Part 5: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at with permission.

“If the scientists themselves could hardly maintain poise with that kind of knowledge, much less their sanity after being exposed to the Alien phenomena for several years, how then would the country or the entire world react if it suddenly became known that all of  humanity is under some kind of giant microscope?”

- Author

In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.

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Part 1: Secret American Military Space Program?

An artist's impression of X-20 Dyna-Soar being launched on top of Titan booster, an American USAF project based on work of German physicists Walter Dornberger, Wernher von Braun and Eugen Saenger. Allegedly operated only from 1957 to 1963, but is that where the American military's secret space program began, continuing to this day?
An artist's impression of X-20 Dyna-Soar being launched on top of Titan booster, an American USAF project based on work of German physicists Walter Dornberger, Wernher von Braun and Eugen Saenger. Allegedly operated only from 1957 to 1963, but is that where the American military's secret space program began, continuing to this day?

December 1, 2007   San Antonio, Texas -  On November 20th, I interviewed Armstrong Aerospace draftsman, Michael Schratt, about his research into the question: Have black budget trillions supported a secret American space program that parallels the public NASA? [ See:  112007 Earthfiles.]  Since then, I have received several supportive emails. Very valuable correspondence came from Richard Sauder, Ph.D. in Political Science, and author of three books:  Underground Bases & Tunnels: What Is the Government Trying to Hide?  © 1995; Kundalini Tales © 1998; and Underwater and Underground Bases © 2001.


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Part 1: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM

Military security surrounded a glowing disc hovering horizontally on the side of a rocky hill in the Cibola National Forest, Sandia hills, May 1974, witnessed by an Albuquerque family and others. Graphic illustration © 2007 by eyewitness Paul McKeever.
Military security surrounded a glowing disc hovering horizontally on the side of a rocky hill in the Cibola National Forest, Sandia hills, May 1974, witnessed by an Albuquerque family and others. Graphic illustration © 2007 by eyewitness Paul McKeever.

November 29, 2007   Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Eleven months ago in January 2007, I received an email from an Albuquerque resident named Paul McKeever. He said he and his family had seen a glowing disc – first in the sky and then on the ground surrounded by military. He gave his phone number and I called him. By March 4, 2007, I met with Paul at the apartment where his aunt, Sandy Rivers, lived with her family in the early 1970s and where Paul at age 8 was visiting with his mother, Rebecca McKeever Armstrong. He and his two cousins were playing outside when the three saw a brightly glowing, white disc moving in the evening sky at the same time that Sandy and Rebecca heard radio station 770 KKOB announce a news alert that an unidentified flying object was in the air over Albuquerque.


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Part 2: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM

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November 29, 2007   Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Paul D. McKeever, in August 1984 at age 18, was accepted into U. S. Army Reserves at Ft. Leonard Wood, Company D44, Missouri.
Paul D. McKeever, in August 1984 at age 18, was accepted into U. S. Army Reserves at Ft. Leonard Wood, Company D44, Missouri.

Ten years after the Sandia hills event, Paul McKeever at age 18 enlisted in the U. S. Army Reserves in August 1984. He is pictured here on far left. Paul was sent for basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri where he trained with Company Delta 44  (Battalion 4, Brigade 4).


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Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM

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November 29, 2007   Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Paul D. McKeever served as an E-4 Army Reserve Specialist Corporal. Entered basic training on August 31, 1984, and remained in active Army reserves until August 31, 1992.
Paul D. McKeever served as an E-4 Army Reserve Specialist Corporal. Entered basic training on August 31, 1984, and remained in active Army reserves until August 31, 1992.

After Army basic training, Paul returned to Albuquerque where he remained in active Army reserves until 1992. What Paul did not know was that only six years after he and his Mom and Aunt saw the disc at ground level on the Sandia hill, Kirtland security guards also saw lights, or discs, land three different times inside Coyote Canyon’s restricted test range between August 8 and September 3, 1980.


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Part 4: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at with permission.

“One other theory that came from the research team who studied
that last triangular medical device was that the soul of a human had
something to do with the activation of that Alien instrument.”

- Author

In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.

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Part 3: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at with permission.

“One Alien device literally made doorways where none existed before.
By using this device, the scientists were able to walk through walls,
regardless of the composition or thickness of them.”

- Author

In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.

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November 21, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - 

* * * * *

Chapter 3

The Paranormal Approach

The use of psychics to unlock some of the secrets was tried. The expectation was that they would be less intimidated working in areas that are too strange for other scientists to work in. From the start, some of the psychics could not handle what they were shown and simply "freaked out," as one scientist put it. There were a few who overcame their initial shock and actually communicated with the Alien objects. But shortly after that, those few developed psychosis.


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Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?

Jane's Intelligence Briefing, 1997 - No. 1: “The aero-diamond's aerospike engine and diamond platform could propel the craft to speeds of Mach 14.”
Jane's Intelligence Briefing, 1997 - No. 1: “The aero-diamond's aerospike engine and diamond platform could propel the craft to speeds of Mach 14.”

November 20, 2007   Elmhurst, Illinois - The whole world knows about September 11, 2001, when the two World Trade towers melted down to New York City streets after terrorist-controlled airliners flew into them. The day before, on September 10th, 2001, then Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, declared his own war on the Pentagon bureaucracy for wasting so much unaccounted money. Sec. Rumsfeld said, “According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.”


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Part 2: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at with permission.

“This Alien instrument, on its own, completed a complex surgical
procedure in a split second: it cauterized all the blood vessels without
damaging the eye socket or the eyeball! Everyone present knew that
this was beyond ‘magic.’ It was outright scary!”

- Author

 In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.

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November 14, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - 

Chapter 2 (continued)

UFO Crash

Aladdin's Treasure

There are many gadgets on the ship. Most of them have been taken out of the ship and experimented with. Others, even though they are portable, cannot be taken out of the craft. An invisible force keeps them from being carried out.

Every Alien gadget somehow knows what its purpose is. Unlike human gadgets (such as hammers and toasters, which are static and only function correctly if at all with the help of a human), Alien objects seem to have consciousness and perform duties on their own, if they feel like it!


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