew through northern and east central Missouri. After it was over, Raymond Wood, who has farmed for 45 years in Boone County north of Columbia, could not believe the damage to his cornfield. Half of his six acres were laying flat to the ground, "snapped clean off" at or near the base of the stalks. “This is the first time I have ever seen so much crop down like that.”


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More News About August 2007 Woodborough Hill Formation

 Woodborough Hill pattern reported by Lucy Pringle on August 17, 2007. Aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle.
Woodborough Hill pattern reported by Lucy Pringle on August 17, 2007. Aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle.

August 21, 2007  Petersfield, Hampshire, England - Today I talked with Lucy Pringle by phone in Hampshire, England, about the Woodborough Hill wheat pattern she photographed and emailed to me on August 17, 2007. It was Lucy who emailed me on August 18, to say that some were dismissing the Woodborough pattern as manmade work for an unspecified "commercial purpose."


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Latest 6-Fold Wheat Geometry in Wiltshire, England

Further Update August 21, 2007 -  On August 20, 2007, Lucy Pringle received an anonymous email which she copied for me to share with Earthfiles viewers in Earthfiles082107. According to this anonymous emailer, the Woodborough formation appeared at 4 PM on Tuesday, August 14, 2007, after hard rain and shocked musicians working on a music video in the nearby Carson farm owner's barn. If this email is correct, it means the money paid to the farmer was for the music video crew to work at Woodborough Hill and the musicians had nothing to do with the appearance of the wheat formation at 4 PM on August 14, 2007, after heavy rain had stopped.

Updated  August 18, 2007 - U. K. crop formation investigator and photographer, Lucy Pringle, emailed August 18, 2007, that the Woodborough Hill formation below was allegedly made for a commercial purpose, but no details are known. Australian scientist's analysis of the Woodborough pattern, which Lucy sent to me yesterday as a new August 17th crop formation, is still a valuable contribution to study in the context of geometric patterns and the scientist's effort to understand evolution of mathematical calendars seemingly embedded in many crop formations and the implication of countdowns to August 18, 2007, and December 2012. But countdowns to what is not known.

Six-fold geometry in wheat spanning about 250-feet-diameter, reported August 17, 2007, in West Overton, near East Kennett, Wiltshire, England.  Aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle. Also see:
Six-fold geometry in wheat spanning about 250-feet-diameter, reported August 17, 2007, in West Overton, near East Kennett, Wiltshire, England.  Aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle. Also see:


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