North American Honey Bees Still Weak

“The bees are in a weakened state. They’ve had a rough season, so there aren’t as many bees in the colonies as one would expect at this time of year.”

- Jerry Hayes, Chief of Apiary Section, Florida Dept. of Agriculture

Western honey bee, or European honey bee (Apis mellifera), gathering pollen from purple aster.
Western honey bee, or European honey bee (Apis mellifera), gathering pollen from purple aster.

September 26, 2007  Gainesville, Florida -  The September 7, 2007, Science Express reported the discovery of the "Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV)" in 96% of honey bees affected by Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). [ See 090707 Earthfiles.]  IAPV was first identified in Israel in 2002 to 2003 at the same time that Israeli beekeepers were struggling to cope with Asian varroa mites as North American beekeepers have since the 1980s.


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Meteorite Fell in Carancas, Peru – Not Satellite

Not far from Lake Titicaca and Puno in southern Peru, is the small farming town of Carancas on a high Andean plateau near the Bolivian border (pink circle below Desaguadero).
Red circle and arrow identify meteorite impact crater site in Carancas, Peru, south of Yunguyo at the southern end of Lake Titicaca. Map created by Jose Machare, Ingemmet.
Red circle and arrow identify meteorite impact crater site in Carancas, Peru, south of Yunguyo at the southern end of Lake Titicaca. Map created by Jose Machare, Ingemmet.
Red circle and arrow identify meteorite impact crater site in Carancas, Peru, south of Yunguyo at the southern end of Lake Titicaca. Map created by Jose Machare, Ingemmet.
Meteorite crater filled with ground water after 11:34 AM impact on September 15, 2007, in Carancas, Peru, south of Lake Titicaca near Bolivian border. Hole diameter measured between 7.4 to 7.8 meters (26 feet). Ring boundary of ejecta around hole measured between 13.3 to 13.8 meters in diameter. Crater depth to groundwater estimated about 2 meters.
Meteorite crater filled with ground water after 11:34 AM impact on September 15, 2007, in Carancas, Peru, south of Lake Titicaca near Bolivian border. Hole diameter measured between 7.4 to 7.8 meters (26 feet). Ring boundary of ejecta around hole measured between 13.3 to 13.8 meters in diameter. Crater depth to groundwater estimated about 2 meters.

September 26, 2007  Lima, Peru - It was 11:45 AM on Saturday, September 15, 2007, when alpaca farmer, Justina Limache, heard a “thunderous roar from the sky.” Scared, she grabbed her 8-year-old granddaughter and ran into her house. For the next few minutes, Justina heard rocks raining down on the roof so loudly that she worried her house would collapse. What 74-year-old Justina Limache did not know was that a meteorite had fallen near her Carancas, Peru, home 62 miles (100 kilometers) southeast of Puno and not far from Lake Titicaca. Carancas is a farm community of about 2,000 people who raise cows, alpacas, llamas and other animals on the high Andean plateau near the Bolivian border.


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Neatly Sliced Front Third of 14 Cats Found in Granbury, Texas

“Generally, the cats have been severed into one-thirds – the top one-third is left. In other words, just behind the hind legs, a clean cut and
they are just severed. They don’t find the other 2/3s of the cat.”

- Bradley Davis, Granbury, Texas, Resident

Granbury in lower left corner is 32 miles southwest of Fort Worth, Texas. The other red circles in Denton and Plano are sites where half cats and missing cats have been reported in the past.
Granbury in lower left corner is 32 miles southwest of Fort Worth, Texas. The other red circles in Denton and Plano are sites where half cats and missing cats have been reported in the past.

September 26, 2007  Granbury, Texas -  It was only three weeks ago that I was reporting about half cat mutilations in Destin, Florida, and Alberta and Ontario Canada. [ See 090407 Earthfiles.] And since April of 2007, there have been other half cat mutilation reports in Waco and Corpus Christi, Texas. [ See 040907 Earthfiles.]  This cat mutilation mystery which has been reported over at least four decades in the United States, Canada, England and Australia.


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Part 2: Psi Spies – True Story of America’s Psychic Warfare Program

“The satellite photograph showed simply a glowing object. But in Mel Riley's remote viewing sessions, the craft had humanoid people in it and was hovering above a nuclear storage facility.”

- Jim Marrs, Author, Psi Spies © 2007

Psi Spies: The True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program © 2007 by Jim Marrs.
Psi Spies: The True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program © 2007 by Jim Marrs.
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Click for Podcast

September 20, 2007  Wise County, Texas - In Jim Marrs’s new book, Psi Spies, on pages 256 to 257, he writes about the U. S. Army’s remote viewing Enigma Files:


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E. Coli and Salmonella Continue to Threaten American Bagged Salad Greens

“The fact is there is no currently known way to guarantee the elimination
of pathogens on produce that is consumed without a cooking step or some kind of thermal treatment. That’s the only way to ensure you won’t have the E.coli or salmonella present and alive on something that you eat.”

-  Trevor Suslow, Ph.D., UC-Davis

A joint UC Davis/USDA research project sampled crops such as this spinach in the Salinas Valley of California, as well as animal droppings and water. Genetic tests will be used to “fingerprint” and track bacterial contaminants such as E. coli O157:H7. Photo courtesy UC-Davis.
A joint UC Davis/USDA research project sampled crops such as this spinach in the Salinas Valley of California, as well as animal droppings and water. Genetic tests will be used to “fingerprint” and track bacterial contaminants such as E. coli O157:H7. Photo courtesy UC-Davis.
Spinach fields at the Natural Selection Foods LLC plant on Monday, Sept. 18, 2006, in Salinas, California. Spinach grown in the California Salinas Valley and packaged and distributed by two companies, including Natural Selection Foods LLC, were traced to the September 2006 E. coli outbreak that killed three people and sickened more than 200 others in twenty-six states. Image © 2006 by AP.
Spinach fields at the Natural Selection Foods LLC plant on Monday, Sept. 18, 2006, in Salinas, California. Spinach grown in the California Salinas Valley and packaged and distributed by two companies, including Natural Selection Foods LLC, were traced to the September 2006 E. coli outbreak that killed three people and sickened more than 200 others in twenty-six states. Image © 2006 by AP.

September 18, 2007  Davis, California - There are two events that have occurred recently. Dole Food Company, after a spot check discovery of E. coli, has issued an international recall of its "Hearts Delight" salad mix for bags stamped "best if used by September 19, 2007" and production code numbers, A24924A and A24924B.


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Part 5: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs – Christ Versus The Devil

“The Ebens set us in motion genetically and are watching us grow,
like ‘watching children grow’ is the way it's been described to me.
One of the Ebens said, ‘We made you. We put you here.
But you have to live it.’”

- Military Insider

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September 16, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The government insiders I am calling "Sherman" also described seeing 3-dimensional, moving images of Jesus Christ in the Yellow Book. Further, the Ebens allegedly communicated "there really is a devil." I asked Sherman, "What role do you think Christ has played in all of this if it's true that the Ebens had a connection to His birth on this planet and are somehow involved with the recycling of souls?"


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Part 1: Psi Spies – True Story of America’s Psychic Warfare Program

“Can remote viewing locate Osama bin Laden? Yes. A former trainer of the U. S. Army’s remote viewing Psi Spies unit was in New York on the morning of 9/11. Needless to say, he was quite upset with what had happened. He told me personally that he contacted people deep within the government and told them, ‘You give me the word and I will locate Osama bin Laden.’ And he was told, ‘No, no, no, don’t do that. We don’t want that.’”

- Jim Marrs, Author, Psi Spies © 2007.

 Psi Spies: The True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program © 2007 by Jim Marrs.
Psi Spies: The True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program © 2007 by Jim Marrs.
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Click for podcast.

September 14, 2007  Wise County, Texas - Jim Marrs was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas. Jim has been tracking down facts and trying to make sense of political stories in America since his college days as a journalism major at the University of North Texas in Denton. He graduated in 1966 and began a newspaper reporting and editing career first at the Denton Record Chronicle and then Lubbock Avalanche Journal. Later at the Fortworth-Star Telegram, he was an investigative reporter and cartoonist, and earned photography awards.


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Part 4: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs

“We now know that some Tibetan scrolls written in ancient Sanskrit
were actually written by Ebens and those scrolls seem to be made of
something that never ages.”

- Military Insider

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September 11, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The government insiders I am calling "Sherman" also made a distinction between EBENs and "Greys."


Sherman:  "The Greys are similar in appearance, but they wear a different uniform or suit with different insignias and colors. The Greys have crude telepathic abilities compared to the Ebens and the Greys are more reckless. They aren't as compassionate as the Ebens either. But in truth, I don't think the Ebens have always explained to us what they are doing like they are supposed to (by treaty?)"


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Honey Bee DNA Study Finds Australian Virus in Colony Collapse Disorder

"I think what will be suggested is a temporary embargo on Australian bees coming into the United States."

- Jerry Hayes, Pres., Apiary Inspectors of America

Honey bees atop hive board. Image © 2007 by Matt Cardy/Getty.
Honey bees atop hive board. Image © 2007 by Matt Cardy/Getty.

September 7, 2007   Gainesville, Florida - A year ago in October 2006, Pennsylvania beekeeper David Hackenberg, Hackenberg Apiary in Lewisburg, discovered that thousands of his bees were disappearing. Soon beekeepers all over the United States were reporting massive disappearances - some losing 90%. By the end of summer 2007, officials estimated that at least 25% of American honey bee colonies had disappeared and the cause was still unknown.


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Part 3: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs

“I think the Ebens can travel in and out of time any way they want to.
I think that's why they know the future, what's going to happen.
And I think they even know how to tinker around with
time lines to change things.”

- Military Insider

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September 7, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The government insiders I am calling "Sherman" also had information about non-human genetic manipulation of Earth life. I asked him, "From your point of view, are Ebens the only non-humans that have experimented genetically on this planet?"


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